Papers by Iryna Lystopad
The article is designated to estimate the potential of Ukrainian language for the creation of the... more The article is designated to estimate the potential of Ukrainian language for the creation of the new and activation of the old philosophical terminology in order to accomplish the first translation of “Categories” of Aristotle in Ukrainian. Author treats peculiarities of original Aristotle’s vocabulary, its Latin interpretation made by Boethius and theirs Ukrainians analogues. Article consists of short introduction where the history of Ukrainian translation of Aristotle is shortly treated, the observation of the mains metaphysical terms of Aristotelian logic (substance, subject, predicate, etc.) and of the categories themselves (quantity, quality, relation, etc.).
Abstract: The first Ukrainian translation of the work of Achard of Saint-Victor 'De unit... more Abstract: The first Ukrainian translation of the work of Achard of Saint-Victor 'De unitate Dei et pluralitate creaturam' is proposed. Translator also adds commentary consisting of two parts. In the first part, author describes circumstances of the life of Achard of Saint-Victor, his place ...
Talks by Iryna Lystopad

In my presentation I will consider certain solutions of the Trinitarian problem (that is the exis... more In my presentation I will consider certain solutions of the Trinitarian problem (that is the existence of three persons in one substance) on the material of XII century theological treatises. I will examine two main problems: the conciliation of divine unity and three persons, the proceeding of the Son from the Father, and the Holy Spirit from them both. I am going to start from the sources of XIIth century discussion, and then I’ll briefly articulate two positions which I characterize as the analogies and mathematical approach (whereas Thierry of Chartres himself calls his approach mathematical, the method used by Augustine and later by Abelard was called the method of analogies by modern researchers, in spite of the fact that neither Augustine nor Abelard uses term analogy in their works, so it is more appropriate to talk about method of comparisons rather than method of analogies).
Conference Presentations by Iryna Lystopad

Iryna Lystopad analyse l’emploi de la doctrine de la prédication dans le De unitate d’Achard de S... more Iryna Lystopad analyse l’emploi de la doctrine de la prédication dans le De unitate d’Achard de Saint-Victor. Elle expose d’abord la doctrine de la prédication d’Aristote (Catégories, 2b5-7). Elle souligne l’importance de la différence entre les deux types de prédication explicités par John Marenbon : la prédication intra- et extracategorielle. Ensuite, Mlle Lystopad démontre qu’Augustin dans son De Trinitate utilise implicitement ces deux types de prédication. Ceci afin d’expliquer la relation des qualités dans le monde (blanc à la blancheur, VII, I, 2) et dans la nature de Dieu (Sagesse ou Puissance à Dieu, XV, V, 8 et VI, VII, 9). Dans le dernier cas, la doctrine est modifiée car elle est appliquée à la nature de Dieu ontologiquement différente de celle du monde. Enfin, l’auteur analyse le texte d’Achard de Saint-Victor pour démontrer qu’il réutilise l’ontologie et la terminologie d’Augustin. Elle demontre que cela permet à Achard d’expliquer la pluralité des personnes et l’unité de la nature de Dieu. De cette manière, Mlle Lystopad étudie la modification de la doctrine aristotélique de la prédication au sein de l’ontologie platonicienne.
In this paper, the influence of the Platonist theory of ideas on the work of twelfth-century phil... more In this paper, the influence of the Platonist theory of ideas on the work of twelfth-century philosopher, Achard of Saint-Victor, is examined. In order to do this, we primarily describe the development of the theory of ideas by Plato’s followers. Special attention is put to Latin authors known at the XIIth century (Seneca, Augustine, Eriugena, and Boethius). Secondly, their views are compared with the doctrine of Achard of Saint-Victor. It permits the audience to see the origin of such Achard’s concepts as eternal reasons, First Form, idea and eidos. The paper relies on the previous research of Marie-Dominique, Chenu, John Marenbon, and Stephen Gersh. The established results will serve to complete the image of the twelfth-century Platonism, and to see one of the XIIth century modifications of the theory of ideas.
Drafts by Iryna Lystopad
Chers amis,
J’ai l'honneur de vous convier à mon intervention au séminaire de Nicolas Weill-Par... more Chers amis,
J’ai l'honneur de vous convier à mon intervention au séminaire de Nicolas Weill-Parot à l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes "Histoire des sciences dans l'Occident médiéval",
Intitulée :
"Le statut des êtres individuels dans la philosophie des victorins : Hugues et Achard"
D’après ma thèse de doctorat, soutenu le 17 décembre 2016
Le séminaire se déroulera le 30 mai de 18h à 20h,
dans des locaux de l'EPHE à la Sorbonne, 45-47 rue des Ecoles 75005 Paris, escalier E, 1er étage à droite, salle D059
L’intervention aura lieu durant la deuxième partie de la séance
ATTENTION : pour des raisons de sécurité, il faut présenter à l'entrée de la Sorbonne une carte professionnelle, une carte d'étudiant, une carte de bibliothèque ou un autre justificatif.

The main goal of this dissertation is to describe how Achard of Saint-Victor uses Medio and Neopl... more The main goal of this dissertation is to describe how Achard of Saint-Victor uses Medio and Neoplatonic doctrines in his treatise De unitate et pluralitate creaturarum in order to answer the question about unity and plurality of God and his creatures. This will lead to a better comprehension of the role of platonic metaphysics in the doctrine of the school of St. Victor despite the weak presence of Plato’s heritage in the XIIth century.
In the first part of the thesis, I introduce Achard’s philosophy and the paleographical and philological problems posed by the only manuscript of the De unitate. Then I consider the elements of the treatise (questions, doctrines, notions) which were borrowed from Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism.
The two other parts are dedicated to the examination of the possibility of a plurality in God (persons and reasons in the Word of God) and in the world (as it is conceived by God through form-prototypes). In each part, I examine the way that main thinkers of Late Antiquity and High Middle Ages (Apuleius, Augustin, Chalcidius, Boethius, Erigena) and the Victorins (Hugues and Richard) absorbed the platonic doctrines described in the first part of my dissertation. At the end of each part, I propose the reconstruction of Achard’s development of those doctrines.
This dissertation contributes to two problems of the history of philosophy: what Platonic doctrines and sources were received in the XIIth century and what is the place of the Platonic heritage in Victorin thought. The philosophical problems of the multiplication of intelligible and sensible objects, of the definition of things and of the identity of beings are also addressed.

The main goal of this dissertation is to describe how Achard of Saint-Victor uses Medio and Neopl... more The main goal of this dissertation is to describe how Achard of Saint-Victor uses Medio and Neoplatonic doctrines in his treatise De unitate et pluralitate creaturarum in order to answer the question about unity and plurality of God and his creatures. This will lead to a better comprehension of the role of platonic metaphysics in the doctrine of the school of St. Victor despite the weak presence of Plato’s heritage in the XIIth century.
In the first part of the thesis, I introduce Achard’s philosophy and the paleographical and philological problems posed by the only manuscript of the De unitate. Then I consider the elements of the treatise (questions, doctrines, notions) which were borrowed from Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism.
The two other parts are dedicated to the examination of the possibility of a plurality in God (persons and reasons in the Word of God) and in the world (as it is conceived by God through form-prototypes). In each part, I examine the way that main thinkers of Late Antiquity and High Middle Ages (Apuleius, Augustin, Chalcidius, Boethius, Erigena) and the Victorins (Hugues and Richard) absorbed the platonic doctrines described in the first part of my dissertation. At the end of each part, I propose the reconstruction of Achard’s development of those doctrines.
This dissertation contributes to two problems of the history of philosophy: what Platonic doctrines and sources were received in the XIIth century and what is the place of the Platonic heritage in Victorin thought. The philosophical problems of the multiplication of intelligible and sensible objects, of the definition of things and of the identity of beings are also addressed.
Papers by Iryna Lystopad
Talks by Iryna Lystopad
Conference Presentations by Iryna Lystopad
Drafts by Iryna Lystopad
J’ai l'honneur de vous convier à mon intervention au séminaire de Nicolas Weill-Parot à l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes "Histoire des sciences dans l'Occident médiéval",
Intitulée :
"Le statut des êtres individuels dans la philosophie des victorins : Hugues et Achard"
D’après ma thèse de doctorat, soutenu le 17 décembre 2016
Le séminaire se déroulera le 30 mai de 18h à 20h,
dans des locaux de l'EPHE à la Sorbonne, 45-47 rue des Ecoles 75005 Paris, escalier E, 1er étage à droite, salle D059
L’intervention aura lieu durant la deuxième partie de la séance
ATTENTION : pour des raisons de sécurité, il faut présenter à l'entrée de la Sorbonne une carte professionnelle, une carte d'étudiant, une carte de bibliothèque ou un autre justificatif.
In the first part of the thesis, I introduce Achard’s philosophy and the paleographical and philological problems posed by the only manuscript of the De unitate. Then I consider the elements of the treatise (questions, doctrines, notions) which were borrowed from Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism.
The two other parts are dedicated to the examination of the possibility of a plurality in God (persons and reasons in the Word of God) and in the world (as it is conceived by God through form-prototypes). In each part, I examine the way that main thinkers of Late Antiquity and High Middle Ages (Apuleius, Augustin, Chalcidius, Boethius, Erigena) and the Victorins (Hugues and Richard) absorbed the platonic doctrines described in the first part of my dissertation. At the end of each part, I propose the reconstruction of Achard’s development of those doctrines.
This dissertation contributes to two problems of the history of philosophy: what Platonic doctrines and sources were received in the XIIth century and what is the place of the Platonic heritage in Victorin thought. The philosophical problems of the multiplication of intelligible and sensible objects, of the definition of things and of the identity of beings are also addressed.
In the first part of the thesis, I introduce Achard’s philosophy and the paleographical and philological problems posed by the only manuscript of the De unitate. Then I consider the elements of the treatise (questions, doctrines, notions) which were borrowed from Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism.
The two other parts are dedicated to the examination of the possibility of a plurality in God (persons and reasons in the Word of God) and in the world (as it is conceived by God through form-prototypes). In each part, I examine the way that main thinkers of Late Antiquity and High Middle Ages (Apuleius, Augustin, Chalcidius, Boethius, Erigena) and the Victorins (Hugues and Richard) absorbed the platonic doctrines described in the first part of my dissertation. At the end of each part, I propose the reconstruction of Achard’s development of those doctrines.
This dissertation contributes to two problems of the history of philosophy: what Platonic doctrines and sources were received in the XIIth century and what is the place of the Platonic heritage in Victorin thought. The philosophical problems of the multiplication of intelligible and sensible objects, of the definition of things and of the identity of beings are also addressed.
J’ai l'honneur de vous convier à mon intervention au séminaire de Nicolas Weill-Parot à l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes "Histoire des sciences dans l'Occident médiéval",
Intitulée :
"Le statut des êtres individuels dans la philosophie des victorins : Hugues et Achard"
D’après ma thèse de doctorat, soutenu le 17 décembre 2016
Le séminaire se déroulera le 30 mai de 18h à 20h,
dans des locaux de l'EPHE à la Sorbonne, 45-47 rue des Ecoles 75005 Paris, escalier E, 1er étage à droite, salle D059
L’intervention aura lieu durant la deuxième partie de la séance
ATTENTION : pour des raisons de sécurité, il faut présenter à l'entrée de la Sorbonne une carte professionnelle, une carte d'étudiant, une carte de bibliothèque ou un autre justificatif.
In the first part of the thesis, I introduce Achard’s philosophy and the paleographical and philological problems posed by the only manuscript of the De unitate. Then I consider the elements of the treatise (questions, doctrines, notions) which were borrowed from Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism.
The two other parts are dedicated to the examination of the possibility of a plurality in God (persons and reasons in the Word of God) and in the world (as it is conceived by God through form-prototypes). In each part, I examine the way that main thinkers of Late Antiquity and High Middle Ages (Apuleius, Augustin, Chalcidius, Boethius, Erigena) and the Victorins (Hugues and Richard) absorbed the platonic doctrines described in the first part of my dissertation. At the end of each part, I propose the reconstruction of Achard’s development of those doctrines.
This dissertation contributes to two problems of the history of philosophy: what Platonic doctrines and sources were received in the XIIth century and what is the place of the Platonic heritage in Victorin thought. The philosophical problems of the multiplication of intelligible and sensible objects, of the definition of things and of the identity of beings are also addressed.
In the first part of the thesis, I introduce Achard’s philosophy and the paleographical and philological problems posed by the only manuscript of the De unitate. Then I consider the elements of the treatise (questions, doctrines, notions) which were borrowed from Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism.
The two other parts are dedicated to the examination of the possibility of a plurality in God (persons and reasons in the Word of God) and in the world (as it is conceived by God through form-prototypes). In each part, I examine the way that main thinkers of Late Antiquity and High Middle Ages (Apuleius, Augustin, Chalcidius, Boethius, Erigena) and the Victorins (Hugues and Richard) absorbed the platonic doctrines described in the first part of my dissertation. At the end of each part, I propose the reconstruction of Achard’s development of those doctrines.
This dissertation contributes to two problems of the history of philosophy: what Platonic doctrines and sources were received in the XIIth century and what is the place of the Platonic heritage in Victorin thought. The philosophical problems of the multiplication of intelligible and sensible objects, of the definition of things and of the identity of beings are also addressed.