I love hair styles and trying almost anything with my own head or anyone's else's!
17 Pins
How To Care and Style 4B Hair Type (Secrets Revealed!)
4B hair type is a unique curl pattern that requires specific care and styling techniques. Hair textures falling in the 4 range (4A, 4B, 4C) are often deemed
Want that beautiful long hair you had a few weeks back? Try this DIY faster hair growth mask! Hope it works for most of you!
NameBright - Domain Expired
How many times have you come back from the hair salon wondering if you could take the past few hours back? Or maybe you made a rash decision and cut your own hair and regretted it soon after? Regardless of why you want to regrow hair, it is possible to have it happen—and fast—by following some of these hair growth tips.
NameBright - Coming Soon
Color and cut are definitely a do in my book.. But hubby would have a heart attack if I cut my hair. Lmao
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We love this DIY turban by #turban #DIY #tutorial
Weekly hair collection: the TOP hairstyles of the week!
Love this #peekaboo color and #bob #hairstyle - Celebrity Quality Hair Extensions
How I (More Than) Doubled My Hair Growth - It's A Love/love Thing
How to grow hair faster. Good tips.
DIY Hair Color! Burgundy Plum
burgundy, and purple hair I purchased my hair dyes at Sally's Beauty Supply. I asked the sales associate for help and she picked out the developer in 20 volume for me. I went with the popular Ion brand. Everything cost me $15-20. -Ion Sensitive Scalp Developer 20 Volume -N Rage Color Purple Plum -Ion Color Brilliance Liquid Medium Intense Red 41R-44.66 (the cream and liquid work the same). I used a BaByliss Pro Ceramic Tools 2 1/4" hair curler (from Cosmo