Wikinews:Water cooler/miscellaneous/Archive
Archives for the Miscellaneous section of the Water Cooler.
The current archive is Archive 19.
- Archive 1
- Topics covered: When Wikinews is not news, What benefit does Wikinews provide, redundancy aside?,
- Archive 2
- Topics covered: Templates and 'edit' links, A message of thanks, Media news entrepreneur's thoughts on Wikinews, Wikinews:Welcommittee, Time to choose a logo for Wikinews, Chose our new logo!, Original research, First Column--Science and Technology News, We have a new logo ...maybe!, Logo Discussion (refactor of current threads), WN:WBDU
- Archive 3
- Topics covered: Slashdot comment on Wikinews, 1,500 Wikinewsies and counting..., Main Page design, A webcast we might be interested in, Ugly box on every page
- Archive 4
- Topics covered: Please provide URL for the original "Talk" page for Earth story
- Archive 5
- Topics covered: Wikinews Design Contest, Wikinews network crash...sabotage?, NPOV e.g. Afghanistan was categorized by reporter, Condoleezza Rice, as being"on the verge of becoming a narcotics state.", Wikinews:Writing contest, Invite to help edit w:Apple v. Does, New wiki, Logo font, Californians interested in tech?, Facts, Crossword dead links on front page, Wackynews, Category The Vatican, Piped links, New column, Format of articles, "News Sites Solicit Articles", Jiang Zemin dead?, NPOV: Hundreds of thousands to lose 'fresh start' as Bush signs bankruptcy bill, Wikistats Monthly growth indicators, Wikimedia Projects by Size of Registered User Base:, Wikinews Original Reporting contest of May 2005, Interwikies are almost gone, Wikinews link to gives 404 error, Conflict following an edit war on President Bush marks end of WWII; reports circulate his Grandfather helped Hitler
- Archive 6
- Topics covered: Stewards election, new user directory based on categories and dpls, Transwiki to Wikinews from Wikipedia, Administrators meetings on IRC, Deletion, Wikinews in Google news, Categories, Please help the lost Wikinewsies who are wandering the encyclopaedia, "the New York Times reported the site appeared "blocked", As I just wrote on the page you deleted :, Requests for de-adminship, Remove "WNN", Wow, Permission to use the Wikinews logo in a Barnstar?, Wikinews:Breaking news, Project close to passing 2 new milestones, Call for nominations: news excellence awards for WIKIMANIA 2005, WOW!!! Wikinews Blasts off. Congrats to all, Work Experience?, California meetup, More breaking news, Monthly Wiki growth rates - WN has fastest-growing user base, English language Wikimedia Projects by Size of Registered User Base:, Favicom, Babel, Wikinews World Report, Running Wikinews World Report With Nicecast, Images in Wikinews, Potential sources for World News
- Archive 7
- Topics covered: We're too good damnit, wget user-agent in access statistics, Crossword returneth, where to apply for adminship?, Do a lot of Wikinews articles get re-published?, Restarting the writing contest, Can we get some more cities on that weather map?, Babel templates, Point of wikinews?, Automatically Generated RSS Feed, Missing article, Forbes Global CEO Conference in Sydney, New monthly user stats:, A Wiki For original writings, Category turned to redirect to Portal
- Archive 8
- Topics covered: Searchable image repository, Seeking and using opinions from experts in articles, blogs or wiki in printed newspaper, Portals, Does size matter?, Amgine and Neutralizer Mediation is Complete, Wikimedia on the BBC, Vote on MrMiscellanious, Do wikinews credentials have any career usage?, Are we allowed to use Wikinews to promote something where we can make money?, Please, can anyone explain this?, Let the Stewards decide, were now found by google when you search for cc-stuff, what? u on the the meat and potato page?, Wikinews statistics, Opportunity for some original reporting - United States, Just noticed we're being mirrored, I tried to call on IRC but no response..., Eyewitness reports, Server speed, Streamlining New Orleans, Science of Champagne Bubbles Explained, Another Mirror, What's your motivation?, Deleted Article on Iraqi Prisoner Abuse, If I were a CIA agent, "Conspiracy Nuts", DeLay article deleted?
- Archive 9
- Topics covered: Interview with Jimbo Wales, The QuakeAID story, Blog mention, How to approach on ongoing event, Blanking request, Interview of the month, are we in for future vanity/nonsense/non-notable articles?, wording on water cooler, Question on policy summary availability,, Interviewing the illustrious "Jimbo" Wales, Chinese Wikinews, What a wipe out, Wikinews:Stop_Loss, Google News listing, Wikinews domains, IOTM- Feb 06, Another interview with Jimbo Wales
- Archive 10
- Topics covered: Jyllands-Posten Muhammad drawings, Muhammad cartoons deleted, Domain names again - how about, Spelling error(s), Accountability of Administrators, Mohammed cartoons infobox, Some media attention, Message for all photographers at Torino 2006 Olympics, Just what MrM needs, Wikinews chat, Man Steals Cop Car makes WikiNews. Man SHOOTS Cop doesn't. Mmmm., Thoughts on actionable objections, New article count statistics and Wikinews growth, Be Bold, Removal of my username from WN:A, Blocking times, email user not working?, next date, Wikinews interview with Katelyn Tarver, Wikinews number 9 on list of Technorati Popular Blogs, Babel restored, Nyarlathotep's thoughts on userboxes, Who really stuffed the UPP?, Dull, boring, but needed... Date-based Categories, Problem with categories, Original article about demonstation in Paris last saturday, Template to use on Commons for images in Wikinews articles, Interview questions needed: Chris Cerf, Hotel article, Request received on "Request an interview" page, IOTM for April, Questions on methods and tactics for policy proposal and adoption, Question on past discussion and proposal to write authoritative procedures, Questions on administrator declaration conflicts, Music, Can we(should we) identify and not re-distribute PSYOPS messages?, Proposal to support core policy over particular interpretations of current policy, Update on Jimbo Wales interview, IRC link at the top hasn't worked in over a week, For Professionalism, Front page local, is anglo/american centric point of view terminology systemic in English news?, Discussion of anglo-american NPOV, I've issued myself a personal challenge, join me, Who decides what shows up on the front page?, Possible sabatoge involving Requests for Administrators., Wikinews2 on IRC, Writing Contest
- Archive 11
- Topics covered: Audio Wikinews, Reasons for the block of International, Wikinews Censorship Aspect of Cowicide Ban, Possible sabatoge involving Requests for Administrators., Wikinews2 on IRC, Writing Contest, Request for interview from candidate for US senate, Lower standards?, Is Wikinews Failing ?, Email your photographs to Wikinews, Who has control of Wikinews right now?, Reporting hoax news, News ticker, New user welcome messages, Lead article, AlterNet about Wikinews, Usage of Sources, Open Source Views Logo, Interview questions for "Pirate Party" leader, know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. —John 8:32, Wikinews-is it facing a bleak future?, DragonFire's RfdA-athon, Trademark claim, Working towards compromise, Revising articles, Researchers discover giant asteroid impact crater in Antarctica, Turnover of active editors, Bot @ pt.wikinews, Uncertain of licensing, The New Water Cooler, Am I imagining this? Even down to the attack on the UN?, Original reporting disputed tag, Briefs vandal, The tale of the wikinewsies finally finished, Template Icons, Regulation of the use of words such as "jihad"., info box for airplane scares, Site notice, Thank you everyone, Images question, Lead protection, Project reporting?, Another collaborative journalism site, Global Networking, Images of Earth, Non-english sources,, Discussion moved from WN:ALERT
- Archive 12
- Topics covered: Money, Diffuz a free culture festival in Montpellier, France, pass the word !, And I'm back, Oscars photos -- cancelled, James Hare Wikinews Contest, James Doohan, Star Trek's 'Scotty', dies at 85, Wikinews reporting cited by press, What's wrong with Wikinews & Jimbo about citizen journalism, Kion okazis?, Ségolène Royal News Article Is Old News, Steward elections, main page leads protected, link to talk page on dispute tags
- Archive 13
- Topics covered: Template:U, Google News, DynamicPageList2, Original and "on-the-scene" reporting, missed prepared story, Wikilinks and such, Newsroom, I don't like "Winners, HomeSense computers hacked" as a headline, Stats, Annie Awards, Shorts formatting, In the News - content, WikiNews Widget, Wikinews in the media, Markers for used content?, Oscar party, Presidential hopefuls, Windows Vista mirroring us, New Zealand boobs on bikes parade article, AKon visit to Borderfest 2007, NCAA championship week, how to publish an article, zombietime Israel airstrike ambulance story and hoax articles, newscast audio wikinews and broadcasting, PACER, State of the News Media 2007, Category:Product recalls, United States Water, Assignment Zero reporting on "crowdsourcing", MESSEDROCKER farewell, April fool's and Alleged Main Page, Wackynews section on main page, Gizmo Project for free calls, Sports writer admins, Wikinews Shorts, Accredited Press Gallery members for New Zealand Parliament, Code Of Conduct Proposed For Blogosphere =?= Wikimedia censorship, How has Wikimedia Changed your Life?, site background, template for crediting images in caption {{Image source}}, Category:World, Mozilla Strong Arms Individual Devs, HD-DVD vandalism with link from Digg. SQL Query on Meta, Can I add news from the past?, Bloomberg Article, This image seems not to work as a thumb., Wikinews on Commons, Flickr
- Archive 14
- Topics covered: Google news/community mirror, Wiktionary Words in the News, Content of Wikinewsreports blog, Template:Commentthis, Grants available for local news tech, Blog CC-BY-2.5?, Wikimania, let's create link to Wikipedia, Benoit confession on, London/Glasgow Car Bombings, The NYT on Wikinews, Category:Media files on Wikimedia Commons, Please vote, Wikinews mentioned in The Times (Times of London), You can't make this stuff up,, a main page redesign, Javascript code for no title on main page?, Wikinews revamp, Fuss affecting reputation, Widget Wikinews RSS, Misinformation in bio, scraped by eontarionow, I will do the design for,, redesign, Another site copying without attribution, 10 things you did not know about Wikipedia, User:DragonFire1024 mentioned in "The Phily Inquirer", 9,991 articles !, Proper format for election coverage, Ontario ; David Shankbone interview project, Front Page Photo of Iraq Police with misleading heading, Brooklyn Book Festival, Google News, New Shankbone Interview, Format for Wikinews articles in Wikipedia, Phone interview, Wikinews Interview with John Vanderslice, Wikinews interview with Presidential Candidate w:Tom Tancredo, Iranian President Protest, Iranian President Ahmadinejad speaks at Columbia University, Archiving, Bat for Lashes plays the Bowery Ballroom: an Interview with Natasha Khan, Indirect Main page vandalism, Stats, Template boxes, Wikinews Tip line, Obesity and the Fat Acceptance Movement: Kira Nerusskaya speaks, Wikipedia discussion of Nerusskaya interview on w:Obesity, Sam Brownback on running for President, gay rights, the Middle East and religion, Getting interviews, Journalist Interview project, Audio files, Our tool is broken, Danish Wikinewsies? (Danish Prime Minister calls an election for 2007)
- Archive 15
- Topics covered: Shimon Peres, Wikinews on Wikipedia, I want to help; how you can help me help (verifiability, OR), Addressing Jimbo's request, Changes to Shankbone's interviews, To my fellow Wikinewsies (Wikipedia/Wikinews), Become a Fan of Wikinews on Facebook, Second Top Model interview, The Wikinews Importer Bot, Something worth looking @?, New regional portal footers?, Wikinews goes to Rio de Janeiro, Prolific POV-pusher moving from Wikipedia to Wikinews, Highest ratings EVER, Please close, radio station, Wikimania 2008, Two Top Model interviews done and to be published, Wikinews:Browse, Michael Lucas, New York's King of Porn and outspoken social critic, Jessica Sierra, COI, van Canto, LACROSSE!!, Brian Pink interview, Interesting comment, Petition against EU copyright extension, WN:Research, Inauguration of the Research Desk, Local publicity for wikis, Wikipedia, There goes the neighborhood, David Shankbone goes to Rio de Janeiro for Wikinews/Commons, Tribeca Film Festival, Blatant copyright infringement, Story suggestion, Accredited Reporter business cards (nine designs), Reliability of Prensa Latina, Rachel Marsden / Jimbo Wales / Wikipedia story, Scientology protests, Unfree images, Merkey Responds, Nice front page, David Shankbone's New York Meet-up Presentation on his Wikinews and Wikipedia work
- Archive 16
- Topics covered: Collaborative Media Network (aka Wikinews Foundation V2);Wikinews in book by presidential candidate; Wikipedia Review Discussion; Rubenstein Public Relations; Wikinews Article Stats Update; Shankbone interviewed; Wikinews article hits front page of while undergoing Deletion request; Length of time that candidate discussions sit at WN:FAC; CNN video, Front Page - "Wikipedia Wars"; Wikimedia Foundation blog post mentions Wikinews; Wikinews in Consultation with David Kaufman - May 11; Wikinews on Alexa; OJR is looking for us; Featured article copyedit drive?; Major WMF announcement: board restructuring; Official Election Notice; Petition; Suggestion; Wikipedia porn; Wikipedia Review and Danny talking about WN; Encyclopedia Dramatica Exposes WR and Daniel Brandt for Spying; Deleted Wikinews aritlces appearing on Wikileaks; Jimbo's Admin; Wikipedia usage again; Google News; Cool AWB add-on; Globe and Mail: The Wiki business plan; Collaborative Media Network - Status update
- Archive 17
- Topics covered: Google news?; Reporters anywhere can participate in Phoenix Lander news conference(s); Journalism quality declining in US?; Admins; "Nobody's Safe in Cyber Space"; The Canadian Press on Wikinews and citizen journalism; Phoenix Lander; Credential reconfirmation; YouTube Wikinews; We have stats; No article left behind; Involvement of Journalism schools with Wikinews; Tips for Reporting on a conference; Recruitment and retention; Mobile Wikinews; Proposal to disable hotlinking
- Archive 18
- Topics covered: Wikipedia 'display case' page; Proposal for new verification method on WN; Anthrax case; Latest News on Wikipedia Article View Stats; It appears China has been cheating in gymnastics; Interview at Accra climate negotiations; possible COI Issues; Google Chrome...; Pet hates or gripes; Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the United Nations 2008; The Telegraph (UK) plagiarizes Wikipedia?; 700,000 edits; AutoArchiving; Getting more articles... a different approach; Freedom of Information request sent to US Department of Defense
- Archive 19
- Topics covered: SpinSpotter, the tool we should never need, Wikinewsie and, Mediawiki:Copyright, Add babel boxes to your user page, WikiVoices/Wikinews: talk about Wikinews and create an article in a real time environment today, Sitenotice, Fundraiser banner, New York City Proposition 8 Protest Photos, Wikinews:Great ideas has a live incoming link, "Message to Scientology" video, Dispute over addition of video to archive, Update template, CC-by content science and technology site, Overview of the year 2008, Australian stats, soon to be CC, File namespace, Picture of the year, Translated quotations, Getting other languages in Google news, Is Template:Xt obsolete?, Swearing on comments pages, Good news articles, Wikinews is interviewing the new Icelandic PM, Britannica interview, Interview with Jimmy Wales, BBC English test, Wikimania 2009, Editing the sidebar, Budget voice recorders, CallGraph for Skype, and interview transcribing, Main Page news ticker issues, Picture of the year 2008, Google News and Wikinews, Wikinews:Writing contest, Template:Image info, Wikinews business card, Reviewer user group, Minor oddity, Wikimania 2009: Scholarships, Category:Rugby, Audio Template(s), W:WP:TWINKLE, Editcountitis, Whoop!, GeoCities, Swine Flu Infobox, Reviving Wikinewsie Editors' Blog