Love frogs

We love frogs! Green, pink, domestic, exotic! Luck and laughs is what they bring.
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Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Hylarana luctuosa"
Man Uses Miniature Car Models, Forced Perspective and $250 Camera to Create Surreal 1950s Elgin Park City
Flying Frog In-Action.
Atelopus spumarius, Amazon Harlequin Toad in habitat, IUCN Redlist Vulnerable, Iquitos, Peru
Atelopus spumarius, Amazon Harlequin Toad in habitat, IUCN Redlist Vulnerable, Iquitos, Peru
Afrixalus fornasini, Female (no stripe morph), Amani NR, Apri by Vonesh-Balcomb, via Flickr
Marbled Tree Frog by Paul Stevens / 500px
*Marbled Tree Frog
Frogs Are Awesome!
Heterixalus rutenbergi Picture by Franco Andreone via
Pacman frog: they eat anything that will fit in their mouth. When they get bigger, they eat mice.
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