Persuasive Writing

23 Pins
Printable Comma Worksheets
Printable Comma Worksheets Printable Comma Worksheets - This information offers some ideas and practical tips on how you can get your youngster focusing on printable worksheets,... kids eets pin on persuasive writing free printable reading prehension ks2 sheets literacy | #maworksheetsgrade3 #maworksheetsworksheetplace #printablepunctuationgames #PrintableWorksheets #worksheets #mathworksheets #kindergarteenworksheets #templates #exceltemplates
Easy to Implement Persuasive Writing Strategies
How do you keep your upper elementary students engaged during your persuasive writing unit? Are you in need of strategies and ideas to help your students develop their persuasive writing piece? On the blog, I’m sharing some persuasive writing strategies including picture books, checklists, anchor charts, and more! Click the pin to learn about different mentor text options and other easy to implement ideas to use in your writers workshop!