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:'''Brazhnik''': What about the fire?
:'''Dyatlov''': ''[annoyed; as if it were obvious]'' Call the fire brigade. ''[storms out]''
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:''[April 26, 1986: Dyatlov meets with plant director Viktor Bryukhanov and chief engineer Nikolai Fomin in a bunker underneath the plant]''
:'''Viktor Bryukhanov''': [''dryly''] I take it the safety test was a failure.
:'''Anatoly Dyatlov''': We have the situation under control.
:'''Nikolai Fomin''': Under control? It doesn't look like it's under control.
:'''Bryukhanov''': Shut up, Fomin. [''to Dyatlov''] I have to tell the Central Committee about this. Do you realize that? I have to get on the phone and tell Maryin, or God forbid Frolyshev, that my power plant is on fire.
:'''Dyatlov''': No one can blame you for this, Director Bryukhanov
:'''Bryukhanov''': Of course no one can blame me for this. How can I be responsible? I was sleeping. Tell me what happened. ''Quickly.''
:'''Dyatlov''': We ran the test exactly as Chief Engineer Fomin approved. Unit Shift Chief Akimov and Engineer Toptunov encountered technical difficulties, leading to an accumulation of hydrogen in the control system tank. It, regrettably, ignited, damaging the plant and setting the roof on fire.
:[''Bryukhanov looks to Fomin'']
:'''Fomin''': The tank is quite large, yes. It's the only logical explanation. Of course, Deputy Chief Engineer Dyatlov was ''directly'' supervising the test, so he would know best.
:'''Bryukhanov''': A hydrogen tank, fire...Reactor?
:'''Dyatlov''': We're taking measures to ensure a steady flow of water through the core.
:'''Bryukhanov''': What about radiation?
:'''Dyatlov''': Obviously, down here it's nothing, but in the reactor building, I'm being told 3.6 roentgen per hour
:'''Bryukhanov''': Well, that's not great, but it's not horrifying.
:'''Fomin''': Not at all. From the feedwater, I assume?
:[''Dyatlov nods'']
:'''Fomin''': We'll have to limit shifts to six hours at a time, but otherwise...
:'''Bryukhanov''': The dosimetrists should be checking regularly. Have them use the good meter, from the safe. Right, I'll call Maryin. Have them wake up the local committee, there'll be orders coming down.
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:'''Anatoly Dyatlov''': I dropped the rods from the other panel
:'''Aleksandr Akimov''': They're still up.
:'''Dyatlov''': What?
:'''Akimov''': They're still only a third of the way in, I don't know why. I already sent the trainees down to the reactor hall to lower them by hand.
:'''Dyatlov''': What about the pumps?
:'''Leonid Toptunov''': I can't get through to Khodemchuk, the lines are down.
:'''Dyatlov''': Fuck the phones and fuck Khodemchuk. Are the pumps on or not?
:'''Akimov''': Stolyarchuk?
:'''Boris Stolyarchuk''': My control panel's not working. I tried calling for the electricians--
:'''Dyatlov''': I don't give a shit about the panel! I need water in my reactor core! Get down there and make sure those pumps are on. Now!
:[''several engineers leave the control room as Dyatlov sits down at a desk'']
:'''Dyatlov''': What does the dosimeter say?
:'''Akimov''': Ah, 3.6 roentgen, but that's as high as the meter--
:'''Dyatlov''': 3.6. Not great, not terrible.
:'''Akimov''': [''quietly, to Toptunov''] We did everything right.
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:''[April 26, 1986: Meeting in the power plant office, engineer Anatoly Sitnikov reports high radiation in reactor 4]''
:'''Dyatlov''': What's wrong with you? How'd you get that number from feedwater leaking from a blown tank?