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[[File:View_of_Chernobyl_taken_from_PripyatIAEA_02790015_(5613115146).JPG|200pxjpg|thumb|To What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them, afor justthe worldtruth. The real danger is athat saneif world.we hear enough lies, then we no Therelonger wasrecognize nothingthe sanetruth aboutat Chernobylall. ~ Valery Legasov]]
'''''[[w:Chernobyl (miniseries)|Chernobyl]]''''' is a [[w:2019 in filmtelevision|2019 HBO miniseries]] based on the [[Chernobyl disaster|nuclear accident]] at the [[{{w:Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant|Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant]]}} in 1986.
:''Directed by [[w:Johan Renck|Johan Renck]]. Written by [[w:Craig Mazin|Craig Mazin]].''
<center>'''What is the Cost of Lies?'''</center>
[[File:20110426-IWHO-22.jpg|thumb|right|You'll do it because it must be done. You'll do it because nobody else can. And if you don't, millions will die. ~ Boris Shcherbina]]
[[File:Медаль_"Золотая_Звезда"_города-героя_Тулы.jpg|thumb|"Have one of your men get as close to the fire as he can. Give him every bit of protection you have. But understand that even with lead shielding, it may not be enough."<br>"Then I'll do it myself." ~ Valery Legasov & Vladimir Pikalov]]
[[File:Abandom-village-chernobyl.jpg|thumb|More soldiers, more famine, more bodies. My brothers never came home. But I stayed, and I'm still here. After all that I have seen... so I should leave now, because of something I cannot see at all? No.]]
[[File:Памятник_академику_В._А._Легасову.jpg|thumb|I'm an inconsequential man, Valera. That's all I've ever been. I hoped that one day I would matter, but I didn't. I just stood next to people who did. ~ Boris Shcherbina]]
[[File:ChernobylMedal.jpg|thumb|There are other scientists like me. Any one of them could have done what I did. But you... everything we asked for, everything we needed. Men, material, lunar rovers. Who else could have done these things? They heard me, but they ''listened'' to you. Of all the ministers, and all the deputies, entire congregation of obedient fools... they mistakenly sent the one good man. For godsakes, Boris... ''you'' were the one who mattered most. ~ Valery Legasov]]
== ''1:23:45'' [1]==
:''[April 26, 1988: Alone in his apartment in Moscow, Professor {{w|Valery Legasov}} replays his voice on a tape recorder]''
:'''Valery Legasov''': What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all. What can we do then? What else is left to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves instead with stories? In these stories, it doesn't matter who the heroes are. All we want to know is: "Who is to blame?" In this story, it was {{w|Anatoly Dyatlov}}. He was the best choice. An arrogant, unpleasant man, he ran the room that night, he gave the orders... and no friends. Or at least, not important ones. And now Dyatlov will spend the next ten years in a prison labor camp. Of course, that sentence is doubly unfair. There were far greater criminals than him at work. And as for what Dyatlov ''did'' do, the man doesn't deserve prison. He deserves death.
:''[Legasov stops the tape, sips a glass of water, and then startsrestarts recordingthe tape from where he left off.]''
:'''Legasov''': But instead, ten years for "criminal mismanagement". What does that mean? No one knows. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that, to them, justice was done. Because, you see, to them, a just world is a sane world. There was nothing sane about Chernobyl. What happened there, what happened after, even the good we did, all of it... all of it, madness. Well, I've given you everything I know. They'll deny it, of course. They always do. I know you'll try your best.
<hr width="50%"/>
Line 19 ⟶ 25:
:'''Vyacheslav Brazhnik''': There's a fire in the turbine hall.
:'''Dyatlov''': The turbine hall... The control system tank. Hydrogen. ''[addressing Akimov]'' You and Toptunov, you morons blew the tank.
:'''Toptunov''': No, that's not --
:'''Dyatlov''': This is an emergency, everyone stay calm. Our first priority is to --
:''[As Dyatlov speaks, foreman Valeriy Perevozchenko runs through the open door in a panic]''
:'''Valeriy Perevozchenko''': It exploded!
Line 30 ⟶ 36:
:'''Dyatlov''': He's in shock, get him out of here.
:'''Perevozchenko''': The lid is off. The stack is burning, I saw it.
:'''Dyatlov''': You're confused, RBMK reactor cores don't explode. Akimov! ''[picks up the phone to call out]''
:'''AkimovToptunov''': ''[whispering, to ToptunovAkimov]'' Sasha...
:'''Akimov''': Don't worry, we did everything right. Something... something strange has happened.
:'''Toptunov''': Do you taste metal?
:'''Dyatlov''': ''Akimov!''
:'''Akimov''': ''[toglances at Perevozchenko]'' Comrade Perevozchenko, what you're saying is physically impossible. The core can't explode. It has to be the tank.
:''[Perevozchenko wordlessly shakes his head]''
:'''Dyatlov''': ''[hangs up the phone]'' We're wasting time. Let's go. Get the hydrogen out of the generators and pump water into the core.
:'''Brazhnik''': What about the fire?
:'''Dyatlov''': ''[annoyed; as if it were obvious]'' Call the fire brigade. ''[storms out]''
<hr width="50%"/>
:''[April 26, 1986: Dyatlov meets with plant director Viktor Bryukhanov and chief engineer Nikolai Fomin in a bunker underneath the plant]''
:'''Viktor Bryukhanov''': [''dryly''] I take it the safety test was a failure.
:'''Anatoly Dyatlov''': We have the situation under control.
:'''Nikolai Fomin''': Under control? It doesn't look like it's under control.
:'''Bryukhanov''': Shut up, Fomin. [''to Dyatlov''] I have to tell the Central Committee about this. Do you realize that? I have to get on the phone and tell Maryin, or God forbid Frolyshev, that my power plant is on fire.
:'''Dyatlov''': No one can blame you for this, Director Bryukhanov
:'''Bryukhanov''': Of course no one can blame me for this. How can I be responsible? I was sleeping. Tell me what happened. ''Quickly.''
:'''Dyatlov''': We ran the test exactly as Chief Engineer Fomin approved. Unit Shift Chief Akimov and Engineer Toptunov encountered technical difficulties, leading to an accumulation of hydrogen in the control system tank. It, regrettably, ignited, damaging the plant and setting the roof on fire.
:[''Bryukhanov looks to Fomin'']
:'''Fomin''': The tank is quite large, yes. It's the only logical explanation. Of course, Deputy Chief Engineer Dyatlov was ''directly'' supervising the test, so he would know best.
:'''Bryukhanov''': A hydrogen tank, fire...Reactor?
:'''Dyatlov''': We're taking measures to ensure a steady flow of water through the core.
:'''Bryukhanov''': What about radiation?
:'''Dyatlov''': Obviously, down here it's nothing, but in the reactor building, I'm being told 3.6 roentgen per hour
:'''Bryukhanov''': Well, that's not great, but it's not horrifying.
:'''Fomin''': Not at all. From the feedwater, I assume?
:[''Dyatlov nods'']
:'''Fomin''': We'll have to limit shifts to six hours at a time, but otherwise...
:'''Bryukhanov''': The dosimetrists should be checking regularly. Have them use the good meter, from the safe. Right, I'll call Maryin. Have them wake up the local committee, there'll be orders coming down.
<hr width="50%"/>
:'''Anatoly Dyatlov''': I dropped the rods from the other panel
:'''Aleksandr Akimov''': They're still up.
:'''Dyatlov''': What?
:'''Akimov''': They're still only a third of the way in, I don't know why. I already sent the trainees down to the reactor hall to lower them by hand.
:'''Dyatlov''': What about the pumps?
:'''Leonid Toptunov''': I can't get through to [[w:Valery Khodemchuk|Khodemchuk]], the lines are down.
:'''Dyatlov''': Fuck the phones and fuck Khodemchuk. Are the pumps on or not?
:'''Akimov''': Stolyarchuk?
:'''Boris Stolyarchuk''': My control panel's not working. I tried calling for the electricians--
:'''Dyatlov''': I don't give a shit about the panel! I need water in my reactor core! Get down there and make sure those pumps are on. Now!
:[''several engineers leave the control room as Dyatlov sits down at a desk'']
:'''Dyatlov''': What does the dosimeter say?
:'''Akimov''': Ah, 3.6 roentgen, but that's as high as the meter--
:'''Dyatlov''': 3.6. Not great, not terrible.
:'''Akimov''': [''quietly, to Toptunov''] We did everything right.
<hr width="50%"/>
:''[April 26, 1986: Meeting in the power plant office, engineer Anatoly Sitnikov reports high radiation in reactor 4]''
:'''Dyatlov''': What's wrong with you? How'd you get that number from feedwater leaking from a blown tank?
Line 57 ⟶ 102:
:'''Fomin''': Then why can't you?
:'''Sitnikov''': I... ''[stammers]'' I don't see how it could explode. ''[Fomin looks satisfied]'' But it did.
:'''Dyatlov''': ''[pounds the table, swaying on his feet]'' Enough! I'll go up to the vent block roof. From there, you can look right down into reactor building 4. I'll see it with my own... with my own eyes. ''[vomits on the table]'' I apologize. ''[collapses]''
<hr width="50%"/>
:''[Meeting of the plant's executive committee]''
:'''Zharkov''': I wonder how many of you know the name of this place. We all call it "Chernobyl", of course. What is its ''real'' name?
:'''Viktor Bryukhanov''': The [[Vladimir I. Lenin]] Nuclear Power Station.
:'''Zharkov''': Exactly. Vladimir I. Lenin. ''[points to the image of Lenin on the nearby wall]'' And how proud he would be of you all tonight. Especially you, young man, the passion you have for the people. For is that not the sole purpose of the appartusapparatus of the State? Sometimes we forget. Sometimes we fall prey to fear. But our faith in Soviet socialism will always be rewarded. Now the State tells us the situation here is not dangerous. Have faith, comrades. The State tells us it wants to prevent a panic. Listen well! It's true, when the people see the police, they will be afraid. But it is my experience that when the people ask questions that are not in their own best interest, they should simply be told to keep their minds on their labor and leave matters of the State to the State. We seal off the city. No one leaves. And cut the phone lines. Contain the spread of misinformation. That is how we keep the people from undermining the fruits of their own labor. Yes, comrades... we will all be rewarded for what we do here tonight. This is our moment to shine.
== ''Please Remain Calm'' [2] ==
Line 72 ⟶ 117:
:'''Gorbachev''': And foreign press?
:'''Shcherbina''': Totally unaware. KGB First Deputy Chairman Charkov assures me that we have successfully protected our security interests.
:'''Gorbachev''': Good. Very good. Well, it seems like it's well in hand, so... if there's nothing else, meeting adjourned.
:''[Gorbachev and the committee begins to stand up]''
:'''Valery Legasov''': ''[Pounds table]'' No!
:'''Gorbachev''': Pardon me?
:'''Legasov''': Uh, we can't adjourn.
:'''Shcherbina''': This is Professor Legasov of the Kurchatov Institute. Professor, if you have any concerns, feel free to address them with me, ''later''.
:'''Legasov''': I can't. I am sorry. I'm so sorry. ''[Frantically flips through the pages of reports]'' Page three, the section on casualties. Uh...''[reads the reports]'' "A fireman was severely burned on his hand by a chunk of smooth, black mineral on the ground, outside the reactor building." Smooth, black mineral—''graphite''. There's-There's ''graphite'' on the ground.
:'''Shcherbina''': ''[To Gorbachev]'' Well, there was a—a tank explosion. There's debris. Of what importance that could be, I have n—
Line 86 ⟶ 131:
:'''Shcherbina''': Professor Legasov, there's no place for alarmist hysteria—
:'''Legasov''': It's not alarmist if it's a ''fact''!
:'''Gorbachev''': Well, I don't hear any ''facts'' at all. All I hear is a man I don't know engaging in conjecture in direct contradiction to what has been reported by party officials.
:'''Legasov''': ''[Stammers]'' I'm, uh, I apologize. I didn't mean, uh...''[clears throat]'' Please, may I express my concern as—as calmly and as respectfully as I—
:'''Shcherbina''': Professor Legasov—
:'''Gorbachev''': ''[Interrupts]'' Boris. I will allow it.
:''[Everyone sits right back down]''
:'''Legasov''': Um... An RBMK reactor uses {{w|Uranium-235}} as fuel. Every atom of U-235 is like a bullet traveling at nearly the speed of light, penetrating everything in its path: woods, metal, concrete, flesh. Every gram of U-235 holds over a billion trillion of these bullets. That's in one gram. Now, Chernobyl holds over three million grams, and right now, it is on fire. Winds will carry radioactive particles across the entire continent, rain will bring them down on us. That's ''three million billion trillion bullets'' in the... in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. Most of these bullets will not stop firing for 100one hundred years. Some of them, not for 50,000fifty thousand years.
:'''Gorbachev''': Yes, and, uh, this concern stems entirely from the description of a rock?
:'''Legasov''': Yes.
Line 150 ⟶ 196:
:'''Bryukhanov''': It's disgraceful, really. To spread disinformation at a time like this.
:''[Legasov, in a tense situation, says nothing and looks to Shcherbina]''
:'''Shcherbina''': ''[Notices Legasov and turns to Bryukhanov]'' Why did I see graphite on the roof?
:''[Bryukhanov and Fomin's smug expressions dissolve.]''
:'''Shcherbina''': Graphite is only found in the core, where it's used as a—neutron flux moderator. Correct?
:'''Bryukhanov''': ''[beat]'' Fomin, why did the Deputy Chairman see graphite on the roof?
:'''Fomin''': Well, that—that can't be. Comrade Shcherbina, my apologies, but graphite... that's not possible. Perhaps y—you saw burnt concrete.
:'''Shcherbina''': Now ''there'' you made a mistake, because I may not know much about nuclear reactors, but I know a lot about concrete.
:'''Fomin''': Comrade, I—I assure you—
Line 162 ⟶ 210:
<hr width="50%"/>
:''[Colonel -General Pikalov returns from thedriving testinga tohigh-level givedosimeter hisclose to the reportfire.]''
:'''Pikalov''': It's not three roentgen. It's 15,000fifteen thousand.
:''[Legasov closes his eyes.]''
:'''Bryukhanov''': Comrade Shcherbina—
:''[Scherbina just looks at him, and he shuts up instantly.]''
:'''Shcherbina''': ''[Turns to Legasov]'' What does that number mean?
:'''Legasov''': It means the core is open. It means the fire we're watching with our own eyes is giving off nearly twice the radiation released by the bomb in Hiroshima. And that's every single hour. Hour after hour, ''[looks at his watch]'' 20 hours since the explosion, so forty bombs worth by now. Forty-eight more tomorrow. And it will not stop. Not in a week, not in a month. It will burn and spread its poison until the entire ''continent'' is dead.
Line 175 ⟶ 225:
:'''Legasov''': No, no, no. You don't understand. This isn't a fire. This is a fissioning reactor core burning at over 2,000 degrees. The heat will instantly vaporize the water or worse—
:'''Shcherbina''': How do we put it out?
:'''Legasov''': ''[Sighs]'' You are dealing with something that has never occurred on this planet before. ''[Shcherbina begins to speak]'' Boron. Boron and sand. Well, thatIt'll create problems of its own, but I—I don't see any other way. Of course, it's going to take thousands of drops, because you can't fly the helicopters directly over the core, so most of it is going to miss.
:'''Shcherbina''': How much sand and boron?
:'''Legasov''': ''[Scoffs]'' Well, I can't be—
Line 217 ⟶ 267:
:'''Khomyuk''': They'll likely be dead in a week.
:'''Legasov''': We're asking for your permission to... kill three men.
:''[Tense silence.]''
:'''Gorbachev''': Comrade Legasov... all victories inevitably come at a cost.
:'''Gorbachev''': Well, Comrade Legasov... all victories inevitably come at a cost.
<hr width="50%"/>
:''[Legasov and Shcherbina faces incredulous workers as they ask for volunteers in a suicidal mission to open the sluice gate valve]''
:'''Nuclear Worker''': Now you want us to swim underneath a burning reactor. Do you even know how contaminated it is?
:'''Shcherbina''': You'll do it because nobody else can. And if you don't, millions will die. If you tell me that's not enough I won't believe you. This is what has always set our people apart. A thousand years of sacrifice in our veins. And every generation must know its own suffering.''
:'''Legasov''': I... I don't have an exact number.
:'''Nuclear Worker''': You don't need to have an exact number to know if it will kill us. But you can't even tell us that. Why should we do this? For what, for four hundred rubles?
:'''Shcherbina''': ''You'll do it because it must be done.'' You'll do it because nobody else can. And if you don't, millions will die. If you tell me that's not enough I won't believe you. This is what has always set our people apart. A thousand years of sacrifice in our veins. And every generation must know its own suffering. I spit on the people who did this. And I curse the price that I have to pay. But I'm making my peace with it. Now you make yours. Go into that water. ''Because it must be done.''
:'''[[w:Individual involvement in the Chernobyl disaster|Alexei Ananenko]]''': ''[stands]'' Ananenko.
:'''[[w:Individual involvement in the Chernobyl disaster|Valeri Bespalov]]''': ''[stands]'' Bespalov.
:'''[[w:Individual involvement in the Chernobyl disaster|Boris Baranov]]''': ''[stands]'' Baranov.
== ''Open Wide, O Earth'' [3] ==
Line 229 ⟶ 287:
:'''Legasov''': At the levels some of them were exposed? Ionizing radiation tears the cellular structure apart. The skin blisters, turns red, then black. This is followed by a latency period. The immediate effects subside. The patient appears to be recovering. Healthy, even. But they aren't. This usually only lasts for a day or two.
:'''Shcherbina''': ''[beat]'' Continue.
:'''Legasov''': Then the cellular damage begins to manifest. The bone marrow dies, the immune system fails, the organs and soft tissue begin to decompose. The arteries and veins spill open like sieves, to the point where you can't even administer morphine for the pain, which isis… unimaginable. And then three days to three weeks, you are dead. That is what will happen to those boys.
:'''Shcherbina''': And what about us?
:'''Legasov''': Well, we've⁠...We've gotten a steady dose, but not as much of it. Not strong enough to kill the cells, but consistent enough to damage our DNA. So, in time, cancer. Or aplastic anemia. Either way, fatal.
Line 249 ⟶ 307:
:'''Glukhov''': Shut the fuck up! This is Tula. This is ''our'' mine. We don't leave unless we know why.
:'''Shchadov''': You're going to Chernobyl. Do you know what's happened there?
:'''Glukhov''': ''[somewhat less confident]'' We dig up coal, not bodies.
:'''Shchadov''': The reactor fuel is going to sink into the ground and poison the water from Kiev to the Black Sea. All of it. Forever, they say. They want you to stop that from happening.
:'''Glukhov''': And how are we supposed to do that?
Line 262 ⟶ 320:
:'''Legasov''': But you ''are'' bothering with having us followed.
:'''Shcherbina''': I think the deputy chairman is busy...
:'''Charkov''': No no, it's perfectly understandable. Comrade, I know you've heard the stories about us. When I hear them, even I am shocked. But we are not what people say. Yes, people are following you. People are following those people. And you see them? ''[indicates two agents behind him]'' They follow ''me''. The KGB is a circle of accountability. Nothing more.
:'''Legasov''': You know the work we're doing here. You really don't trust us?
:'''Charkov''': Of course I do. But you know the old Russian proverb: "Trust, but verify." And the Americans think that Ronald Reagan thought that up. Can you imagine? It was very nice speaking with you. ''[turns to walk away]''
Line 290 ⟶ 348:
:'''Old Woman''': Trouble? You're not the first soldier to stand here with a gun. When I was 12, the Revolution came. Tsar's men, then Bolsheviks. Boys like you marching in lines. They told us to leave. No. Then there was Stalin and his famine, the Holodomor. My parents died. Two of my sisters died. They told the rest of us to leave. No. Then the Great War. German boys, Russian boys. More soldiers, more famine, more bodies. My brothers never came home. But I stayed, and I'm still here. After all that I have seen... so I should leave now, because of something I cannot see at all? No.
:'''Soldier''': ''[takes the milk bucket and dumps it out; the others honk the horns of their trucks]'' It's time to go. ''[the old woman simply grabs the bucket and starts milking the cow again]'' Please stand up now. This is your last warning. ''[the old woman continues to milk the cow, until the soldier shoots it in the head]'' It's time to go. ''[the old woman simply sits there]''
<hr width="50%"/>
Line 299 ⟶ 358:
:'''Tarakanov''': So then...?
:'''Legasov''': Moon rovers. Lunokhod STR-1s. They're light. And if we line them with lead, they can withstand the radiation.
:'''Shcherbina''': We couldn't put a man on the Moon. At least we can keep a man off thea roof.
:'''Legasov''': That is the most important thing, General. Under no circumstances can men go up there. Robots only.
:'''Tarakanov''': What about this large section here?
:'''Shcherbina''': ''[grimly]'' Masha.
Line 309 ⟶ 368:
<hr width="50%"/>
:''[After a West German robot clearing graphite from the roof fails due to the radiation, Shcherbina is on the phone with Moscow, shouting furiously.]''
:'''Shcherbina''': Of course I know they're listening! I want them to hear! I want them to hear it all! ''[from outside, where Legasov and General Tarakanov can easily hear]'' Do you know what we're doing here?! Tell those geniuses what they have done! ''I don't give a fuck!'' Tell them! Go tell them! Ryzhkov! Go tell them he's a joke! Tell fucking Gorbachev! TELL THEM! ''[smashes the phone to pieces, then drags them outside before tossing them into the grass, then turns to Legasov and Tarakanov]'' The official position of the State is that a global nuclear catastrophe is not possible in the Soviet Union. They told the Germans that the highest detected level of radiation was two thousand roentgen. They gave them the propaganda number. That robot was never going to work. ''[to one of the guards]'' We need a new phone.
<hr width="50%"/>
:''[General Tarakanov briefs his men before sending them to clear roof level "Masha"]''
:'''Tarakanov''': Comrade soldiers, the Soviet people have had enough of this accident. They want us to clean this up, and we have entrusted you with this serious task. Because of the nature of the working area, you will each have no more than ninety seconds to solve this problem. Listen careful to each of my instructions, and do exactly as you have been told. This is for your own safety and the safety of your comrades. You will enter reactorReactor buildingBuilding 3, climb the stairs, but do not immediately proceed to the roof. When you get to the top, wait inside behind the entrance to the roof, and catch your breath. You will need it for what comes next. ''[indicates photographs of the roof]'' This is the working area. We must clear the graphite. Some of it is in blocks weighing approximately 40 to 50 kilograms. They all must be thrown over the edge here. ''[shows video]'' Watch your comrades moving fast from this opening, then turning to the left, then entering the workspace here. Take care not to stumble. There's a hole in the roof. Take care not to fall. You will need to move quickly, and you will need to move carefully. Do you understand your mission as I have described it?
:'''Soldiers''': ''[in unison]'': Yes, Comrade General!
:'''Tarakanov''': These are the most important ninety seconds of your lives. Commit your task to memory, and do your job.
<hr width="50%"/>
:'''Tarakanov''': Congratulations comrades. You are the last of 3,828 men. You have performed your duties perfectly. I wish you all good health and long life. All of you are awarded a bonus of 800 rubles.
:''[Tarakanov goes down a line of Soldiers, shaking hands with each individual]''
:'''Tarakanov''': Thank you.
:'''Soviet Soldier''': I serve the Soviet Union.
:'''Tarakanov''': Thank you.
:'''Soviet Soldier''': I serve the Soviet Union.
:'''Tarakanov''': Thank you.
:'''Soviet Soldier''': I serve the Soviet Union.
== ''Vichnaya Pamyat'' [5] ==
Line 334 ⟶ 403:
:'''Dyatlov''': It's safe. We'll maintain at 1600. I'll go home, get some sleep, come back tonight. We'll proceed then. I'll personally supervise the test, and it ''will'' be completed.
:'''Bryukhanov''': Well, I'm not waiting around. Call me when it's done.
<hr width="50%"/>
:'''Khomyuk''': I want you to think of [[Yuri Gagarin]]. I want you to imagine he had been told nothing of his mission into space until the moment he was on the launch pad. I want you to imagine all he had was a list of instructions he'd never seen before, with some of them crossed out. That is exactly what was happening in the control room of Reactor 4. The night shift had not been trained to perform the experiment. They hadn't even been warned it was happening. Leonid Toptunov, the operator responsible for controlling and stabilizing the reactor that night, was all of 25-years old. His total experience on the job? Four months. This was the human problem created by the delay. But inside the reactor core, something far more dangerous was forming. A poison. The time is 28 past midnight.
<hr width="50%"/>
:''[During the test at Chernobyl, the reactor stalls, but Dyatlov insists on continuing the test]''
:'''Dyatlov''': Raise the power.
:'''Akimov''': No. I won't do it, it isn't safe.
:''[Dyatlov stares at Akimov for a moment, then Toptunov, then back at Akimov]''
:'''Dyatlov''': Safety first, always. I've been saying that for 25 years. That's how long I've been doing this job, 25 years. Is that longer than you, Akimov?
:'''Akimov''': Yes.
:'''Dyatlov''': Is that ''much'' longer?
:'''Akimov''': Yes.
:'''Dyatlov''': ''[to Toptunov]'' And you, with your mother's tit barely out your mouth? ''[Toptunov is silent]'' See, if I say "it's safe", it's safe. And if the two of you disagree, then you don't have to work here. And you won't. But not just here. You won't work at [[w:Kursk Nuclear Power Plant|Kursk]], or [[w:Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant|Ignalina]], or [[w:Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant|Leningrad]], or [[w:Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant|Novovoronezh]]. You won't work anywhere ever again. I'll see to it. I think you know I ''will'' see to it. Raise the power.
:'''Akimov''': ''[holds out the duty log]'' I would like you to record your command --
:'''Dyatlov''': ''[slaps the log out of Akimov's hands]'' Raise the power.
:''[Akimov picks up the log, then steps to the control console, as Dyatlov lights a cigarette behind him]''
:'''Akimov''': ''[to Toptunov]'' Together, then.
<hr width="50%"/>
:''[As the courtroom is at a recess, Legasov meets outside with Shcherbina, coughing into a handkerchief]''
:'''Shcherbina''': Do you know anything about this town, Chernobyl?
Line 349 ⟶ 438:
:'''Legasov''': There are other scientists like me. Any one of them could have done what I did. But you... everything we asked for, everything we needed. Men, material, lunar rovers. Who else could have done these things? They heard me, but they ''listened'' to you. Of all the ministers, and all the deputies, entire congregation of obedient fools... they mistakenly sent the one good man. For godsakes, Boris... ''you'' were the one who mattered most.
:'''Shcherbina''': ''[sees a small caterpillar on his lap and lets it crawl on his index finger]'' Ah, it's beautiful.
<hr width="50%"/>
:'''Legasov''': Dyatlov broke every rule we have, and pushed a reactor to the brink of destruction. He did these things believing there was a fail-safe. A-Z-5. A simple button to shut it all down. But in the circumstance he created, there wasn't. The shut-down system had a fatal flaw. At 1:23 and 40 seconds, Akimov engages AZ-5. The fully-withdrawn control rods begin moving back into the reactor. These rods are made of boron, which reduces reactivity. But not their tips. The tips are made of graphite, which ''accelerates'' reactivity.
:'''Judge''': Why?
:'''Legasov''': Why? For the same reason our reactors do not have containment buildings around them like those in the West. The same reason we don't use properly enriched fuel in our cores. The same reason we are the only nation that builds water-cooled graphite-moderated reactors with a positive void coefficient... It's ''cheaper''.
<hr width="50%"/>
Line 378 ⟶ 473:
:'''Legasov''': What if I refuse?
:'''Charkov''': ''[turns back to face Legasov]'' Why worry about something that isn't going to happen?
:'''Legasov''': ''[Scoffsscoffs]'' ''"Why worry about something that isn't going to happen?"'' Oh, that's perfect. They should put that on our money.
<hr width="50%"/>
:''[Ending scene: As Legasov is driven away from Chernobyl by the KGB, his voice on tape is heard]''
:'''Legasov''': To be a scientist is to be naive. We are so focused on our search for truth, we fail to consider how few ''actually'' want us to find it. But it is always there, whether we see it or not, whether we choose to or not. The truth doesn't care about our needs or wants. It doesn't care about our governments, our ideologies, our religions. It will lie in wait for all time. And this, at last, is the gift of Chernobyl. Where I once would fear the cost of truth, now I only ask: "What is the cost of lies?"
<hr width="50%"/>
:'''Ending Text''':
* Valery Legasov took his own life at the age of 51 on April 26, 1988, exactly two years after the explosion at Chernobyl. The audio tapes of Legasov's memoirs were circulated among the Soviet scientific community. His suicide made it impossible for them to be ignored. In the aftermath of his death, Soviet officials finally acknowledged the design flaws of the RBMK nuclear reactors. Those reactors were immediately retrofitted to prevent an accident like Chernobyl from happening again.
* Legasov was aided by dozens of scientists who worked tirelessly alongside him at Chernobyl. Some spoke out against the official account of events and were subject to denunciation, arrest and imprisonment. The character of Ulana Khomyuk was created to represent them all and to honor their dedication and service to truth and humanity.
* Boris Shcherbina died on August 22, 1990, four years and four months after he was sent to Chernobyl.
* For their roles in the Chernobyl disaster, Viktor Bryukhanov, Anatoly Dyatlov and Nikolai Fomin were sentenced to ten years hard labor. After his release, Nikolai Fomin returned to a nuclear power plant in Kalinin, Russia. Anatoly Dyatlov died from radiation-related illness in 1995. He was 64.
* Valery Khodemchuk's body was never recovered. He is permanently entombed under Reactor 4. The firefighters' clothing still remains in the basement of Pripyat Hospital. It is dangerously radioactive to this day.
* Following the death of her husband and daughter, Lyudmilla Ignatenko suffered multiple strokes. Doctors told her she would never be able to bear a child. They were wrong. She lives with her son in Kiev.
* Of the people who watched from the railway bridge, it has been reported that none survived. It is now known as "The Bridge of Death".
* 400 miners worked around the clock for one month to prevent a total nuclear meltdown. It is estimated that at least 100 of them died before the age of 40.
* It has been widely reported that the three divers who drained the bubbler tanks died as a result of their heroic actions. In fact, all three survived after hospitalization. Two are still alive today.
* Over 600,000 people were conscripted to serve in the Exclusion Zone. Despite widespread accounts of sickness and death as a result of radiation, the Soviet government kept no official records of their fate.
* The contaminated region of Ukraine and Belarus, known as the Exclusion Zone, ultimately encompassed 2,600 square kilometers. Approximately 300,000 people were displaced from their homes. They were told this was temporary. It is still forbidden to return.
* Mikhail Gorbachev presided over the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991. In 2006, he wrote, "The nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl... was perhaps the true cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union."
* In 2017, work was completed on the New Safe Confinement at Chernobyl at a cost of nearly two billion dollars. It is designed to last 100 years.
* Following the explosion, there was a dramatic spike in cancer rates across Ukraine and Belarus. The highest increase was among children.
* We will never know the actual human cost of Chernobyl. Most estimates range from 4,000 to 93,000 deaths. The official Soviet death toll, unchanged since 31.
:'''In memory of all who suffered and sacrificed.'''
== Cast ==
* [[w:Jared Harris|Jared Harris]] - [[{{w:Valery Legasov|Valery Legasov]]}}
* [[w:Stellan Skarsgård|Stellan Skarsgård]] - [[{{w:Boris Shcherbina|Boris Shcherbina]]}}
* [[w:Emily Watson|Emily Watson]] - Ulana Khomyuk
* [[w:Paul Ritter (actor)|Paul Ritter]] - {{w|Anatoly Dyatlov}}
* [[w:Con O'Neill (actor)|Con O'Neill]] - {{w|Viktor Bryukhanov}}
* [[w:Adrian Rawlins|Adrian Rawlins]] - {{w|Nikolai Fomin}}
* [[w:David Dencik|David Dencik]] - [[Mikhail Gorbachev]]
* [[w:Alex Ferns|Alex Ferns]] - Andrei Glukhov
* [[w:Ralph Ineson|Ralph Ineson]] - General {{w|Nikolai Tarakanov}}
== External links ==
* {{imdb title|id=07366338|title=Chernobyl}}
* The official [ site]
* Chernobyl quotes at [ Filmywisdom]
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