Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Long"

Ejemplos de oración usando "Long"

Palabras similares a "Long" y sus diferencias

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Q: About "It feels"

Long flight, isn't it? (長いフライトですね。)
Yes, it feels so long. (はい、とても長く感じます。)

I think "It looks delicious." makes sense.
But because "I feel it's a long flight.", why "It feels"?

A: In many cases "It feels" and "I feel" can be used to mean the same thing.
"I feel like this is a bad idea." = "This feels like a bad idea."
"My arm hurts so much it feels like it's going to fall off." = "My arm hurts so much I feel like it's going to fall off."

The main difference between "it feels" and "I feel" is where the emphasis is put. "I feel" emphasizes that this is how you (and maybe you alone) see or interpret what you're talking about. "It feels" emphasizes that what you're talking about is actively giving you this feeling, and is probably giving others the same feeling. This can be a very subtle difference.

"I feel like you don't like me." = I am emphasizing my feelings. I am interpreting your actions as "you don't like me." By saying it like this, I am taking some of the responsibility.

"It feels like you don't like me." = Your actions are making me believe that you don't like me. By saying it like this, I am placing most of the blame on you.

Additionally, "I feel" can also work as a way to say "this is my opinion," and the phrase usually carries this connotation. "It feels" does not. For example, if you wanted to start a conversation with the person sitting next to you in a class, you could say the two sentences below.

"This teacher is so boring that I feel like this class is never going to end." = This is how I feel about the class. What do you think?
"This teacher is so boring that this class feels like it's never going to end." = this sounds more like ですね where you're simply stating a fact and opening a conversation.

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