Navy and Brown Combinations

Navy blue and brown outfit combinations that work for guys' outfits.
134 Pins
Scholar Professor
Going Sockless - 6 Ways to Avoid the Stink
The best thing about loafers aside from the ease of putting them on or taking them off is the versatility offered. You can wear them with socks as part of any everyday business outfit but they look just as good without socks for a more casual look. By that same token, the slightly more casual nature of the loafer makes going sockless with them a bit more subtle than going sockless with a pair of formal lace ups, allowing for a seamless transition from work to happy hour.
HOF: What Are You Wearing Right Now - Part IV (starting May 2014)
HOF: What Are You Wearing Right Now - Part IV (starting May 2014) - Page 3076
Blue blazer is the Man’s best friend 🕵 #Rubinacci #rubinacciloafer #rubinaccioutfit #blueblazer #neapolitantailor #mnswrmagazine #bespoke #bespoketips #styletips (presso Rubinacci)