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This may contain: three chickens in a blue bowl on the ground next to some grass and leaves,
Scratch-Box Boredom Buster for Chickens
Its time to break out the pool, but not for swimming this time! This boredom buster is perfect for the cold-weather months when there isn’t much to scratch around for! By combining a few items you already have at home you’ll be keeping your chickens amused for hours!
Why is my Chicken's comb pale?
Causes, treatment options, and prevention methods for what may be causing your chickens comb to be turning pale. Troubleshoot over 15 illnesses to find the best treatment plan. Chicken diseases. How to treat a sick chicken. Pale comb in chickens.
Types of Chicken Combs
There are nine recognized types (or shapes) of combs found in chickens in the US. You can shop for over 160 different chicken breeds and hybrids on the Meyer Hatchery website. #4H #Chickens #meyerhatchery #chickencombs #poultrytrivia #buttercup #walnut #pea #Meyerhatchery #backyardchickens