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====The Swamp of Sorrows====
====The Swamp of Sorrows====
On the eastern side of the Deadwind Pass lies the [[Swamp of Sorrows]]. Unlike [[Dustwallow Marsh]] on Kalimdor, this fresh water swampland is green and teaming with life. Many rare herbs and plants can be found here. You just have to avoid the crocolisks.
On the eastern side of the Deadwind Pass lies the [[Swamp of Sorrows]]. Unlike [[Dustwallow Marsh]] on Kalimdor, this fresh water swampland is green and teeming with life. Many rare herbs and plants can be found here. You just have to avoid the crocolisks.

The Horde inhabit the town of [[Stonard]] in the south near the entrance to the Blasted Lands. A clan of [[Draenei]] that escaped the destruction of [[Draenor]] live in small villages in the [[Shifting Mire]]. In the east is the [[Pool of Tears]] and in this lake is the submerged Temple of [[Atal'Hakkar]]. Not long ago, the Trolls attempted to summon [[Hakkar]] the Soulflayer here in a dread ritual. The Green Dragon [[Aspect Ysera]] interrupted their summonings and sank the temple beneath the water. The dragons still guard the upper levels of the temple preventing the Trolls from trying another summoning.
The Horde inhabit the town of [[Stonard]] in the south near the entrance to the Blasted Lands. A clan of [[Draenei]] that escaped the destruction of [[Draenor]] live in small villages in the [[Shifting Mire]]. In the east is the [[Pool of Tears]] and in this lake is the submerged Temple of [[Atal'Hakkar]]. Not long ago, the Trolls attempted to summon [[Hakkar]] the Soulflayer here in a dread ritual. The Green Dragon [[Aspect Ysera]] interrupted their summonings and sank the temple beneath the water. The dragons still guard the upper levels of the temple preventing the Trolls from trying another summoning.

Revision as of 12:51, 15 September 2007


Map of the Eastern Kingdoms

The Eastern Kingdoms in the fantasy Warcraft Universe refer to the eastern land mass found in the World of Azeroth. The other two land masses are Northrend and Kalimdor.

There are four major countries within the Eastern Kingdoms:


Long ago, Azeroth consisted only of a massive continent, surrounded by a seemingly endless ocean. This landmass was called Kalimdor, meaning "the Land of Eternal Starlight", by the Night Elves, a nocturnal humanoid race that inhabited it. At the rough geographical center of the landmass stood the Well of Eternity crafted by the Titans, the creators of Azeroth. The Night Elves were lured to the Well of Eternity by its potent magical energies and eventually settled along its shores. As time passed, the Night Elven Queen, Azshara, ordered her personal assistants, the Quel'Dorei (or Highborne) to plumb the secrets of the well. The Highborne delved too deeply into the newly discovered arts of magic and triggered a huge invasion of demons from the Twisting Nether, the plane that connects all the worlds in the universe, and a tremendous battle between the demonic Burning Legion and the Night Elves followed. The Burning Legion was defeated in the end, but the Portal at the bottom of the Well buckled upon itself, triggering a cataclysmic explosion and splitting the land asunder. The seas rushed in to fill the massive crater and at its center, where the Well once stood, was the twisting cyclone called The Maelstrom; the single continent was thereafter divided into two sections, separated from one another by the sea and the Maelstrom. The Night Elves returned to the continent to the west completely unaware of land that existed across the seas. The northern half would become the kingdom of Lordaeron with the southern half sharing the planet's name, Azeroth. The residents of the Eastern Kingdoms were likewise ignorant of the existence of Kalimdor until the events chronicled in Warcraft III.


The Eastern Kingdoms are broken down into three areas.

  • The Dwarven kingdom of Khaz Modan, with its capital at Ironforge;
  • The Forsaken realm of Undercity, formerly the Human kingdom of Lordaeron; and
  • The Human kingdom of Azeroth with its capital at Stormwind Castle.


Lordaeron from World of Warcraft.


Beneath the former capital city of Loredaron rests the capital of the Forsaken, the great Undercity. Carved out of the royal crypts, Undercity is controlled by the Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner. Beneath the ruined castle, Sylvanas and the Royal Apothecary Society, are attempting to create a new plague, one that will wipe out not only the living, but the Undead Scourge as well.

Tirisfal Glades

The once green forests of Tirisfal Glades are no more, replaced with claw scarred trees and the walking dead. While much of humanity has fled this region, those that remain are members of the Scarlet Crusade, fighting ceaselessly against both the Scourge and the Forsaken with the hope of regaining the land and ending the undead threat. North of Undercity is the town of Brill and to Undercity's west, Deathknell, the Undead starting point in World of Warcraft.

Silverpine Forest

The Silverpine Forest to the far west of Undercity is where the Highborne elves first landed after leaving Kalimdor long ago, but is now home to various Forsaken outposts. This mountainous region is the main road south around Lordamere Lake, and is infested with wild beasts, hideous monsters and roving members of the Scourge.


Beyond the Greymane Wall and south of Silverpine forest is the nation of Gilneas. Gilneas is a highly resourceful nation and their supplies were greatly appreciated by the soldiers of the Second War. Since the coming of the Scourge and the rise of the Forsaken, the nation appears to have adopted a strict policy of isolationism, and NPC's as well as players in the World of Warcraft are unable to enter it; Though it is rumored it will be released as an instance in an expansion.

Alterac Mountains

The Alterac Mountains are an area of high elevation south of Lordamere Lake. Here resides the once great city of Alterac which has now been overrun by Ogres after the Alliance razed it during the events of Warcraft II. West of Alterac is the magically shielded city of Dalaran. Dalaran was destroyed by Archimonde during the Third War. Shortly after the Legion's fall on Kalimdor, Dalaran mages erected a giant shield around the city.

East of Alterac is the city of Strahnbrad. Once a thriving city, Strahnbrad is a ghost town and the base of operations for the nobles of the Syndicate. The Alliance Argent Dawn base, Chillwind Camp, can be found on the border between the mountains and the Plaguelands.

Hillsbrad Foothills

The area south of the Alterac Mountains is called the Hillsbrad Foothills. This area is under constant threat from the Scourge and the Forsaken along its northern borders. The three largest settlements are the human city of Hillsbrad to the west, the undead town of Tarren Mill in the north, close to the Alterac Mountains and the fishing town of Southshore on the southern shores.

Arathi Highlands

The Arathi Highlands are a vast region full of resources waiting for anyone to take them. The Battleground Arathi Basin is here and the Alliance and the Horde clash for these resources. Most notably of the area's landmarks is the battered Stromgarde Keep. Stromgarde fell to the Horde during the Second War with help from the Nobles of Alterac.

The Hinterlands

The Hinterlands are the home of the second ancient dwarven clan, the Wildhammers. Situated on Aerie Peak, the Wildhammers choose to live on the mountains rather than under them and raise and train native gryphons which were invaluable to the Alliance during the Second War. The Hinterlands has the largest concentration of Trolls in Lordaeron, and Troll ruins are everywhere.

The Plaguelands

The Plaguelands are broken down into two sections: The Western Plaguelands and the Eastern Plaguelands. Both are heavily controlled by Kel'Thuzad and the Scourge.

The Western Plaguelands will forever be known as the first region to fall to the plague of Undeath. The largest city in the region, Andorhal, was where Kel'Thuzad unleashed the Lich King's plague using the city's grain distribution routes. Now undead and diseased animals roam while the Scarlet Crusade maintains small bases in Hearthglen and Tyr's Hand.

The Eastern Plaguelands is the more dangerous of the Scourge controlled regions in the north. The once great city of Stratholme lies in the northern half. The city was a large oil producer for the Alliance during the First and Second War but the population was slaughtered and the city left in flames by Prince Arthas Menethil to prevent them from being turned into undead by the dreadlord Mal'Ganis. Now the Scarlet Crusade's leadership can be found here and they fight a never ending battle against the Scourge who control the other half of the burning city, while high above them Kel'Thuzad's personal citadel, Naxxramas, waits patiently for the Lich King's command.

Ghostlands + Eversong Woods

Through the northern mountains of the Eastern Plaguelands, one can enter The Ghostlands, home to the Highborne Elves. Quel'Thalas fell to the might of the Scourge led by the fallen paladin Arthas Menethil after having stood for two thousand years. The capital of Silvermoon was destroyed and the Sunwell, the source of the elves' magical power, was used to resurrect the lich, Kel'Thuzad. Rather than allow their lands to be controlled by the Scourge, the elves set fire to the forest when they abandoned their homeland.

Many of the surviving High Elves renamed themselves Blood Elves to honor their fallen elven brethren. The Blood Elves that were left behind when Prince Kael'thas and Illidan retreated back to Outland have regrown the forest and rebuilt their capital of Silvermoon. The path north has been cleared and access to the Ghostlands + Eversong Woods is possible with the release of the expansion.

Khaz Modan

Khaz Modan from World of Warcraft.

Khaz Modan, meaning "the mountains of Khaz" in the dwarven dialect, has long been the home of the Dwarves of Azeroth. Split into three clans - Wildhammers, Dark Irons and Bronzebeards - all three originated and called this area home prior to the The War of the Three Hammers.

Dun Morogh

Ringed on all sides by huge mountains, Dun Morogh is a snowy valley where the great dwarven city of Ironforge is found. The high elevation here keeps Dun Morogh a winterland all year round. The Dwarves have several outposts and camps throughout the region and dwarven patrols constantly walk the roads. Other than the devastated city of Gnomeregan, the other major settlement here is the dwarven city of Kharanos. Dwarven patrols have heralded Kharanos as a life saver, enjoying a hot ale after a long day's work at the local inn. A smaller outpost, Anvilmar, is to the south through a mountain pass into a southern depression called Coldridge Valley. Coldridge Valley is the starting area for both Gnomes and Dwarves. Dun Morogh is one of the most secure locations in all of the Alliance lands (with perhaps the exception of Teldrassil) but wolf and bear attacks are common.

Searing Gorge

The Searing Gorge is a hot, bleak, volcanic region south of Dun Morogh and north of the Burning Steppes. The Searing Gorge was created when the Dark Iron king inadvertently summoned the Fire Lord Ragnaros into the world at the end of the War of the Three Hammers. The Dark Irons and their master, Ragnaros, live within Blackrock Mountain in the south. The Black dragonflight, led by the black dragon Nefarian, controls the upper part of Blackwing Spire from inside the blackwing lair. There, with the help of the Blackrock orcs, he hopes to revive the black dragon flight and unleash a new dragon flight upon the world. To the north lies a giant excavation pit known as the Cauldron where the Dark Iron dwarves get the metal needed to build their war golems.


The Badlands are a dusty, dry region south of Loch Modan. A stark contrast to the green lands of the Loch, temperatures in the Badlands rival those found in Tanaris and many creatures here are accustomed to the heat. Cacti mark the spots where one could find underground water but there is more rock than life here.

Loch Modan

East of the snowy lands of Dun Morogh is the temperate region of Loch Modan. Directly in the center of the region is the largest fresh water lake on Azeroth, the Loch itself, and to the north, one of the greatest engineering feats of the Dwarven nation, the Stonewrought Dam.


The Wetlands, which sits below the mountains of Ironforge, is the location for one of the main ports for the Alliance at Menethil Harbor.

The region is a humid swamp crawling with crocolisks, murlocs, and raptors.



Stormwind Castle is the last bastion of the humans of Azeroth in the east. Many survivors of the plague-infested lands of Lordearon have retreated here. Formerly ruled by King Varian Wrynn (who was kidnapped by The Defias), Wrynn's young son Anduin has recently been placed on the throne. The crowning happened so quickly that many in Stormwind do not know that Anduin is now King and the switch is quietly discussed in dark corners.

Stormwind was ravaged by the Horde during the First War. At the end of the Second War, King Terenas of Lordearon created a new tax to help pay for the rebuilding of Stormwind. The Stonemasons Guild accepted the charge but when the time came to pay the Stonemasons, the nobles of Stormwind refused and ordered the guild to leave. Their leader, Edwin Van Cleef, swore revenge on the nobles and now runs the outlaws called the Defias Brotherhood.

Elwynn Forest

The tall trees of Elwynn Forest serve as the starting point in the game for the humans of the Alliance. Having suffered much during the First War, the newly rebuilt Stormwind stands as a testament to the human spirit. The nearby Northshire Abbey and the town of Goldshire benefit from Stormwind's protection. The Lion's Pride Inn in Goldshire turns a tidy profit, being not just the only major inn for the area, but also being just across the path from the location of the Darkmoon Faire whenever it visits the Eastern Kingdoms.


In World of Warcraft, Westfall is a golden prairie along the western cost of Azeroth. Across a river to the east are Elwynn Forest and Duskwood, and beyond the southern mountains lies Stranglethorn Vale. Westfall contains several farms, only one of which (the Saldeans') is still inhabited. The other farms have all been overrun, abandoned, or burned. The Alliance-held tower of Sentinel Hill dominates the center of the prairie, accompanied by an inn and lumber mill.

Mechanical scarecrows known as harvest watchers rampage through all the fields of Westfall, destroying crops and making farming impossible. Riverpaw gnolls have set up camps all along the coast and in certain inland regions, and murlocs infest the entire coastline. The Defias have a very strong presence here, due mostly to the fact that Edwin VanCleef, the Defias kingpin, resides in a secret pirate cave beneath the Defias-controlled village of Moonbrook. This warren of tunnels, known as the Deadmines, provides the Defias with metal for weapons and armor. Also, because of the Stormwind Army not providing troops, Gryan Stoutmantle, a paladin, created The People's Militia to protect Sentinel Hill from invading Defias Gang Members, and the mechanical monsters.

Westfall contains two other mines: the Jangolode Mine in the north, and the Gold Coast Quarry in the west. Its fauna include vultures, wolves, and goretusk boars.

Redridge Mountains

The Redridge Mountains, once a vacation spot for the well-to-do, is now a region of strife. The town of Lakeshire is under constant threat from not only the mountain gnolls, but from the Orcs who occupy Stonewatch Keep. The Orcs, which do not recognize the authority of the Warchief Thrall, have already damaged the main bridge that crosses Lake Everstill. If the bridge is destroyed, Lakeshire will be cut off from the east. The situation is made worse by the fact that Stormwind has recalled the majority of its forces from the region leaving only a small contingent of soldiers. Lakeshire's mayor is desperate for aid and writes to anyone who might help keep his town safe.


The thick forest area across the river south of Elwynn Forest was once referred to by a different name. But now, people call this region Duskwood. Duskwood is a cursed land with a canopy of trees so thick that the sun cannot penetrate it or the gloom below. The negative energies that creep in from the east are causing the dead to rise from their graves and the fear they create is overwhelming. As a result of Stormwind removing their forces from the area, the town of Darkshire has created the Nightwatch, townsfolk banded together to fight back against the Undead and keep the town safe.

Stranglethorn Vale

Covering much of the southern tip of the Eastern Continent is the rain forest of Stranglethorn Vale. It rains here quite frequently and the plant life grows large and in great variety. The Trolls are the dominate species of the region still living amongst the many ancient troll ruins. The Darkspear Trolls originated from these jungles but several Troll clans call this place home. An interesting location in Stranglethorn Vale is the Gurubashi Arena. Once a gladiatorial pit for the Troll's entertainment, a goblin pirate named Sir John Mithril hosts a contest where he invites all to claim his treasure. The Arena allows player to fight player regardless of their faction. Stranglethorn Vale also houses a large and very important port, Booty Bay, giving players here rest and endless trips to Rachet.

Deadwind Pass

"Abandon all hope ye who enter here" are the words scrawled upon the signs as you travel east from Duskwood along the Deadwind Pass. There is no hope in this region and little of anything else. Once the home of the sorcerer Medivh, this region was warped by his magical research and the land has literally been drained of life. The trees are petrified and the soil is as dead as the rocky mountains that surround the place. This corruption is slowly moving into Duskwood and is the source of Duskwood's curse.

The Swamp of Sorrows

On the eastern side of the Deadwind Pass lies the Swamp of Sorrows. Unlike Dustwallow Marsh on Kalimdor, this fresh water swampland is green and teeming with life. Many rare herbs and plants can be found here. You just have to avoid the crocolisks.

The Horde inhabit the town of Stonard in the south near the entrance to the Blasted Lands. A clan of Draenei that escaped the destruction of Draenor live in small villages in the Shifting Mire. In the east is the Pool of Tears and in this lake is the submerged Temple of Atal'Hakkar. Not long ago, the Trolls attempted to summon Hakkar the Soulflayer here in a dread ritual. The Green Dragon Aspect Ysera interrupted their summonings and sank the temple beneath the water. The dragons still guard the upper levels of the temple preventing the Trolls from trying another summoning.

The Blasted Lands

This desolate region south of the Swamp of Sorrows used to be a dank marshland called the Black Morass. Now it is a dry desert of red clay. Despite the unpleasantness of the region, it is perhaps the single most important land in all of Azeroth. It is given this singular distinction by the presence of one structure: the Dark Portal.

Burning Steppes, The

Formed when the Dark Iron Dwarves summoned the Fire Lord Ragnaros, this area is covered with ash and lava rivers. The remains of the dwarven city of Thaurissan can be found here along with a large Blackrock orc encampment. Various dragons from the black dragon flight can be found roaming around waiting for any foolish adventurer. The southern entrance to Blackrock Mountain is located here as well.
