Daisy Badge Ideas

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20+ Super Fun Ways to Earn the Sunny Petal
20+ Ideas for earning the Daisy Sunny Petal- crafts, activities, books, sample meetings and more for the friendly and helpful patch - so many fun girl scout ideas
How to Make a DIY Telescope | Highlights for Children
Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… yes, that’s a bird. And that’s a plane. When you make this telescope with your child, have fun watching for birds, planes, and other flying objects. It’s an easy craft that can change your kids’ perspective and help them focus on things around them in a different way.
Girl scouts Daisy Think Like A Programmer badge ideas
Girl scouts Daisy Think Like A Programmer badge ideas
Between Earth and Sky - Firefly Award
Girl Scout Daisies - Between Earth and Sky - Ideas for earning the Firefly Award..."Glow-in-the-Dark Firefly Jar," "Bandage Lightning Bugs" craftivity, easy glow stick experiment, firefly book suggestion and more.
10 Ways to Earn Your Friendly and Helpful Daisy Petal
How to earn yellow friendly and helpful daisy petal
Girl scouts Daisy Think Like A Programmer badge ideas
Girl scouts Daisy Think Like A Programmer badge ideas
Resources and Ideas for Space Badges - Katie De La Rosa
girl scout space badges, ideas for daisy, brownie, and Junior scouts . Mulit-level troop ideas for space explorer, space investigator
Nature Walk - Spring Scavenger Hunt
$1 Nature Walk - Spring Scavenger HuntDirections: Go for a nature walk, circle yes for the objects you find and circle no for the objects that you do not see.Great for a field trip to the park!Created by: Lindsey Powers 2014
Celebrate the Great Outdoors with Nature Bingo
Play nature bingo in your own backyard! // Article by Handmade Charlotte
Nature Scavenger Hunt for the Kids {FREE Printable}
Awesome activity for the family this Fall -- Nature Scavenger Hunt. Free sheet to print out and take with you to cross items off the list! My kids LOVED this!