
25 Pins
Home Cough Remedy - Amish Recipe (Safe for Kids & Adults)
Prepare a batch of this effective Amish cough syrup recipe to combat colds, flu, whooping cough, and RSV this season. Easy home cough remedy, natural remedies, home remedies, natural cold & flu remedies, holistic health, remedies for kids, homemade cough syrup.
parasite cleanse tinture
Tinctures are one of my favorite ways to incorporate herbal remedies into our routines. No one likes to talk about parasites residing in our digestive system, but if you suspect you have one, here’s a tincture you can try. the recipe is in the video to screen shot or you can leave a CLEANSE in the chat below and get the recipe sent to you. You can make your own or check back with me in 6-8 weeks and grab one of mine.
SLIPPERY ELM and MARSHMALLOW ROOT: 2 Gut-Healing Ingredients for Your Smoothies, Porridge, Tea or Hot Chocolate
Decoction of Marshmallow Root and Slippery Elm Bark to Heal and Seal your Gut - Reclaiming Vitality
Make this simple decoction of marshmallow root, slippery elm bark, and licorice bark to heal and seal your gut. Works for constipation and diarrhea as well! #foodismedicine #leakygut #herbalapothecary #microbiome #guthealth #nutritionaltherapy #ntp #reclaimingvitality
How to Make an Herbal Tincture: 2 Easy Methods - Kaits Garden
SLIPPERY ELM and MARSHMALLOW ROOT: 2 Gut-Healing Ingredients for Your Smoothies, Porridge, Tea or Hot Chocolate
Herbal Treatment
Herbal Remedies
Herbal Treatment
This contains an image of: Cold and flu fire cider
Cold and flu fire cider
Decoction of Marshmallow Root and Slippery Elm Bark to Heal and Seal your Gut - Reclaiming Vitality