Camera Obscura
Camera Obscura
Camera Obscura
1 Your Sound
2 Eighties Fan
3 Park And Ride
4 Eastwood
5 Annawaltzerpose
6 Autumn Pose
7 Railway Station
8 Swimming Pool
Este disco editado en Japon, contiene los dos primeros singles del grupo mas tres temas compuestos
expresamente para esta edicion. Segun palabras de Gav, este disco cierra su etapa LO-FI.
Gav :Quattro Records in Japan asked us if they could put out a cd with the two singles on it, so to make it up
to a full length record we recorded another three songs on eight-track for it. We recorded the drums with
Richard Colburn at Hyndland Church Hall and did the rest at my folks house. Railway Station, Eastwood and
Eighties Fan (very different to the version on Biggest Bluest Hi Fi). They cleaned up the hiss on Park and Ride
and Swimming Pool. Here endeth our lo fi years.
01 Eighties Fan
02 Shine Like A New Pin
03 Lets Go Bowling
Primera experiencia en un estudio, que acabo dando pie a la grabacion de su primer album
Lee :
My first recording experience with the band and our first time in Cava. It seemed to take a while to get the right
feel for the song with many evenings spent at Stuarts place and our damp rehearsal space playing the tune
over and over again. Eventually we entered into the luxurious studio 1 at Cava in Glasgows West End in
Autumn 2000. We recorded several takes live with three violinists and three acoustic guitarists. This whole
experience gave us the courage to get in there again and make an album.
Biggest Bluest Hi Fi
2002 (Elefant) and 2004 (Merge) Re-Releases
2003 Elefant CD Single: ER-352
1 Teenager
2 I Dont Want To See You
3 Footlose And Fancy Free
Este es el primer single del segundo album
Carey :
This first single from the second album is backed by the one-off intimacy of a home recording; Footloose and
fancy free was recorded entirely in Kennys bedroom. The other track I dont want to see you is possibly the
sparsest yet Camera Obscura song and was recorded in a single take in Cava.
which was playing with local pedal-steel-wizz Wullie Gamble on Books for Girls and recording the 50s warble
on the Teenager choruses. Others included the big dinners cooked in the Cava kitchen and starting the day
with over-priced rolls and greasy-thing from the local shop.
I Love My Jean
2005 Elefant 7 :ER-246 / CDSingle :ER-358
1 I Love My Jean
2 Marathon Not A Sprint
3 A Red, Red Rose
Tracyanne :
We were asked by the late DJ John Peel to put some of our music to a few poems by Robert Burns, and to
perform them live at Peel Acres as part of Johns annual Burns night celebration. I love my Jean turned out to
be a favourite of Johns, so we decided to release it as a single and dedicate to him.
My Maudlin Career
2009 4AD CAD 2907CD CD, CAD 2907 LP, EAD 2907A DL
1. French Navy
2. The Sweetest Thing
3. You Told A Lie
4. Away With Murder
5. Swans
6. James
7. Careless Love
8. My Maudlin Career
9. Forests And Sands
10. Other Towns And Cities
11. Honey In The Sun
Ultimo album hasta la fecha. El grupo sigue ganando adeptos y su calidad cada vez es mayor. Personalmente
uno de mis grupos favoritos de los ultimos tiempos.
A The Blizzard
B Swans