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- Evidence Death penalty? Case study in the US? Forensic evidence? Psychological tests?...109 bytes (12 words) - 23:23, 18 December 2020
- Capital punishment, also called the death penalty, is the execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal...8 KB (1,193 words) - 00:17, 2 January 2021
- topics: Drug Prohibition Same-Sex Marriage United States Invasion of Iraq Religious Circumcision of Children Abortion Death Penalty Lethal Injection Murder...343 bytes (26 words) - 14:27, 24 October 2022
- abolish the death penalty because it will save money and lives. An argument based on ethos would be: I'm an expert on the death penalty, I have a PhD...4 KB (731 words) - 13:06, 18 January 2019
- The banker believes that lifelong imprisonment is more inhumane than death penalty. The reward of the bet would be two million dollars that the banker...10 KB (1,348 words) - 16:06, 19 July 2024
- computer of Joseph E. Duncan III to show premeditation and secure the death penalty. In 2006 Sharon Lopatka's killer was identified after email messages...7 KB (885 words) - 12:58, 27 January 2024
- the past four years on issues such as abortion, gay rights and the death penalty. BR> Headlines about the study ranged from "Survey finds church-going...5 KB (839 words) - 21:24, 9 September 2016
- level. The worst trick the monsters in this area have in sleeve is the Death Penalty attack, which really isn't all that frightening unless you attack really...6 KB (1,012 words) - 16:41, 11 July 2021
- likely to be of importance to voters in forthcoming elections. Abortion Death Penalty Economy Energy Environment Immigration Gay Marriage War in Afghanistan...4 KB (179 words) - 20:55, 16 August 2017
- example of lowering the maximum limit, Brunei Darussalam abolished the death penalty [1]. Another, the Queen of Jordan does not cover her hair. Its neighbor...12 KB (1,039 words) - 02:17, 9 October 2019
- the almighty G-D. The Romans then forbid to call that name even unto death penalty. Therefore the rabbis also were forbidding to use that name in order...1 KB (222 words) - 20:04, 6 September 2019
- wear the Islamic clothes. People can take their cases to the court free of charge and without a lawyer. Adultery is a crime Death penalty for murder....737 bytes (108 words) - 18:17, 4 March 2022
- over the children, and if women committed adultery, they faced the death penalty, a penalty not applicable to men. The implementation of the Napoleonic...9 KB (1,374 words) - 00:26, 26 May 2022
- level 4 Limit Break manual (Chaos), and Vincent's ultimate weapon (Death Penalty). A big airplane has sunk in front of Costa del Sol. Use the submarine...4 KB (611 words) - 20:27, 20 June 2021
- behaviour. The glory of Classical Greece was stained by slavery, the death penalty, exile and constant war. The advocation by Aristotle in his book Politics...7 KB (1,071 words) - 14:19, 26 September 2019
- detention Same-sex sexual activity illegal: Prison, not enforced Prison Death penalty on books, not enforced Enforced death penalty...2 KB (164 words) - 01:00, 29 November 2024
- Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA),” LII / Legal Information Institute. KB (2,587 words) - 12:30, 20 March 2024
- para 120, where the ECtHR controversially read the prohibition of the death penalty contained in Protocols No. 6 and 13 to the ECHR into Art. 3 ECHR although...33 KB (3,935 words) - 08:52, 16 June 2023
- assembly (article 24(6)) and most economic and social rights. Second, the death penalty may be imposed on minors, if stipulated in a State party's domestic...24 KB (3,589 words) - 16:08, 9 January 2024
- Death penalty is no longer absolute....1 KB (111 words) - 04:17, 21 November 2019