茍: difference between revisions

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Rodasmith (talk | contribs)
m Robot: Automated text replacement (-== *\[*Japanese]* +\[*Kanji]* *== *[\r\n]+\* '''Readings'''[\r\n]+\*\* '''\[\[On]]''': (?P<onReading>.*)[\r\n]+\*\* '''\[\[Kun]]''': (?P<kunReading>.*) +==Japanese==\n===Kanji===\n{{kanji|on readings=\g<onRead
m clean up some labels; add missing space after *; {{zh-noun}} -> {{head|zh|noun}}, {{zh-hanzi}} -> {{head|zh|hanzi}} per WT:RFDO#All templates in Category:Chinese headword-line templates except Template:zh-noun, WT:RFDO#Template:zh-noun; fix some lang codes (manually assisted)
(42 intermediate revisions by 25 users not shown)
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* '''[[Wiktionary:Chinese radical index| Radical]] Number 140''': [[Wiktionary:Chinese radical index 艸|艸]]+5 strokes
{{character info}}
===Han character===
* '''[[Wiktionary:Chinese total strokes index|Stroke number]]''': [[Wiktionary:Chinese total strokes index 11|11]]
{{Han char|rn=140|rad=艸|as=05|sn=9|four=44627|canj=TPR,XTPR|ids=⿱[[𦫳|⻀]]句}}
====Usage notes====
* '''Stroke order''':
This character is not to be confused with {{l|mul|苟}} (<code>U+82DF</code>), which contains the [[w:Radical 140|grass radical]] ({{l|mul|艹}}) instead.
====Derived characters====
* '''[[Wiktionary:Chinese four corner index|Four-Corner System]]''': 4462<sub>7</sub>
* {{l|mul|[[𠣷]], [[𠑛]]}}
* {{l|mul|sc=Hant|[[敬]]}} {{q|Exception: Only for Taiwan and Hong Kong character. Other regions contain {{l|mul|苟}} instead}}
* '''[[Wiktionary:Chinese Cangjie index|Cangjie input]]''': 廿心口 (TPR), X廿心口 (XTPR)
{{Han ref|kx=1027.120|dkj=30853|hdz=53195.010|uh=830D}}
== [[Chinese]] [[Hanzi]] ==
* '''Graphical Significance and Origin''':
===Glyph origin===
* '''Common Meaning''': to be circumspect, cautious in ones behaviour (distinguish DKW 30790 gou3)
{{Han etym}}
May represent a sitting dog (see {{m|zh|敬|tr=-|t=respect, reverence}}, and also cf. {{m|zh|狗|tr=-|t=dog}}).
<!--{{Han compound|𦫳|包|口|t1=ram's horn|ls=ic}}-->
===Etymology 1===
== [[Chinese]] [[Hanzi]] ==
* '''Romanizations'''
** '''[[Mandarin]]'''
*** '''[[Pinyin]]''': jì (ji4)
*** '''[[Wade-Giles]]''': chi<sup>4</sup>
*** '''[[Yale]]''':
** '''[[Cantonese]]'''
*** '''[[Jyutping]]''':
*** '''[[Penkyamp]]''':
*** '''[[Yale]]''': gau2
# to be [[circumspect]] or [[cautious]] in one's [[behaviour]] <!-- 《說文》茍:自急敕也。从羊省,从包省。从口,口猶愼言也。从羊,羊與義、善、美同意。凡茍之屬皆从茍。-->
* '''Other info''':
===Etymology 2===
{{kanji|on readings=[[きょく]] (kyoku) |kun readings= }}
* '''Other info''':
# {{rfdef|ja|sort=艸05}}
== Dictionary Information ==
* KangXi: 1027.120
* Morobashi: 30853
* Hanyu Da Zidian: 53195.010
== Technical Information ==
* '''Unicode''':
** Hex: 830D
** Decimal: 33549
* '''Big5''':
** Hex: CE41
** Decimal: 52801