estate: difference between revisions

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m English:Noun: converted bare quote to template
m templatize topical categories for langcode=en using {{C}}
(37 intermediate revisions by 18 users not shown)
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* {{a|RP|GA}} {{enPR|ĭ-stāt|a=RP,GA}}, {{IPA|en|/ɪˈsteɪt/}}
** {{audio|en|en-us-estate.ogg|Audio (a=US)}}
** {{rhymes|en|eɪt|s=2}}
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#* {{RQ:Shakespeare Twelfth Night|act=V|scene=i|page=275|passage=But when I came to mans '''eſtate''',<br>With hey ho, [the winde and the raine],<br>Gainſt Knaues and Theeues men ſhut their gate.}}
#* {{RQ:KJV|Romans|12|16|passage=Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low '''estate'''.}}
#* {{quote-text|en|year=1643|author=w:John Milton|title=Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce
|passage=To remove therfore if it be possible, this great and sad oppression which through the strictnes of a literall interpreting hath invaded and disturb’d the dearest and most peaceable '''estate''' of houshold society, to the over-burdening, if not the over-whelming of many Christians better worth then to be so deserted of the Churches considerate care, this position shall be laid down; first proving, then answering what may be objected either from Scripture or light of reason.}}
# {{lb|en|archaic}} [[status|Status]], [[rank]]. {{defdate|from 13th c.}}
#* {{RQ:Taylor Holy Living|passage=God hath imprinted his authority in several parts, upon several '''estates''' of men.}}
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#* {{RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr|18.11|2|XVI|xj|passage=And anone came oute of a chamber to hym the fayrest lady that euer he sawe & more rycher bysene than euer he sawe Quene Gueneuer or ony other '''estat''' Lo sayd they syre Bors here is the lady vnto whome we owe alle oure seruyse / and I trowe she be the rychest lady and the fayrest of alle the world}}
<!--Prior quote:and anone cam oute of a chambir unto hym the fayryst lady that ever he saw, and more rycher beseyne than ever was Quene Guenyver or ony other '''astate'''.-->
#*: {{RQ:KJV|Mark|6|21|passage=Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief '''estates''' of Galilee.}}
#* {{RQ:KJV|Mark|6|21}}
#*: Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief '''estates''' of Galilee.
# {{lb|en|historical}} A major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights ({{w|Estates of the realm}}). {{defdate|from 14th c.}}
#* '''1992''', {{quote-book|en|year=1992|author=w|:Hilary Mantel}}, ''{{|title=w|:A Place of Greater Safety}}'', |publisher=Harper Perennial |year_published=2007, p.|page=115:
#*: |passage=I am afraid that some of the nobles who are campaigning for it simply want to use the '''Estates''' to cut down the King's power and increase their own.}}
#* '''2011''', {{wquote-text|en|year=2011|author=w:Norman Davies}}, ''|title=Vanished Kingdoms'', |page=202|publisher=Penguin |year_published=2012, p.202:
#*: |passage=The three '''estates''' of feudal lords, clergy and royal officers met in separate chambers, and exercised an advisory role.}}
# {{lb|en|legal}} The nature and extent of a person's [[interest]] in, or [[ownership]] of, land. {{defdate|from 15th c.}}
# An (especially extensive) area of [[land]], under a single ownership. {{defdate|from 18th c.}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|title=Doddington's garden pyramid is a folly good show: The owners of a Lincolnshire stately home have brought the folly into the 21st century, by building a 30ft pyramid &#91;print edition: Great pyramid of Lincolnshire, 6 September 2014, p.&nbsp;G2&#93;|url=|work={{w|:The Daily Telegraph}}|location=London|date=7 September 2014|passage=It has been a long time since new follies were springing up across the great '''estates''' of Britain. But the owners of Doddington Hall, in Lincolnshire, have brought the folly into the 21st century, by building a 30ft pyramid in the grounds of the Elizabethan manor.}}
# The landed property owned or controlled by a government or a department of government.
# {{lb|en|UK|sometimes|_|pejorative}} A [[housing estate]]. {{defdate|from 20th c.}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|first author=Josephine|last= McDermott| title=London's new housing loses the 'dirty word'| journal=BBC News| url=| date=2012-10-19| passage=Professor Loretta Lees from King's College London's geography department says, "The word <nowiki>'</nowiki>'''estate'''' has become synonymous with the term 'ghetto'. It's become a dirty word. Back in the '20s and '30s it didn't carry the same stigma."}}
# {{lb|en|UK|automotive}} A [[station wagon]]; a car with a tailgate (or liftgate) and storage space to the rear of the seating which is coterminous with the passenger compartment (and often extensible into that compartment via folding or removable seating). {{defdate|from 20th c.}}
# {{lb|en|obsolete}} The state; the general body politic; the common-wealth; the general interest; state affairs.
#* {{quote-text|en|year=1612|author={{w|:Francis Bacon}}|title=Of Judicature
|passage=I call matter of '''estate''' not only the parts of sovereignty, but whatsoever{{...}}concerneth manifestly any great portion of people.}}
# {{lb|en|computing}} An [[organization]]'s collective [[information technology]] [[resource]]s.
Line 56 ⟶ 57:
|{{l|en|estate agent}}
|{{l|en|estate contract}}
|{{l|en|estate duty}}|servient estate
|{{l|en|estate for life}}
|{{l|en|estate in land}}
Line 62 ⟶ 63:
|{{l|en|estate tax}}
|{{l|en|fourth estate}}
|{{l|en|freehold estate}}|first estate
|{{l|en|housing estate}}
|{{l|en|industrial estate}}
Line 73 ⟶ 74:
|{{l|en|sink estate}}
|{{l|en|third estate}}
|{{l|en|trading estate}}|estate-bottled
Line 87 ⟶ 88:
* French: {{t+|fr|patrimoine|m}}
* Galician: {{t+|gl|propiedade|m}}, {{t+|gl|inmoble|m}}, {{t+|gl|ben|m}}
* Greek:
* Hindi: {{t+|hi|स्टेट|m}}, {{t|hi|एस्टेट|m}}, {{t+|hi|संपत्ति|f}}, {{t+|hi|जायदाद |m}}
*: Ancient: {{t|grc|οὐσία|f}}
* Hindi: {{t+|hi|स्टेट|m}}, {{t|hi|एस्टेट|m}}, {{t+|hi|संपत्ति|f}}, {{t+|hi|जायदाद संपदा|mf}}
* Italian: {{t|it|asse ereditario}}
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|遺産|tr=isan}}
* Macedonian: {{t|mk|имот|m}}, {{t|mk|заоставштина|f}}
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|dødsbo}}
* Old English: {{t|ang|staþolǣht|f}}
* Portuguese: {{t+|pt|propriedade|f}}, {{t+|pt|bens|m-p}}
Line 104 ⟶ 109:
{{trans-top|state, condition}}
* Finnish: {{t+|fi|olot|p}}
* Portuguese: {{t+|pt|estado}}
Line 112 ⟶ 118:
{{trans-top|one's possessions}}
* Finnish: {{t+|fi|varallisuus}}
* Portuguese: {{t+|pt|bens}}, {{t+|pt|haveres}}
Line 121 ⟶ 128:
* Bulgarian: {{t+|bg|съсловие|n|sc=Cyrl}}
* Catalan: {{t+|ca|estament|m}}
* Danish: {{t|da|stand|c}}
* Dutch: {{t+|nl|stand}}{{t+|nl|adel}},
* Finnish: {{t+|fi|sääty}}
* French: {{t+|fr|noblesseordre|fm}}
* German: {{t+|de|Stand|m}}
* Latvian: {{t+|lv|kārta|f}}
Line 134 ⟶ 142:
* Spanish: {{t+|es|estamento}}
* Swedish: {{t+|sv|stånd|n}}
* Ukrainian: {{t+|uk|стан|m}}
{{trans-top|law: nature and extent of a person's interest in, or ownership of, land}}
* Arabic: {{t+|ar|تركة|f}}
* Bulgarian: {{t+|bg|владение|n|sc=Cyrl}}
* Dutch: {{t+|nl|bezit}}, {{t+|nl|eigendom}},
* Finnish: {{t+|fi|saanto[[oikeus]] [[maa-alue]]eseen}} {{q|no exact translation for this umbrella term}}
* French: {{t|fr|proprieté|f}},, {{t+|fr|biens|m-p}}
* Italian: {{t+|it|beni|m-p}}
* Latvian: {{t|lv|īpašums|m}}
Line 160 ⟶ 170:
* French: {{t+|fr|domaine}}, {{t+|fr|propriété}}
* German: {{t+|de|Gut|n}}, {{t+|de|Landgut|n}}
* Hindi: {{t+|hi|स्टेटसंपदा|mf}}, {{t+|hi|एस्टेट सम्पत्ति|mf}}
* Irish: {{t|ga|seilbh|f}}
* Italian: {{t+|it|proprietà|f}}, {{t+|it|tenuta|f}}, {{t+|it|possedimento|m}}
* LatvianLatin: {{t|lvla|muižamanerium|fn}}
* Latvian: {{t+|lv|muiža|f}}
* Lithuanian: {{t|lt|sodyba|f}}
* Macedonian: {{t|mk|посед|m}}, {{t|mk|имот|m}}
Line 200 ⟶ 211:
* {{anagrams|en|a=aeestt|tea-set|eatest|tateestestæ|testae|teaset|tea set|testae|testætatees}}
Line 248 ⟶ 259:
* {{anagrams|it|a=aeestt|attese|esatte|esteta|saette|tesate}}
{{C|it|Calendar terms}}