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7M views · 154K reactions | Mix toothpaste with Vaseline and you will be surprised!! | Mix toothpaste with Vaseline and you will be surprised!! | By Tavares good Tips | Toothpaste with Vaseline and you will be surprised after discovering this secret you'll thank me a thousand times over I bet you have a bottle of Vaseline at home but did you know it holds hidden secrets that very few people know about this video I will reveal how to make the most out of this standard household product stay tuned till the end for the biggest tip that you never imagine trying let's start with the first tip grab a bowl and add two spoons of Vaseline an equal amount of toothpaste. Comment below with your city. Let's see where everyone's watching from. Mix them well and you should see a creamy consistency like the one shown in the video. This mix may look simple but it works wonders. You might be wondering what's this mixture for? Let me tell you. It's a game changer for dry skin. The toothpaste cooling effect and the Vaseline's deep hydration make this combination perfect for healing cracked dry skin. I use it regular on my hands and the difference is amazing. It also works wonders on your feet. Just apply it before bed and you'll wake up with soft, nourished skin. Tag a friend who needs to try this trick. But that's not all. Let's talk about burns. Whether a minor kitchen burn or a sunburn, this mixture is your new best friend. Apply a little of the mixture to the affected area and you'll feel instant relief as it cools and soothes the skin. It's like a magic remedy that's always available in your home. Comment, yes, if you're going to try this at home. Moving on to tip number two, cleaning your glasses. If your lenses are cloudy or scratched, this simple trick will make them look new. Use the same toothpaste and Vaseline mix and apply it gently to your glasses with a cotton swab. Spread it evenly across the lenses and wait a few minutes to let the mixture work its magic. Afterward, use a cotton ball or cloth to wipe away the excess. You won't believe how shy and clear your glasses will be. Rate this tip from zero to ten. I'd love to know what you think. You're going to be blown away by how simple yet powerful these secrets are. This mixture is not only affordable but also natural. Now the best tip of all, in a small container, add a little Vaseline. And here's the secret ingredient, cinnamon. Yes, cinnamon powder. Mix it well until it reaches a smooth consistency. You might be skeptical but trust me, this combo is incredible for your skin. Cinnamon is with antioxidants and combined with the moisturizing power of Vaseline it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and rejuvenates your skin. I've been using it on my hands. But you can apply it to your face for smoother, more youthful looking skin. Making it a safer alternative to expensive beauty products. After using it consistently, I've seen a noticeable difference in how my skin feels. So soft and refreshed. It's a C beauty treatment that works like a charm. Do you have a similar hack at home? Share it in the comments. I hope these tips help you as much as they've helped me. Remember, sometimes the simplest ingredients can make the biggest difference. Stay tuned for more amazing life hacks in the following video.
2.9M views · 62K reactions | Mix toothpaste with Vaseline and you will be surprised!! | Mix toothpaste with Vaseline and you will be surprised!! | By Tavares good Tips | Toothpaste with Vaseline and you will be surprised after discovering this secret you'll thank me a thousand times over I bet you have a bottle of Vaseline at home but did you know it holds hidden secrets that very few people know about this video I will reveal how to make the most out of this standard household product stay tuned till the end for the biggest tip that you never imagine trying let's start with the first tip grab a bowl and add two spoons of Vaseline an equal amount of toothpaste. Comment below with your city. Let's see where everyone's watching from. Mix them well and you should see a creamy consistency like
Quick Crockpot Recipes | If you have an Air might want to keep this handy | Facebook
Quick Crockpot Recipes | If you have an Air might want to keep this handy | Facebook
669K views · 5K reactions | Unconventional Uses for Hangers | Unconventional Stitching Method #everyonefollowers #friendlyᥫᩣシ #viral #Amazing #lifehacks | By Jaysmitty Gaming | Know these magical uses of hangers? One, hanging a hanger on a child's clothes can correct the child's sitting posture. Two, pulling hangers apart and linking them together to hang on the wall allows plants to climb up the wall. Three, placing two hangers bent at the bed head and putting a flat panel on top allows you to watch TV while lying down. Four, pulling hanger apart, bending it like this, hanging it around your neck and placing your phone on it allows you to read recipes while cooking. Five, cutting off the bottom of the hanger. Folding inwards at two right angles and hanging a roll of paper in the bathroom is very practical. Six, folding both ends of a hanger downwards at right angles and installing it in the car makes hanging things convenient. 7, bending a hanger into a W shape is great for drying shoes. Eight, pulling the hanger open, folding the hook upwards, rotating 90 degrees, making two hangers like this, stacking them together, and securing with zip ties creates a hanging trash can. Nine, opening the hanger interface threading in clips is very convenient for drying socks. Ten, folding the hanger inward, bending the ends into hooks and folding it creates a tablet stand. 11, folding a hanger in half, slightly opening it and hanging it on the wall can be used to store more hangers. 12, if there's no place to put a pot lid, folding the hooks of the hanger 90 degrees, folding it in a middle and slightly opening it allows you to hang the pot lid. 13, folding both ends of the hanger, stacking two together and securing them creates a simple shoe rack. 14, pulling the hanger up and tying it together with a rope then placing a pillow on it is the correct way to air dry a pillow. 15, fixing two hangers together, spreading them apart in the middle helps clothes dry faster when hung. Have you learned these practical hanger tips? This is the stitching technique passed down from ancient times. Start by inserting the first stitch from underneath. The second stitch is made next to the first loop the thread and pull. Ladies, this stitching technique is perfect for at home use. For shortening pants, shortening sleeves, lowering collars, the most frequently used technique is this invisible stitch. Practical and neat. Each time the loop is picked up. Then make the stitch slightly next to the original needle hole. Loop the thread, pull and it's done. Always remember to pick up the loop before The thread won't pull smoothly. The last stitch goes through the loop. Pick up the lower loop. Pull it tight. The thread will be hidden. Two, cut the top part of unused socks. Sew it to the sweater cuffs using the invisible stitch. This stitch is truly practical. Completely seamless. Looks brand new. Pull the last thread. The sleeves look longer. You can wear it for another three to 4 years. Three, no need to cut long sweatshirt sleeves. Follow this technique shown in the video. Sew as long as needed. Works on cuffs, tighten the thread. The sleeves will shorten. Four, don't throw away socks with holes. Today, I'll teach you a no stitch method. Fixing holes with a single stitch. Simple and practical, elegant and neat. You can't buy this quality. After mending, it'll last 30 more years. Five, fixing long sleeves. Down stitch then up stitch. So, two rows with the same technique. Then thread through the opening. Looks better than designer clothes. Mending creates a new style. Six, for collars that are too wide. Use an up and stitch. Sew to the desired spot. Pull for a nice braided look. Simple and elegant. 7, fixing jeans that have come apart. Stitch across the opening is shown. Criss crossing to the top. Pull the thread gently to finish. Restitch the original thread and it looks like new. Follow me for more practical life tips. Amazing uses for cola. You didn't know. I'm sure you had no idea. One, got gum stuck in your hair, don't panic. Pour cola into a bowl, soak your hair for three minutes and the gum will come off easily. Two, mix cola with dish soap. Shake it well and spray on kitchen grease stains. Wipe gently and it'll look brand new. Three, mix cola with laundry detergent. Say goodbye to mold and black stains. Four, add egg white to cola water. It restores stainless steel to its original shine. Five, mix white vinegar with cola. Wipe your mirror and it'll sparkle. Six, accidentally burn your frying pan. Don't worry, pour in a bottle of cola and let it sit for half an hour. Rinse with water and it will be good as new for another fifty 7, mix beer with dish soap. Use it to clean stove grease. It will be spotless. Eight, place a rusty wrench in a cup. Pour fresh cola over it. Wait for half an hour then wipe it clean. It'll last another 100 years. Nine, spray cola mixed with laundry detergent on toilet stains. The odor and yellow stains will vanish instantly. Ten, pour some cola, add a bit of floral water, then mix in dish soap, add baking soda, and white vinegar. Turn on cleaning mode. Today, I'm giving my washing machine a bath. Take a look my washing machine. It's so neat. Do that. Follow me for more practical tips.
117K views · 1K reactions | Unconventional Uses for Hangers | Unconventional Stitching Method #everyonefollowers #friendlyᥫᩣシ #viral #Amazing #lifehacks | By Jaysmitty Gaming | Know these magical uses of hangers? One, hanging a hanger on a child's clothes can correct the child's sitting posture. Two, pulling hangers apart and linking them together to hang on the wall allows plants to climb up the wall. Three, placing two hangers bent at the bed head and putting a flat panel on top allows you to watch TV while lying down. Four, pulling hanger apart, bending it like this, hanging it around your neck and placing your phone on it allows you to read recipes while cooking. Five, cutting off the bottom of the hanger. Folding inwards at two right angles and hanging a roll of paper in the bathroom
1.7M views · 26K reactions | #fyp #foryou #lifetips #life #lifehacks #viral | Eleanorduncan
1M views · 16K reactions | #fyp #foryou #lifetips #life #lifehacks #viral | Eleanorduncan | Eleanorduncan · Original audio
778K views · 7.4K reactions | Genius Home Hacks 🤯 | Genius Home Hacks 🤯 Incredibly clever plant tips, kitchen tricks and life hacks for the entire household! #home #backyard #lifehacks #tipsandtricks... | By Jeff & Lauren | Facebook
195K views · 3K reactions | Genius Home Hacks 🤯 | Genius Home Hacks 🤯 Incredibly clever plant tips, kitchen tricks and life hacks for the entire household! #home #backyard #lifehacks #tipsandtricks... | By Jeff & LaurenFacebook
3.2M views · 37K reactions | IT LOOKS LIKE MAGIC!! A 90-year-old's feet look like a child's using this tip from a manicurist!! | IT LOOKS LIKE MAGIC!! A 90-year-old's feet look like a child's using this tip from a manicurist!! | By Very GoodFacebook
2.5M views · 50K reactions | 587 Whiter Teeth w Turmeric 🦷🤩 #teeth #trick #tips #LifeHack #hack #hacks #foryou #fyp #learnfromme #alwayslearning #mag | Jason Coleman
1.9M views · 37K reactions | 587 Whiter Teeth w Turmeric 🦷🤩 #teeth #trick #tips #LifeHack #hack #hacks #foryou #fyp #learnfromme #alwayslearning #mag | Jason Coleman | Jason Coleman · Original audio
43M views · 582K reactions | Reparos com aloe vera para toda a casa 🪛. | Reparos com aloe vera para toda a casa 🪛. | By Ideias Incríveis Família | Facebook
12M views · 205K reactions | Reparos com aloe vera para toda a casa 🪛. | Reparos com aloe vera para toda a casa 🪛. | By Ideias Incríveis FamíliaFacebook
Kenny Simpson San Diego Loan Officer on Instagram: "My house is officially insect-free!! You should try this too! #DIY #doityourself #remix #stitch #homehacks #hometips #homemaintenance"
2.5M views · 47K reactions | All-new Tips & Tricks plus Life hacks | All-new Tips & Tricks plus Life hacks | By The Gooch | To clean water spots from your stainless steel sink, simply take a dryer sheet and just give it a rub. Perfectly clean stainless steel. When your pasta sauce jar is too tight, find this marking on the edge of the lid. Take your can opener. Run that nub along the bottom until you feel a click and then just give it a pull. Easily opens. Did you know that your X-acto blade will be good as new if you push it out one notch. Grab your needle nose pliers and just give it a snap. Good as new. We've been pouring ketchup wrong. Instead of squeezing on the front, squeeze on both sides and then release. You're welcome To keep your bananas fresher longer. Simply separate them and then place a strip of aluminum foil around the end of each banana. They'll last for days. You are going to thank me for this sandwich making trick. Take your kitchen comb, press it firmly down into your loaf of bread, make a cut through every other tooth. Separate the bread, and toss on your salami coin and your cheese coin. Perfect little sandwich. We've been slicing butter wrong. Cut your parchment paper into rectangle squares. Place it directly over the butter and then press firmly down with your knife. Perfect pats of butter. You are going to thank me for this quick and easy midnight snack. Take your mozzarella string cheese, place it on to bamboo skewers, mix up some pancake mix, add in some crushed red pepper, carefully dip those cheese sticks right down into the pancake batter, making sure to cover from top to bottom. Once you get all four placed onto your waffle iron, just simply close the lid and wait till they are golden brown. These are quick and easy and oh so delicious. You are going to thank me for this family travel hack. Cut a kitchen sponge into four pieces and then cover with Dawn dish soap. Once they're dry, simply place into a Ziploc bag to go. You are going to thank me for this Vaseline Hack. Drop a travel size jar of Vaseline down into hot water. Once it's liquefied, take your favorite cologne or perfume. Spray about 10 squirts into it and then just thoroughly mix it up. Place it into the refrigerator for two hours, once cooled, rub it on your wrist for a fragrance to last all day. Tired of Sweaty Gym shoes after your workout, place the silica gel packs into your shoe overnight. You are going to love this tape-saving trick. Pull up the end of the tape, take two bread ties, simply place them at the edge of the tape and you'll never lose the end again. Stop making a mess when making Grandma's pasta sauce. Instead of placing your spoon on your stove top, place underneath the handle like so. Stop buying plastic hangers. Once a month, buy five wooden hangers and replace your plastic hangers to provide support, prevent wrinkles, and repel moths. Do you struggle to remove soda bottles from the plastic tab? Simply give this a pull and then just remove. To keep your pot of pasta from boiling over, simply place a wooden spoon over the top. We've been eating Tic -Tacs wrong. Instead of dumping them into your hand, simply tip it forward, lower the lid for an individually served Tic Tac.
8.6M views · 13K reactions | All-new Tips & Tricks plus Life hacks | All-new Tips & Tricks plus Life hacks | By The Gooch | To clean water spots from your stainless steel sink, simply take a dryer sheet and just give it a rub. Perfectly clean stainless steel. When your pasta sauce jar is too tight, find this marking on the edge of the lid. Take your can opener. Run that nub along the bottom until you feel a click and then just give it a pull. Easily opens. Did you know that your X-acto blade will be good as new if you push it out one notch. Grab your needle nose pliers and just give it a snap. Good as new. We've been pouring ketchup wrong. Instead of squeezing on the front, squeeze on both sides and then release. You're welcome To keep your bananas fresher longer. Simply separate them and
Useful Tips on Instagram: "Follow @usefultips.ins for more helpful tips like this one! . please drop heart if you like this video❤️ . . . . #fyp #foryou #viral #kitchenessentials #hack #hacks #kitchenhacks #foodporn #foodblogger"
2.9M views · 145K reactions | This video shows how to find out if your android phone is potentially being hacked or tracked and how to fix it. Be sure to follow me for more 👉 @thebizmomari #googlehacks #protectyourdata #cybersecurity #databreach #dataprotection #datasecurity #cellhack | Arianna Anglin
615K views · 27K reactions | This video shows how to find out if your android phone is potentially being hacked or tracked and how to fix it. Be sure to follow me for more 👉 @thebizmomari #googlehacks #protectyourdata #cybersecurity #databreach #dataprotection #datasecurity #cellhack | Arianna Anglin | PPM · Suspense Tension 10
78K views · 40K reactions | Follow @thediytrick for more helpful tips like this one! . please drop heart if you like this video❤️ . . . . #fyp #foryou #viral #kitchenessentials #hack #hacks #kitchenhacks #foodporn #foodblogger | thehacktips
68K views · 15K reactions | Follow @thediytrick for more helpful tips like this one! . please drop heart if you like this video❤️ . . . . #fyp #foryou #viral #kitchenessentials #hack #hacks #kitchenhacks #foodporn #foodblogger | thehacktips | thediytrick · Original audio
659K views · 98K reactions | 🥳🩷 FREE STUFF FOR YOU 🎉🎁 What’s better than FREE?! 🥰 Comment: “Links” and I’ll DM you the details on how you can grab all of these goodies, too 🤗 Who really makes your birthday happen? Your spouse? Kids? Friends? Maybe you take the wheel like I do 🤭 This year I did something super fun and created my own personal party! I ran around town without spending a dime and grabbed all my FREE BIRTHDAY GOODIES 🪩 It was so much fun and everyone was so nice! Although I did all of these on my actual birthday, the vast majority give a pretty big grace period on when you can claim your free items 🎂 Which one of these freebies would you pickup first? Comment and LMK! I’m going with Nothing Bundt Cakes then immediately heading to Sephora 😍 XO, Lora 🩷 CHECKOUT my website: for more! ➡️ @lorafied wherever you are! ⏱ TikTok 📺 YouTube 📌 Pinterest 👍 Facebook #LORAfied #homemaker #freestuff #sephorafavorites #beautyinsider #crumblcookies #crumble #chickennuggets #mcdonalds🍟 #mcds #bathandbodyworksaddict #bathandbodyworkscandles #dollartree #nothingbundtcakes #itsyourbirthday #starbucksforlife #starbuckslover #sprinklescupcakes #moneysaver #freeisbetter #couponscommunity #ilovefree #ilovefreestuff #freeisforme #couponmom #31flavors #baskinrobbins#baskinrobbins #savvyshopper #hereforyou #lifehacker | LORAfied | HACKS: Home • Kitchen • Life
631K views · 94K reactions | 🥳🩷 FREE STUFF FOR YOU 🎉🎁 What’s better than FREE?! 🥰 Comment: “Links” and I’ll DM you the details on how you can grab all of these goodies, too 🤗 Who really makes your birthday happen? Your spouse? Kids? Friends? Maybe you take the wheel like I do 🤭 This year I did something super fun and created my own personal party! I ran around town without spending a dime and grabbed all my FREE BIRTHDAY GOODIES 🪩 It was so much fun and everyone was so nice! Although I did all of these on my actual birthday, the vast majority give a pretty big grace period on when you can claim your free items 🎂 Which one of these freebies would you pickup first? Comment and LMK! I’m going with Nothing Bundt Cakes then immediately heading to Sephora 😍 XO, Lora 🩷 CHECKOUT my w
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11K views · 464 reactions | Did you know?? #slam1005fm #Trinidad #fyppage | Slam 100.5fm