‘24 Chaplets

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St Therese Chaplet virtual prayer cards
The Novena Rose Prayer and St Therese Chaplet downloadable digital/virtual copy is available for a minimal price of $.24 cents or you can also e-mail the Etsy seller for a FREE tangible prayer card.
Celine Flores • Catholic Calling on Instagram: "Are you praying the nine month novena of Cardinal Burke? It’s a very important prayer for the conversion of sinners. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can sign up at novena.cardinalburke.com Then come to this post every day and pray along with the Cardinal himself. I will add this as a highlight to the top of our page. #Catholic #CatholicPrayer #CatholicPrayers #CatholicNovena #Novena #Cardinal #OurLadyofGuadalupe #Sinner #Conversion #PrayerForConversion #ConversionOfSinners #TurnToGod #SpiritualWarfare"
Katie ☧ on Instagram: "🩵The Memorare Chaplet 🩵 This chaplet implores the prayers and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for seven special intentions: the church, Priests, an End of Abortion, the Souls in Purgatory, World Peace, the Blessed Mother’s Intentions, and Our Own Personal Intentions. How to pray 🙏🏼 1. Recite the Apostles Creed 2. For each of the following 7 Petitions (For the Church, For the Priests, For the End of Abortion, For the Souls in Purgatory, For World Peace, For Our Blessed Mother’s Intentions, For Our Own Intentions), pray these prayers: “Our Father”, “The Memorare” eleven times, followed by this prayer: O most sweet heart of Jesus, lead us unto salvation. Grant peace to the entire world, especially to this country; and bring back to you all sinners;
Novena Cards on Instagram: "Have you ever heard of a “flying novena?” Since many of us are praying the novena to St. Teresa of Calcutta, I thought now would be a great time to learn more about how this Saint prayed when she needed a quick answer to prayer and didn’t have 9 days to pray a traditional novena. See our stories today for a link to an article by @ncregister for a great article about how God answered St. Teresa of Calcutta’s “Flying Novena” prayers! Also, see stories for a link to our “Flying Novena” prayer card in our shop! St Teresa of Calcutta pray for us! #flyingnovena #motherteresa #stteresaofcalcutta #novenacards #catholicsaints #catholiclife #catholicfamily #catholicwomen #catholicprayer #catholicsofinstagram #catholicprayers #catholicsaint #liturgicalliving #prayfo
Katie ☧ on Instagram: "Jesus appeared to St. Faustina many times in her life. One of these times, He specifically requested for her to make a novena of Holy Adoration in petition for a particular intention. It doesn't have to be complicated or even a full hour. Just making time daily for 9 days to go and be in His presence. This must be one of the most powerful novenas to make since Jesus requested it! Diary entry 32: "Another time, I heard these words; 'go to the superior and ask her to allow you to make a daily hour of Adoration for nine days. During this Adoration, try to unite yourself in prayer with My Mother. Pray with all of your heart in union with Mary and try also during this time to make the Way of the Cross'. I received the permission, though not for the full hour, but
Katie ☧ on Instagram: "The Chaplet of Adoration & Reparation is a prayer devotion associated with the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 that seeks to make reparation for the sins and offenses against God, especially in regards to His True Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. 💛 How to pray 🙏🏼 💛 On the crucifix, pray the Apostles Creed 💛 For the increase of faith, hope, and charity; the intentions of the Pope; and the sanctification of the Church, especially of priests and seminarians 1 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary, 1 Glory Be 💛 (On the large bead before each decade) Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore you profoundly, and I offer You the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the worl
Chaplet for the Souls in Purgatory: All Souls Day Prayers
Chaplet for the souls in purgatory i am jesus i am jesus
Monica Ericsson Welch on Instagram: ""Mother of Good Counsel, obtain for us our most urgent need... and secure for us from thy Divine Son the love of virtue and the strength to choose, in doubtful and difficult situations, the course agreeable to our salvation..." Pope Pius XII, Novena to Our Lady of Good Counsel . . #ourlady #ourladyofgoodcounsel #madonnaandchild #prayerart #catholicprayer #catholicart #catholicartisans #novena #handlettering #orapronobis"
Monica Ericsson Welch on Instagram: "Our Lady of Good Counsel. The inspiration image for this piece miraculously appeared in a chapel near Rome in 1467. Two Albanians arrived in the town soon after, relating that they had followed the cloud-bourne fresco from their small church - the painting narrowly escaped destruction by the Turks. They walked on the waters of the Adriatic Sea during part of their journey - I included water imagery to commemorate that detail. . . #ourlady #ourladyofgoodcounsel #catholicart #catholicartisans #catholic #madonnaandchild #prayerart #handlettering"
Novena Cards on Instagram: "Happy Day 1 of the novena to Our Lady of Good Counsel! Do you or someone you know need guidance in making a decision or understanding God’s will ask Our Lady of Good Counsel to pray for you! And... tag a friend to pray the novena with you! Our Lady of Good Counsel is a favorite Marian image and title of the Blessed Mother for many of the faithful, and has been honored by many popes in the Church including Pope Leo XIII who added this title of Our Lady to the Litany of Loreto in 1903. See our the second slide of this post or our stories daily for the novena prayer, the prayer is the same everyday and will be in our highlights. ⁣ Our Lady of Good Counsel, pray for us! #ourladyofgoodcounsel #ourlady #novenacards #prayforus #orapronobis #catholicwomen"
Chaplet for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Chaplet for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Katie ☧ on Instagram: "Jesus appeared to St. Faustina many times in her life. One of these times, He specifically requested for her to make a novena of Holy Adoration in petition for a particular intention. It doesn't have to be complicated or even a full hour. Just making time daily for 9 days to go and be in His presence. This must be one of the most powerful novenas to make since Jesus requested it! Diary entry 32: "Another time, I heard these words; 'go to the superior and ask her to allow you to make a daily hour of Adoration for nine days. During this Adoration, try to unite yourself in prayer with My Mother. Pray with all of your heart in union with Mary and try also during this time to make the Way of the Cross'. I received the permission, though not for the full hour, but