The Sabbats: Samhain

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Samhain Activities, Traditions, Things to Do
Samhain, also known as All Hallows Eve, has ancient roots that have culminated in some pretty fun traditions we know and love today. Check out these activities for Samhain that can be done by a solitary witch, a coven, or family and friends!
Kids’ Activities for Samhain / Autumn Equitherm
Kids' Activities for Samhain/Winternights
Samhain: 13 Facts About Halloween’s Celtic Roots
Over the years, the popularity of Halloween has grown exponentially. It has spawned a multi-billion dollar industry which includes movies, costumes, trick-or-treat candy and haunted attractions, yet few of its passionate celebrants understand the holiday’s ancient origin. Here are 13 facts about its Celtic roots in Samhain to keep you up at night.