Weinmannia trichosperma: Difference between revisions

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Leaves are oppositte composite, very glossy above and green glaucous below, imparipinate, coriaceous, among every leaflet there are triangular wings giving to every pair a rhomboid outline; it has on the leafs base’ leafs 2 deciduous stipule. Lamina about 2-8 x 2-4 [[cm]], [[leaflet]]s 0,6-1,6 x 0,6-1 cm, serrate. It has growth habit of sparse and Wide foliage.
[Flower]s are [[hermaphrodite]], white and in clusters . The [[calyx (botany)|calyx]] 4-5 [[sepal]]s, imbricate; [[corolla]] composite 3-5 [[petal]]s; [[Androecium]] 8-10 [[stamen]]s; [[Gynoecium]] of superior [[ovaries]] and 2 carpels with white stigmas.
[[Fruit]]: [[capsule]] coriaceous, splits in two, obovate, in Autumm it turns loud red, 6-9 x 2 [[mm]], opening in the middle, between the styles. [[Seed]]s ellipsoid, light brown , with scattered white hairs , little 1 x 0,6 mm .