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-chesha (infinitive kuchesha)

  1. Causative form of -cha: to scare
  2. (obsolete) Causative form of -cheka: to make someone laugh
    Synonym: -chekesha


Conjugation of -chesha
Positive present -nachesha
Subjunctive -cheshe
Negative -cheshi
Imperative singular chesha
Positive kuchesha
Negative kutochesha
Singular chesha
Plural chesheni
Tensed forms
Habitual huchesha
Positive past positive subject concord + -lichesha
Negative past negative subject concord + -kuchesha
Positive present (positive subject concord + -nachesha)
Singular Plural
1st person ninachesha/nachesha tunachesha
2nd person unachesha mnachesha
3rd person m-wa(I/II) anachesha wanachesha
other classes positive subject concord + -nachesha
Negative present (negative subject concord + -cheshi)
Singular Plural
1st person sicheshi hatucheshi
2nd person hucheshi hamcheshi
3rd person m-wa(I/II) hacheshi hawacheshi
other classes negative subject concord + -cheshi
Positive future positive subject concord + -tachesha
Negative future negative subject concord + -tachesha
Positive subjunctive (positive subject concord + -cheshe)
Singular Plural
1st person nicheshe tucheshe
2nd person ucheshe mcheshe
3rd person m-wa(I/II) acheshe wacheshe
other classes positive subject concord + -cheshe
Negative subjunctive positive subject concord + -sicheshe
Positive present conditional positive subject concord + -ngechesha
Negative present conditional positive subject concord + -singechesha
Positive past conditional positive subject concord + -ngalichesha
Negative past conditional positive subject concord + -singalichesha
Gnomic (positive subject concord + -achesha)
Singular Plural
1st person nachesha twachesha
2nd person wachesha mwachesha
3rd person m-wa(I/II) achesha wachesha
m-mi(III/IV) wachesha yachesha
ji-ma(V/VI) lachesha yachesha
ki-vi(VII/VIII) chachesha vyachesha
n(IX/X) yachesha zachesha
u(XI) wachesha see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) kwachesha
pa(XVI) pachesha
mu(XVIII) mwachesha
Perfect positive subject concord + -mechesha
"Already" positive subject concord + -meshachesha
"Not yet" negative subject concord + -jachesha
"If/When" positive subject concord + -kichesha
"If not" positive subject concord + -sipochesha
Consecutive kachesha / positive subject concord + -kachesha
Consecutive subjunctive positive subject concord + -kacheshe
Object concord (indicative positive)
Singular Plural
1st person -nichesha -tuchesha
2nd person -kuchesha -wachesha/-kuchesheni/-wachesheni
3rd person m-wa(I/II) -mchesha -wachesha
m-mi(III/IV) -uchesha -ichesha
ji-ma(V/VI) -lichesha -yachesha
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -kichesha -vichesha
n(IX/X) -ichesha -zichesha
u(XI) -uchesha see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kuchesha
pa(XVI) -pachesha
mu(XVIII) -muchesha
Reflexive -jichesha
Relative forms
General positive (positive subject concord + (object concord) + -chesha- + relative marker)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -cheshaye -cheshao
m-mi(III/IV) -cheshao -cheshayo
ji-ma(V/VI) -cheshalo -cheshayo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -cheshacho -cheshavyo
n(IX/X) -cheshayo -cheshazo
u(XI) -cheshao see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -cheshako
pa(XVI) -cheshapo
mu(XVIII) -cheshamo
Other forms (subject concord + tense marker + relative marker + (object concord) + -chesha)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -yechesha -ochesha
m-mi(III/IV) -ochesha -yochesha
ji-ma(V/VI) -lochesha -yochesha
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -chochesha -vyochesha
n(IX/X) -yochesha -zochesha
u(XI) -ochesha see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kochesha
pa(XVI) -pochesha
mu(XVIII) -mochesha
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. See Appendix:Swahili verbs for more information.

Derived terms
