Feliz Navidad - Score

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FL. Vocel Voce2 Flauto Feliz New dad Feliz Navidad Feliz ma vi dnd Pro spe 0 x José Feliciano FL FI, snake you hep py make you bap py wan to wish you a 1 want (0 wish you a 1 want 10 wish you 1 ant to wish you & Mer ry Chuist mas Mar ty Christm Mer ry Chit war Hom the bol lom of my Mer ty Christ was from the bot tom of my Feliz Navidad with ois of present ‘with Hts of pe seat 10 Fi ‘With oss of laugh ter tough {vant to wish you a Mex ry Christ mas with mis tle toe and ost of choor With lot of laugh ter through DS olla Coda 9 (om fut the years fom tbe ot om of my eat. Fe liz Na vi DS alia Coda @ coms Fe tz Na vi DS at Cada DS. alla Coda @ cops Feliz Navidad 3

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