Tus compañeros cuestionan tu enfoque de apoyo en las reuniones de equipo. ¿Cómo puedes manejar las críticas de manera constructiva?
Cuando un compañero cuestiona tu enfoque de apoyo, es una oportunidad para refinar tus habilidades de trabajo en equipo. Considere estas estrategias:
- Escucha activamente y agradéceles por sus aportes, lo que indica que valoras su perspectiva.
- Reflexione sobre los comentarios en privado para evaluar su validez y cómo pueden mejorar su enfoque.
- Abordar las preocupaciones en una discusión de seguimiento para aclarar las intenciones y colaborar en las soluciones.
¿Cómo transformar la crítica en un cambio positivo?
Tus compañeros cuestionan tu enfoque de apoyo en las reuniones de equipo. ¿Cómo puedes manejar las críticas de manera constructiva?
Cuando un compañero cuestiona tu enfoque de apoyo, es una oportunidad para refinar tus habilidades de trabajo en equipo. Considere estas estrategias:
- Escucha activamente y agradéceles por sus aportes, lo que indica que valoras su perspectiva.
- Reflexione sobre los comentarios en privado para evaluar su validez y cómo pueden mejorar su enfoque.
- Abordar las preocupaciones en una discusión de seguimiento para aclarar las intenciones y colaborar en las soluciones.
¿Cómo transformar la crítica en un cambio positivo?
I would firstly appreciate my peer bringing it up and would request we try out a role reversal approach to the matter at hand. With my peer leading with his/her approach, and I’ll support with mine because I believe it could be a great way to experiment with new strategies and see what works best for the agenda at large. This approach shows openness, turns potential conflict into collaboration, and offers a creative way to address criticism while fostering teamwork.
Criticizm in any perspective is hard to process. This could just be an opportunity to demonstrate emotional stability and maturity. Allow the one criticising to complete their thought before jumping on them to be defensive or artificially appreciative. When all this is done, in a cool tone, advance your position unapologetically so and clear out what needs to be laid straight. Thank them and demonstrate professional position on the matter. Be clear about accepting to change some well noted points and continue the conversation without emotions taking over you
Never take anything personally....simple as that. From Don Miguel Ruiz's The 4 agreements. This book fundamentally changed my entire mindset.
Show them that their criticism is taken seriously. Give them the opportunity to tell you what they think. Listen actively and show empathy.
I recently read that "self-improvement is impossible without self-awareness". It is important to recognize that feedback is often meant to support growth and improvement. Critics received are a learning opportunity to enhance skills and contributions. By analyzing feedback received in comparison with self awareness, and finally taking action could only facilitate improvement. I believe that constructive criticism is essential for personal and professional development, and I actively seek feedback to ensure I am continuously learning and evolving in my role. Ultimately, one can never know everything.
1. Stay Calm and Listen: Even if the criticism feels unfair or harsh, remain composed. Take a deep breath and focus on listening to what’s being said without interrupting. 2. Separate the Criticism from the Critic: Criticism can feel personal, but it’s often about your actions, not who you are. Try to see it as constructive feedback aimed at improvement. 3. Ask for Clarification: If the feedback isn’t clear, ask questions to better understand the specific points. This shows you’re open to improving and want to fully grasp the issue. 4. Acknowledge Valid Points: If the criticism is fair, acknowledge it. This demonstrates maturity and a willingness to grow. 5. Don’t Be Defensive: Resist the urge to justify your actions right away.
In my line of work as a seasoned education management advisor / STEM Specialist, I really won't mind any constructive criticism. I can always accept it with open mind and ears and would be thankful for it. I rather have peers who are transparent vocal and honest rather than having timid and passive peers. I can also be extra intuitive if it's an honest constructive criticism or merely a criticism that may destroy my worth. I do consider criticism as a springboard to enhance my craft and skills. I am always open to criticism. Thankful though to have this kind of peers during my post in Cambodia supporting the PDUSS project.
Um profissional maduro está sempre apto a receber feedbacks sobre sua postura, trabalho e comportamento. Saber receber críticas é fundamental no processo de evolução, por isso, eu demonstraria abertura durante a fala do meu colega, tranquilidade e adotaria uma postura pacífica, deixando sempre claro que estou aberta à considerar todas as opiniões e filtrar aquilo que faz sentido de acordo com minha avaliação.
One thing I’ve found helpful is to acknowledge the courage it took for my peer to approach me with their incite and to thank them for taking the time to offer feedback. Depending on the scenario, asking my peer how they would handle the situation could possibly offer me a new perspective and give us both a chance to engage in a positive conversation. My thought is that it’s only criticism if I take it as such.
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