necropolis: difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
m manually fixed author-splitting issue in {{quote-book}} (with cleanup (manually assisted))
m templatize topical categories for langcode=en using {{C}}; combine templatized topical categories for langcode=en using {{C}}
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* {{a|RP}} {{IPA|en|/nɛˈkɹɒpəlɪs/|/nɛˈkɹɒplɪs/|/nɪ-/|a=RP}}
* {{a|GA}} {{IPA|en|/nɛˈkɹɑpələs/|/nə-/|a=GA}}
* {{audio|en|en-us-necropolis.mp3|Audio (a=GA)}}
* {{hyphenation|en|ne|cro|pol|is}}
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# {{lb|en|chiefly|historical|also|figuratively}} A [[cemetery]]; especially a [[large]] one in or near a [[city]].
#: {{synonyms|en|necropole|q1=rare|Thesaurus:cemetery}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=C[onstantin] F[rançois] Volney|authorlink=w:Constantin François de Chassebœuf, comte de Volney|C[onstantin] F[rançois] Volney]]|chapter=Government of the Mamlouks|translator=[anonymous]|title=Travels through Syria and Egypt, in the Years 1783, 1784, and 1785. {{...|Containing the Present Natural and Political State of Those Countries, Their Productions, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce; with Observations on the Manners, Customs, and Government of the Turks and Arabs. [...] Translated from the French.}} In Two Volumes|location=Dublin|publisher={{...|Printed for}} Messrs. White, Byrne, W. Porter, Moore, Dornin, and W[illia]m Jones|year=1793|volume=I|section=section II (The Misery and Famine of Later Years), footnote|page=120|pageurl=|oclc=219961034|passage=In Turkey, the tombs, according to the custom of the ancients, are always without the towns; and as each tomb has uſually a large ſtone, and ſome maſonry, they conſtitute what may almoſt be called a ſecond town, which may be named, as formerly at Alexandria, '''''Necropolis''''', or the city of the dead.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=[[w:Nathaniel Parker Willis]|authorlink=[Nathaniel Parker Willis]]]|chapter=The Gipsy of Sardis. Part III.|title=Inklings of Adventure [...] In Two Volumes|location=New York, N.Y.; London|publisher=Saunders and Otley,{{nb...|Ann Street, and Conduit Street, London.}}|year=1836|volume=II|page=61|pageurl=|oclc=1154887351|passage=It was a lovely morning, as I said, and the Turks, who are early risers, were sitting on the graves of their kindred with their veiled wives and children, the marble turbans in that thickly-sown '''''nekropolis''''' less numerous than those of the living, who had come, not to mourn the dead who lay beneath, but to pass a day of idleness and pleasure on the spot endeared by their memories.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=[[w:Martin Farquhar Tupper]|authorlink=[Martin Farquhar Tupper]]]|title=Paterfamilias’s Diary of Everybody’s Tour: Belgium and the Rhine, Munich, Switzerland, Milan, Geneva and Paris|location=London|publisher=Thomas Hatchard,{{nb...|187, Piccadilly.}}|year=1856|page=288|pageurl=|oclc=458415851|passage=[I]t [{{w|Père Lachaise Cemetery}}, Paris] is an overcrowded, shabby, dusty, and ill-kept cemetery: Kensall Green, though incipient, is far more picturesque; and several American '''necropoleis''' beat it hollow.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=Mrs. [J. B.] Webb|chapter=I|title=Alypius of Tagaste: A Tale of the Early Church|location=London|publisher={{w|Religious Tract Society}};{{nb...|[...] 56, Paternoster Row; 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard; and 164, Piccadilly. Sold by the booksellers.}}|year=[1875?]|page=9|pageurl=|oclc=60884003|passage=The great main street, which ran from the eastern extremity of the city [of Alexandria, Egypt] to the '''Necropolis''' at the western end, a distance of thirty stadia, was thronged already with eager citizens, mostly arrayed in holiday costume, and with an expression of expectation on their animated countenances.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|editor=David Baptie|entry=READ, WILLIAM DAVID|title=Musical Scotland Past and Present: Being a Dictionary of Scottish Musicians from about 1400 till the Present Time:{{nb...|To which is Added a Bibliography of Musical Publications Connected with Scotland from 1611}}|location=Paisley, Renfrewshire|publisher=J. and R. Parlane;{{nb...|Edinburgh and Glasgow: John Menzies and Co. London: Houlston and Sons}}|year=1894|oclc=1064784645|newversion=reprinted as|location2=Hildesheim, Lower Saxony; New York, N.Y.|publisher2=Georg Olms|year2=1972|page2=154|pageurl2=|isbn2=978-3-487-04292-3|passage=READ, WILLIAM DAVID, [...] Sol-fa teacher, lecturer, and vocal composer. [...] He is interred in the Glasgow '''Necropolis''', where a handsome monument has been erected to his memory by his friends and pupils.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=[[w:Charles Ryle Fay|C[harles] R[yle] Fay|authorlink=Charles Ryle Fay]]|chapter=Glasgow|title=Adam Smith and the Scotland of His Day|location=Cambridge, Cambridgeshire|publisher=[[w:Cambridge University Press|University Press]]|year=1956|page=58|pageurl=|oclc=1196843|passage=Even at {{w|Adam Smith}}'s death Glasgow was a city of less than 50,000, less, that is, than the Kirkcaldy of 1951. [...] The pattern of the old city was simple; let us follow it out. [...] Across the ravine is the '''necropolis''', a mountain of gravestones, with a monument of [[w:John Knox|[John] Knox]] in the centre.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=Kevin Cook|chapter=Garden Suburb|chapterurl=|title=[[w:Murder of Kitty Genovese|Kitty Genovese]]: The Murder, the Bystanders, the Crime that Changed America|location=New York, N.Y.; London|publisher={{w|:W. W. Norton & Company}}|year=2014|isbn=978-0-393-24291-1|passage=Queens's Calvary Cemetery was even bigger and busier than Green-Wood. Soon after the Catholic '''necropolis''' opened its gates in 1848, one account tallied "fifty burials a day, half of them poor Irish under seven years of age."}}
# {{lb|en|archaeology}} An [[ancient]] [[site#Noun|site]] [[use#Verb|used]] for [[bury]]ing the [[dead#Noun|dead]], particularly if [[consist]]ing of [[elaborate#Adjective|elaborate]] [[grave#Noun|grave]] [[monument]]s.
#* {{quote-book|en|author=Abbé de St. Michon [''i.e.'', {{w|Jean-Hippolyte Michon}}]|chapter=XIV|translator=[anonymous]|title=Narrative of a Religious Journey in the East in 1850 and 1851|location=London|publisher=[[w:Richard Bentley (publisher)|Richard Bentley]],{{nb...|New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty.}}|year=1853|page=338|pageurl=|oclc=562780007|passage=These labours upon Phœnician '''necropoli''' are of great importance. [...] M. [[w:Louis Félicien de Saulcy|[Louis Félicien] de Saulcy]], one of the first travellers who has thrown light upon these '''necropoli''', devoted himself to a very interesting examination of the tombs of the kings, of the prophets and judges, and upon the immense '''necropolis''' that surrounds Jerusalem, like a funeral enceinte.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=A[dolphus] L[ouis] Kœppen|chapter=The Harbors and Naval Establishments of the Ancient Athenians—The Modern Peiræus|title=Sketches of a Traveller from Greece, Constantinople, Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine|location=Chambersburg, Pa.|publisher={{...|Printed by}} M. Kieffer & Co.|year=1854|page=19|pageurl=|oclc=78077742|passage=The ancient Greeks generally buried their dead in their '''nekropoleis''' or their gardens; often on the road leading to their towns, or before the gates. This pious feeling of affection and reverence for the dead, is a touching feature in the character of the modern Greeks.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=James Burton Robinson|chapter=Lecture IV. Lecture on the Geography, Institutions, Trade, Arts, and Sciences of Ancient Egypt|title=Public Lectures Delivered before the Catholic University of Ireland, on Some Subjects of Ancient & Modern History, in the Years 1856, 1857, & 1858|location=London|publisher=Catholic Bookselling & Publishing Company,{{nb...|Limited, Charles Dolman, Manager, 61, New Bond Street, & 6, Queen’s Head Passage, Paternoster Row.}}|year=1859|page=149|pageurl=|oclc=166253147|passage=What shall I say of these immense '''Necropoleis''', or Cities of the Dead, where the same care and labour were employed to embellish death, as other nations have bestowed on the adornment of life? Such an architecture could have sprung up only among a people filled with the idea of immortality, and in whose eyes earthly existence was but a fleeting passage to a future life.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=[[w:Anne C[harlotte] Lynch Botta|authorlink=Anne C[harlotte] Lynch Botta]]|chapter=Egyptian Literature|title=Hand-book of Universal Literature, from the Best and Latest Authorities:{{nb...|Designed for Popular Reading and as a Text-book for Schools and Colleges.}}|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Derby & Jackson,{{nb...|498, Broadway.}}|year=1860|page=60|pageurl=|oclc=9059769|passage=The monuments of Egypt are religious, as the temples; sepulchral, as the '''necropoles'''; or triumphal, as the obelisks. [...] The most splendid '''necropoles''' of Egypt are those of Memphis and Thebes, and to the '''necropolis''' of the former the pyramids of El-Geezeh, near Cairo, are especially related.}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|title=Pointed Architecture.{{nb...|(Abridged from the Moniteur des Architectes.)}}|magazine=The Art-Student; a Magazine of the Fine Arts:{{nb...|Being a Guide to Their Principles and Practice.}}|location=London|publisher=Hall, Smart, and Allen,{{nb...|Paternoster Row.}}|date=1 February 1865|volume=II|issue=13|page=262|pageurl=|column=2|oclc=877323759|passage=Are we not overawed by those immense temples [in Egypt], those prodigious palaces, those grottos hewn in the living rock, those endless '''necropolises''', and those indestructible colossi?}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|author=[[w:William Z[ebina]. Ripley|authorlink=William Z.[ebina] Ripley]]|title=The Origin of European Culture|magazine=[[w:Popular Science|Appleton’s Popular Science Monthly]]|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=[[w:D. Appleton & Company|D[aniel] Appleton & Company]]|month=May|year=1899|volume=LV|pages=24–25|pageurl=|oclc=1110652847|passage=What would be the result if one attempted to determine the physical character of that people from a study of the remains in their '''necropoli'''?}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=Barbara Hambly|authorlink=w:Barbara Hambly|chapter=3|chapterurl=|title={{w|:Those Who Hunt the Night}}|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=[[w:Open Road Integrated Media|Open Road Media]]|month=November|year=1988|year_published=2011|isbn=978-1-4532-1644-6|passage="How did you happen to discover it?" he inquired as they emerged from the end of the avenue under a massive gateway carved by the cemetery's developers to resemble some regal '''necropolis''' of the Pharaohs.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=w:Graeme Barker|authorlink=Graeme; Barker|author2=Annie Grant|author3=; Tom Rasmussen|chapter=Approaches to the Etruscan Landscape: The Development of the Tuscania Survey|editor=Peter Bogucki|title=Case Studies in European Prehistory|location=Boca Raton, Fla.|publisher={{w|:CRC Press}}|year=1993|page=229|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-8493-8882-8|passage=The great cemeteries or '''necropolises''' (literally, "cities of the dead") adjacent to the major Etruscan cities such as Cerveteri and Tarquinia are the most visible relics of this civilization.}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|author=M. Chiaradia|author2=; A. Gallay|author3=; W. Todt|title=Different Contamination Styles of Prehistoric Human Teeth at a Swiss Necropolis (Sion, Valais) Inferred from Lead and Strontium Isotopes|journal={{w|:Applied Geochemistry}}|location=Amsterdam|publisher=[[w:Elsevier|Elsevier Science]]|month=March|year=2003|volume=18|issue=3|section=abstract|page=353|doi=10.1016/S0883-2927(02)00072-0|issn=0883-2927|oclc=164814949|passage=Separate fractions of dentine and enamel of 12 individuals from the '''necropolis''' of Sion (Valais, Switzerland) have been analyzed for Pb and Sr isotope compositions.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=Alexandra[-Fani] Alexandridou|chapter=Attic Early Black-figured Shapes|editors=John M. Fossey; Angelo Geissen|title=The Early Black-figured Pottery of Attika in Context (c. 630–570 BCE)|series=Monumenta Graeca et Romana|seriesvolume=17|location=Leiden|publisher=[[w:Brill Publishers|Brill]]|year=2011|page=38|pageurl=|column=1|isbn=978-90-04-18604-0|issn=0169-8850|passage=If the layer of the offerings is contemporary with the burials, then these are the earliest of the '''nekropolis''', dating to the early third quarter of the seventh century.}}
# A [[city]] or [[settlement]] where most people are [[dead]] and/or [[dying]].
#* {{quote-book|en|year=1998| title=Bleeding London|author=Geoff Nicholson | page=| passage=You think London isn't a '''necropolis'''? Let me tell you it is. And people love it. Our cemeteries are popular tourist attractions. }}
#* {{quote-book|en|year=2011| title=Jerusalem: The Biography – A History of the Middle East|author=Simon Sebag Montefiore | page=271| passage=Jerusalem was a '''necropolis''' where old or sick pilgrims were content to die and be buried until the Resurrection.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|year=2012| title=Necropolis|author=Anthony Horowitz | page=| passage="A week from now, it will be completely unrecognizable," the chairman said. "It will have become a '''necropolis'''. I'm sure you will understand what that means, a man of your learning.” “A city of the dead.” “Exactly. The entire population has begun to die. {{...}}"}}
#* {{quote-book|en|year=2018| title=Marooned|author=Joseph Kelly | page=| passage=But bury them they did, a weary train of funerals held within the palisade, lest the Indians see the thinning of their ranks. James Fort became a '''necropolis'''.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|year=2022| title=An Ambazonian Liberation Theology?|author=Daniel J. Pratt Morris-Chapman | page=| passage=Ambazonia will become a '''necropolis''' comparable to certain other states in the region. }}
====Alternative forms====
Line 83 ⟶ 89:
* Irish: {{t|ga|reilig|f}}, {{t|ga|úirleachas|m}}
* Italian: {{t+|it|necropoli|f}}
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|古墳|tr=こふん, kofun}}, {{t|ja|ネクロポリス|tr=nekuroporisu}}
* Korean: {{t|ko|네크로폴리스}}
* Kyrgyz: {{t|ky|некрополь}}
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* {{anagrams|en|a=ceilnooprs|prosocline}}
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* {{IPA|nl|/neːˈkroː.poː.lɪs/}}
* {{audio|nl|Nl-necropolis.ogg|Audio}}
* {{hyphenation|nl|ne|cro|po|lis}}