Block Center

30 Pins
How to Set Up the Blocks Center in an Early Childhood Classroom
How to Set Up the Blocks Center in an Early Childhood Classroom - Pocket of Preschool
3 Creative Name Game Activities for Spelling
Using toys to spell... my piggyback idea: Write letters on toy cars and keep in a tub for a center or independent play. Using big wooden blocks, kids can build two ramps... one child builds a word using the cars, says the word, and rolls it down the ramp to his friend. The friend collects the cars, rebuilds the word, and rolls it back down his own ramp. Start over.
Block Play: Wrap it up!
Gift wrapping center for classroom - rolls of wrapping paper + tape+ and blocks from the block center! = Genius and Fun for the kids (sneaky fine motor practice)
Free Block Center Fill In the Blank book
Here's a short fill-in-the-blank book for you to have set out in your Block Center. Students can then make their own mini book using words and pict...
Kindergarten Kindergarten
Of course, the boys loved the transportation center. Many stories were inspired by their adventures in the transportation center! (Notice how they are using the environmental print in their writing!)
Can you build it? Block Center Idea
Can you build it? Block Center Idea Posters to add to block area--also includes recording sheet
Block Center Ideas that Incorporate Math and Literacy
Block Center Ideas that Incorporate Math and Literacy - Young and Lively Kindergarten -
Kindergarten Lifestyle
Blocks/Building Center "I Can" booklet
Love this-A book with photos of real buildings and bridges-Can You Build This?....also could add photos of children's structures...even do a class book-Look What We Built !
Trouble In Paradise
Play To Learn In Kindergarten: Trouble In Paradise = Using pictures or real structures to challenge children try to repllicate them with blocks.
Inspired block play at Benson Memorial UMC Preschool and Kindergarten Prep - Raleigh NC 27612. When a new topic comes up in conversation, we like to explore that topic. One of our children had heard about the Eiffel Tower in a movie. She wanted to draw it in her journal but wished she could see it again first. We printed up pictures and inspiration spread to the block/building center. This is an example of Emergent Curriculum in action.