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Медведи (игрушечные и коллекционные мишки Тедди)
Медведи (игрушечные и коллекционные мишки Тедди)
🥕🥕🥕Морковка есть 🧐? А если найду 😅??? После тигров, с их прекрасными полосками🤦, кроЛЛей шить, одно удовольствие 😁! Цена, 700 рублей… | Instagram
Beautiful Clown Bear by French Artist Jerome Maillot // Photo via Web....
Teddy Bear Pattern and Illustrated Instructions for Benji, a 10" Jointed Bear (downloadable PDF) - Etsy
Teddy Bear pattern and Illustrated Instructions for Benji, a 10" jointed Bear (downloadable PDF) by BearyExtraordinary on Etsy
NEW PDF pattern + Instructions for sewing pattern pieces .Bear "AXEL" author's pattern teddy bear
Attention! The price is for the PDF pattern and instructions for sewing the parts, But Not for ready-made bears. Please read before buying: I have extensive experience in sewing Teddy-style toys with rotating limbs and a head. If you are a beginner master, then you will not get the same result as mine immediately. This requires a lot of experience. Therefore, I ask you to consciously approach the purchase of a pattern. No need to expect magic, because it is hard work. Your result depends not o
мишки Тедди
мишки Тедди | Наталья Ивлева | Фотографии и советы на Постиле