Exam question No. 5 Mark making

Mark making- creating lines,patterns,and texture in artwork. Van Gogh used expressive mark making in many drawings and paintings. Many of Idris Khan's digital images are created using multiple layers of lines. Jim Robison makes highly textured sculptural ceramics with impressed linear patterns, Jeanette Appleton uses felt and stitch and embroidery to create lines, patterns and textures on her panels.
31 Pins
Line Drawing: A Guide for Art Students
Line drawings by Sky Kim: endless, voluptuous, billowing form.
Sophie Standing - Textile Art
There are some shapes in here reminiscent of the 2014 Challenge fabric! Lots of prints working together here OF MICE AND raMEN: Sophie Standing - Textile Art
Seth Young Art and Illustration
mark making-This pastel drawing was done as an experimentation with forms of mark making other than simple hatching. Done for my Drawing, Color and Mixed Media Class with Jackie Kielkopf. Posted by Seth Younghttp://sethyoungillustration.blogspot.com/search/label/Drawing%20Color%20and%20Mixed%20Media%20Class
Studiopottery.co.uk Blog
Ceramics by Jim Robison at Studiopottery.co.uk - 2010. Square Dish 13 inches (33cm) diameter