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The short explanation? I love to read. I love to write. One day, hopefully sooner rather than later, I'll write the next Harry Potter or Hunger Games hot-off-the-bookshelf series. But until then, I read and read and read to learn what I like to see in fiction, what works, what doesn't, and all the jazz. Being a writer honestly sucks...but I sure love reading. Without writing, there's no reading. Simple enough.
19 Pins
Amy Hill Hearth's 'Miss Dreamsville and the Collier County Women's Literary Society' shakes up a Southern town with a new arrival and misfits: New in Paperback
December 2012 Book Choice - "Miss Dreamsville and the Collier County Women's Literary Society" by Amy Hill Hearth / Ever felt like that oddball that never had their place in the world? Still searching for that niche where you finally feel like you? This book will give you the hope and feed your heart. Plenty of oddball exist in the world, and are searching for their place, too. It's when we oddballs come together is when we find our true niche in the world.
March 2013 Book Choice - "Garden of Stones" by Sophie Littlefield / Often passed over when studying American history, the internment of Japanese-Americans (many of which were loyal American citizens) was a very real thing during World War II. What would you do to survive when your country, your home, turns its back on you? A compelling look into an often-forgotten part of our American heritage. It happened, and it takes just one prisoners' story like this helps us face that truth.
The House Girl | Tara Conklin
June 2013 Book Choice -"The House Girl" by Tara Conklin / How do we become "us"? Is it a childhood dream or is it something expected of us, so it's "forced" upon us? Parallel story lines between 1st-year law associate Lina Sparrow and Southern house girl Josephine shines a light on our identity struggles. Doesn't matter if it's 1850s or 2014. While not exactly the same, we women struggle to find our identities, and you'll feel a kinship with these women on every page.
Jodi Picoult: The Storyteller
March 2013 Book Choice - "The Storyteller" by Jodi Picoult / I've been a fan of Picoult's writing since I read "My Sister's Keeper", and she continues to not disappoint. Mixing real-life accounts from the Holocaust with the moral decision of what makes someone evil, Picoult weaves a story that will make you remember great events you've lived through, and how they shape you into who you choose to ultimately be in the end.
July 2013 Book Choice - "Defending Jacob" by William Landay / I couldn't hack a career in the justice system. Don't even get me started on how this screws up my search for "the one." If your child was accused of murder, it would be the ultimate test of everything. For Andy Barber, an assistant district attorney and a man with an iron will covering a dark secret, its a test of guilt and innocence. You'll be left asking: how far would you go, and how well do you really know those you love most?
June 2013 Book Choice - "Scoundrels" by Timothy Zahn / Welcome back to everyone's favorite galaxy far, far away. It's nothing but action, sass and everybody's favorite (for lack of a better word) scoundrels. I don't know about you, but I love finding out new levels of my favorite Star Wars character, his friends, and its all for the big split. I'm ready to jump aboard the Falcon the minute I spot it in the closest hangar bay.
My Week with Marilyn
May 2013 Book Choice - "My Week With Marilyn" by Colin Clark / What’s it like to be the most famous woman not only in Hollywood, but the world? The more I read, the more I find Marilyn’s story to be quite tragic. Struggling to be a great actress, but also trying to decide what person to be: Marilyn Monroe the movie star or Marilyn Monroe the girl underneath the movie star's skin. Colin Clark's offers a unique (if often male) POV of not just Marilyn, but the process of shooting a film.
Orphan Train – Christina Baker Kline
May 2013 Book Choice - "Orphan Train" by Christina Baker Kline / Between 1854 and 1929, orphan trains ran from the East Coast to the farmlands of the Midwest whose passengers, abandoned and orphaned children, would have thier fates determined by pure luck. Vivian Daly was one such child, and as an old woman, the memories of her upbringing are hazy, but remain stuffed away in boxes upon boxes in yher upstairs attic. Enter Molly Ayer, a fellow abandoned child bouncing between foster homes. As thier lives intersect, they discover thier paths aren't as different as they appear. It's a touching story of resilience, second and third chances, and friendship in the unlikliest of places.
April 2013 Book Choice - "The Time of My Life" by Cecelia Ahern / "Dear Lucy Silchester, you have an appointment for Monday, May 30. Yours sincerely, Life." Now imagine a letter like this arrives under your door addressed to you. What would you do? Keep it, ignore it, burn the entire letter...but it wont matter. Life will come knocking whether you like it or not. For a twenty-something woman struggling to figure out my next big move, its comforting to know the struggle for overall life direction is a wrorld-wide epidemic.t Work, friends, mediocre cars, pets, family matters, and trying to determine if love actually does exist, we may feel like we're stuck in a rut. But Life is always waiting for us. So let's go meet him, shall we?
February 2013 Book Choice - "The Promise of Stardust" by Priscille Sibley / After reading this, I feel like I need to get my will in order and notarized immediately in case I'm hit by a car on my drive home tonight. Do you take your soul mate off life support as she would have wanted or do you keep them on it long enough to give the unborn baby growing inside her a chance at life? A relevant topic where whichever choice is made leaves someone hurting beyond repair.
February 2013 Book Choice - "Seriously...I'm Kidding" by Ellen DeGeneres / I want a job like Ellen's. Hanging out and playing silly games with celebrities, and dancing to my fave tunes every day sounds like a pretty sweet gig to me. In this book, she’s sincere, light-hearted, random, and thought-provoking. After reading the last paragraph, I picked up my phone to call her...only to realize after 20 minutes of scrolling through my Contacts List that I didn't actually have her number.
Into The Darkest Corner
January 2013 Book Choice - "Into the Darkest Corner" by Elizabeth Haynes / Half part psychological thriller, half messed up love story, this book will dig deep into the gut, especially if you find yourself to be a single lady open to the next potential relationship that runs across your path. But you have to be smart. So, so smart and this book will serve as reminder the next time a guy hits on you, asks you out, and then is suddenly letting himself in with a key (which you gave him, of course.)
January 2013 Book Choice - "The Secret Keeper" by Kate Morton / I hate when you can tell the ending of a book by Chapter 14. Morton does not let this happen. Thirty-one chapters, and my hand flew to my mouth in surprise at Chapter 30. The characters leap off the page, you will guess all the twists and turns until the very end, and throw in handfuls of World War II historical backdrops. I was riveted from page one, and lost myself in Morton's lush story of the secrets we keep.
Paula McLain
December 2012 Book Choice - 'The Paris Wife' by Paula McLain / An off-duty aspiring writer myself, not only does this novel give a glimpse into what it's like inside the working mind of a famous and accomplished author, but also the hell it puts one's significant other through. A creative type needs their outlets, but what methods are used can hurt more than just the artist's tortured soul. This is so much more than an autobiography.
November 2012 Book Choice - "The Art of Hearing Heartbeats" by Jan-Philipp Sendker / I wasn't sure where this book was taking me when I started the first couple pages. But dig deeper, and my romantic soul was fed. The love story within these pages explores the ups and downs of what seems to be an impossible love, but if you've ever held undescribable passion with someone, there are passages that will ring true to your core.