Timeline of women's legal rights (other than voting): Difference between revisions

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Attribution: content on marital power was copied from that page on April 11, 2018. Please see the history of that page for full attribution
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; 1957
* [[Convention on the Nationality of Married Women]], an UN convention that entered force in 1958 and was ratified by 74 countries, protects the citizenships of women who married citizens of other countries (previously such a marriage often resulted in the loss of the woman's original citizenship).
* Netherlands: The [[marriage bar]] was removed in 1957.<ref>''The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets: Second Edition'', by Tito Boeri, Jan van Ours, pp. 105</ref><ref>[https://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=090000168045ae0e Dutch gender and LGBT-equality policy, 2013-16]</ref><ref>[http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/Gender/publication/Netherlands_2015_Review_BPFA_Report_of_the_Netherlands_Government.pdf 2015 Review BPFA Report of the Netherlands Government]</ref>
; 1958
* Sweden: Women allowed to become priests.<ref name="Lilla Focus Uppslagsbok 1979"/>
* Netherlands: In the Netherlands [[marital power]] was abolished in 1958.
; 1959
* Afghanistan: Veiling is not banned but the compulsory veiling is abolished and women in official positions, as well as the wives and daughters of male officials, are asked to discard the veil in public.<ref name=Rubin/>