Voz Pasiva en Ingles
Voz Pasiva en Ingles
Voz Pasiva en Ingles
Se forma la voz pasiva con el verbo auxiliar "to be" y el participio pasado del verbo. Estructura Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + participio pasado.
The speech is written for the president. (El discurso est escrito para el presidente.) The house was built in 1975. (La casa fue construida en 1975.) My wallet has been stolen. (Ha sido robada mi cartera.)
Para transformar una oracin activa a pasiva tenemos en cuenta los siguientes puntos: Ejemplo: Mark Twain wrote the book 1. Es necesario que la oracin cuente con objeto directo, es decir que responda a la pregunta Qu cosa? Mark Twain wrote the book 2. El objeto de la oracin activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva.
A civilian has been killed. (Un civil ha sido asesinado.) The car was stolen. (El coche fue robado.)
2. Usamos la voz pasiva cuando queremos dar importancia a lo que pas, ms que a quin hizo la accin, por cortesa cuando no queremos decir quien lo hizo o cuando es obvio el que lo hizo..
o o o
The letter was delivered yesterday. (La carta fue entregada ayer.) A mistake was made. (Un error fue cometido.) The thief was arrested yesterday. (only the police can arrest thieves)
Help is wanted
Examples of Passive
Simple Present Active: Passive: Simple Past Active: Passive: Present Perfect Active: Passive: Future I Active: Passive: Hilfsverben Active: Passive: Present Active: Progressive Passive: Past Progressive Active: Passive: Past Perfect Active: Passive: Future II Active: Passive: Conditional I Active: Passive: Conditional II Active: Passive:
Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter
writes is written wrote was written has written has been written will write will be written can write can be written is writing is being written was writing was being written had written had been written will have written will have been written would write would be written would have written would have been written
a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita.
Object 1
a letter to me a letter
Object 2
to me. by Rita. by Rita.
Impersonal Passive Se caracteriza por utilizar verbos relacionados con la percepcin (Verbos Intransitivos) como por ejemplo: say, think , suppose, know, expect, consider, entre otros. Es utilizado con gran frecuencia por los medios de comunicacin, sobre todo en la redaccin de noticias. Al utilizar verbos intransitivos como accin principal, no existe objeto que pueda cumplir esa funcin y es necesario seguir la siguiente estructura IT VERBO TO BE PASADO PARTICIPIO
It is said It is known It is supposed It is considered It is reported It is thought It is decided It is expected, that they do their homework. It is expected that we win today. It is considered that he is dangerous It is thought that he broke his leg It is considered that he is dangerous It is said that women are as intelligent as men