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Libro electrónico53 páginas27 minutos


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Es un escrito que te pondrá a pensar. Además, mientras lo lees, tu subconsciente se podrá entretener con las ilustraciones subliminales que tu mente consciente poco entenderá. O puede que las entiendas en un sueño venidero...

Acompaña a nuestro protagonista a través de los diversos ambientes energéticos que deberá cruzar, antes de convertirse en el único ser con libre albedrío en un mundo completamente automatizado.

Favor abstenerse de leerlo quienes tengan tendencias psicóticas, personas con glaucoma o claustrofobia, o individuos con síntomas de esquizofrenia. ;-)

EditorialFrank Desmedt
Fecha de lanzamiento19 abr 2017

Frank Desmedt

IN ENGLISH - (EN ESPAÑOL, MÁS ABAJO) I'm sort of a three-way hybrid. My family upbringing was definitely European (Belgian), my early teen-age years were enjoyably influenced by the American way of life (Glendale, California), at the beginning of the Rock 'n Roll era (anybody remember?), and the rest of my life exposed me to the fast-paced Latin American culture (Venezuela and the Caribbean islands). This gave me the order and discipline of the European, the modern vision and progressive imagination of an American, and the animated soul of a Latino. By trade, I'm a Computer Systems Engineer, who specialized in setting up systems for large, high-rise hotels in Latin America. For the past 29+ years, after investigating many fields and debunking a lot of information, I've been designing a system that I named ASTRONICA (very little in common with classic Astrology). In short, it's a technique that anyone can use to (1) get to know their true inborn attributes, qualities and skills, and (2) to determine the ongoing conditions (exocauses) that inevitably influence us and our environment, at any given time or place. You can test the efficiency of Astronica for yourself, by visiting the Astronica website (, in Spanish or English - online since 1997). Try out any of the free and user-friendly apps that you'll find there—they're all based on astronical algorithms, handled by AI. You can go there either with a desk PC or a laptop. But if you're mostly on the go, feel free to use a smartphone or a tablet. No registration, no cost, no hype. After retiring from the Hotel/Computer business, and after having put together the Astronica system, I began to write in two different fields: fiction and non-fiction. In the non-fiction section, I've written several books about Astronica (e.g., The Astronica Handbook, The Cyclegram, Dynamy and Polarity, The Cosmic Tree and The Hidden Circle). My writings in the fiction section usually include characters who live in the imperceptible "threshold area" that's between our every-day reality and the rest of the Multiverse (e.g., Imo, The Keepian and an ultra-short story, Nothing Speaks). I like to call this genre MetaFiction: the Reality that lies beyond reality. Currently, I live in Caracas, Venezuela and work every day on the Internet, to expand and further hone the Astronical resources. Now and then, when my Muse nudges me, I take another shot at story wr...

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