Borsipo aŭ Borsippa (en sumera: BAD.SI.(A).AB.BAKI; en akada: Barsip kaj Til-Barsip)[1] aŭ Birs Nimrud (identigita kun Nimrod) estas arkeologia kuŝejo en Gubernio Babil, Irako. La zigurato estas nuntempe unu el la plej klare identigeblaj survivantaj, identigita en la posta kulturo de Araboj kun la Babela turo. Tamen, moderna fakularo konkludas, ke la konstruistoj sumer-akadaj de la Zigurato reale starigis ĝin kiel religia konstruaĵo honore de la loka dio Nabu, nomita la "filo" de la Babilona Marduk, kio estus pli taŭga por malgranda fraturbo de Babilono.
Borsipo estis grava antikva urbo de Sumero, konstruita ambaŭflanke de lago ĉirkaŭ 17.7 km sudokcidente de Babilono sur la orienta bordo de Eŭfrato.
La origina antikva gipsa cemento inter koto-brikoj, Borsipo, Babil, Irako
Stamped mud-brick from the ziggurat and temple of Nabu at Borsippa, Iraq, 6th century BC
Ruins around the ziggurat and temple of the god Nabu at Borsippa, Babel Governorate, Iraq
Original tiles at the upper surface of the ziggurat and temple of Nabu at Borsippa, Iraq
The upper surface of the ruins of the ziggurat and temple of Nabu at Borsippa, Iraq
Modern cement covering ancient bricks at the upper surface of the ziggurat and temple of Nabu, Borsippa, Iraq
Ruins of the lower part of the ziggurat and temple of Nabu at Borsippa, Babel Governorate, Iraq
Stamped mud-brick from the ziggurat and temple of Nabu, Borsippa, Iraq
The upper part of the Tongue Tower of the ziggurat and temple of Nabu at Borsippa, Iraq
The ruins of the so-called Tongue Tower of the ziggurat and temple of the god Nabu at Borsippa, Babel Governorate, Iraq. 6th century BC
The ruins of the so-called Tongue Tower of the ziggurat of Nabu at Borsippa, Babel Governorate, Iraq. 6th century BC
The ruins of the so-called Tongue Tower of the ziggurat and temple of Nabu at Borsippa, Iraq
Ruins of the ziggurat and temple of god Nabu, Borsippa, Babel Governorate, Iraq, sixth century BC
Ruins of the ziggurat and temple of god Nabu at Borsippa, Babel Governorate, Iraq
Koordinatoj: 32° 23′ 31.19″ N 44° 20′ 30.08″ O / 32.3919972 °N, 44.3416889 °O (mapo)
- ↑ The Cambridge Ancient History: Prolegomena & Prehistory: Vol. 1, Part 1. Akirita la 15a de Decembro 2010.
- G. Frame, The "First Families" of Borsippa during the Early Neo-Babylonian Period, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 67–80, 1984
- John P. Peters, The Tower of Babel at Borsippa, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 41, pp. 157–159, 1921
- Francis Joannes, Archives de Borsippa la famille Ea-Iluta-Bani : etude d'un lot d'archives familiales en Babylonie du VIIIe au Ve siecle av. J.-C, Droz, 1989
- Susan Sherwin-White, Aspects of Seleucid Royal Ideology: The Cylinder of Antiochus I from Borsippa, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 111, pp. 71–86, 1991
- Caroline Waerzeggers, The Carians of Borsippa, Iraq, vol. 68, pp. 1–22, 2006
- Caroline Waerzeggers, The Ezida temple of Borsippa Priesthood, cult, archives (Achaemenid History vol. 15), Leiden, 2010 (ISBN 978-90-6258-415-4)