Handmade DIY Halloween Disneyland Jack Skellington and Zero, Sally, Oogie Boogie! Lock, shock & barrel Halloween house display. Plus Cool Halloween costumes and decor ideas.

Our handmade Nightmare before Christmas Jack Skellington and Zero, Sally, lock, shock and barrel. Also Oogie Boogie Halloween display. Our tribute to Disneyland Halloween and Haunted Mansion and nightmare before Christmas. Plus cool Halloween costumes and decoration ideas.
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Sandy Claws and the snake on the roof.
New this year to our Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween display. DIY Sandy Claws. He’s in a sack after being kidnapped. You can also see the 20’ plus snake!
ИЗ ТОГО, ЧТО ПОД РУКАМИ - рукоделие, декор, дизайн — ☼ ПАПЬЕ-МАШЕ . ИДЕИ | OK.RU
Dollar Tree Light-Up Haunted Farmhouse
Dollar Tree Light-Up Haunted Farmhouse | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas
Our DIY Countdown to Halloween clock. Jack got a new head
Our DIY Countdown to Halloween clock. Jack got a new head. All 360 degrees viewable. Clock made from pink foam and a store bought wreath that we “Halloweened” up. Jack got a brand new face!