DIY Bird Houses

There are so many different types of bird houses that can be made, to attract a variety of cavity nesting birds to watch in your outdoor space. Some birds you can attract with bird boxes are Chickadees, Wrens, Nuthatches, Woodpeckers & Owls.
211 Pins
Creating Owl Boxes: How To Build An Owl House
Owl Box Plans - Learn About Owl House Design And Owl Nest Box Placement. #diyowlhouse #owlboxplans #buildingbirdhouses #birdhouses #WildBirdScoop
How to Build a Bird House
With these easy to follow instructions, you'll learn how to build a bird house in no time flat. #Birds #BirdWatching #BirdHouse #BirdFeeding #Birding
Roosting Boxes - A Place For Birds To Take Shelter
Roosting Box
53 Free DIY Bird House & Bird Feeder Plans that Will Attract Them to Your Garden
53-free-diy-bird-house-plans-to-attract-birds-to-your-garden. #diybirdhouse #birdhouseplans #buildingbirdhouses #birdhouses #WildBirdScoop
Everything You Need to Know About Bird House Hole Sizes
Dive into our detailed Bird House Hole Size Guide and learn everything you need to know about creating the perfect bird home! Discover the ideal dimensions for different bird species and ensure your birdhouse attracts and supports them. This guide is essential for any bird lover looking to enhance their garden and provide a safe haven for wildlife.
Tips and Ideas for Building Bird Houses
The internet is full of fun diy birdhouse ideas. There are so many beautiful and rustic designs for birdhouses that are made out of wood, gourds, wine corks, teapots, and more. These unique ideas are fun and creative, but avid birders should be more aware of a bird’s needs when it comes to a shelter space. If you are considering building your own homemade diy birdhouse, then check out the blog first! We have thought of every aspect of the perfect birdhouse for you and for your backyard birds.
Building Bird Houses
Want to learn to build some awesome bird houses?Check out these tips and considerations. #Birds #BirdWatching #BirdFeeding #Birding
Bird Identification Quizzes
A bird house for wild birds must meet the requirements of nesting bird behaviour. Do you know what they are? Take the quiz and find out here
How To Attract Birds to Your Garden (Tips & Tricks)
Roosting Box
The 5 Best Birding Camera: A Bird Watchers Buying Guide
A bird cam will open up a whole new world of wild bird behaviour for you and your family to discover. #trailcamera #birdwatching #wildbirds #WildBirdScoop
How To Attract Birds to Your Garden (Tips & Tricks)
Gourd House
Wild Birds Scoop offers 2 Contests: Photo Contest & Story Contest - An opportunity to own a first rate bird feeder and other excellent prizes. Next contests start February 1, 2020. Visit often for Updates! #photocontest #storycontest #backyardbirds #birdwatching #birdfeeders #wildbirdscoop
Roosting Boxes - A Place For Birds To Take Shelter
Home made old west bird house.
How and Why to Attract Owls to Your Backyard
Beautiful, elegant and intelligent, owls are also very efficient at reducing rodent populations. That makes them a gardener’s best friend. Learn how to attract these amazing birds to your backyard. #diybirdhouse #birdhouseplans #buildingbirdhouses #birdhouses #WildBirdScoop