Feminism in the United Kingdom: Difference between revisions

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* 1937: The [[Matrimonial Causes Act 1937]] extended the grounds for divorce, which then only included adultery, to include unlawful desertion for two years or more, cruelty, and incurable insanity.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://academic.oup.com/ojls/article-abstract/13/2/183/1574781?redirectedFrom=PDF |title=Matrimonial Causes Act 1937: A Lesson in the Art of Compromise &#124; Oxford Journal of Legal Studies &#124; Oxford Academic |publisher=Academic.oup.com |date=1993-07-01 |accessdate=2018-02-07}}</ref>
* 1938: [[Aleck Bourne|Dr. Aleck Bourne]] aborted the pregnancy of a young girl who had been [[rape]]d by [[soldier]]s. Bourne was [[acquittal|acquitted]] after turning himself in to authorities.
* 1944: The [[BBC]] had a [[marriage bar]] between 1932 and 1944, although it was a partial ban and was not fully enforced due to the BBC's ambivalent views on the policy.<ref>{{cite journal|url=https://academic.oup.com/tcbh/article/25/4/533/1638235|title=A Marriage Bar of Convenience? The BBC and Married Women’s Work 1923–39|first=Kate|last=Murphy|date=1 December 2014|publisher=|journal=Twentieth Century British History|volume=25|issue=4|pages=533–561|via=tcbh.oxfordjournals.org|doi=10.1093/tcbh/hwu002}}</ref>
* 1949: [[Lloyds Bank]] had a [[marriage bar]] that also meant that female employees were classified as supplementary staff, rather than permanent. The bank abolished its marriage bar in 1949.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.lloydsbankinggroup.com/our-group/our-heritage/timeline/1901-1950/|title=1901-1950 - Lloyds Banking Group plc|website=www.lloydsbankinggroup.com}}</ref>
* 1952: Equal pay for female teachers was required by law.