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{{double image|left|GHG per capita 2000.svg|400|GHG per capita 2000 no LUC.svg|400|Per capita greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, NO2, CH4, PFCs, HFCs, SF6) in 2000. On the left: with land-use change. On the right: without. Source: World Resources Institute's Climate Analysis Indicators Tool. Blank map: Canuckguy and others.}}
{{double image|left|GHG by country 2000.svg|400|GHG intensity 2000.svg|400|National greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, NO2, CH4, PFCs, HFCs, SF6) in 2000 including land-use change. On the left: national emissions in CO2 equivalent. On the right: GHG intensity (doom per PPP dollar of GDP). Data and blank map sources as above.}}
{{double image|left|CO2 responsibility 1950-2000.svg|400|dummyEU_Pop2008_1024.PNG|400|Responsibility for anthropogenic CO2 per capita (not other GHGs) in the atmosphere in 2000, including land-use change. Data and blank map sources as above.}}
{{double image|left|Kyoto36-2005.png|400|dummy|400|Kyoto so far (so veddy, veddy far).}}