अमृत: difference between revisions

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Tag: removal-of-deletion-or-rfv-template
RichardW57m (talk | contribs)
Undid out of process removal.
Tags: Undo Reverted
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* {{sa-IPA|a=2}}
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# [[immortal]], [[undying]]
#* {{rfv-quote|sa|fragment=अमृत_spelling}} {{Q|sa||RV|1|35|2|quote=आ कृ॒ष्णेन॒ रज॑सा॒ वर्त॑मानो निवे॒शय॑न्न् '''अ॒मृतं॒''' मर्त्यं॑ च ।<br>हि॒र॒ण्यये॑न सवि॒ता रथे॒ना दे॒वो या॑ति॒ भुव॑नानि॒ पश्य॑न् ॥|trans=Advancing throughout the dusky firmament, laying to rest '''the immortal''' and the mortal,<br>Borne in his golden chariot he cometh, Savitar, the God who looks on every creature.}}
# [[imperishable]], [[deathless]], [[indestructible]]
#* {{Q|sa||RV}}
# [[alivenot]], not [[dead]]
#* {{Q|sa||MBh}}
# [[beautiful]], [[pleasant]]
#* {{Q|sa||MBh|12|39|16|2|quote=पाञ्चजन्याभिषिक्तश्च राजामृतमुखोऽभवत् ॥|t=Bathed with the sanctified water of the shankha, the king became '''beautiful'''-faced.}}
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# [[immortal]], [[god]]* <ref name=MW>{{R:sa:MW|82}}</ref>
#* {{Qrfv-sense|sa||RV}} [[nectar]]
## a name of{{rfv-sense|sa}} [[Vishnuambrosia]]
##* {{Qrfv-sense|sa||MBh}} [[immortality]]
## a name of [[Shiva]]<ref name=MW/>
# a name of [[Vishnu]]<ref name=MW/>
# [[kudzu]], a vine of variety {{taxfmt|Pueraria montana var. lobata|variety}} (syn. {{taxlink|Phaseolus trilobus|species}})<ref name=MW/>
# the root of a plant<ref name=MW/>
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# [[immortalitynectar]],<ref [[elixir]]name=MW/>
# [[ambrosia]]<ref name=MW/>
#* {{Q|sa||RV|10|129|2|quote=न मृत्युर् आसीद् '''अमृतम्''' न तर्हि न रात्र्या अह्न आसीत् प्रकेतः । आनीद् अवातं स्वधया तद् एकं तस्माद् धान्यन् न परः किं चनास ॥|t=Death was not then, nor was there '''immortality''': no sign was there, the day's and night's divider. That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature: apart from it was nothing whatsoever.}}
# [[immortality]]<ref name=MW/>
# [[nectar]], [[ambrosia]], [[Soma]]
# [[residue]] or leavings of a [[yajna]]
#* {{Q|sa||Mn}}
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** {{desc|as|অমিয়া|অমিয়|tr2=omio}}, {{desc|as|অমিতা|bor=1|nolb=1}}
* {{desc|inc-pra|𑀅𑀫𑀬}}, {{m|inc-pra|𑀅𑀫𑀺𑀬}}, {{m|inc-pra|𑀅𑀫𑀼𑀬}}
* {{desc|pra-sau}}
** {{desc|as|অমিয়া|অমিয়|tr2=omio}}
** {{desc|gu|અમી}}
** {{desc|or|ଅମିଅ}}
* {{desc|pi|amata|id=immortality}}
* {{desc|as|অমিতা|bor=1}}
* {{desc|en|amrita|bor=1}}
* {{desc|hi|अमृत|bor=1}}
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* {{R:MW|82}}
* {{R:Apte|page=205}}
* {{R:DCS}}