The Simpsons/Season 7: Difference between revisions

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==''[[w:Radioactive Man (The Simpsons episode)|Radioactive Man]]''==
:''[Executive producer is looking through Variety magazine to scout out a potential location to film the Radioactive Man movie. He sees full page colorful ads that say "Film New York", "Film Utah" and "Film Texas" before coming to a small section that says "FlimFilm Springfield"]''
:'''Executive producer''': Wow, look at that ad! This town ''must'' be hot. They don't need a big ad or even correct spelling! ''[buzzes his secretary]'' Get me two tickets to the state Springfield is in!
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:'''Moe''': The deep fryer's here! I got it used from the Navy. You can flash-fry a buffalo in 40 seconds.
:'''Homer''': Forty seconds?! But I want it ''now''!
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:'''Marge''': Hmm. Bart, what's wrong? There's something a little off about your hug.
:'''Bart''': Mom, I need to tell you something. I kind of --
:'''Marge''': ''[interrupts]'' Let me guess. A mother can always tell. ''[hugs him a bit]'' Hmm. It's not fear of nuclear war. ''[hugs him more]'' It's not swim-test anxiety. It almost feels like you're missing something...something important.
:'''Bart''': ''[eager]'' Like I don't have a soul?
:'''Marge''': ''[chuckles]'' Aw, honey, you're not a monster.
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:'''Lisa''': I would like to say grace. ''[saying grace]'' Lord, have mercy on my soul... and Mom's soul, and Dad's soul, and Maggie's soul. And let every soul in Christendom-
:''[Bart throws a meatball at Lisa]''
:'''Marge''': Bart!
:'''Bart''': I can't take this anymore! I want my soul, and I want it now! ''[runs out]''
:'''Homer''': Bart! You didn't finish your spaghetti and Moe-balls!
:'''Homer's brain''': Silence, you fool. It can be ours.
:''[Homer eats Bart's spaghetti]''
:'''Homer''': ''[mouthful]'' Run, boy! Run! Run for your life... boy.!
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:'''Nana Van Houten''': Close that door, you're letting the heat out!
:'''Kirk Van Houten''': Shut up, shut up, shut up!
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:'''Bart''': ''[his soul floats down from above]'' ''[he grabs it and hugs it, and sees Lisa standing there]'' Lisa? You bought this?
:'''Lisa''': With the change in my piggy bank.
:'''Bart''': There's no change in your piggy bank.
:'''Lisa''': Not in any of the ones you know about.
:'''Bart''': Oh, Lis, thank you. ''[kisses her]''
:'''Lisa''': Happy to do it. But you know, Bart, some philosophers believe that nobody is born with a soul -- that you have to earn one ''[Bart eats the piece of paper]'' through suffering and thought and prayer, like you did last night.
:'''Bart''': Uh huh. ''[swallows]''
==''[[w:Lisa the Vegetarian|Lisa the Vegetarian]]''==
Line 291 ⟶ 317:
:'''Lisa''': Hey, Springfield! Are you suffering from the heartbreak of...Monster-itis? Then take a tip from Mr. Paul Anka!
:'''Paul Anka''': ''[singing]'' To stop these monsters 1-2-3, Here's a fresh new way that's trouble free, It's got Paul Anka's guarantee...
:'''Lisa''': ''[talkingsinging]'' Guarantee void in Tennessee.
:'''Paul Anka and Lisa''': ''[singing]'' Just don't look! Just don't look! Just don't look! Just don't look! Just don’t look! Just don’t look!
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Line 417 ⟶ 443:
:'''Hibbert''': No.
:'''Lisa''': No.
:'''CheifChief Wiggum''': No.
:'''Marge''': No.
:'''Bart''': No.
:'''Patty''': No.
:'''CheifChief Wiggum''': No.
:'''Ned''': No.
:'''Selma''': No.
:'''Frink''': No.
:'''Lovejoy''': No.
:'''CheifChief Wiggum''': Yes. I no. I mean, no. No.
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Line 627 ⟶ 653:
==''[[w:Marge Be Not Proud|Marge Be Not Proud]]''==
:'''Bart''': Buy me Bonestorm or Go to Hell!
:'''Marge''': ''[angry over his profanity]'' BART!
:'''Homer''': Young man, in this house we use a little word called Please"please".
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Line 702 ⟶ 728:
:'''Homer''': Ehh, what are you going to do?
:''[Marge looks over Homer's notepad, which reveals a drawing of a robot cooking a hot dog over a flaming trash can. Still, she is depressed over the whole shoplifting episode.]''
:'''Marge''': ''[pause]'' Mmm. He's not my little baby anymore. Maybe I mother him too much.
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Line 1,022 ⟶ 1,048:
:'''Miss Piggy''': Quiet, frog!
:'''Bart''': What's a Muppet?
:'''Homer''': {''[chuckling}]'' Well it's not quite a mop, and it's not quite a puppet, tell the truth, I don't know.
:'''Troy McClure''': {''[as black knight}]'' Oh princess fair, wilst thou grant thee thine dainty hoof in marriage?
:'''Bart''': Hey, who is that leathery muppetMuppet?
:'''Marge''': He is not a Muppet. That is Troy McClure. Back in the 1970s he was quite the teen heartthrob.
:'''[[w:Homer Simpson|Homer]]''': Troy McClure? That guy's a freak!
:'''[[w:Marge Simpson|Marge]]''': What are you talking about?
:'''Homer''': You know, his bizarre personal life. Those weird things they say he does down at the aquarium. Why, I heard...--
:'''Marge''': Oh, Homer, that's just an urban legend. People don't do that kind of thing with fish!
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:'''[[w:List of recurring characters in The Simpsons#Legs and Louie|Louie]]''': Troy McClure!?! You said he was dead!
:'''[[w:Fat Tony|Fat Tony]]''': No, what I said is that he sleeps with the fishes! You see...--
:'''Louie''': Uh, Tony, please, no. I just ate a whole plate of dingamagoo.
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:'''MacArthur Parker''': Troy, Mac Parker! Ever hear of... ''[[w:Planet of the Apes (1968 film)|Planet of the Apes]]''?
:'''Troy''': Uh, the movie or the planet?
:'''Parker''': The brand new multimillion dollar musical. And ''you'' are starring... as the human.
:'''Troy''': It's the part I was born to play, baby!
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[[File:Steamed cheeseburger.jpg|thumb|Oh no, I said steamed ''hams''. That's what I call hamburgers.]]
[[File:Aurora borealis over Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska.jpg|thumb|Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, ''localized'' '''''entirely''''' ''within your kitchen!?'']]
:'''Chalmers''': Well, Seymour I made it-- despite your directions.
:'''Skinner''': Ah, Superintendent Chalmers, welcome! I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!
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''(After the Brazilian assassin bursts in and opens fire on the retirement home common area)''
:'''Jasper''': Was that me or was that you?
Line 1,190 ⟶ 1,225:
:''[Bart is impressed with Grampa's past heroism.]''
:'''Bart''': Grampa, do you think I could have been in the Flying Hellfish?
:'''Grampa''': You're a give-em'em-hell daredevil with a never-say-die attitude and a fourth-grade education. You could've made ''sergeant''!
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Line 1,226 ⟶ 1,261:
:'''[[w:Abraham Simpson|Grampa]]''': What the hell are you two doin'?!
:'''Barney''': It's called "rocking out"!
:'''Homer''': You wouldn't understand, Dad. You're just not ''with'' it.
:'''Grampa''': I used to be "with it". But then they changed what ''it'' was! Now what I'm ''with'' isn't ''it'', and what's ''it'' seems weird and scary to me. ''[points sinisterly at Homer]'' ''It'll happen to ''you!''!
:''[Homer shrugs off Abraham, looks at his reflection in the mirror happily]''
:'''Homer''': No way, man! We're gonna keep on rockin' forever! Forever! Forever!
:''[fades to his dejected self in the mirror at present day]''
:'''Homer''': ''[dejected]'' Forever... forever... forever...
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:'''Homer''': I went to the record store today and they were playing all this music I never heard of. It was like the store had gone crazy!
:'''[[w:Marge Simpson|Marge]]''': Hmm. Record stores have always seemed crazy to me, but it doesn't upset me. Music is none of my business.
:'''Homer''': That's fine for you, Marge, but [[w:Rock and Roll All Nite|I used to rock and roll all night and party ev-er-y day]]. Then it was every other day. Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky.
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