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- wish to imagine a state beyond the colour, and so living spaces are often painted green. Evidence suggests that colour can be used to symbolise emotion...29 KB (4,570 words) - 07:51, 24 August 2016
- infancy. Most living species occur in Australia, New Guinea, and nearby islands, but there are also many species in the Americas. COLOUR VISION Like humans...3 KB (212 words) - 03:04, 25 February 2018
- making up your body, the flavour of your morning coffee, the dyes that colour your clothes, the soap in your shampoo, the sugar in what you eat! These...5 KB (540 words) - 12:23, 16 April 2023
- For example, {{../Rd|Left Wing}} yields Left Wing, and is needed to colour in items for entities that no longer, or never did, exist. This template...6 KB (503 words) - 12:07, 6 October 2017
- the surrounding tissue. Enzymes in the fluid cause damage, blistering and colour changes. Putrefaction is when oxygen has been depleted by the natural microorganisms...6 KB (930 words) - 05:34, 24 June 2023
- Environmental design for people living with dementia: What aspects of environmental design are important for the well-being of PLWD? Dementia is an umbrella...17 KB (2,086 words) - 15:52, 1 June 2020
- these former citizens of Mexico in terms of race." "This continued with the colour-bound 1991 Census categories, the heavy emphasis on race being constructed...17 KB (1,857 words) - 03:28, 23 November 2020
- ideas: Fruits/veggies place correct number of items in labelled bushel or by colour for toddler age. Baking activity follow directions and ingredient list to...13 KB (2,049 words) - 00:17, 26 January 2020
- The Colour of Stars. Australian Telescope Outreach and Education. KB (10,704 words) - 04:11, 5 December 2020
- constructed to explain the basis for colour vision. Hering proposed that there are three independent variables for colour vision, those being three pairs of...19 KB (2,357 words) - 02:25, 17 October 2021
- of the green children of Woolpit concerns two children of unusual skin colour who reportedly appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England, some...25 KB (3,378 words) - 01:53, 27 August 2019
- Psychology, Goldsmiths University of London is interested in the way we remember colour and its influence on recognition. Brad Duchaine Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience...15 KB (1,653 words) - 17:40, 6 June 2019
- two-dimensional distributions of the polarization angle and of the relative colour index. [Eclipse] observations are an efficient method to measure the electron-scattering...22 KB (2,810 words) - 20:47, 30 November 2020
- less easily decomposed compounds, such as lignin and tannin, impart a dark colour to soils containing a significant organic matter content. The decomposition...9 KB (1,479 words) - 09:24, 4 April 2020
- Commercial diving/Diving physics (section Colour)light), colour and contrast. Illumination is the presence of light, and generally refers to the quality and quantity of light in terms of colour and intensity...29 KB (3,892 words) - 03:29, 9 October 2020
- birds, etc. the ghastly killing of humans by humans in the name of caste, colour, creed and nationality has increased manifold. Apart from killing the members...7 KB (1,240 words) - 16:38, 28 June 2016
- an Alu element, "implicating the role of Alu in the evolution of three colour vision." "A GC box sequence, one of the most common regulatory DNA elements...26 KB (3,232 words) - 23:28, 23 November 2020
- SURVIVAL_COLOUR=Colour($10+SURVIVAL_PLAYER) For I=1 To 6 : PL_RGB(I)=_PLAYER_GREY_COLOUR(I) : Next I PL_RGB(SURVIVAL_PLAYER)=SURVIVAL_COLOUR Fade 1,,...157 KB (21,329 words) - 08:42, 25 December 2023
- oldest branches of science. Today botanists study about 400,000 species of living organisms." Examples from primary sources are to be used to prove or disprove...42 KB (4,743 words) - 11:40, 6 June 2023
- thought to be "ginger" or have red hair. As well as having this distinct hair colour, of which there are many variations, they are also thought to have blue...15 KB (2,433 words) - 21:36, 2 September 2016