Floor plants

23 Pins
an image of some plants in a potted planter on the app store's facebook page
Stylish and Low Cost 55 Gallon Drum Planters
a glass vase filled with driftwood and rocks
Drilling small holes into driftwood makes it easy to make mobiles and windchimes. If neither of those projects appeals to you, consider making a photo collage instead. The same principle applies, but instead of hanging chimes, you can clip on photos to the string. For a cohesive look, make sure all the photos are in the same color family by making them black and white or using the same filter on each before printing.
two vases made out of driftwood sitting on a white surface with no one around them
Walking across the beach front, you might not also notice the bits of driftwood that turn up around
a wooden table topped with a vase filled with plants
40 Phenomenal DIY Wood Home Decorations
a vase filled with flowers and rocks on top of a table next to a candle
35+ Amazing Ideas Adding River Rocks To Your Home Design
three succulents in glass containers on a table
28 Cute Indoor Succulent Plant Decor Ideas to Beautify Your Home - Molitsy Blog
two glass vases filled with plants on top of a wooden table
three different views of plants in glass vases with rocks and gravel on the bottom
Weekend Project #1 - Terrariums for Pinterest Challenge