littlelee and rose

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21K views · 10K reactions | The options are endless.. 🚫 Heat 🚫 Layering 🚫 Sealing 👉🏽 Start creating products and making some extra money right from home. If you’re not interested in creating but just want to sell the prints instead.. Comment “GUIDE” and learn how to start and scale a UVDTF business from home. No printer needed to start! 🤑 Follow for more way to make a profit from home using/selling UVDTF #uvdtftransfer #uvdtfcupwraps #luggagetags #resinarts #luggagetag #uvdtfsupplier | Clamira Smith
Heat Gun Magic: Transforming Tumblers with Sublimation!🌟🙌🏼 #diyideas #diycrafts #diytumbler | LittleLee and Rose
13 reactions | Welcome back for part 2 of the mermaid tail tumbler mug! I know it goes a little fast (I’m sorry!!) I was trying to make sure you all didn’t have a part 3. Im so excited to see you all make this with different colors and your own personal styles! Remember to tag us so we can see your creations! #littleleeandrose #glitter #glitter50 #tumbler #tumblermaker #epoxyresin #crafts #epoxycrafts #resincrafts #mermaid #mermaidtail #mermaidcore #mermaids #micapowder #micapowderpigment #mica #sparkle #crafting | LittleLee and Rose
63K views · 794 reactions | Epoxy-Free Glitter Tumbler!🌟💯 | Epoxy-Free: The Glitter Tumbler Hack You Need to Try!🎯 | By LittleLee and Rose | Facebook
1K views | Getting the cup ready for some sparkle! ✨ | Getting the cup ready for some sparkle! ✨ Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Rhinestone Tumbler. #DIYCrafts #RhinestoneTumbler | By LittleLee and Rose | Facebook
Part 1 DIY mermaid tail mug #micapowder #glitter #mermaid #mug #tumbler #customtumblers #diy #crafts
13 reactions | Welcome back for part 2 of the mermaid tail tumbler mug! I know it goes a little fast (I’m sorry!!) I was trying to make sure you all didn’t have a part 3. Im so excited to see you all make this with different colors and your own personal styles! Remember to tag us so we can see your creations! #littleleeandrose #glitter #glitter50 #tumbler #tumblermaker #epoxyresin #crafts #epoxycrafts #resincrafts #mermaid #mermaidtail #mermaidcore #mermaids #micapowder #micapowderpigment #mica #sparkle #crafting | LittleLee and Rose
5.4K views · 51 reactions | Turn your wine glass into a work of art with a Hydro Dip Geode design! 🍷✨ | Turn your wine glass into a work of art with a Hydro Dip Geode design! 🍷✨ #diy #epoxyprojects #HydroDip | By LittleLee and Rose | Facebook
198K views · 3.4K reactions | Wine Glass Geode Base🔥 | This epoxy project is not what you're expecting!😲🙌 | By LittleLee and Rose | Today, I'm going to show you how to easily combine wine glasses and epoxy in a very new way to turn a good profit or you can just create really unique gift sets. Start by grabbing a large silicone mold or some packing tape because epoxy doesn't stick to either of these and it can be used as a base. Then, if you're using tape, just join multiple pieces together to create the surface that you're going to work on. Start by pressing the wine glass down very firmly onto the tape and you want to make sure that you work on a level surface so that your project doesn't overflow in one direction and your finished product is balanced. Then, use a hot glue, create a trough around the base of your wine glass. Now, epoxy doesn't stick to hot glue because it's a silicone-based product. So, using the tape and the hot glue, you're basically creating your own custom mold. You want to build up the trough slowly. Do one layer and let it dry and cool down and then add a second and a third layer. You're going to repeat that process until the trough is totally deep enough to cover the base of the wine glass entirely. Now, if it's too shallow, you're not going to achieve your ultimate desired look in the end. So, stick with it and make sure you get it nice and tall. Once you have built up enough, let the entire project cool down completely before you start with your epoxy work. Epoxy is a two-part product and you're going to mix it together according to your manufacturers of directions. Each brand of epoxy is a little bit different. Also, be sure to be safe and wear nitrial gloves and a VOC respirator. I'm mixing about 30 to 40 grams of epoxy for this project and depending on how wide you make your trough, you're going to use a little less or a little bit more. Once it's completely mixed, you're going to separate the batch into one and three quarters and you're going to take the three quarter batch and add epoxy dye, glitter, mica, or as I'm going to be using a couple drips of black acrylic paint. When using additives like paints, dyes, and micas, you want to make sure that the ratio is no more than one tenth because using too much like too much acrylic paint, it's going to make your epoxy turn gummy and very difficult to work with and it may not cure properly. You can see I only use about two drops of the acrylic paint into the epoxy Once it's thoroughly mixed, carefully pour that epoxy into the trough that you customized. Pour slowly to avoid an overflow. Also, leave enough room to be able to pour the second batch into the trough. The second batch is going to get gold foil mixed into it. I just grab a chunk, stick it in, and stir it in with my stir stick that's going to mash it all up and give it a really cool flaky appearance. What you mix in is going to be personal preference so you can use any other additive to make your personal design. Then, I'm just going to take it and drizzle it right down into the center of the epoxy. Once it's in place, use a silicone stick to push and blend the two sections together and that's going to make it look a little bit more natural. Then, you're going to let it cure for 9 to 12 hours before starting the next step and while that one cures, I'm going to repeat the steps but I'm going to show you how to do it with a silicone mold. It's pretty much the same process. You're going to place the cup in the middle of the space on the silicone mold and use your hot glue to again make another trough. Again, you'll build up just like you do with the tape and you'll add the products just as you would but this time, like I said, you're using a silicone mold, it can be reused over and over and over. Once it's cured up for about 9 to 12 hours, you're going to peel away the tape and it should be pretty easy to release that off and then, you're going to use scissors to cut the glue and pull it from one end all the way around the edge. There will be sharp edges and you can sand them or you can use a sharp crack knife to bring them down. It doesn't need to be smooth because some of the edges being rough will help it more natural. To do the outer edges, I use an oil-based opaque metallic paint marker. The brand I prefer is deco color. It's premium prime premium. You can see here where I'm priming the marker to get the paint onto the tip of the marker. There are a lot of other options and brands for this type of marker but I really like the tone of the gold in this pen more than any other brands. Some brands are very yellow or orangey gold and this is a beautiful champagne gold that matches very very well with most of the project I do. You may need to reprime the pen occasionally bringing more ink to the tip to continue but once you finish the edge, you can apply a thin layer of epoxy over the surface using a gloved finger. That's going to seal it in and make it permanent and then, once that's all cured up, you have a finished product. I hope you guys were able to grab a few tips, tricks, and some cool ideas and get inspired by this craft this week and I will see you guys on next week's tutorial.
6.8K views · 37 reactions | Namaste in Style: Crafting the Perfect Tumbler for Peaceful Sips! 🙏✨ | Namaste in Style: Crafting the Perfect Tumbler for Peaceful Sips! 🙏✨ | By LittleLee and Rose | Facebook
7.1K views · 16 reactions | Create what you love and love what you create.💯❣️ | Create what you love and love what you create.💯❣️ | By LittleLee and Rose | Facebook
494K views · 2.1K reactions | Making a snow globe tumbler!🌨✨ | Making a snow globe tumbler!🌨✨ | By LittleLee and Rose | Facebook
1.3K views | Get crafty with these easy holiday epoxy projects! 🎨🎁 | Get crafty with these easy holiday epoxy projects! 🎨🎁 | By LittleLee and Rose | Facebook
2.3K views · 19 reactions | Create Stunning DIY Christmas Shot Glasses – The Perfect Holiday Surprise! 🎅🏼🍷 | LittleLee and Rose
47K views · 263 reactions | How to Glitter Epoxy Drips | Here I show you how to glitter epoxy drips! 💧 | By LittleLee and Rose | Today, we're going to work backwards. I'm going to first show you how to do the perfect glitter epoxy drips and then I'm going to show you how to cheat your way into the distressed look on this tumbler. You're going to start by mixing the LittleLee and Rose Quick Cure Epoxy by equal parts. I use about five grams of each, part A and part B. Mix it quickly. Now, mix in your glitter or mic of choice. Don't forget you need to work really quickly because this Quick Cure Epoxy only has a 60 to 90 second work time. It's fast but it makes it perfect for Drips. You're going to want to use a silicone tool to add a small amount in sections while working your way quickly around the rim of your epoxy tumbler. If the drift starts going down too far down the tumbler, just flip the tumbler over to slow the drips down. Continue to flip it back and forth as you go along to the project. That way you maintain control over the drips and how far down the tumbler they go. Generally, when I'm doing the drips, I want to do multiple layers. This helps to get good coverage and also adds more dimension to the tumbler but because this literally in Rose Pick Cure Epoxy has such a short work time, I mix separate batches for each layer. Trying to do too much will result in a hot mess. The epoxy is going to flash cure in the mixing cup or it's going to just cure up too fast as you're going around the cup for the multiple layers. After each layer, I make sure to clean my silicone tools properly with a baby wipe. If you let your silicone tools sit overnight, sometimes this quick cure can be a little difficult to remove all For the additional layers, you can change up what you mix in. You can change the glitter colors or switch to my powder. It's all personal preference. Now, a big question I get asked a lot is how to clean up that top lid. Well, I'm going to show you. Here, I'm going to use a tool called the hot knife. It has bolt pads and I just use the sharp knife attachment. Plug it in and let it heat up. Be extremely careful when using this tool, you guys. Not only is it wicked sharp but it's also incredibly hot. I'm using it on the edge of the tumbler. Do not force it to the epoxy. Let it heat up. And the sharp edge will slowly slice through the epoxy. If you press too hard, that can result in separating the epoxy from the tumbler and ruining the seal. Now, let's jump back to the beginning and I'm going to show you how the shortcuts to the distressed look. This is 100% going to save you time and energy. You're going to prep your tumbler by sanding and spray painting in a base color. You're going to mix five total grams of epoxy and apply it all over the tumbler using the hang method. Then, you're going to lay down your olive of choice over the wet epoxy. You're going to tap it down gently and let it cure up overnight The next day, you're going to do a flood coat right up and over that glitter. For this part, I'm going to be using LittleLee and Rose Tumbler Epoxy but it's different than the quick cure. This one takes a little bit longer to cure and it's perfect for applying as a top coat over your tumblers. Once that epoxy has cured up, you're going to go through with the 220 grit sandpaper and just gently sand the edges and get them nice and smooth. This is where the trick comes in play. You're going to use painter's tape and place it in the areas that you want to have exposed down the road. Once the tape pieces all in place, you want to layer your paint colors. I usually use at least two. When the paint is all dry, you want to remove that tape. After the tape is removed, you're going to grab a rag and it's 91% rubbing alcohol. Since you have so much less to rub away because the tape took away so much more of that paint in the areas. You just need to do the finishing touches. Now, some people are going to be tempted to use acetone in this spot but it's a terrible idea. First, it rips way too much paint away and it gives a totally different look and second, it damages the underlying epoxy and it causes it to be defective. So, please, please, Please stick with rubbing alcohol. So, you're going to just rub around the edges where the tape is removed using the alcohol-soak rag. Now, if you didn't put those tape in there, you would have been hand rubbing for hours to remove that paint. The tape makes it so much easier to get this process done. As you saw, I just added a quick water slide decal and I'm putting on the final coat of epoxy to the finishing touches. Alright, guys. We're wrapping it up. I hope you guys learned a lot. Hope the tips and tricks were very helpful and we'll see you guys next week.