New PE games 2024-2025

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8,485 likes, 213 comments - coachgelardi on September 11, 2023: "Octopus Tag! 🐙 Instant classic in any PE program! #giveitatry👏👉 Follow me on TikTok Search: Coach Gelardi Twitter: #physed #coachgelardi #peathome #hpeathome #peforall #distancelearningpe #physicaleducation #elementaryPE #pe #peforall #peathome #peteachersleadbyexample #peteachersrock #peteacherlife #peteacher #physicaleducation #pehack #pehacks #physedteacher #physed #element
Hip-Hop Dance Warm-Ups for All Ages
This four page document includes descriptions for 13 really fun hip-hop dance warm-ups that can be used with any age group. They are general, and therefore can be used in any hip-hop dance class or unit. These warm-ups are really easy to incorporate, and you certainly do not need to be experienced in dance to use them.