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Lets Talk Mental Health on Instagram: "Rejection ranks among the most potent and distressing events that people experience in life. Rejection by a loved one, a romantic relationship, ostracism, stigmatization, job termination, and other kinds of rejections have the power to compromise the quality of a person’s life. As a result, people are highly motivated to avoid social rejection, and, indeed, much of human behavior appears to be designed to avoid such experiences. Whether the rejection we experience is large or small, one thing remains constant — it always hurts, and it usually hurts more than we expect it to. I just want to remind you that you are worthy of a genuine & safe love. You are worthy of a job that pays & treats you fairly, you are worthy of fun & strong friendships. Don’
Support Page for Mental Health Professionals on Instagram: "We’ve all had those moments where we get stuck in session whether it’s we don’t know where to go, a brain fart, our client reveals or asks something and we’re stomped on how to respond, or if a family/couple is having an intense argument in the middle of session and we’re having trouble diffusing it. 😫🤯 • Feeling stuck can come from a variety of places and it happens to us all. Sometimes it’s helpful to have a few practical phrases to use in order to slow the session down, interrupt the process, and even allow us to ground ourselves so we can gain clarity and become present again with our body and our thoughts.😮‍💨🧠 • I’ve had this conversation with my supervisees and these are some of the phrases I shared for when we’re stuck
The Body Keeps the Score Cheat Sheet; the Body Keeps the Score; Trauma and the Body; Understanding Trauma; Trauma Therapy; PTSD; Trauma Work - Etsy Canada
Primal Trust™ - Dr. Cathleen King on Instagram: "Understanding your nervous system is a game-changer for personal growth and healing. Polyvagal Theory shows us how our nervous system moves through states—shutdown, freeze, fight/flight, and connection. Learning to recognize and respond to these states is the foundation of building safety within ourselves. In Primal Trust, we teach how to map your nervous system, recognize its needs, and respond with care. This practice builds interoception—your ability to tune into your body’s internal signals and meet your needs effectively. 💡 This is what re-parenting yourself looks like: Recognizing your state. Responding with compassion. Teaching your nervous system and limbic system that safety starts with YOU. Over time, this creates deep self-tr
Mental Balance Hub on Instagram: "Emotions are valid, but they don’t have to take over. Try these tips to shift your perspective. 💛 Which one do you need today? 💬 DM us for more tips, tools and resources to help you thrive!"
Julie Menanno on Instagram: "Don’t forget to scroll to see what healing looks like.....❤️ #attachmenttheory #anxiousattachment #avoidantattachment #disorganizedattachment #attachmentstyles"
New Harbinger Publications on Instagram: "When you get to the point in your mental health journey where you want to and are ready to seek professional help, here are some tips from Charles Schaeffer, PhD, author of 'When Panic Happens'."
Julie Menanno on Instagram: "Around 80% of you will relate to one category more than the others. Those who don’t will probably be either closer to the secure category and thus have more flexible responses to relationship stress, or will be closer to the disorganized category and have more unpredictable responses to relationship stress. Also, keep in mind that attachment theory is meant to be applied to relationships with the strongest attachment bonds. Yes, attachment styles will show up in other relationships outside of your closest ones, but it’s not the same intensity or context. If you try to apply the theory to anyone and everyone in your life, things can start to get murky. Most people will have a similar attachment style in all of their romantic relationships throughout life (withou
NICABM on Instagram: "Mastering the subtleties of identifying and treating survival responses to trauma can make your trauma work faster and more effective.⁠ ⁠ That’s why we called on eight of the top minds in the field of trauma to get their best strategies for identifying and working with these trauma responses that fall outside the fight-flight-freeze model.⁠ ⁠ Now 50% off until midnight only. ➡️ Link in Bio"
Linda Meredith Ctcrc-s on Instagram: "Why don't domestic abuse victims "just leave"? It's not that simple. Some of the key reasons include: • Fear of escalated violence • Emotional attachment to abuser • Financial dependence • Concern for children's well-being • Cultural or religious pressures • Psychological trauma • Safety risks of leaving • Lack of support systems Remember: Leaving is a process, not an event. It takes an average of 7 attempts before a survivors leave permanently. Your understanding and support can make a difference. #DomesticAbuseAwareness #SupportSurvivors 💪🌈 Remember, CPtsd recovery is just one step at a time. For more information on our CPtsd Coaching, Professional time saving resource library for client homework, visit The Education
growing around grief
People think that grief slowly gets smaller with time In reality, grief stays the same size but slowly, life begins [to] grow bigger around it Lois Tonkin, 1996 : #widowslostandfound #grief #thisisgrief #griefawareness #griefgang #goodgrief #griefsupport #griefshare #griefhealing #griefcommunity
Support Page for Mental Health Professionals on Instagram: "The famous Therapist one-liners 🤗😂. They’re short but can be so impactful in the therapy room! ✨ Which ones are your go-tos or which ones would you add to the list? • #therapistsofinstgram #therapists #clinicians #socialworkers #counselors #mentalhealthprofessionals #mentalhealthadvocates #coaches #psychologists #mentalhealthconsultant #lmhc #lcsw #lmft #lcpc"
Linda Meredith Ctcrc-s on Instagram: "Signs of Growing Up Invalidated: Reflections for Adults with CPtsd Identifying these signs can help you understand and address deep-seated emotional patterns, aiding your recovery from CPtsd. 🛡️ Vulnerability Feels Unsafe: Struggling to let your guard down. 🎁 Surprised by Kindness: Acts of kindness catch you off guard. 🙏 Chronic Apologizer: Often apologizing, even when it's not necessary. 🚫 Dismissed Feelings: Told you were "too emotional" or "overreacting." 🤐 Lack of Apologies: Genuine apologies were rare or nonexistent. 🌪️ Feeling Insignificant: Often feeling like you don't matter to those around you. 🎯 Perfectionism: High expectations and a drive for perfection. 💖 Seeking External Validation: Looking to others for validation and affectio
NICABM on Instagram: "How can we help clients better understand when their nervous system is going into “defense mode”?⁠ ⁠ According to polyvagal theory, the nervous system has three pathways it can follow in the face of a threat. By helping clients map these pathways, they can begin to identify their triggers and develop strategies for staying grounded.⁠ ⁠ That’s why we made this free infographic based on the work of Stephen Porges, PhD, and Deb Dana, LCSW. We hope you’ll share it with your clients.➡️ Link in Bio"