人/derived terms

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This page contains derived terms for . See the main entry for more information.



Glyph origin

Historical forms of the character
Shang Western Zhou Spring and Autumn Warring States Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) Hanjian (compiled in Song) Guwen Sishengyun (compiled in Song) Jizhuan Guwen Yunhai (compiled in Song) Liushutong (compiled in Ming) Libian (compiled in Qing) Tang Stone Classics Kangxi Dictionary (compiled in Qing)
Bronze inscriptions Oracle bone script Bronze inscriptions Oracle bone script Bronze inscriptions Bronze inscriptions Chu slip and silk script Qin slip script Odd character Small seal script Transcribed ancient scripts Transcribed ancient scripts Transcribed ancient scripts Transcribed ancient scripts Clerical script Regular script Ming typeface


Mostly from Richard Sears' Chinese Etymology site (authorisation),
which in turn draws data from various collections of ancient forms of Chinese characters, including:

  • Shuowen Jiezi (small seal),
  • Jinwen Bian (bronze inscriptions),
  • Liushutong (Liushutong characters) and
  • Yinxu Jiaguwen Bian (oracle bone script).

Pictogram (象形) – side view of a standing man, highlighting the arms and legs. Compare .

Person (Chinese)

Compounds of 人 ("man, person", etc).

Person (2) (Chinese)

Compounds of 人 ("man; person; people; human being; Homo sapiens").



Kanji (Japanese)

Compounds of 人 (kanji).

Person (Japanese)

Compounds of 人 ("person, human", etc).

Personality (Japanese)

Compounds of 人 ("personality; role of a person").

Counter (Japanese)

Japanese number-counter combinations for
1 2 3 4 5
(ひと)() (hitori)
(いち)(にん) (ichinin)
(ふた)() (futari)
()(にん) (ninin)
(さん)(にん) (sannin)
()(たり) (mitari)
()(にん) (yonin)
()(たり) (yotari)
(よっ)(たり) (yottari)
()(にん) (gonin)
(いつ)(たり) (itsutari)
6 7 8 9 10
(ろく)(にん) (rokunin)
()(たり) (mutari)
(むゆ)(たり) (muyutari)
(しち)(にん) (shichinin)
(なな)(にん) (nananin)
(なな)(たり) (nanatari)
(はち)(にん) (hachinin)
()(たり) (yatari)
()(にん) (kunin)
(きゅう)(にん) (kyūnin)
(ここの)(たり) (kokonotari)
(じゅう)(にん) (jūnin)
()(たり) (totari)
20 100 1,000 10,000 How many?
()(じゅう)(にん) (nijūnin)
廿(にじゅう)(にん) (nijūnin)
二十(はた)(たり) (hatatari)
廿(はた)(たり) (hatatari)
(ひゃく)(にん) (hyakunin)
(もも)(たり) (momotari)
(せん)(にん) (sennin)
()(たり) (chitari)
(いち)(まん)(にん) (ichimannin)
(まん)(にん) (mannin)
(ばん)(にん) (bannin)
(なん)(にん) (nannin)
(いく)(にん) (ikunin)
(いく)(たり) (ikutari)

Counter (2) (Japanese)

Derived terms of 人 (counter).

Person from group (Japanese)

Compounds of 人 ("person from that group").



Person (Korean)

Compounds of 人 ("human, person", etc).



Kanji (Okinawan)


Person (Okinawan)

Derived terms

Person (2) (Okinawan)

Derived terms

Type of person (Okinawan)

Derived terms

Counter (Okinawan)

Derived terms

Counter (2) (Okinawan)

Derived terms

Counter (3) (Okinawan)

Derived terms