Estás apoyando a tus compañeros en situaciones emocionalmente desafiantes. ¿Cómo puedes priorizar tu propio bienestar?
Al ayudar a los compañeros a superar las dificultades emocionales, es esencial equilibrar la empatía con la autopreservación. Para mantener su bienestar:
- Establece límites para proteger tu espacio emocional y asegurarte de no extenderte demasiado.
- Practique rutinas regulares de cuidado personal que puedan incluir actividades como meditación o ejercicio para controlar el estrés.
- Busca el apoyo de un profesional si la carga emocional se vuelve demasiado pesada para soportarla solo.
¿Cómo te mantienes con los pies en la tierra mientras apoyas a los demás? Sus ideas son valiosas.
Estás apoyando a tus compañeros en situaciones emocionalmente desafiantes. ¿Cómo puedes priorizar tu propio bienestar?
Al ayudar a los compañeros a superar las dificultades emocionales, es esencial equilibrar la empatía con la autopreservación. Para mantener su bienestar:
- Establece límites para proteger tu espacio emocional y asegurarte de no extenderte demasiado.
- Practique rutinas regulares de cuidado personal que puedan incluir actividades como meditación o ejercicio para controlar el estrés.
- Busca el apoyo de un profesional si la carga emocional se vuelve demasiado pesada para soportarla solo.
¿Cómo te mantienes con los pies en la tierra mientras apoyas a los demás? Sus ideas son valiosas.
I set an alarm on my phone for the same time every night. My family knows when my self-care timer goes off, I'm taking as much time as I need to take care of myself. Usually it's a workout, sometimes journaling or a conversation with someone I lean on for support. I always end the night with prayer before bed, it helps me unload the burdens I've been carrying around all day and calms my mind for restful sleep.
You can only care for others to the extent you're well and whole; Physically and emotionally. As a rule of thumb, always remember that you're not the savior, and in most cases, appreciate the fact that you do not have all the answers. For self care; - Know your limits and how much you can take in per time per time. - After a session, take a breather and engage in other activities that refresh and nourish you. - Every once in a while go for a supervision session with your therapist ( doesn't have to be a specialist, but someone you can share and open up to). Nb: Ensure they're people with basic skills in therapy.
I think it's important to know your own limitations and not to give more than what is possible for your own well-being. Give all that you can, then make sure to take the time for yourself once the job is done.
You can't pour from an empty cup. To support others effectively, prioritize your own well-being first. Think of it as maintaining your personal reservoir. Set boundaries by saying "no" when overwhelmed. Take breaks and delegate tasks when needed. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul, such as exercise, meditation, or time in nature. Build a support network of understanding individuals who can offer comfort and encouragement. If you're struggling, don't hesitate to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor for valuable coping strategies. Remember to take time for yourself, including regular breaks and vacations to recharge. Self-care isn't selfish; it's necessary for sustainable giving and personal growth.
Chris, These words are so true. In order to keep helping others, we must maintain our own level of mental health resiliency decorum.
When I am supporting a peer in a highly emotional situation I would give my peer as much time to speak openly and honestly to me as needed. I would give myself time to process what was said and go for a walk or relax somewhere quiet. If needed I would debrief with my team leader and do any relevant (if needed and discussed first) safeguarding or mental health signposting/referrals. If neither are required I would ask my peer if they wanted to speak with me again and remind them of my open door policy.
Prioritizing your well-being while supporting others emotionally is essential for maintaining balance and avoiding burnout. 1. Set Boundaries Clearly define what you can and cannot do to help others. It's important to communicate these boundaries kindly but firmly to protect your time and energy. 2. Practice Self-Care Make time for activities that replenish you, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, or simply resting. Prioritizing your own needs ensures that you have the emotional capacity to support others. 3. Learn to Say No It’s okay to decline requests for help when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Saying no when necessary is a form of self-respect and allows you to offer genuine support when you are more available.
To stay grounded while supporting others, I prioritize setting clear boundaries to manage how much emotional energy I give, ensuring I don’t become overwhelmed. Regular self-reflection helps me stay aware of my emotional state and recognize when I need to step back and recharge. I also carve out personal time for activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as reading or spending time in nature, which helps maintain my well-being. Lastly, I lean on my own support network, sharing experiences with trusted friends or mentors to gain perspective and balance. How do you manage this balance?
You can’t give from an empty bucket. It’s important to invest in your own wellness so you can continue to be there for others. It’s OK to set limits and boundaries.
D'après mon expérience, respecter ses limites mais aussi les imposer ; pratiquer des loisirs-détentes qui vous font du bien au quotidien et dont vous seule avez le secret ; ne pas hésiter également à recourir aux services d'un professionnel assermenté pour vous soulager de la pesanteur de votre charge mentale (psychologue, coach sportif, enseignant divers...) sont autant de stratégies gagnantes pour vous permettre un équilibre entre empathie, auto-préservation et réalités au quotidien.
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