Camera Obscura

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Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura es un grupo indie pop de Glasgow, Escocia

Tracyanne Campbell: voz y guitarra
Gavin Dunbar: bajo y guitarra
Kenny McKeeve: guitarra
Lee Thomson: batera
Carey Lander: piano y rgano
Nigel Baillie: trompeta
El grupo se forma en Glasgow (Escocia) en 1996, cuando Tracyanne, John y Gavin se reunan en el stano
de la casa de los padres de Gavin para escribir canciones y ensayar. Al principio les acompaaba a la guitarra
David Skirving.Desde que sali a la venta Lets get out of this country, el grupo no deja de girar por el mundo
presentando sus canciones en directo: conciertos por toda Gran Bretaa, Norteamrica de cabo a rabo,
Suecia, Alemania, Holanda... Y finalmente Espaa, con catorce conciertos multitudinarios donde llenan todas
las salas.Est demostrado: la msica de CAMERA OBSCURA es perfecta para acompaar las imgenes de
las mejores series de televisin. En el cuarto episodio de la tercera temporada de Anatoma de Grey, los dos
primeros minutos que abren el nuevo captulo los protagoniza la msica de CAMERA OBSCURA con su
cancin If looks could kill.
Al final del quinto episodio de la serie de la NBC Friday Night Lights (sobre la vida de un entrenador de ftbol
americano en un instituto de un pueblo de Texas) suena otra cancin de CAMERA OBSCURA: Lets get out
of this country, casi entera!
Y tambin Lloyd, Im ready to be heartbroken tiene sus minutos televisivos en la secuencia de apertura de
uno de los captulos de la serie de Channel 4 Hollyoaks: una serie enfocada a la gente joven, que lleva ms
de doce aos en antena en Gran Bretaa, llegando a una media de tres millones de espectadores por

Rare UK Bird 1999

Quattro CD quattro-014 (Japan only)

1 Your Sound
2 Eighties Fan
3 Park And Ride
4 Eastwood
5 Annawaltzerpose
6 Autumn Pose
7 Railway Station
8 Swimming Pool
Este disco editado en Japon, contiene los dos primeros singles del grupo mas tres temas compuestos
expresamente para esta edicion. Segun palabras de Gav, este disco cierra su etapa LO-FI.
Gav :Quattro Records in Japan asked us if they could put out a cd with the two singles on it, so to make it up
to a full length record we recorded another three songs on eight-track for it. We recorded the drums with
Richard Colburn at Hyndland Church Hall and did the rest at my folks house. Railway Station, Eastwood and
Eighties Fan (very different to the version on Biggest Bluest Hi Fi). They cleaned up the hiss on Park and Ride
and Swimming Pool. Here endeth our lo fi years.

Eighties Fan (single)

2001 Andmoresound 7 :and1645 / CDS:and16cds

01 Eighties Fan
02 Shine Like A New Pin
03 Lets Go Bowling
Primera experiencia en un estudio, que acabo dando pie a la grabacion de su primer album
Lee :
My first recording experience with the band and our first time in Cava. It seemed to take a while to get the right
feel for the song with many evenings spent at Stuarts place and our damp rehearsal space playing the tune
over and over again. Eventually we entered into the luxurious studio 1 at Cava in Glasgows West End in
Autumn 2000. We recorded several takes live with three violinists and three acoustic guitarists. This whole
experience gave us the courage to get in there again and make an album.

Biggest Bluest Hi Fi
2002 (Elefant) and 2004 (Merge) Re-Releases

1. Happy New Year

2. Eighties Fan
3. Houseboat
4. Shine Like a New Pin
5. Pen and Notebook
6. Swimming Pool
7. Anti-Western
8. Lets Go Bowling
9. I Dont Do Crowds
10. The Sun on His Back
11. Double Feature
12. Arrangements of Shapes and Space
Gav :
It all started with recording Eighties Fan in CaVa studios. Our first visit to a real studio, we felt like we were in
Abbey Road. After the single session, we went back in over weekends whenever we could over the next year
(November 1999 to December 2000) working with Geoff Allen engineering for us.
It was a really exciting time as the songs came together and the album started to take shape. CaVa is a
converted church next to Kelvingrove Park with a great band room (Room 2) where we usually recorded. A
couple of times we got to go into Room 1 which was enormous and a total luxury. Altogether a very different
way to record than in my parents cellar.

2003 Elefant CD Single: ER-352

1 Teenager
2 I Dont Want To See You
3 Footlose And Fancy Free
Este es el primer single del segundo album
Carey :
This first single from the second album is backed by the one-off intimacy of a home recording; Footloose and
fancy free was recorded entirely in Kennys bedroom. The other track I dont want to see you is possibly the
sparsest yet Camera Obscura song and was recorded in a single take in Cava.

Underachievers Please Try Harder

September 2003 / January 2004 in USA
Elefant ER-1104 CD and Merge MRG239

01 Suspended From Class

02 Keep It Clean
03 A Sisters Social Agony
04 Teenager
05 Before You Cry
06 Your Picture
07 Number One Son
08 Let Me Go Home
09 Books Written For Girls
10 Knee Deep At The NPL
11 Lunar Sea
Underachievers Please Try Harder, es el tercer disco de la banda (contando el Japones) y el primero bajo el
sello Elefant. Sigue la linea melodica y compositiva de siempre pero sin aburrir al publico. Un disco muy bien
editado (cosa que se nota mucho en este tipo de musica) de atmosferas concretas y personales.
El nuevo lbum de los escoceses recoge las virtudes de su exitoso primer lbum y nos anuncia una nueva
etapa llena de grandes logros y momentos inolvidables. A base de buen gusto y trabajo constante, CAMERA
OBSCURA han alcanzado un envidiable estatus de culto que cada vez est ms cerca de convertirse en
masivo. Co-produccido por Geoff Allan, que ha trabajado con MOGWAI, TEENAGE FANCLUB, THE
la gente con melodas dulces e inteligentemente solapadas con arreglos delicados y letras agridulces. Una
maravillosa muestra de madurez, sabidura y trabajada bisutera pop.
Carey :
The album was recorded over a series of long weekends in 2003. Every session had its highlights, one of

which was playing with local pedal-steel-wizz Wullie Gamble on Books for Girls and recording the 50s warble
on the Teenager choruses. Others included the big dinners cooked in the Cava kitchen and starting the day
with over-priced rolls and greasy-thing from the local shop.

I Love My Jean
2005 Elefant 7 :ER-246 / CDSingle :ER-358

1 I Love My Jean
2 Marathon Not A Sprint
3 A Red, Red Rose
Tracyanne :
We were asked by the late DJ John Peel to put some of our music to a few poems by Robert Burns, and to
perform them live at Peel Acres as part of Johns annual Burns night celebration. I love my Jean turned out to
be a favourite of Johns, so we decided to release it as a single and dedicate to him.

Lets Get Out Of This Country

2006 Elefant ER-1123 CD and LP / Merge MRG276

1. Lloyd, Im Ready to Be Heartbroken

2. Tears for Affairs
3. Come Back Margaret
4. Dory Previn
5. The False Contender
6. Lets Get Out of This Country
7. Country Mile
8. If Looks Could Kill
9. I Need All the Friends I Can Get
10.Razzle Dazzle Rose
CAMERA OBSCURA han ido creciendo y creciendo hasta convertirse en un nombre de referencia. Ms de
50.000 discos vendidos hasta el momento avalan su trayectoria, y recientemente han actuado con entradas
agotadas en Nueva York y en el festival South By Southwest de Austin, Texas, con ilustres seguidores entre el
pblico como Mike Myers o Conor Oberst (BRIGHT EYES). Los ojos de la escena internacional del pop estn
puestos en Lets get out of this country: una coleccin de diez canciones impecables, sin un solo relleno,
donde el grupo de Glasgow apuesta por el pop ms clsico con tintes de country y de soul, con influencias
variadas que van de Jimmy Webb a Lloyd Cole, de Connie Francis a Skeeter Davis, de las SUPREMES a
David Lynch.
Carey :
Recorded in two different studios in Stockholm in less than a fortnight with mad pixie Jari Haapalainen jumping
up and down making us work harder. There are lots of guitars, a drum kit found in a skip, a magnificent crackly
Hammond and more hakers, maracas and handclaps than a particularly large primary school music room.

My Maudlin Career
2009 4AD CAD 2907CD CD, CAD 2907 LP, EAD 2907A DL

1. French Navy
2. The Sweetest Thing
3. You Told A Lie
4. Away With Murder
5. Swans
6. James
7. Careless Love
8. My Maudlin Career
9. Forests And Sands
10. Other Towns And Cities
11. Honey In The Sun
Ultimo album hasta la fecha. El grupo sigue ganando adeptos y su calidad cada vez es mayor. Personalmente
uno de mis grupos favoritos de los ultimos tiempos.

The Blizzard / Swans

2009 Label: 4AD Catalog#: AD2937

A The Blizzard
B Swans

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