Revista Amura 112 - Hong Kong

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Premier Print Awards


Hong Kong
Fusin de modernidad y tradicin

MXICO $350 M.N.

a fusion of modernity and tradition


Cantiere delle Marche, Nauta Air 90, Noga.

Feadship, Lady Christine.
Riva 88, Domino Super.
Copa Aarn Senz.


Rolls Royce, The Wraith Inspired by Film.

Bentley Continental GT.
McLaren 570.

cultural HEritaGE /

Un crisol de culturas.



I Chronomaster 1969

BERGER JOYEROS Mxico D.F., Masaryk, Interlomas, Va Santa Fe EL PALACIO DE HIERRO Perisur, Satlite
EMWA Monterrey Valle, Andares Guadalajara, Perisur, Galeras Insurgentes, Mrida, Antea Quertaro TORRES JOYAS Puebla, Angelpolis
LIVERPOOL Galeras Insurgentes, Paseo Interlomas, Centro Comercial Antea Quertaro, Galeras Toluca, Andares Guadalajara, Puebla Angelpolis
Centro De Servicio En Mxico: Attila Distribution Group (55) 2978 - 0480

Continental GT Speed


Campos Elseos 247, Col. Polanco, Mxico D.F.

Para ms informacin llame al (01 55) 52 80 35 35.


SD 92 - 110 - 122

SL 62 - 72 - 82 - 88 - 94 - 104 - 108 - 118

40 Alloy - 42 Exp - 46 Steel - 62 Steel

Lamborghini Mexico City

Insurgentes Sur 1608
Col. Crdito Constructor
Del. Benito Jurez
03940 Distrito federal
Tel. +52(55) 5662-76-19

Lamborghini Monterrey
Calzada del Valle 255
Col. Del Valle
San Pedro Garza Garca
66220 Nuevo Len
Tel. +52(81) 8262-8296



esde que se est por aterrizar en el

impresionante Aeropuerto Internacional de Hong Kong, inaugurado en
1998 en la isla de Lantau, el visitante sin importar cuntas veces haya
visitado esta ciudad, reconoce que Hong Kong es
diferente del resto de China. Esto se comprueba una
vez en tierra, mientras se aprecia su modernidad y
majestuosos rascacielos junto a una de las bahas
comerciales ms importantes del mundo; un lugar
que tiene su propio idioma (gran dominio del ingls)
e inclusive una moneda local (el dlar hongkons),
cuyos habitantes se muestran sumamente abiertos
hacia las culturas extranjeras. En resumen, se trata
de una ciudad moderna, forjada sobre las bases de
una civilizacin antigua y tradiciones milenarias.
Hong Kong es un lugar que realmente vale la pena
descubrir, disfrutar de sus festivales, de la alegora de
luces y sonidos que cada noche hacen de la baha un
lugar mgico; un destino lo mismo apto para la prctica del senderismo por la montaa, como para asistir a
un espectculo, visitar un templo o explorar un pueblo
amurallado. Se trata de una ciudad fascinante y adictiva.
La idea de visitar esta isla invita a descubrir
el lazo que une a oriente con occidente, se trata
de la puerta de entrada que permite disfrutar la
cultura china desde la visin occidental; por ello,
antes de su llegada a este enigmtico destino, es
recomendable establecer un programa que le permita identificar los lugares a conocer ya que esto
har que disfrute de oportunidades nicas.

ver since the instant one is about

to land at the amazing Hong Kong
International Airport, inaugurated
in 1998 in Lantau Island, no matter how many times he might have
visited the city, the visitor reckons that Hong
Kong is different from the rest of China. This is
demonstrated once on land while appreciating
its modernity and majestic skyscrapers next to
one of the foremost trading ports in the world; a
place with its own language (with great mastery
of English) and even with its own local currency
(the Hong Kong dollar), being its inhabitants extremely open to foreign cultures. In a nutshell,
this is a modern city, forged over the pillars of an
ancient civilization and millennial traditions.
Hong Kong is a place worthy of discovery,
by enjoying its festivities, for the allegory of its
lights and sounds that, every night, transform
the bay into a magic place; a destiny adequate
for hiking the same as for attending a show, visiting a temple or exploring the walled town. This
is an enchanting and addictive city.
The idea of visiting this island invites one to
discover the tether that links the East with the
West; this is the opening gate that allows to relish the Chinese culture from the occidental view;
that is why, before arriving at this unfathomable
destination, it is advisable that one schedules a
program to allow you pinpoint the places to visit,
allowing thus to enjoy unique opportunities.

Bienvenidos a bordo!

Welcome aboard!

AMURA Editores

AMURA Editors


Certificado de licitud de Ttulo: 13959
Certificado de licitud de Contenido: 11532
Tiraje: 20,000 EJEMPLARES
Impresin: EIRSA
El contenido de los artculos es
responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores
y no refleja necesariamente la opinin
de los editores. Queda estrictamente
prohibida la reproduccin parcial o
total del material publicado, por cualquier
sistema o mtodo fsico o electrnico,
sin el consentimiento por escrito de
los autores.
Fotografa de portada:
Getty Images
Revista Mensual no. 112
Tel. 5081 0101










Verano, un juego de texturas / Summer, a set of textures


Panerai Mare Nostrum


Caran dAche, Ecridor Yacht Club iza las velas
Caran dAche, Ecridor Yacht Club hoist the sails



Hong Kong


Fusin de modernidad y tradicin

A fusion of modernity and tradition


Mandarin Oriental
The pennsula Hong Kong
Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong
Kowloon Shangri-La


Cantiere Delle Marche, Nauta Air 90, Noga
Feadship, Lady Christine
Riva 88, Domino Super


Copa aron Senz


Matt Kuchar & Tiger Woods
La dupla emblemtica / The new golf emblem duo


Lung King Heen
812 Otto e Mezzo Bombana


Baijiu, el destilado ms poderoso del planeta
Baijiu, the mightiest spirit of the planet



Rolls Royce, The Wraith Inspired by Film


Bentley Continental GT
McLaren 570


Gustav Mahler Tu tiempo ha llegado!
Gustav Mahler Your time has arrived!



Un crisol de culturas / A cultural melting pot


Xiongmao, el tesoro nacional de China
Xiongmao, China national treasure








A set of


Texto / Text

Foto / Photo: Brunello Cucinelli

/ Cortesa
XX Foto
de las



Verano, un juego de texturas


sta temporada de verano predominan los

materiales frescos que combinan con texturas que acentan looks inspirados en un
clima clido, pero preparado para las sorpresivas lluvias que lo acompaan. Tanto
las sandalias multi strap como las de tipo romano, son
la mejor opcin durante el da y la ciertas ocasiones por
la noche; adicionalmente, la temporada se presta a incorporar cmodo calzado deportivo al oficce outfit para
darle un giro sport por dems atractivo.
Las tonalidades que van de blanco puro a marfil
imperan, as como la paleta de azules que parten de
los claros turquesa y van hasta el lila e ndigo, inclusive llegando a los prpura; tambin hacen juego
colores como el verde y el siempre oportuno negro.
Los sacos y trajes, tanto para hombre como para
mujer juegan un papel importante con su habitual
elegancia, adems de otras piezas como chalecos y
caftanes que se integran a los conjuntos verstiles
de este verano impredecible y espontneo.

resh materials are prevailing this

season, mixed with textures that
enhance the looks inspired in warm
weather; though ready to the sudden
accompanying rains. Multi-strap
and Roman sandals are the best options during
the daytime and sometimes in the nighttime.
Moreover, this season is suitable to wear office
outfit sports footwear, in an extremely attractive sportive turn.
Hues that go from pure white to ivory are
predominant; the same as the blue color pallet
starting from the clear turquoise up to the lilac
and indigo, even purple which match with colors like green and the ever suitable black.
Jackets and suits, for men and women, play a
paramount role in their own usual elegance; besides other garments such as vests and caftans
that integrate versatile outfits in this unpredictable and spontaneous summertime.





Brunello Cucinelli
Max Mara
Hugo Boss






Christian Louboutin


Max Mara

Purificacin Garca


Elegancia urbana y ambientes tnicos; colecciones,

llenas de plido, capas y transparencias suaves,
as como gladiator sandals o multi strap.


Brunello Cucinelli

Donna Karan

Naye Quiros

Urban elegance and ethnic ambiences,

collections full of pale colors, capes
and soft sheer clothing, the same as
gladiator or multi-strap sandals.

Max Mara

Charlotte Olympia



Elegantes piezas en azul, beige

suave y blanco puro; hasta shorts
o bermudas con el perfecto corto
para lucir la temporada.


Carolina Herrera





Eddie Borgo

Carolina Herrera



Alexander McQueen



Elegant garments in blue, soft beige,

pure white, even shorts or Bermuda
shorts, with the ideal shortness to
wear during this season.

Carolina Herrera




Hugo Boss
Brunello Cucinelli

Purificacin Garca

Carolina Herrera

Purificacin Garca


Brunello Cucinelli

Christian Louboutin
Alexander Wang

Max Mara

Look Business con elementos sport como los

zapatos, sacos con accesorios vanguardistas al
cuello y modernos estampados en gabardinas.
Business look with sport garments
such as footwear, jackets with
neck avant-garde accessories and
stamped raincoats.


Ermenegildo Zegna

Brunello Cucinelli
Brunello Cucinelli

Kenneth Jay Lane



Jimmy Choo


Carolina Herrera


Hugo Boss


Ocnarf Sairutsa


Ermenegildo Zegna



Donna Karan





Max Mara





Bottega Veneta



Max Mara



Christian Louboutin

Saint Laurent
Jimmy Choo

Frescos vestidos para el da y la noche, maxi bolsos con lneas

arquitectnicas y trajes con zapatos bostonianos para ellos.

Tiffany & Co.




Brunello Cucinelli


Fresh day and night dresses

maxi purses with architectural
lines, and Bostonian suits; and
footwear for them.




Max Mara


time machine

Texto / Text: PANERAI Foto / Photo: PANERAI




Mare Nostrum



Los guardianes del tiempo

Guardians of time

n 1943 la familia Panerai dio el nombre Mare

Nostrum al crongrafo creado para los oficiales
de cubierta de la Armada Real Italiana en honor
al Mar Mediterrneo. Mare Nostrum (Nuestro
mar), fue escenario de las victorias de las flotas
de la Armada Real Italiana durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
La nueva versin es la reproduccin que ms se aproxima al
modelo original, la diferencia ms marcada con la pieza del pasado est en el material usado para la caja, el cual -como bien
lo indica su nombre-, est hecho de titanio. En sus 52mm de
dimetro se aprecia el acabado cepillado que tiene el titanio
alrededor de la caja.
Las funciones del crongrafo se controlan con dos pulsadores clsicos, asimismo de titanio satinado, y las lecturas
se indican en el segundero central y en una esfera secundaria
que incorpora un contador de minutos que se sita a las 3h.
El segundero continuo gira en una esfera secundaria situada
a las 9h, la esfera, protegida por un cristal zafiro con tratamiento antireflejante, presenta dos niveles y en lugar del
verde oscuro del modelo original, es de un sofisticado color
marrn tabaco a juego con la correa de cuero marrn.
Incorpora un movimiento con manufactura de cuerda manual: el calibre OP XXV desarrollado sobre la base del Minerva
13-22; tiene 12 lneas de dimetro y aade un volante que
efecta 18.000 vibraciones por hora, al igual que el movimiento Angelus del modelo original. Acabado a mano, con detalles
tcnicos de primer nivel, como la rueda de pilares y el regulador de cuello de cisne. Los puentes estn hechos de
Maillechort, una aleacin de nquel y plata con la que es particularmente difcil trabajar, e incluyen un sofisticado acabado
Ctes de Genve. El Mare Nostrum Titanio 52mm es hermtico hasta tres atmsferas con una profundidad de unos 30
metros. Su edicin est limitada a 150 piezas.

time machine

n 1943, the family Panerai named Mare

Nostrum the deck officers chronograph of
the Regia Marina, the Italian Royal Navy, in
order to honor the Mediterranean Sea, Mare
Nostrum, (Our Sea), scenario of the Italian
Royal Navy fleets II World War victories. This new
version is the closest reproduction to the original
model; being its most outstanding difference the
material used for the case, as stated in its name, it
is made of titanium. In its 52 mm diameter one can
appreciate the brushed titanium finishing around
the box.
The chronographer functions are operated through
two counter buttons also made of satin titanium, with
central dial second hand readings and a minute counter in a subdial set at the 3 oclock level. The sweep
hand turns over a subdial set at the 9 oclock level; the
two-level display is protected by an anti-reflective
treatment crystal sapphire and, instead of the original dark green model it is sophisticated tobacco brown
matching the brown leather wristband.
It has a hand-wound mechanical movement, OP
XXV caliber based on the Minerva 13-22; 12 lignes
diameter; 18,000 alternations/hour balance wheel
like the Angelus movement of the original model;
all handcrafted, in first rate technical details such
as a column wheel and a swans neck regulator; its
bridges are made of Maillechort, a nickel and silver
alloy specially difficult to work out, which include
an elegant Ctes de Genve finishing. Mare Nostrum Titanio 52mm is water-resistant to 3 bars (a
depth of about 30 meters). Its edition is limited to
150 pieces.


Texto / Text

Foto / Photo: Grupo Mondi


Yatch Club
iza las velas

Ecridor Yacht Club hoist the sails

La firma del mar

u o luxuries

Signature of the Sea

a casa de alta escritura Caran dAche ha

creado un homenaje al mundo nutico, as
como a sus primeros portaminas de 1947;
se trata del nuevo modelo Ecridor Yacht
Club. Esta creacin, que representa el alma
del mar, es un objeto dedicado a aquellos amantes de
las embarcaciones y los deportes acuticos.
Con un cuerpo hexagonal, los maestros artesanos crearon una pieza emblemtica en la que se
aprecia el cdigo internacional de seales martimas, para lo cual emplearon tcnicas que hacen
gala de su talento y grabados de alta precisin.
Las reminiscencias de un diseo tradicional,
complementan el aire moderno que sopla las velas
de esta singular pieza de escritura, producida en
los talleres artesanales de la casa, en Ginebra. Ecridor Yatch Club es un ejemplo del gran trabajo que
se ha logrado con toda la coleccin Ecridor, misma
que cuenta con cuatro instrumentos de escritura:
pluma fuente, roller, bolgrafo y lapicero.
Presentados en un estuche de lujo, la pluma y el
roller se cierran con capuchn, mientras que el bolgrafo y el portaminas llevan pulsador, con un clip
que es flexible. Su lapicero mecnico de alta precisin asegura comodidad excepcional y el bolgrafo utiliza el famoso cartucho gigante Goliat, que
tiene una capacidad de escritura hasta para 600
hojas (A4) continuas, libre de derrame, lo cual
equivale a poder escribir una lnea de 8 km de
largo. El bao de paladio le da un distinguido
color blanco-plateado y la hace resistente a la
corrosin, siendo el complemento perfecto
para el delicado grabado guilloch.
En uno de sus seis lados se aprecia el
nombre Caran dAche, grabado en 10 letras
del cdigo de seales martimas. Como un
smbolo emocional y como un compaero
fiel, la Ecridor Yatch Club iza las velas y se
dispone a asumir nuevos retos.

Caran dAche


u o luxuries

aran dAche, the Maison de Haute

Ecriture, has paid homage to the
nautical world and to its first 1947
mechanical pencil, as well: the new
Ecridor Yacht Club, Soul of the Sea;
an object dedicated for vessels and aquatic
sports lovers.
With a hexagonal body, the craftsmen created
an emblematic piece in which the International
Code of Signals is appreciated; techniques that
flaunted their talent, and high precision engravings, were used in order to accomplish it.
Reminiscences of a traditional design complete the modern wind blowing over the sails of this
unique piece of writing, produced in the houses
shops, in Geneva. Ecridor Yacht Club is an example
of the great work that has been accomplished with
all of the Ecridor collection, having four writing instruments: a fountain pen, a roller pen, a ballpoint
pen and a mechanical pencil.
Presented in a luxurious case, the fountain
pen and the roller pen have click-in caps; while
the ballpoint pen and the mechanical pencil
have push buttons and flexible clips. Its high
precision mechanical pencil guarantees an exceptional comfort, and its ballpoint pen uses
the famous Goliath cartridge, having a capacity to write up to 600 continuous sheets of paper (A4), leak-free, tantamount to being able to
write one 8 km long line. The palladium coating
gives the set a distinguished white-silvery color
and makes it corrosion resistant; being a perfect
complement for the delicate guilloch engraving.
On one of the 6 sides, the name Caran dAche
is appreciated, engraved in 10 letters of the International Code of Signals. As an emotive symbol and as a faithful companion, the Ecridor
Yatch Club hoists the sails and is readying itself
for new challenges.

to /

Foto /


a ura




oder dad

A fusion of modernity
and tradition


a ura


a ura

Foto /


1.Hong Kong,
oficialmente es una
Regin Administrativa
Especial de la
/ Hong Kong,
officially is a Special
Region of the PRC.
2. En el mercado de
o oo
encuentran gran
variedad de atractivos
productos. / In the
market of Kowloon
Night, are many
attractive products.

ay quienes dicen que desde el aire, Hong

Kong, parece un bosque de cristal pues
sus rascacielos producen destellos que
llegada de sus visitantes, regalndoles
tambin, un caleidoscopio impresionante.
t o
t o
t t to o o
t t
tarse y sobreponerse a los dramticos cambios por
t to o
o o t
t o o o
enclave de la corona britnica, as como los transcurridos con el traspaso de su soberana al gigantesco
dragn asitico.

here are people who say that Hong Kong,

from the air, appears like a crystal forest,
its skyscrapers glimmer towards the sky
and illuminate the arrival of visitors,
giving them away an amazing kaleidoscope as well.
In order to enter this enigmatic country, one
must understand the cultural heritage of its antecessors, the ones who inhabited the territory; it
forged the resilience of its modern inhabitants, who
have been able to adapt themselves and overcome
the dramatic changes the history of this little island
located in front of the South China Seahas undergone; the days preceding the transformation period as an enclave of the British Crown, the same as
the days that passed at the transfer of sovereignty
over the great Asian dragon.

a ura

de una superficie mayormente mono

t too
potencias comerciales del mundo, ser una de las sedes
ot t
contar con la segunda mayor bolsa de valores de Asia,
o o
o t
racterstica, lo colocan entre las principales economas
conocidas como los gigantes asiticos.
Aunado a lo anterior, gracias a que la mayor parte
de su territorio conserva sus atractivos naturales, ya
que es territorio protegido, aunado a la modernidad
o o o t
t t
o t o
t o
o t
o o
t t
t t

t o

With 1,070 km 2 of a mostly mountainous surface, Hong Kong is small in terms of dimensions;
however its position among the 10 top trade regions in the world, being one of the Asian-Pacific
region financial centers and having the second
stock exchange after Tokyos (companies quoted
in it are valued at about US$2.97 trillion); just to
point out some characteristics, places it among
the greatest economies known as the Asian
Linked with the above, thanks to the fact that
its territory conserves its natural attractions, it
has become a protected area; and together with its
cosmopolitan, multicultural citys modernity, it has
become one of the destinations which has more and
more tourists every year. Having a little more than a
6 million population, it receives more than 60 million visitors on a yearly basis.



a ura

Foto /


/ o

/ t t

Hong Kong, Ngong
de transporte que
/ Hong Kong cable
car, Ngong Ping
360 is a means of
which offers
spectacular views of
the bay.
4. El sistema de
transporte pblico
de Hong Kong, uno
de los ms eficientes
contribuido al ritmo
de desarrollo urbano. /
The public transport
system in Hong
Kong, one of the most
efficient in the world,
has contributed to
the pace of urban

Encuentro entre dos mundos

Encounter between two worlds

t t
edifica una gran metrpoli, moderna y bien planificao
realidad cuando uno visita esta ciudad. Se trata de
to o
tipo de creencias y pensamientos, y cada uno es rest o
o o
nistrativa Especial de Hong Kong, cuenta con moneda
o o
que les da identidad es el cantons, distinguindose
o o tatar la civilidad de esta ciudad cuando se percata de
o o
o t
o o

Hong Kong inhabitants say that when one builds a great

metropolis, modern and well planned, over the foundations of a millennial civilization, marvelous things happen. This assertion becomes an actuality when one visits this city; it is a crossroads of cultures, where all kinds
of beliefs and thoughts live together, and each one is
respected. In spite of ceasing to be a British colony ever
since 1997, so as to be transferred to China as Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China, it has its own currency (the Hong Kong
dollar); despite its common language being English,
due to the fact that Hong Kong is the hub of a great part
of trade and finances in China, the tongue that gives its
identity is Cantonese, distinguishing it thus from the
rest of the Chinese population. One ends up witnessing to the civility of this city when realizes that he can
be fined for eating or drinking in public transportation
1500 HKD; for smoking in public transportation 5000
HKD or for spitting on the floor 5000 HKD.

a ura

5. La terminal de
cruceros Hong Kong
Ocean, en el distrito
de suma importancia
en las actividades
comerciales de Hong
Kong. / The cruise
terminal Hong Kong
Ocean, in the district
of Tsim Sha Tsui, is
paramount in the
commercial activities
of Hong Kong.

rascacielos de
415 m de altura.
El segundo ms
grande de la ciudad.
/ International
Finance Center,
skyscraper 415 m
high. The second
largest city.
uno de los centros
de exposiciones ms
importantes del
mundo. / Hong Kong
Convention and
Exhibition Center,
is one of the most
important exhibition
centers in the world.

Se trata de una ciudad en la que es mayormente

usado el transporte pblico, el cual cuenta con una
muy buena red de comunicacin necesaria, ya que
la mayora de sus pobladores no cuentan con auto
o o
ten distintas opciones para llegar a la ciudad, como
o t
t o
rpido, as como ms costoso, pues en 12 minutos
t to

This is a city where the public transport is

primarily used, having an excellent communication network necessary for most of its population have no car of their own. So, for example,
there are several options to arrive in the city
from the airport, such as the ferryboat, autobuses or subway, being the latter the fastest of all
and the most expensive one: in 12 minutes one
can arrive at the central district, where the International Finance Center and Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center are located.


a ura

Foto /





o oo
t o t
paseo martimo que rodea el
o o
con pilares de campanas
de viento. / Kowloon
Waterfront promenade
surrounding the Victoria
Harbour pillars decorated
with wind chimes.

altura de 394 m sobre
nivel de mar, es la segunda
elevacin ms alta de Hong
Kong. / Lantau Peak with a
height of 394 m above sea
level, is the second highest
elevation in Hong Kong.



de Lantau
comprende uno
de los territorios
o o
Hong Kong. / Lantau Island
is part of the territories of
Hong Kong.
/ Sky
City Church.
internacional. /
International financial
internacional. /
International Commerce

Los boletos del metro, uno de los sistemas de

dos del mundo, se adquieren en las mquinas expeno
t o
o to
del trayecto. En materia de taxis, en el aeropuerto
o o
t to
t o o
o oo
tobs el costo es de 33.5 HKD por persona.
t o
o t
Kowloon o territorio peninsular, la isla de Hong
Kong y los llamados Nuevos Territorios que incluyen la isla de Lantau.

Its subway is one of the most modern and cleanest, and has one of the best signaling systems, in
the world; its tickets are bought from vending machines at the stations and their cost varies according with the journey. Regarding taxi cabs, there is
price signaling at the airport according to the district destination; for example from the airport to
Mongkok in Kowloon the cost is about 390 HKD;
while on a bus, the price is 33.5 HKD per person.
In order to live it up in this destination, it is necessary to know it is divided in three zones: mainly Kowloon or the peninsular territory, the Hong Kong Island
and the so-called New Territories that include the Lantau Island.


o o
o o
Hong Kong, territorio del cual se apropiaron los ingleo
Administrativa Especial, en donde se concentra la
mayor parte de los corporativos internacionales ms
ot t
o o
o o
t t
tiende desde la costa norte de la Isla de Hong Kong,
de la pennsula de Kowloon.
o o
ocupa el tercer lugar de las edificaciones ms altas,
t o o
o tent el ttulo del edificio ms alto de la ciudad. Algo
curioso, es que en esta ciudad la modernidad y el
gusto por las rascacielos tambin influy en la art t

The region known as The Island, Hong Kong

strictly speaking, the territory taken over by the
English in 1840, is the most modern zone of this
Special Administrative Region, where most of
the international corporations converge. In the
north, over Victoria Harbour, the most famous
buildings forming the Hong Kong landmark are
located. On its own, it is a strip stretching from
the northern coast of the Hong Kong Island, towards Yau Tong in the east and up to Tsuen Wan
along the Kowloon Peninsula.
The strip has 112 buildings over 180m
height, the tallest being the International Commerce Centre, 484 height over the sea level; followed by the International Finance Centre, 416
m tall; then, the Central Plaza, currently the
third place among the highest buildings, which,
for a decade (1992 2003) flaunted the title of
the tallest building of the city. Curiously, in
this city, modernity and taste for skyscrapers also influenced religious architecture; as a
sample it has the tallest church in the world, the
Sky City Church.

La ciudad de los rascacielos

Skyscraper city

a ura


Foto /




a ura


Entre los sitios ms importantes de esta regin

t o
o o
botnicos del sudeste asitico, que comprende todo
t o
o t
t o
o o
ot o
o t
internacionales acudan a l para tomar, descansar
o o
t t
t o
o o
t t o o t t

t o
financiera de la ciudad
tiene uno de los aviarios
ms grandes de Asia. /
Hong Kong Park, located
in the financial district
of the city which has the
largest aviary in Asia.


natural y urbano. / Hong

Kong Park is the fusion of
natural and urban park.

Among the paramount sites in this region there

is the Hong Kong Park; a haven of peace and tranquility; it has an aviary with over 80 species of birds;
one of the biggest botanical gardens in southeast
Asia, comprising all kinds of plants; an artificial
lake where more than 100 species of dragon-flies
have been classified; and the Hong Kong Museum of
Art, the same as sports fields. Usually, white collar
workers from the great international offices attend
to it in order to have a break, and even to meditate,
thanks to the 8 hectares of nature located in the
central part of the financial zone, amid the bright
skyscrapers of Hong Kong Island, offering thus a
peculiar and attractive contrast in the middle of
vegetation and asphalt.

to t
como el Peak Tram

o o o o o o t
o o
o o o
t t
t t o
las veces de un mirador natutral desde donde se aprecia todo el esplendor de la ciudad. Dada la gran cantidad
de visitantes, en este monte de 552 m de altura estn
to o
o t
o to
que se puedan tener, permite apreciar los principales
o o

a ura


barrio ms exclusivo
de Hong Kong. /
The Peak, is the
most exclusive
neighborhood of
Hong Kong.
o Monte Austin,
pertenece a la cadena
/ Victorias Peak
or Mount Austin,
belongs to Tai Mo
Shan volcanic chain.
arquitecto Terry
o o
conos arquitectnicos
ms elegantes en
Hong Kong. / The Peak
Tower, designed by
architect Terry Farrell,
is one of the most
stylish architectural
icons in Hong Kong.
cuenta con la
t o
de tecnologa de

Terrace 428. / The

Peak Tower has the
highest technology
platform 360 view:
The Sky Terrace 428.

It is possible to get up the Victoria Peak, also known

as Mount Austin, aboard the Peak Tram, funicular
railway that has been working ever since 1888, and
services about 12000 passengers a day (with a schedule from 7:00 a.m. to 12 p.m., in intervals between 10
and 15 minutes) for more than 7 million tourists. This
is the most touristic spot of the region since it plays
the role of a natural scenic overlook from where the
city could be appreciated in all its splendor. Due to the
great number of visitors, on this 552 m height mount,
the Peak Tower and Peak Galleria, two commercial and
leisure centers, are located.Additionally, from the Sky
Terrace, a scenic terrace, the best panoramic views of
the region may be obtained. The starting point to go
up the Victoria Peak is Lower Peak station, located at
the Garden Road; easy to reach by walking from the
MTR Central subway station. This visit, one of the best
experiences that one might have, allows one to appreciate the main Hong Kongese skyline buildings.

Pico Victoria

Victoria Peak



a ura

21. En el Temple
t t
se encuentran
los restaurantes
tradicionales de
comida. / In the
Temple Street
Night Market are
traditional food
es el mercado ms
antiguo de la ciudad,
restaurado en 1991
y convertido en un
comercial. / Western
Market is the oldest
market of the city
was renovated in
1991 and converted
into a small shopping

t oo
variedad de tiendas
de artesanas. / In
Sheung Wan, there
are a historical
market that offers a
variety of handicraft

Una visita obligada es pasar por los bulliciosos

mercados, en donde se puede vivir de cerca la intensa
t to
gares muy interesantes, y peculiares, como el mercao
o to
medicinales y de antigedades.
t t o
tro de la accin de la ciudad, es un edificio de estilo victo o
compona de dos secciones separadas: la sur y la norte,
o t o
o t
o oo
nas restauraciones, se reabri como un centro comercial
souvenirs y actualmente es una
de las escasas edificaciones antiguas, en medio de los
t t ot t o

A visit to the bustling markets is a must; that

is where one can live through the intense city life,
where the activity increases in the evening when
people leave work and seize the opportunity to go
shopping and have some food. In the Sheung Wan
district, in Hong Kong Island, there are very interesting and quaint places, such as the bird market,
the sea products market, the herbal medicines market and the antiques market.
The Western Market, located at Sheung Wan,
the citys center of activity, is a Victorian building covering an entire block; it opened for business in 1844. It was formed by two separate
sections: north and south; though, later on, in
1906, the remarkable red-brick building was
constructed. In 1991, after some restorations, it
opened anew as a little souvenir shops commercial center and, currently, it is one of the scarce
old edifices, in the middle of the tall buildings,
thus becoming a tourist attraction.


a ura

25. Templo Man Mo,

o t o
/ Man
Mo Temple, built in 1880.
santuario y atraccin
turstica situado al sur de
o o
oo o
/ Wong Tai Sin Temple,
sanctuary and attraction
tourism in the south of
Lion Rock famous for its
dedica a dos dioses muy
Man Mo Temple is dedicated to two very different
gods: Man Cheong (god
of letters) and Mo (god
of war).

o o t
tributo a los dioses Man y Mo, el primero de ellos de
o t
t to
o o
ot t
o o
Kung, en donde se venera a las divinidades celestiales,
y el Kung Sor, al oeste del templo, que figur como un
importante saln de reuniones en el que se trataban
to o
t o
o o o t
o trico de Grado I. Todava conserva su aura mstica,
t o
los inciensos colgantes, se aprecia la devocin de los
t t

Over the famous avenue, Hollywood Road,

the Man Mo Temple is located; built in 1847 as
an offering to the gods Man and Mo, the former
the God of letters and the latter the God of war; it
is another example of surviving historical constructions in the middle of the financial district
skyscrapers, a part of significant complexes,
such as the Lit Shing Kung where heavenly divinities are venerated; and the Kung Sor, in the
western part of the temple, a crucial hall for
community affairs in the past. In 1908, the Man
Mo Temple was officially entrusted to the Tung
Wah Group of Hospitals; eventually, in 2009, it
was listed as a Grade I historic building. It still
keeps its inner mystical aura; in the midst of
hanging incense coils smoke one can appreciate
Hong Kong inhabitants devotion.




a ura

o t o
o o o
barco de pesca. / Duk Ling,
built in 1950, was used as a
fishing boat.
29. Aberdeen ubicada en la
costa sur de la Isla de Hong
restaurantes flotantes. /
Aberdeen located on the
southern coast of Hong
Kong Island, is famous for
its floating restaurants.
o o
to o
posibilidad de contemplar
o t
de Hong Kong. / A boat
trip on the Victoria bay
is something you should
offering the chance to see
the impressive skyline of
Hong Kong.
Aberdeen Harbour.

Baha de Aberdeen

Aberdeen Harbour

pescadores en la que gran parte de ellos viven en casas
flotantes las cuales le dan esa peculiar imagen de postal que crea un magnfico contraste entre lo moderno,
debido a los enormes rascacielos que la rodean, y el estiot
ambiente para dar un paseo en barco por sus apacibles
ta una experiencia acogedora. Durante el verano un pao o
o o
t t
o t
o o
atractivo turstico.
t ot t
ms grande del mundo y uno de los ms solicitados de
t t

Located south of the Island, between Aberdeen

and Ap Lei Chau, the isle, Aberdeen Harbour is a
zone of fishermen who live aboard floating houses, giving it that quaint image postcard like
superbly contrasting between a modern view,
from the towering skyscrapers surrounding it,
and the traditional Chinese style.
At daybreak and sundown, Aberdeen offers the best milieu to go for a boat ride over
its peaceful waters; however, sauntering next
to the sea is also a nice experience. In the summertime, a boat ride aboard the Dukling is recommended; this is a traditional fishing vessel
built in 1950, restored in 1985, and currently a
tourist attraction.
Here in the bay it is the worlds largest floating restaurant and one of the most requested,
it is the Jumbo Kingdom, with capacity for over
2,000 people.

Sailing Tips

Clima / Weather

poca de lluvia /
Rainy seasons
En otoo, principalmente octubre y noviembre, presenta lluvia
abundante, pero a finales de noviembre slo suelen presentarse
lloviznas; en esta temporada se
alcanza una temperatura mxima de 26C con una mnima de
14C, por lo que se recomienda
llevar una chamarra o impermeable para los das frescos y
lluviosos de noviembre.
In autumn, mainly in October
and November, there is copious
rainfall, but at the end of November only drizzle is present;
in this season, temperature rises at a maximum 26 C and a
minimum 14 C, so it is recommended carrying a rain jacket
or a raincoat for the fresh and
rainy days of November.

Aeropuerto / Airport
Marina / Nautical Club
Sitio de inters / Attraction

Ene / Jan

Feb / Feb Mzo / Mar Abr / Apr May / May Jun / Jun Jul / Jul Ago / Aug Sep / Sep Oct / Oct

Los das en Hong Kong son muy

cambiantes durante todo el ao,
pudiendo ser muy soleados o
lluviosos, pero la mayor parte del
ao se disfruta de un agradable
clima en el da, aunque no alcanza temperaturas muy altas. Hay
perodos ocasionales de densa
neblina y llovizna, sobre todo en
los meses de marzo y abril.
Weather conditions in Hong
Kong present significant fluctuations in a day, in a yearlong
basis; any day might be very
sunny or very rainy. Most of the
year, however, nice weather is
enjoyed during the daytime;
not reaching very high temperatures, though. There are occasional periods of drizzle and
dense fog, especially in March
and April.



Luz del da / Day light

Temperatura / Temperature ( C / F )
Mes / Month

Nov / Nov Dic / Dec

Mnima / Minimum












Mxima / Maximum













a ura



En Hong Kong por lo general

se disfruta un clima agradable
durante todo el ao, aunque se
caracteriza por ser subtropical.
En los meses de verano, de junio
a agosto, la temperatura llega a
superar los 30C; mientras que
en diciembre presenta un clima
fresco y nuboso. En el invierno la
temperatura puede descender
por debajo de los 10 C.
Hong Kong mostly enjoys a
nice weather all over the year;
being subtropical, though. In
the summertime, June through
August, the temperature may
rise over 30 C; in December, however, has a fresh and
cloudy weather. In the winter
season, temperature may go
below 10 C.





a ura

32. En el Hong Kong

Maritime Museum se
o t
a travs de los siglos para
el desarrollo de barcos,
buques, exploracin y el
comercio martimo. / In
the Hong Kong Maritime
Museum how China,
Asia and the West is
contributed through the
ages to the development
of boats, ships, exploration
and maritime trade.
o o
monumento en el que
t t / he Clock
Tower is a monument
which reused the clock
on the Clock Tower
demolished Pedder Street.
34. El Hong Kong Museum
o t
de arte de Hong Kong. / The
Hong Kong Museum of Art,
the main campus of the
Hong Kong art.

Pennsula de Kowloon

Kowloon Peninsula

tos de metros, la pennsula de Kowloon es la segunda
o t
o o
ms cosmopolitas del mundo, con una gran cantidad
de lugares de inters, adems de ser conocido como
t to t
atractivo turstico, como su paseo martimo, la Avenit
o o
este paseo se encuentran la estatua de Bruce Lee y la
o o
la ciudad.

Separated from the Island by a several hundred

meter strait, the Kowloon Peninsula is the second greater zone in importance of the Hong Kong
region; being an extension of the great strip of
buildings that have given it fame as one of the
most cosmopolitan regions worldwide; having
a large number of places of interest, recognized
as the foremost cultural district as well. A zone
with great tourist allure, such as its marina
promenade, the Avenue of Stars, where in keepsakes and prints, homage is paid to the Chinese
movie actors who have left a mark, specifically
from Hong Kong; in this promenade one can find
Bruce Lees statue and Jackie Chans handprint;
in addition to the modern building of the Hong
Kong Museum of Art next to an observation deck
so as to enjoy one of the best views of the city.





o o
t o
to tural de Hong Kong, inaugurado en 1989, es uno de los
principales centros de entretenimiento y sitio donde se
llevan a cabo una gran variedad de actividades, entre conto
t to
de producciones musicales, proyecciones de pelculas,
o o

Salisbury Road. / Hong
Kong Cultural Centre
multipurpose center
located in Salisbury Road.
t to
un estilo nico. / Cantonese
opera, is a highly respected
art form. Mix Chinese
legends, music and theater
in a unique style.
de entretenimiento que
lecciones para la educacin
/ Opera is a form
of entertainment that
transmits messages
or lessons for formal

a ura


ot t

Every night, in this site, a relevant number

of persons gather to be enchanted by a light and
music spectacle, the Symphony of Lights; at 8
oclock, on Hong Kongs side, the skyscrapers get
illuminated to music.
Over the marina promenade, one can find the
Hong Kong Cultural Center, inaugurated in 1989,
one of the foremost entertainment centers,
where a variety of activities are shown: world
class concerts, opera, dance, theater plays, also
musicals, movie projections, conventions, conferences and expositions.

t o t
una de las avenidas comerciales ms animadas, motivo por el cual conocida tambin como la Milla de Oro,
donde estn las tiendas de las principales marcas, as
o o
o o
t to
o o
o t to o t o
o o
productos deportivos de marcas internacionales.
t o to t
o o o
o o
edificacin de cristal y aluminio esculpido, cuya art t
o o
o o t

a ura





o o
sitios de vida nocturna
ms populares de
Hong Kong, con ms
Wellington Street y
t t
t F
Hong Kong./Lan Kwai
Fong is one of the
citys most popular
nightlife of Hong
Kong, with over 90
restaurants and bars
located in Lan Kwai
Fong extends dese
Wyndham Street and
Wellington Street,
to the Hong Kong
Fringe Club.
EL centro de compras
ms importante
se encuentran los
grandes almacenes,
destacando las
stores / Causeway Bay
is the most important
shopping center of
Hong Kong, there are
the best flagships
Road se encuentran
las tiendas con las
ms prestigiadas
firmas de moda. /
In Canton Road are
shops with the most
prestigious fashion

Close to the marine promenade there is the Nathan Road, one of the liveliest commercial avenues
on account of which it is known as the Golden Mile,
where the most relevant brand stores are present,
the same as little bazaars. In the same manner, the
Jordan and MongKok districts are ideal to find all
kinds of souvenirs, from t-shirts to purses and suitcases, and to international brands sports products.
Other interesting sites to visit are: the Hong
Kong Conventions and Expositions Center, one of
the biggest in the world, a sculpted crystal and aluminum building, its architectural structure representing a sea bird taking off; the Golden Bauhinia
Square or Handover Monument sculpture that represents the Hong flower, a present from the Chinese
government when Hong Kong was transferred to
China, in 1997.



convenciones de
Hong Kong es la
sede de ms de 45
ms importantes
del mundo. / The
Convention and
Exhibition Centre
Hong Kong is the
yield of more than 45
major international
exhibitions in the
o o
es el centro de
donde se ubican bares
exticos. / Soho
is the center of
entertainment where
upscale bars and
exotic restaurants are

a ura

buen lugar para quienes gustan de la adrenalina de las
carreras de caballos y representa una de las instituciot
o o
Kong, resulta un sitio interesante de conocer, pues all
t t
o o t

El SoHo es un barrio cosmopolita y moderno, donde estn la mayora de los bares, restaurantes, galet
las escaleras elctricas ms largas del mundo, construidas en 1993 como una va auxiliar para acceder
o t
longitud cuentan con un rcord Guiness. Se dice que
o t
o o
to o

The SoHo, a cosmopolitan and modern neighborhood, where most of the bars, restaurants, art
galleries and antiques are located; the Mid-Levels
Escalator, the longest electric staircase in the world;
built in 1993 as an auxiliary via to access the mount
abodes, 800 meters long, a Guinness World Record.
It is said that the residents refused to build two
staircases (in order to go up and to come down),
so its functioning in the mornings is from 6:00 to
10:00 a.m. to go downstairs and from 11:00 a.m. to
23:00 p.m. is to come upstairs.
Founded in 1884, the Hong Kong Jockey Club
is a good place for horserace adrenalin tasters; it
represents one of the oldest institutions in the
island. At the sheer heart of Hong Kong, it is an
interesting place to visit in order to see Hong
Kong inhabitants and Continental Chineses
passion for betting

Escalator, es la
escalera elctrica
ms larga del
/ Sai Ying Pun
Escalator, is the
worlds longest
staircase electric.
largo, ostenta un
premio de los Rcord
Guines. / With 800 m
long, holds a prize of
Guines Record.


Sinfona de luces

a ura

o o
ms conocido de Hong
Kong. Se trata de un
y sonido que ilumina el
edificios repartidos a
lo largo de Hong Kong
o oo
Victoria es una de las
apreciarlo. / Symphony
of Lights is the most
popular show in Hong
Kong. It is a multimedia
sound and light show
illuminating the
skyline of Hong Kong,
participate in more than
40 buildings scattered
throughout Hong Kong
and Kowloon. Victoria
Bay is one of the best
locations to appreciate it.


Symphony of lights
o o
t o

t t
Kong algo muy especial.
te, sin embargo, presenciar el denominado Espectculo
o o
t oo
o to
dos con la msica y una narracin que celebra la energa, el alma y la diversidad de Hong Kong, resulta en un
o o
t o t
con una duracin de unos 13 minutos, se lleva a cabo
t o
reconocimiento Guiness, aborda cinco temas distinto
t o o o
espectculo de luces resulta inolvidable a bordo de un

Every night, Victoria Harbour is illuminated by

neon lights and laser beams synchronized to the
music beat, the Symphony of Lights, a multimedia
show that makes a visit to Hong Kong something
very special
In itself, the view of the port is dazzling
enough; however, watching the (so called)
Worlds Largest Permanent Light and Sound
Show, involving more than 40 buildings in each
side of the harbor with multicolor laser beams
and searchlights, synchronized to the music and
a narration celebrating the zest, soul and diversity of Hong Kong, results in an unforgettable
multifaceted show; lasting 13 minutes, every
night at 20:00 hrs., with a Guinness World Record; it takes on 5 different themes: Awakening,
Energy, Heritage, Partnership and Celebration.
The experience of relishing this dazzling show
of lights is unforgettable, on board of a traditional Chinese reed vessel.


Internacional de Hong
Kong, se construy sobre
ganndole terreno al mar
y se distingue como una
t t
adems de ser uno
de los aeropuertos
ms transitados de
Asia y el mundo.
o t
dado el crecimiento de
su trfico. / The Hong
Kong International
Airport, built on two
small islands, gaining
on the sea and is
distinguished as an
architectural marvel;
besides being one of
the busiest airports in
Asia and the world. Is
continuously expanded
and modernized since
their traffic growth.

a ura

El Aeropuerto Internacional de Hong Kong, uno de los

t o o o
gurado en 1998 en sustitucin al antiguo aeropuerto de
Kowloon. Se trata de una obra maestra de la ingeniera, pues
o t
t to o
o o
o t ot
t o
t o t
o t o
o o t oo
niera civil y una larga lista de caractersticas. Tambin conoo o o o
o t
o o
to t
o t
o o
tos ms concurridos del mundo.

The Hong Kong International Airport, one of the

busiest not just of Asia but of the world, was inaugurated in 1998 so as to replace the old Kowloon Airport. An engineering masterpiece, built
over the territory of Chep Lap Kok; it was built
over two little isles at the northern coast of the
Lantau Island. Transformed into a 2.5 km platform; it counts kilometers of tunnels; the largest passenger station; the most innovative civil
engineering technology, and a long list of features. Known as Chep Lap Kok airport as well, it
was laid out for 35 million passenger capacity
and 3 million ton freight; and a total capacity of
87 million passengers and 9 million ton freight;
currently designed according to the rules of feng
shui, being one of the most attended airports of
the world.





Foto /

oto o

t o

a ura

Texto / Text

Un destino abierto a las

culturas del mundo

An open destination to cultures of the world


altura, la Hong
Kong Observation
Whee o
vistas del
puerto Victoria
o ot
/ The 60-metre Hong
Kong Observation
Wheel offers
stunning views of
Victoria Harbour
and comfortable
gondolas with Wi-Fi.

o o

to t to
t o

visitantes anualmente.
o o
o t t
t t
o o
o to
t o tot
sin embargo, aun cuando se trata de gente de mente
abierta, al tanto de la moda y las nuevas tendencias, se
mantienen fieles a sus races, orgullosos de su origen,
o o
o o to
o t
En s mismo, Hong Kong, como Special Administrat
o t
oo o
t t
o o
democrtico y un sistema legal y poltico con meo
o o
o o
t o
cito, ni un ministerio de relaciones exteriores, sino

ong Kong has a great history; so

much that nowadays, this destination inhabited by approximately 7
million people, welcomes more than
60 million visitors a year.
And, as its history can witness to, the people of Hong Kong was forced to come out to the
world; such action opened their mind by making
them receptive and tolerant to cultures native
from other latitudes. Nevertheless, even if these
are open minded people, abreast of new trends,
they keep faithful to their roots, proud of their
origins; and, owing to that, they are tolerant and
show a deep respect of other peoples customs.
On its own, Hong Kong, as Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China, is one
of the hubs connecting Asia to the world; it keeps
its own identity, recognized by the Chinas government, where its people have Hong Kong nationality;
they have their own currency; the same as a democratic government and a legal and political system
with its own mechanisms. However, neither it has
its own army nor its own foreign affairs ministry;
both these functions, ever since 1997, are carried
out by the Peoples Republic of China.


to o



o o o


o o

t o


t to


t o o
t t
o o o o

a ura

Hong Kong - Mxico

Hong Kong - Mxico

Presently, the relation between the two countries is

undergoing an exciting time; it is growing greatly, as
Mexico has a higher liaison with China and Asia, being
Hong Kong kind of a bridge where both Western and
Eastern languages are spoken; an outstanding bond
for anyone trying to understand the way economies
in the region work. The inhabitant of Hong Kong has
information: from what is happening in his environment to what the fashionable trends in Asia are; one
can appreciate these things in urban and even street
events. Here is where Mexico may find an entrance to
introduce its cultural expressions to the Asian world.
This Hong Kong-Mexico liaison opens the
possibility to develop regional relations where
Mexico may be seen as a hub, a platform not only
to enter the Asian market towards Latin America, but also towards the US and Canada.
Plenty of majestic spaces and places; Hong Kong is
a unique experience to visit. It is the crucible of Asian
cultures, who comes to this city will find many things
that are not seen anywhere else on the planet, because
it is a crucible that brings in companies and cultural
and artistic expressions from all around the world.

En la actualidad, la relacin entre ambos pases pasa por

to t
Asia, y Hong Kong sirve como una especie de puente en
o o
o t
o o
o o
to o
las principales tendencias de la moda en Asia, lo cual se
aqu es donde Mxico puede encontrar la entrada para
presentar sus expresiones culturales al mundo asitico.
El vnculo Hong Kong Mxico, abre la posibilidad de
desarrollar relaciones regionales en donde Mxico sea visto o o
t o
o o
t o
t o
t oo
t o
las culturas asiticas, quien llega a esta ciudad encontrar
ot o
neta, pues se trata de un crisol que atrae empresas, expresiones culturales y artsticas del mundo entero.

t t
t o
Amapola Grijalva, Hong Kong Trade Development Council representative in Mexico.

t t
Airport, uno de los ms importantes en el mundo y
que prcticamente se encuentra a la mitad de mar.
t t
t oo
t t
olgicamente, calificado como el nmero uno, a escala
ms de ser reconocido como la economa ms abierta del
o o
o F
t o
operacin de negocios muy transparente y un sistema fiscal muy sencillo. Tambin figura entre los primeros lugares como exportador de inversiones del mundo, asimismo
t o
ot t
o oo


Hong Kong has been growing upwards until becoming

the skyscrapers city; skyscrapers have defined about
90% of its territory to be kept intact and, because of
this, it is a nice place to stay. The fact of being 7 million
people, organized to live in a very narrow strip of land,
makes them very creative; they have terrific communication and infrastructure services. Also, they have
very great knowledge so as to develop their offers into
neighboring regions and, at the same time, they are pioneers in engineering and infrastructure development.
An example of this is the Hong Kong International Airport, one of the most far-reaching
airports around the world, located practically on
half of the sea; a technology, engineering and
architecture jewel, highly eco-friendly designed,
which has been ranked number one on airfreight
handling worldwide.
There is no doubt, Hong Kong is a window to the
world and an entrance gate to Asia; its development
has bonded it with 150 cities around the world, besides being reckoned as the most open economy
worldwide by the Index of Economic Freedom, the
annual index and ranking created by The Heritage
Foundation; because of its very transparent businesses operation model and its very simple tax system. It also ranks first in export investments worldwide and as a foremost art dealing market.
Having been a British colony for over 150
years, in addition to the own qualities of its population, give its citizens efficiency and respect
for the law.

Ventana al mundo

A window out to the world

Gua de Hong Kong

Hong Kong Travel Guide

The Langham - Hong Kong

The Sun Arcade, 8 Peking Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui,
Hong Kong, China
Tel:+852 2375 1133
The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong
International Commerce Centre (ICC),
1 Austin Rd W
Kong, China
Tel: +852 2263 2263



1 Peking Road, Piso 28, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong, China
Tel: +852 3428 8342
Mandarin Oriental
5 Connaught Road Central Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China
Tel: +85225220111


Hong Kong / Hong Kong
La isla de Hong Kong, Kowloon y la isla de Lantau
Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and Lantau Island.
1108 km2
7,184,000 habitantes / inhabitants
6,544 hab/km 2 / 6,544 people/km 2
Ingls y cantons / English and Cantonese
Budismo, taosmo, confucianismo, cristianismo,
islam, hinduismo y el judasmo
Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism,
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism
Dlar de Hong Kong / Hong Kong dollar


Comunista / Communism
53,432 dlares per cpita /
53,432 dollars per capita

que llevan al turista a los principales hoteles

de forma gratuita. / There are commercial
flights, many of them with connections
between different Airlines, practically from
every part of he world. In the Hong Kong
International Airport there is a free shuttle
for the tourist to the main hotels.
La poca ideal para visitar Hong Kong, es en
los meses de noviembre y diciembre, son das
poco lluviosos y la mayor parte del ao tiene
un clima agradable para realizar todo tipo de
actividades en la ciudad. / The ideal season
is during November and December, the days
have little rain and the weather is nice to do
all kinds of activities in the city.
El transporte pblico de la ciudad de Hong
Kong es considerado uno de los mejores del
mundo, los puedes encontrar en cualquier
parte de la ciudad y puedes elegir entre el
metro, trenes, autobuses, tranvas, ferris y
taxis. / Hong Kong city public transport is
regarded as one of the best in the world; you
may find any at any part of city to choose:
subway, trains, buses, tramcars, ferry, and
taxi cabs.


InterContinental Hong Kong

18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong, China
Tel:+852 2721 1211

Se encuentran vuelos comerciales, muchos

de ellos con conexiones entre distintas aerolneas, prcticamente desde cualquier parte
del mundo. En el aeropuerto Internacional
de Hong Kong, hay una lnea de autobuses

The Pennsula Hong Kong

Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui
Hong Kong, China
Tel. +852 2920 2888

Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong

64 Mody Rd
Hong Kong, China
Tel:+852 2721 2111
Museo del Espacio de Hong Kong
10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong, China
Tel: +852 2721 0226
Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence
175 Tung Hei Rd, Shau Kei Wan
Hong Kong, China
Tel: +852 2569 1500
Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum
7 Castle Road, Mid-Levels, Central
Hong Kong, China
Tel: +852 2367 6373
Tao Heung Museum of Food Culture
15-29 Wo Shui St
Hong Kong, China
Tel:+852 3960 6213

fuera de borda outboard

Texto / Text: Lisa Ktana Foto / Photo: 2015 Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group



Hong Kong

La casa magna de un
imperio hotelero

The Grand House of a Hotel Empire


e trata de un cono tanto para la ciudad,

como para la cadena Mandarin Oriental,
por ser el primero de muchos hoteles ahora presentes en todo el mundo. La impresionante vista al puerto de Victoria es tan
slo el inicio de un verdadero placer en todo sentido.
Su ubicacin es inmejorable, cntrica, a 30
minutos del aeropuerto. Cuenta con 430 de las ms
amplias habitaciones de la ciudad, donde el lujo y
el sello oriental son los protagonistas, adems de
71 suites de diseo exclusivo.
Sus 10 restaurantes y bares son de los ms multipremiados con estrellas Michelin entre varias opciones
locales e internacionales; en cada uno de los pisos del hotel hay un mayordomo. De igual manera cuenta con spa,
saln de belleza especializado, piscina cubierta, gimnasio,
salones para eventos, entre otras gratas sorpresas con un
servicio de primera que es en verdad excepcional.

Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong
5 Connaught Road Central,
Hong Kong
Tel +852 2522 0111

fuera de borda outboard

n icon of the city, the same as of the

Mandarin Oriental chain, it is the
first of many hotels now present
all around the world. Its stunning
view of the Victoria Harbor is just
the beginning of true pleasure, in every sense.
Located in an unsurpassed downtown place,
30 minutes from the airport, it has 430 of the
amplest rooms of the city, where posh and oriental features are the protagonists, plus 71 exclusively designed suites.
Its 10 Michelin starring, many times awarded,
restaurants and bars in all of the hotel area, among
several local and international options, there is a
butler at every hotel story. It has, as well, a spa; a
specialized beauty parlor; an indoor pool; a gym;
and ballrooms, among other pleasant surprises,
with truly exceptional first rate service.


Texto/ Text: AMURA Foto / Photo: JAO WONG / CMD / RESOURCEDIR


The Peninsula Hong Kong
Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Tel. +852 5808 5771

fuera de borda outboard

bierto en 1928, The Peninsula, ms que

un hotel se percibe como un espacio
histrico. Testigo silente de mltiples
sucesos y cambios en esa nacin, hoy
es el referente obligado de una ciudad
portuaria que trasciende su propia leyenda.
Celebridades como Muhammad Ali y miembros
de la realeza se han hospedado en sus habitaciones,
incluso stas han servido como cuartel, refugio y escenario para grandes personajes que han marcado la
historia del planeta.
Su entrada, se ha hecho famosa en el mundo
porque siempre est vestida con los Rolls Royce,
que se estacionan de tal modo que la puerta luce
como la gran dama que es un collar de lujo motorizado que funge incluso como insignia del hotel.
Y la movilidad no se limita a tierra o al puerto, pues
tambin cuenta con un helipuerto en lo alto de las
torres que rodean al edificio principal.
La sensacin de lujo que reina en The Pen, como
le llaman los locales, es soberana, con un servicio
tan grato que los huspedes se sienten ms como
en la casa de sus sueos que en un hotel. Cuenta con
spa, 300 habitaciones, restaurantes de alta cocina y
bares; amplios e impresionantes salones, una hermosa piscina cubierta, gimnasio, servicio de limosina o auto con chofer y helicpteros, as como todas
las comodidades de lujo.

pened in 1928, The Peninsula, more

than a hotel, is sensed as a historic
space. Silent witness of many events
and changes in that nation, nowadays,
she is a must-see reference of a port
city that transcends her own legend.
Celebrities such as Muhammad Ali, and royalty members have stayed in her rooms, rooms
that have even served as barracks, shelter and
stage for great personages who have made history on the planet.
Her worldwide famous entrance always
dresses in Rolls Royce cars, parked such a way
that the gate shows them off as the great lady
she is like a precious motorcar necklace, and
serve even as the emblem for the hotel. Mobility
is not confined to land or seaport, because there
is a heliport on top of the towers surrounding
the main building.
The sense of grandeur reigning in The Pen,
as the natives call her, is sovereign; with service
so pleasurable that the guests feel more like
staying in their house of dreams than in a hotel.
It also has a spa, 300 rooms; haute cuisine restaurants and bars; ample and amazing lounges;
a gorgeous indoor pool; gym; limousine, or car
with chauffer service; helicopters; and all of the
luxury amenities.

Hong Kong


La gran dama del lejano oriente

fuera de borda outboard

The Great Lady from the Far East



Texto/ Text: Elizabeth Luna Foto / Photo: Four Seasons Hong Kong



El gran occidental de China

fuera de borda outboard

Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong

No.8 Finance Street, Central, Hong
Kong, China
Tel. +852 3196 8888

on una ubicacin privilegiada y conectada con centros comerciales y vas

principales en el corazn de Hong Kong,
este hotel de fama mundial ofrece todo
lo que cualquier viajero puede desear
en una estancia de lujo. Su personal multilinge es
experto en aconsejar a los huspedes para disfrutar
ms de este destino, por lo que, a pesar de provenir
de un concepto occidental, el Four Seasons de Hong
Kong tiene alma local y opciones que trascienden
fronteras, por ejemplo sus afamados restaurantes
premiados con estrellas Michelin y en donde se degustan las mejores cenas de todo Hong Kong.

eing at a privileged place, connected

to malls and main avenues, just at the
heart of Hong Kong, this worldwide renowned hotel offers everything a traveler might ever wish for, during a luxury stay. Its multi-lingual personnel are very apt to
counseling guests in order to enjoy even more this
destination. That is why, no matter its coming from
an occidental concept, the Four Seasons Hotel Hong
Kong has got a local soul, and options that cross
over frontiers; as for example, at its Michelin starawarded restaurants where the best suppers in all
Hong Kong are savored.


It has a spa, a gym, an astonishing pool, restaurants and bars, gorgeous spaces for all types
of events, free WiFi, a business center, all of the
services, and 399 rooms options that include 54
luxury suites which surpass all of the expectations
of the most demanding clients. Its views of the bay
and the city are probably the most outstanding of
the island.
Each corner of this elegant hotel uncovers care
for the details, for the avail of every opportunity
in order to delight its guests, and a superb quality,
worthy of admiration and relish.

Cuenta con spa, gimnasio, una impresionante

piscina, restaurantes y bares, hermosos espacios
para todo tipo de eventos, wifi gratuito, centro de
negocios, todos los servicios y 399 opciones de
habitacin que incluyen 54 suites de lujo, las cuales
superan todas las expectativas de los ms exigentes. Sus vistas a la baha y a la ciudad, son probablemente las mejores de la isla.
Cada rincn de este elegante hotel descubre aspectos de esmero por los detalles, por aprovechar cada
oportunidad para deleitar a sus invitados y una calidad
de excelencia que vale la pena admirar y disfrutar.

er de ord outboard

The great Westerner of China

er de ord outboard
Texto / Text: Regina Lpez Foto / Photo: 2015 Shangri-La International Hotel Management Ltd. All Rights Reserved



Moderna tradicin china



oused in the famous Tsim Sha Tsui

East commercial and leisure district, the Kowloon Shangri-La offers its guests an unforgettable
stay in the throbbing heart of one
of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world.
In modern architecture, its 700 magnificent
contemporary style rooms, with fine dcor and
marbled floors, present unrivaled views of the
Hong Kong beaches.
This property has a privileged location next
to the renowned Victoria Harbor, by the Avenue
of the Stars just 100 meters from it. There is an
ice rink, and the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and the Youmadi Tianhou mystic
temple are among the close-by amenities. Needless to say is that living through the experience
of the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, is unforgettable; its restaurants, as well, are a must-visit
in order to taste the Cantonese cuisine with the
ideal blending.

mplazado en el famoso distrito comercial y de ocio de Tsim Sha Tsui East, el

Kowloon Shangri-La, ofrece a sus huspedes una estancia inolvidable en el palpitante corazn de una de las ciudades ms
cosmopolitas del mundo.
Con una construccin modernista, sus 700 lujosas habitaciones de estilo contemporneo, refinada
decoracin y suelos de mrmol, brindan las mejores
vistas de las playas de Hong Kong.
Esta propiedad cuenta con una ubicacin privilegiada junto al conocido puerto de Victoria y la Avenue of the Stars a slo 100 m de distancia; entre las
amenidades que estn al alcance de este hotel, estn
una pista de hielo, el Centro de Exhibiciones y Convenciones de Hong Kong y el mtico templo Youmadi
Tianhou. Sobra decir que vivir la experiencia del Tsim
Sha Tsui Promenade en directo, resulta inolvidable.
Asimismo, sus restaurantes son una visita obligada
para saborear la gastronoma cantonesa, con el maridaje ideal.

Kowloon Shangri La
64 Mody Rd,
Hong Kong, China
Tel +852 2721 2111


er de ord outboard

Modern Chinese tradition

ot fleet
Texto / Text: avier avarro Foto / Photo: Cantiere delle marche





A la conquista de los mares

To the conquest of the seas

ot fleet




ot fleet

l espectacular Noga, de la lnea Nauta

Air, combina gran volumen interior con
espacios arquitectnicos creados para
garantizar la armona con el exterior: una
obra maestra del diseo italiano.
Lneas elegantes y una espaciosa disposicin es
con lo que Noga, la ms reciente creacin de Cantiere
delle Marche (CdM), enamora a primera vista; pero en
los detalles es posible encontrar mucho ms, una de las
caractersticas de este astillero italiano, especialista en
barcos exploradores de lujo.
La lnea Nauta Air cuenta con el diseo de Mario
Pedol y Massimo Gino de Nauta Yatchs mentes
creativas detrs del yate ms grande del mundo:
Azzam. Las primeras dos embarcaciones de Nauta Air,
YOLO y Noga, son obras de arte. Los elementos clave
de la lnea estn presentes en ambas: limpias lneas
exteriores y una personalidad elegante y poderosa.
Bajo esta idea, se planea que el ocano sea el gran
protagonista y pueda ser disfrutado al mximo desde
todos los puntos de la embarcacin. Sentimos que el
atractivo nico de la vida a bordo de un yate est en la
oportunidad que te da de sumergirte completamente
en el ambiente natural a tu alrededor. Cuando nos
sentamos a disear la lnea Nauta Air, siempre tuvimos
una prioridad en mente: llevar el exterior al interior,
seala Mario Pedol. Para lograr esto, usamos amplias
reas de vidrio y creamos espacios arquitectnicos
donde el exterior pudiera comunicarse en armona con
el exterior. Pensando en el yate como un solo espacio
continuo, creamos un nuevo concepto de vida a bordo,
especialmente en las cubiertas principal y superior.

he spectacular Noga, from the Nauta Air

line, fuses ample indoors volume with
architectonic spaces, created in order
to assure harmony with the outdoors: a
masterpiece of Italian design.
Sleek lines, spacious layout, that is the way that
Noga, the most recent Cantiere delle Marche's (CdM)
creation, has you enamor of her at first sight; though
lying within the details is possible to find out much
more; being this one of the features of this Italian shipyard company, a specialist in luxury exploring vessels.
Nauta Air line has a Mario Pedol and Massimo
Ginos design, from Nauta Yachts, the creative
minds behind the largest ship in the world: Azzam.
The first two Nauta Airs craft, YOLO and Noga, are
masterpieces. The lines key elements are present
in both: smart exterior lines and a mighty and dashing personality.
Under this idea, the ocean will take the starring
role and be utterly enjoyed from every point of the
vessel, as planned. We feel that the unique aspect of
life aboard a yacht lies in the opportunity she gives
you to immerge yourself totally in the natural environment around you. When we sat down to design
the Nauta Air we always kept one priority in mind:
that of bringing the outside world in, said Mario
Pedol, who added, In order to do this, we used wide
areas of glass and created architectural spaces where
the indoors could communicate in harmony with the
outdoors. By thinking of the yacht as one continuous
space, we created a new concept of on board living,
especially on the main and upper decks.

Los amantes de este tipo de embarcaciones y

las opciones personalizables encontrarn en esta
lnea la respuesta a sus demandas. Con la nueva
lnea Nauta Air, CdM ha mostrado que ponemos gran
atencin al mercado. Nos dimos cuenta que un gran
nmero de propietarios buscaba yates eficientes en
el plano energtico con gran volumen interior, algo
completamente personalizable y con construccin
confiable en acero y aluminio. Sin embargo, no les
encantaba la lnea robusta de los modelos Darwin Class.
De este anlisis surgi una lnea diseada para cubrir
sus necesidades. Est diseada para los navegantes
experimentados que quieren la seguridad y comodidad
de un yate de desplazamiento grande de casco de
metal sin perder la flexibilidad y la facilidad de uso,
afirma Vasco Buonpensiere, director de ventas de CdM.
A Noga hay que descubrirla por fuera y por dentro.
Su exterior corresponde al perfil robusto de la lnea
Nauta Air, pero por dentro, es sorprendentemente
armoniosa. La primera impresin es lo amplia que se
siente. Los diseadores pusieron especial atencin en
los exteriores, pero no a costa del interior. Tanto las
reas sociales como las privadas ofrecen una sensacin
de espacio: todo un lujo. Un yate que te invita a salir
y disfrutar del ambiente, con lugares pensados
para tomar el sol, relajarse, comer o simplemente
navegar placenteramente. Tiene una amplia cabina,
rea de solrium en la cubierta principal al frente y
espectacular flybridge de 72 metros cuadrados. Es
precisamente ste el punto que separa al Nauta Air 90
de su competencia. Cuenta con una capota dura para
dar sombra, y si se desea, con toldos desmontables.
Dos mesas acompaadas por un bar con parrilla,
refrigerador, cava y mquina de hielos: atributos que
prometen una increble experiencia a bordo. El rea
dedicada a la preparacin de los alimentos es espaciosa
y bien equipada, en acero inoxidable y con acabado en
laca color blanco.


ot fleet

Lovers of this type of craft bespoke options

will find in this line a response to their demands.
Thanks to the new Nauta Air, CdM has yet again
shown that we are a shipyard that pays close attention to the market. We noticed that a large group of
owners was looking for [] an energy efficient boat
that has larger interior volumes, something fully
customizable and with sturdy metal construction
in steel and aluminum. However they did not enjoy the Darwin Class models sturdy line. From this
analysis, a brand new line came up which was designed to meet the needs of experienced yachtsmen who want the security and comfort of a large
metal-hulled displacement yacht without losing
the flexibility and the ease of use, says Vasco Buonpensiere, Sales and Marketing Director of CdM.
Noga must be discovered outdoors and indoors. Her exterior fits the sturdy profile of the
Nauta Air line; but inside, she is astonishingly
harmonious. The first impression comes from
how ample she feels. Designers paid special attention to the outdoors, but without sacrificing
the indoors. The social areas, the same as the private ones, offer a sensation of space, of a great
luxury. She is a yacht that invites you to come
out and relish the environment, with places
planned to sunbathe, to relax, to eat or simply
to navigate pleasantly. She has a wide cockpit, a
solarium area in the fore deck and a spectacular
72 square meter flybridge which is the precise
spot that distinguishes Nauta Air 90 from her
competitors. It has a hard top to provide shade,
and if wanted, removable awnings. Two tables
along with a bar counter and grill, a refrigerator,
a cave, and an icemaker, features promising an
incredible experience aboard. The galley area is
ample and well equipped, made of stainless steel
and finished in white lacquer.



ot fleet


Ao / Year
Eslora / Length:
27.5m / 90.22
Manga / Beam
6,30 m / 20.8
Motor / Engine
2 CAT (C18 Acert) 885hp diesel,
1200 rpm
Velocidad de crucero /
Cruising Speed
13.5 nudos / 13.5 knots

En el interior de Noga es notoria la influencia de su

dueo, un arquitecto, que se encarg personalmente
de la decoracin. El interior es amplio, tanto en las reas
para descansar, que incluye un sof de la casa italiana
Minotti, como aquellas para comer. Paredes de piel y nogal
encierran un espacio elegante y limpio. Y sin duda, amarn
la posibilidad de personalizacin, tanto en interiores como
en exteriores, una de las razones por la cual fue una de las
marcas ms vendidas en Mxico en 2014.
En lo que respecta a las especificaciones tcnicas, la
embarcacin es de primera, desde la slida construccin en
aluminio hasta los estabilizadores elctricos y las vlvulas
a control remoto. A velocidad crucero a ms de 13 nudos, el
Nauta Air 90 mostr un buen aislamiento de sonido: el ruido
no es mayor a 60 dBA en el saln y la habitacin principal.
Para maximizar el alcance del barco, lo recomendable es
viajar a 10 nudos, pero a nueve, el Nauta Air 90 realmente
sobresale. A esa velocidad, gracias a su motor Caterpillar
C18 Acert de seis cilindros a 1200 rpm, se convierte en
una mquina de comer millas: hasta 4,000 millas nuticas
dndole un extraordinaria capacidad trasatlntica.
Nuestro orgullo es crear yates bien elaborados,
diseados para dar a sus propietarios increbles
experiencias a bordo, asegura Buonpensiere sobre su
firma, cuya representacin en Mxico corre a cargo de
Zarpo Yachts. El proyecto ha sido un xito inmediato.
Varias unidades han sido vendidas antes del lanzamiento
del primer yate de la serie.
Con espacios exteriores espectaculares, diseo
impecable y tecnologa de punta, no podemos sino augurar
al Nauta Air 90 un viaje sin contratiempos.

Inside the Noga, the owners influence is outstanding, being an architect who took charge personally for
her dcor; she has ample indoors, her resting areas include a sofa from the Italian house Minotti, the same
as ample mess rooms. Leather and walnut color walls
comprise a neat and trim space. No doubt, they will love
the customization option, indoors the same as outdoors, being this one of the reasons why she was one of
the bestselling brands in Mexico, in 2014.
Regarding the technical specifications, she is a
first rate vessel, from her sturdy aluminum built to
the electric stabilizer fins and the remote controlled
valves. At cruise speed, over 13 knots, Nauta Air 90
showed good sound isolation: noise is not greater
than 60dBA in the room and main cabin. In order to
maximize her reach, it is recommended traveling at
10 knots, but at 9, the Nauta Air 90 really stands out.
At that speed, thanks to her 6 cylinder, 1200 rpm,
Caterpillar C18 Acert, she becomes a mileage eating
machine: up until 4000 nautical miles giving it an extraordinary transatlantic capacity.
We pride ourselves on expert craftsmanship, designed to give her owners incredible onboard experiences, asserts Buonpensiere about his firm being its
representation in Mexico under the charge of Zarpo
Yachts. The project has been an immediate success.
Several yachts have been sold even before the launch of
the first yacht, he adds.
With spectacular exteriors, impeccable design and
state of the art technology, we cannot do otherwise
than forecast a hassle-free journey for the Nauta Air 90.

Zarpo Yachts, la casa de Cantiere

delle Marche en Mxico

In case you have been captivated by some of the luxurious vessels made by this Italian shipyard, Zarpo
Yachts makes it possible for you to become the proprietor of one of them. Passionate about sea and
navigation, Zarpo Yachts gives access in Mexico to
top firms, among which one can find Cantiere delle
Marche, Maori and Fjord. We offer advice and consultancy for those interested in building a custom
yacht, where the level of refinement and customer
experience is very high requiring the highest level
of professionalism throughout the process of construction and use of the yacht which includes all
services relating to draft. And above all it's a great
life experience.

Si te ha cautivado alguna de las lujosas embarcaciones

de este astillero italiano, Zarpo Yachts hace posible
que te conviertas en dueo de una de ellas.
Apasionados del mar y la navegacin, dan acceso en
Mxico a las firmas top, entre las que se encuentra
a tiere e e Marc e, Maori y F or
asesora y consultora para aquellos interesados en
la construccin de un yate personalizado, donde el
nivel de refinamiento y experiencia del cliente es muy
alto exigiendo el mximo nivel de profesionalismo
durante todo el proceso de construccin y utilizacin
del yate que incluye todos los servicios inherentes al
proyecto. Y sobretodo que sea una gran experiencia
de vida.


ot fleet

Zarpo Yachts, Cantiere delle

Marche in Mexico

Texto / Text: Fea s i

Foto / Photo: Feadship



ot fleet


Un testimonio de experiencia
A testimony to experience




ot fleet


l Lady Christine fue construido para propietarios de gran experiencia, quienes se involucraron de manera intrnseca en cada paso
del proyecto. Sus contribuciones vitales aparecen en cada nivel: desde su muy distintivo
aspecto exterior hasta sus mnimos detalles interiores,
como los sensores de las puertas para sus perros.
Una imbatible calidad form la base del briefing:
el Lady Christine exuda sofisticacin desde cada ngulo. Se satisfizo, de manera espectacular, el deseo
del propietario de crear un plano dividido en niveles, con el fin de incorporar un saln privado arriba
de la cabina del timonel. Se baj el puente un nivel
y se elev la parte frontal de la cubierta para crear
una cubierta entera del propietario, incluyendo a la
sala de observacin.

ady Christine was built for hugely experienced owners who were intrinsically
involved in every step of the project.
Their vital contributions are apparent at
every level, from the highly distinctive
exterior looks to minor interior details such as door
sensors for their dogs.
Unbeatable quality formed the basis of the overall briefing and Lady Christine exudes sophistication from every angle. The owners desire to create
a split-level layout in order to incorporate a private
saln above the wheelhouse has been met in spectacular fashion. The bridge has been moved down a
level and the forward part of the deck raised a level
to create a complete owners deck, including the observation lounge.

Las secciones frontales de tres de las cubiertas inferiores fueron elevadas; dndole seis cubiertas: asoleadero, incluyendo el saln de descanso Key West; la
cubierta elevada del propietario (incluye dormitorio y
rea privada de popa); cubierta principal elevada, con
la cabina del timonel; cubierta principal, con sala de
descanso, comedor y bar; cubierta baja elevada, con
la cabina del capitn, cuartos de la tripulacin, oficina
del barco y cocina; cubierta elevada del tanque (comedor y dormitorios de la tripulacin y la sala de cine); y
una cubierta extensible del tanque.
Dentro de este magnfico yate, a cada rea se
le ha dado un acabado con un nivel sorprendente
de detalle.
El Lady Christine es una inversin en placeres martimos de todo tipo, con todas las formas de entretenimiento y relajacin que se puedan servir.
nase a este excepcional tour de Feadship .

Ao / Year
Eslora / Length
68.00 m / 2231
Manga / Beam
12.50 m / 410
Alcance mximo /
Maximum range
15.5 nudos (velocidad crucero:
12 nudos) /
15.5 knots (cruise 12 knots).

ot fleet

The forward sections of the three decks below

are also raised, giving Lady Christine, in essence,
six decks: The sun deck, including the Key West
lounge; raised owners deck; owners deck (featuring stateroom and private aft area) / raised
main deck (wheelhouse); main deck (lounge,
dining room, bar) / raised lower deck (captains
cabin, crew quarters, ships office, galley); lower
deck (guest area) / raised tank deck (crew mess,
crew cabins, cinema); and an expansive tank
Within this template for excellence, every
area of the yacht has been finished to an astonishing degree of detailing.
Lady Christine is an investment in maritime
pleasures of every sort, with all forms of entertainment and relaxation catered for.
Join us on a tour of this truly exceptional Feadship.


ot fleet


Sol y sombra

Sun and shade

La cubierta del asoleadero del Lady Christine tipifica su

enfoque de todo propsito, multifuncional de la vida. Sirve como un helipuerto ingeniosamente dispuesto, como
comedor con opciones mltiples para cocinar y como un
amable lugar para relajarse bajo el sol, o para cubrir con
un toldo gigante para el efecto de dentro hacia afuera.
La compuerta deslizante (a la derecha) cubre las escaleras de la tripulacin, y ofrece servicio de primera clase en todo momento. Y el elevador de comida sube con
abundancia a la cubierta al oprimir un botn. Una vez que
se abre la compuerta, el elevador asciende con suavidad
hasta el nivel de servicio. Pensar inteligente

Lady Christines sun deck typifies her all-purpose,

multi-functional approach to life.
It serves as an ingeniously arranged helipad, a dining
area with multiple cooking options, and a lovely place
to relax in the sun or cover the entire area with a giant
awning for an inside-out effect.
The sliding hatch (right) covers the crew staircase, offering first class service at all times. And
the food lift station rises to the flush point on the
deck at the press of a button. Once the hatch is
open the lift then smoothly ascends to service
level. Smart thinking


In the round

En la ronda

The main deck lounge is a monument to style,

with the most comfortable of circular conversation areas. Sofas are set at the optimum distance
for people chatting and fit exactly within the oval
shape of the carpet and ceiling. Gorgeous cherry
panels with maple inlay are interspersed with six
glass columns containing carved glass figurines in
a niche.
The recessed dome ceiling is one of the largest ever made for a superyacht, and features an
endless ebony and maple wave pattern.
Creating such a dome also meant pushing
the limits of the airco ducting, proving once
again the need for expert workmanship in every

La sala de descanso de la cubierta principal es un monumento al estilo con las ms cmodas reas de conversacin. Los sofs estn colocados a ptima distancia para
que las personas charlen y queden exactamente dentro
de la figura oval de la alfombra y el techo. Bellsimos
paneles de cerezas con hojas de maple incrustadas se
entremezclan en seis columnas de vidrio que contienen
estatuillas cinceladas en un nicho.
El techo abovedado, con un domo empotrado, es
uno de los ms grandes alguna vez construidos para un
sper-yate, y se caracteriza por presentar un patrn sinfn de ondas de bano y maple. Crear tal domo signific
extender los lmites de los conductos del aire acondicionado, demostrando la necesidad de una destreza para
trabajar altamente especializada en cada disciplina.

ot fleet


ot fleet



Texto / Text: Ferreti Foto / Photo: Ferretti Group



no Super


ot fleet

Herencia y evolucin
Heritage and evolution

eredero de una de las ms exitosas lneas sport de la marca, ha hecho su debut en mayo en Montecarlo.
El 88 Domino Super es el resultado de un proceso de diseo meticuloso orientado a mejorar, adems, un modelo muy
exitoso, expresa Stefano de Vivo, director comercial
de Grupo Ferretti. Este yate marca la evolucin en embarcaciones del astillero italiano.
Con una longitud de 26.70 m (87.7) y un haz de
6,30 m (20.8), este barco es resultado de la cooperacin entre la Officina Italiana Design empresa de diseo dirigida por Mauro Micheli y Sergio Beretta, creadores de toda la gama de Riva y del Departamento de
Ingeniera de Grupo Ferretti. Su esbelto perfil aerodinmico, destacado por el color London Grey del casco,
mismo tono innovador que se encuentra en los detalles
de la cubierta y que contrasta armoniosamente con el
Moon Grey que cubre la superestructura, lo vuelven
visualmente irresistible.



ot fleet

Ao / Year
Eslora / Length:
26.70 m / 87.7
Manga / Beam
6,30 m / 20.8
Motor / Engine
2x MTU 16V 2000 M93, 2435 Mhp
Velocidad de crucero /
Cruising Speed
35 nudos / 35 knots

scion of one of the most successful

brands sportive lines debuted with a
World premiere in May in Monte Carlo.
The 88 Domino Super, [] fruit
of a painstaking design process
aimed at further perfecting a highly successful
model, says Stefano de Vivo, Ferretti Groups Chief
Commercial Officer. This yacht marks the evolution of the Italian shipyards vessels.
With a 26.70 m (87.7) length and a 6,30 m (20.8)
beam, she is the outcome of the cooperation between
the Officina Italiana Design designing company
ran by Mauro Micheli and Sergio Beretta, creators of
the entire Rivas gamut and the Ferreti Group Engineering Department. Her slim streamlined profile,
outstanding for the color London Grey of her hull,
the same innovative hue detail found at the details
of the deck which harmoniously contrasts with the
Moon Grey covering the super-structure, make her
visually irresistible.

ot fleet




ot fleet


El saln es un espacio que goza de una magnfica vista, en un entorno de estilo Riva inconfundible. Una armoniosa combinacin de madera, cuero
y acero inoxidable pulido, destaca por el sistema de
iluminacin LED. Rayas de palo de rosa que combinan
con el tono Ice White para crear contrastes impresionantes, generan un clsico refinado que refuerza
su elegancia por la luz natural que brilla a travs del
acristalamiento continuo a lo largo de los lados y el
parabrisas delantero.
Soluciones de diseo y tecnologa atestiguan
esta evolucin. La zona de popa ha sido rediseada
para darle dinamismo al yate, cuyo espejo puede
sumergirse por complejo, ofreciendo una plataforma para ingresar al mar y volver a bordo; el solario
destaca su carcter deportivo y ofrece comodidad
adicional; el puesto de mando exterior se ha movido
a la parte central del barco y tiene un tamao muy
limitado, dejando as espacio para un gran sof en el
arco. Vale la pena descubrir los detalles que elevan el
nivel de comodidad tanto para invitados como para
la tripulacin, en cada rea creada especialmente
para un yate que trasciende su herencia.
El gran acristalamiento del casco continua, con un
diseo agresivo que se extiende a travs del yate, casi
como una flecha, mientras la placa de acero inoxidable
con el logo Riva, justo en el medio de los cristales, es el
sello en esta obra maestra.O

Her hall is a space that enjoys a superb view,

in an unmistakable Riva style milieu. A harmonious combination of wood, leather and polished
stainless steel stands out by her LED lighting system. Streaks of rosewood, combined with an Ice
White hue to create striking contrasts, generate
a refined classic, reinforcing her elegance with
the natural light shining through the continuous
glazed window pane, over the sides and the frontal windshield.
Design and technology solutions witness to
this evolution. Her aft zone has been redesigned
to give her zest; her transom can be entirely submerged, thus giving her a platform to enter the
sea and come back on board; her sundeck is remarkable for its sportiveness and offers extra
comfort; her external cockpit has been moved
towards the central part of the boat and has limited size, leaving space enough for a big sofa under the arch. It is worthy to discover the details
that upgrade the comfort fo both, the guests and
the crew, in each area specially created for a yacht
transcending its heritage.
The great hulls see-through glazing continues
with an aggressive design throughout the yacht,
almost like an arrow; while the stainless steel plate
with the logo Riva, just in the middle of the crystals,
is the seal of this master piece.O


Texto / Text: F ore cia

ti rre / Mario Ra

re Foto / Photo: Jimena Senz / Roberta Senz


Aarn Senz
20 aos de tradicin
A 20 year old tradition

ot fleet

a Copa Aarn Senz vio su origen en

1995 cuando Aarn El Chato Senz
tuvo la idea de impulsar la formacin
de una flota de barcos pequeos entre
los jvenes en Acapulco, para lo cual
se invit a veleristas de la Clase Optimist de todo
Mxico a velear en mar y, as, hacer las regatas
internacionales ms competitivas. El Chato Senz,
miembro del Saln de la Fama del Comit Olmpico,
se dedic a promover la vela en Mxico a todos
los niveles, poniendo principal nfasis en la Clase
Optimist y en especial a los principiantes, pues los
consideraba el futuro de la vela.

he Copa Aarn Senz (CAS) was born in

1995 when Aarn el Chato Senz came
up with the idea of fostering the formation of a dinghy fleet among the youngsters in Acapulco; in order to accomplish
this, from all over Mexico, Optimist Class sailors were
invited to go sea sailing, thus creating the most competitive international regattas. El Chato Senz, a
member of the Olympic Committee Hall of Fame, committed himself to promoting the sailing practice in
Mexico for all levels; emphasizing the Optimist Class,
specifically, beginners, whom he regarded as the future of sailing, though.

Es as como desde hace dos dcadas, la Copa

Aarn Senz, realizada ao tras ao, en el Club de
Yates de Acapulco, ha tenido el honor de recibir a
veleristas de todo el pas y figurar como un smbolo
en el desarrollo del deporte nutico nacional.
Eduardo Senz, presidente del Comit
Organizador de la Copa Aarn Senz, seala: Aunque
histricamente la vela estaba concentrada en Valle de
Bravo, muy cerca del Valle de la Ciudad de Mxico y en
el Lago de Chapala, mi pap, el Chato Senz, tena la
intencin de promover esta actividad en el puerto de
Acapulco, sobre todo entre los nios. Es por eso que
hace 20 aos inicia la primera regata en Acapulco, en
la que participaron unos 17 nios. Desde entonces, le
dio otra arista a la prctica de vela en el Club de Yates
de Acapulco, el cual siempre ha llevado a cabo regatas,
pero ms bien a nivel ocenico.
Uno de los retos que tenemos para el 2016,
es proyectar la copa a escala internacional y traer
veleristas destacados en todas las categoras, con el
objetivo de promover an ms el deporte de vela.
Por su parte, Jimena Senz, hija del fundador de la
Copa Aarn Senz y miembro del Comit Organizador,
coment: Se trata de una regata que naci con la idea
de fomentar una flota de vela ligera en el estado de
Guerrero, pero tambin para que los nios que veleaban
en Valle de Bravo, pudieran entrenar en el mar, que es
el elemento donde se llevaban a cabo las competencias
internacionales. Actualmente esta copa es una de las
cinco regatas que se hacen como parte del Circuito
Nacional de Vela; adems de promover el fortalecimiento
de semilleros, como Valle de Bravo o Veracruz, en Puerto
Aventura, y hacer una gran flota de Optimist de barcos
pequeos, donde todos los veleristas convivan y
conozcan quines son sus competidores nacionales y se
preparen para los campeonatos internacionales. Regatas
como sta le dan un giro importante a los veleristas en
su lugar de origen.


ot fleet

This is why, ever since about one score ago, the Copa
Aarn Senz has been celebrated year in year out over
the Acapulco Yacht Club, having had the honor of welcoming dinghy sailors from all over the country while
becoming an emblem for the national nautical sport.
Eduardo Senz, CAS Organizing Committee
President, points out, even though, historically,
the sailing practice gathered in Valle de Bravo, very
close to the Mexico City valley, and at the Chapala
Lake; my father, el Chato Senz, intended to promote this activity at the Acapulco Bay, especially
for children. This is why, twenty years ago, the first
Acapulco regatta began, where more or less 17 kids
participated. Ever since that time, he gave another
angle to sailing in the Acapulco Yacht Club, organization which has always celebrated regattas,
rather at oceanic level, though.
One of our 2016 challenges is to scale the Cup up
to an international level, by bringing outstanding
dinghy sailors in all categories, aiming at promoting even more the sailing sport.
Furthermore, Jimena Senz, CAS founders
daughter and an Organizing Committees member, commented, originally meant to foster a
fleet of dinghy sailboats, in the State of Guerrero,
this was a regatta intended also for the children
who used to sail at Valle de Bravo, so as they were
able to get trained at sea; element in which the
international regattas were contested. Nowadays, this cup is one of the five National Sailing
Circuit regattas. Even more: it promotes seeds
strengthening at, for example, Valle de Bravo or
Veracruz in Puerto Aventura, and the creation of
a big Optimist dinghy boatsfleet, where all
sailors get together, meet their domestic competitors and prepare for international contests.
Regattas like this give a critical turning point to
dinghy sailors in their native locations.


ot fleet


La Copa 2015

The 2015 Cup

En su ms reciente edicin, realizada del 15 al 17

de mayo de 2015, en el Club de Yates de Acapulco,
cont con la participacin de 270 veleristas y cerca
de 160 embarcaciones, en las categoras J70, Club
420, Tabla Vela, Laser (estndar y radial) y Optimist.
Este ao se distingui por ser la regata de ms
afluencia, en cuanto a nmero de barcos y veleristas
que se ha tenido; adems, por primera vez se recibi
una flota de Tabla Vela en sus versiones RCX y
Big Techno.

In its most recent 2015 edition, celebrated 15

through 17 may at the Acapulco Yacht Club, CAS
had 270 sailors and about 160 sailboats over; categories J70, Club 420, Windsurf, Laser (standard
and radial) and Optimist.
It has been an outstanding year, with the
greatest attendance, in terms of the number of
vessels and sailors; moreover, Windsurf fleets in
RCX and BIG Techno versions were received for the
first time ever.


Opti advanced

Opti Avanzados

1. Iker Loza Ramrez: 24 net points

2. Sofa Fabre: 25 net points
3. Bruno Aloi Timeus Hdz: 29 net points

1. Iker Loza Ramrez: 24 puntos netos

2. Sofa Fabre: 25 puntos netos
3. Bruno Aloi Timeus Hdz: 29 puntos netos

Opti Beginners

Opti Principiantes

1. Diego Correa: 10 net points

2. Sofa de Fernex: 18 net points
3. Carlos Beckman Zamora: 20 net points

1. Diego Correa: 10 puntos netos

2. Sofa de Fernex: 18 puntos netos
3. Carlos Beckman Zamora: 20 puntos netos

Laser Radial

Laser Radial

1. Polo Seifert: 12 net points

2. Eduardo Ragasol: 21 net points
3. Alfonso Garca Bringas: 25 net points

1. Polo Seifert: 12 puntos netos

2. Eduardo Ragasol: 21 puntos netos
3. Alfonso Garca Bringas: 25 puntos netos

Laser Standard

Laser Standard

1. Jesiel Paredes: 10 net points

2. Mauricio Rodrguez: 12 net points
3. Eduardo Reynoso Ziga: 15 net points

1. Jesiel Paredes: 10 puntos netos

2. Mauricio Rodrguez: 12 puntos netos
3. Eduardo Reynoso Ziga: 15 puntos netos



1. Julin Fernndez: 11 net points

2. Jorge Murrieta: 25 net points
3. Equipo Jaguar Land Rover: 28 net points

1. Julin Fernndez: 11 puntos netos

2. Jorge Murrieta: 25 puntos netos
3. Equipo Jaguar Land Rover: 28 puntos netos



1. Casilda & Camila Flores: 8 net points

2. Carlota Alonso & Mariana Guzmn Casas: 16 net points
3. Gonzalo & Nicols Flores: 23 net points

1. Casilda & Camila Flores: 8 puntos netos

2. Carlota Alonso & Mariana Guzmn Casas: 16 puntos netos
3. Gonzalo & Nicols Flores: 23 puntos netos



1. Ignacio Berenguer: 8 net points

2. Juan Bosco Varela: 23 net points
3. Mateo Salles: 24 net points

1. Ignacio Berenguer: 8 puntos netos

2. Juan Bosco Varela: 23 puntos netos
3. Mateo Salles: 24 puntos netos

BIG Techno

BIG Techno

1. Cristobal Haggerman Haro: 8 net points

2. Marcelo Melgarejo Venegas: 15 net points
3. Narciso de la O Tun: 24 net points.

1. Cristobal Haggerman Haro: 8 puntos netos

2. Marcelo Melgarejo Venegas: 15 puntos netos
3. Narciso de la O Tun: 24 puntos netos


ot fleet


golf journey
Texto / Text: e er io aray Foto / Photo: GettyImages / NABIBIAN SUN / DAILY REPUBLIC / GOLWEEK



& Tiger


La dupla emblemtica
The new golf emblem duo

os golfistas norteamericanos Matt Kuchar y Tiger Woods, que representarn

a los Estados Unidos en la prxima edicin de la Bridgestone Americas Golf,
la cual tendr lugar en territorio mexicano del 21 al 25 de octubre, son a priori, los grandes candidatos a quedarse con el triunfo.
Tanto Kuchar como Woods, se presentan como
las mximas figuras de este campeonato regional,
que busca a la mejor pareja del continente; ambos
comparten un palmars de 116 victorias a lo largo
de 17 aos de carrera, en promedio, y ganancias que
ascienden a 142 millones de dlares (mdd). Esta ser
la segunda ocasin en que Woods (profesional desde
1996) y Kuchar (desde el 2000) jueguen como pareja,
tal como lo hicieran durante la Presidents Cup de 2013
en la que ganaron tres de sus cuatro compromisos.

golf journey

merican golf players, US representatives in the next Edition of

the Bridgestone Americas Golf,
to be celebrated in Mexican territory from October 21 through
25, are a priori, the greatest candidates to win
the tournament.
Kuchar the same as Woods are the top figures
in this regional championship to settle who is
the best couple of the continent; both share a
record of 116 victories average along 17 years
of career, and 142 million dollars earnings. This
will be the second time in which Woods (a professional ever since 1996) and Kuchar (a professional ever since 2000) play as a couple, just as
the time of The Presidents Cup, 2013, when
they won three out of four commitments.

1. Matt Kuchar yTiger Woods,
durante una de las pocas
ocasiones que han compartido
el green. / Matt Kuchar and
Tiger Woods durin one of the
few moments they have
share the green.


golf journey


2. Mat Kuchar, uno de los

mejores golfistas del mundo,
har pareja con el legendario
Tigeer Woods. / Matt Kuchar,
one of the best golfers in the
world, will partner with the
legendary Tigeer Woods.
3 y 4. Ambos se unen por
esta ocasin para representar
a Estados Unidos. La dupla
ha demostrado un nivel de
competitividad difcil de
superar. / Both come together
for this opportunity to
represent the United States.
The pair have demonstrated
a level of competitiveness
very hard to beat.

En su primer enfrentamiento derrotaron a la

dupla integrada por el australiano Marc Leishman
y el argentino ngel Cabrera; el segundo da vencieron al conjunto sudafricano formado por Louis
Oosthuizen y Charl Schwartzel; para la tercera
jornada de actividades, se impusieron a la pareja
compuesta por el australiano Adam Scott y el nipn Hideki Matsuyama; finalmente, en el cuarto
da, fueron derrotados por el sudafricano Ernie Els
y el de Zimbabwe, Brendon de Jonge. Anteriormente, aunque no coincidieron como equipo, Kuchar y
Woods, formaron parte del equipo norteamericano
que represent a Estados Unidos en la Ryder Cup de
2010 y 2012, ambos torneos en los que el combinado europeo se coron campen.
La expectativa por ver a Tiger Woods compitiendo
por primera ocasin en Mxico es mayscula, pese a
que no ha ganado un torneo oficial desde el 2013, cuando conquist el ttulo del Farmers Insurance Open.

In their first confrontation, they defeated

the couple formed by Australian Marc Leishman and Argentinean ngel Cabrera; on the
second day, they defeated the South African
team formed by Louis Oosthuizen and Charl
Schwartzel; on the third, they defeated Australian Adam Scott and Japanese Hideki Matsuyama; finally, on the fourth day, they lost to
the South African Ernie Els and Zimbabwean
Brendon de Jonge. Before that, even though
they had not coincided as a couple, Kuchar and
Woods were members of the American team
representing the US in the Ryder Cup, 2010 and
2012, both tournaments in which the European
team was crowned a champion.
The expectation to see Tiger Woods competing
for the first time in Mexico is huge, even if he has
won no official tournament since 2013, when he
conquered the Farmers Insurance Open title.

Sin embargo, las credenciales de Tiger como golfista profesional son incuestionables: 79 victorias en
el PGA Tour, (14 en torneos Major), lo que significa el
segundo mejor registro de todos los tiempos, despus
del legendario Jack Nicklaus; adicionalmente, acumula 12 triunfos internacionales y 14 conquistas de otra
ndole, como el Mundial de Golf junto a Mark OMeara.
Los aficionados que acudan a la Bridgestone
Americas Golf se encontrarn con un Woods menos
agresivo que en el pasado, respecto a su juego. Su
notable cambio de swing y los largos periodos que
pasa sin estar en alta competencia, han convertido
al ex nmero uno del mundo, en un golfista ms calculador que en el pasado, donde su osada y espectacularidad le encumbraron por aos en lo ms alto
del ranking mundial.
En esta ocasin, la clave para Tiger ser estar
fino en el juego corto, ello le permitir concretar

5. Se ha notado un
cambio en el swing
de Tigger Woods
a lo largo de su
trayectoria. / There
has been a change
in the Tigger
Woods swing along
its path.
6. Matt Kuchar figura
como candidato
para el ttulo en
cada competencia
donde participa. /
Theres very high
to see this pair
in Americas
Bridgestone Golf,
wich is going to be
held in Mexico.
7. Las expectativas
por ver a esta dupla
en la Bridgestone
Americas Golf que
se celebrar en
Mxico, son muy
altas. / Theres very
high expectations
to see this pair
in Americas
Bridgestone Golf,
wich is going to be
held in Mexico.


golf journey

Nevertheless, Tigers credentials as golf player are

unquestionable: 79 victories in the PGA Tour (14 in major tournaments), which means he has the second best
record of all times, after the legendary Jack Nicklaus;
additionally, he has got 12 international triumphs
and 14 different conquests, such as the Gold World
Championship together with Mark OMeara.
Fans attending the Bridgestone Americas
Golf tournament will find a much less aggressive
Woods than in the past, in terms of his game. His
remarkable change of swing and the long periods
out of the high ranking competitions have made
the former number one in the world into a more
calculating golf player than in the past, where his
audacity and showmanship took him to the top of
the world ranking for years.
This time, the key for Tiger will come from his
short game finesse; this way he will be able to accomplish birdies.


golf journey


8. Los medios que

acompaan estos
eventos deportivos
se esmeran por
tomar el mejor
ngulo de cada
movimiento. /
The media that
accompany these
sporting events
strive to take the
best angle of each

Su promedio de score en lo que va de la campaa

es de 72 golpes; apenas el par de campo, lo que representa una marca corta, sobre todo al tratarse de
alguien que otrora haca trizas los desafos de cualquier cancha en el mundo. Otro dato relevante es su
bajo porcentaje de acercamiento al green, el que se
encuentra en 31% de efectividad.
Por su parte, Matt Kuchar, quien durante el ltimo lustro se ha caracterizado como uno de los
golfistas candidatos al ttulo en cada field al que ingresa, acumula siete victorias dentro del PGA Tour,
mximo circuito del golf profesional, siendo su ms
reciente ttulo en el RBC Heritage 2014. Para el originario de Winter Park, Florida, entre sus mritos destacan el WGC Match Play 2013, as como The Players
Championship conquistado en 2012.

His average during this campaign has been 72

strokes; barely a par for the course, which means
a short par, especially when it refers to the individual who used to beat the odds in any course in
the world. Another relevant datum is the low percentage of his short approach to the green at 31%
On the other side, Matt Kuchar, who during the
last 5 years has been featured as one of the candidates to the title at every field he enters, accumulates 7 victories inside the PGA Tour, the top professional golf circuit; his most recent title being the
RBC Heritage 2014. For the native from Winter Park,
Florida, among his remarkable merits is the WGC
Match Play 2013, the same as The Players Championship, conquered in 2012.


Para el actual nmero 16 del mundo, est pendiente la conquista de un Major; aunque ha estado
cerca de conseguirlo. El Masters de Augusta, con
tres Top 10 en los ltimos cinco aos, es el torneo
grande que mejor le viene.
Kuchar no es un pegador largo, sin embargo es muy
preciso, figura dentro de los 10 mejores en cuanto a definicin y es lder en el circuito en cuanto al nmero de
putts por ronda, por lo que ser un deleite para los fanticos verlo en el green. Ostenta un promedio de 287
yardas por driver que conecta, para estar dentro del promedio del Tour; pero se mantiene lejos de las 316 yardas
que alcanza Dustin Johnson, lder de esa estadstica.


9. Matt Kuchar
acumula siete
victorias dentro del
PGA Tour. / Matt
Kuchar has seven
wins on the PGA
10. Tiger Woods
regres a los
torneos en 2015 en
el Master. / Tiger
Woods returned to
competition at
the Masters
Tournament 2015.

golf journey

For the current number 16 in the world, it is

pending the conquest of a Major, even though he
has been close to obtaining it; being the Augusta
Masters, in the last five years, the greatest and most
suitable tournament for him, with three Top 10.
Kuchar is not a long drive player; still, he
is very precise and appears among the 10 best
players on resolution, and the circuit leader on
putts per round; seeing him on the green will be
a delight for the fans. He boasts a 287 yard average per driver, to be inside the Tour average; but
he is still far from the 316 yards that the leader
of that statistics, Dustin Johnson, reaches.


El paraso de la comida cantonesa

Cantonese food paradise


Otto e Mezzo Bombana


King Heen

Lung King Heen
8 Finance Street Central,

o rmet gourmet

Hong Kong, China.

Tel. +852 3196 8880

n un pequeo enclave en donde cohabitan

ms de 40,000 restaurantes, el Lung King
Heen, dirigido por el chef Chan Yan Tak,
es una de las mejores opciones gastronmicas de la cosmopolita ciudad; adems
de ser el nico restaurante de comida cantonesa en el
mundo, que ostenta tres estrellas Michelin.
Este establecimiento cuyo nombre se traduce
como la visin del dragn,convierte el tradicional
dim sum y los mariscos en suntuosos banquetes. Su
carta, la cual cambia cada semana, cuenta con ms de
15 suculentas opciones entre sopas y caldos, deliciosos dumplings rellenos con hongos y apio, frutos del
mar o cerdo y vegetales. La presentacin, adems de
apetitosa y elegante, en ocasiones requiere hasta de
24 horas de antelacin; como en el caso del consom
de pollo de doble ebullicin con cordyceps.
Si bien el ambiente, decoracin y detalles en
cada platillo tienen un tono refinado, no se trata de
una cocina rebuscada, por el contrario, el encanto
del Lung King Heen radica precisamente en la claridad lograda por el juego libre que Chan Yan Tak realiza a travs de sabores, texturas y condimentos. Es
as como se consigue esta oriental visin gourmet
de la cocina china.

ocated in a little enclave, where more

than 40,000 restaurants coexist, the
Lung King Heen, run by chef Chan Yan
Tak, is one of the best gastronomic
choices of this cosmopolitan city; besides being the only Cantonese food restaurant in
the world boasting three Michelin stars.
Lung King Heen, The Vision of the Dragon,
its names translation, transforms the traditional
dim sum and shellfish into sumptuous banquets.
Its weekly changing menu has more than 15 delicious options, between soups and broths, exquisite
mushroom and celery filled dumplings; seafood or
pork and vegetables. The presentation, besides being appetizing and exquisite, sometimes needs up
to 24 hour previous work; such is the case of the
double boiling chicken consomm with cordyceps.
Even though the milieu, decoration and details
in every dish have a refined tone, it is not an excessively sophisticated cuisine; on the contrary, Lung
King Heens charm is rooted precisely in the clarity
accomplished by the free play that Chan Yan Tak
realizes through flavors, textures and spices; that
is how this oriental gourmet vision of the Chinese
cuisine is achieved.


8 Otto e

Baluarte de la italianidad en el continente asitico

A Bastion of the Italianity in the Asiatic Continent

l chef Umberto Bombana es el embajador

de la gastronoma italiana en esta regin
de Asia. El concepto de su restaurante, a
la vez que hace un homenaje al filme del
irector Fe erico Fe i i, ; se ha convertido en todo un estandarte de la italianidad asitica. Ubicado al interior del centro comercial Landmark
Alexandra en Hong Kong, este establecimiento cuenta
con un amplio comedor principal ambientado con obras
de Picasso y Dal, as como dos comedores privados, un
agradable saln y un bar. Sobresale una cava que bien
vale la pena inspeccionar personalmente, pues ofrece
una amplia seleccin de vinos.
Los platillos de Bombana, presentan un corte innovador que combinan ingredientes italianos con productos
de otras regiones del mundo; uno de ellos es el suave
lomo de res Tajima. En la presentacin de sus platillos se
aprecia el amor del chef por la cocina, ya que integra de
forma creativa su cultura italiana con el exotismo asitico, por lo que en cada ocasin el comensal descubren
nuevos detalles, referencias y sabores.


Otto e Mezzo Bombana

Shop 202, Landmark Alexandra,

18 Chater Road, Central,
Hong Kong, China.
Tel. +852 2537 8859

o rmet gourmet

hef Umberto Bombana is the ambassador of Italian gastronomy in

the Asian region. His restaurant
pays homage to Federico Fellinis
8 ; Bombana has entirely become
a standard of Asian Italianity. Located inside
the Landmark Alexandra mall in Hong Kong,
this establishment has a main dinning room,
with an ambience dcor made by Picasso and
Dal, the same as two private dinning rooms, a
nice lounge and a bar. It has an outstanding cave
worthy of personal inspection, because it offers
a wide selection of wines.
Bombanas dishes present an innovative cut by
combining Italian ingredients with products from
other regions of the world; being one of them, the
tenderloin Tajima. In the presentation of his dishes,
the chefs love of the cuisine, because he blends, in a
creative way, his Italian culture with the Asiatic exoticism; every time the diner discovers new details,
references and flavors.


El destilado ms poderoso del planeta
The mightiest spirit of the planet

Texto / Text: A

r s orres Foto /Photo: NING / PSDA / jao tse / CDN2


c t dore tasters

a historia del licor en China es tan milenaria como su propia cultura, si bien existe
evidencia de que durante la dinasta Shang
(1766-1046 a.C.) se consuman aguardientes y vino de arroz, algunos antroplogos,
basndose en los detallados datos incluidos en los Shi Ji
o registros histricos de Sima Qian, la crnica china por
excelencia, establecen que sus orgenes preceden tres
milenios en el tiempo. Sin embargo, el origen del baijiu
o huangjiu (licor elaborado a partir de granos de arroz,
sorgo o trigo), bebida nacional China, se le atribuye a la
dinasta Han, 200 a.C.
La profesin de productor de esta bebida 100% artesanal pues se hace a mano, debido a lo intensivo
de la formacin que reciben, es considerada a nivel de
artista. El baijiu requiere de repetidas destilaciones y
un dedicado proceso de aejamiento, en garrafas de cermica, de entre dos y cinco aos dependiendo la casa
productora; aunque hay licores con 50 aos de aejamiento, como es el caso del Maotai de Guizhou. De ah
que se trate de una bebida altamente cotizada, llegando a valer 1,500 dlares la botella, inclusive se ha llegado a superar el milln de dlares, como es el caso de la
cosecha de 1980, de Maotai, el cual fue subastado en el
2011 por un milln 300,000 dlares.

he history of liquor in China is as millennial as her own culture. Even if there

exists evidence that during the Shang
dynasty (1766-1046 a. C.) aguardientes
and rice wine were consumed, some
anthropologists based on the detailed data from the
Chinese chronicle Shi Ji or Sima Qian, the historical
records par excellence, establishes its origins over
the past three millennia. Nevertheless, the origin of
baijiu o huangjiu (liquor made from rice, sorghum
or wheat), the national Chinese beverage, is attributed to the Han dynasty, 200 b. C.
The producers profession of this 100% artisanal because it is made by handdrink, due to
the intensive training they receive is regarded at
the level of an artist. The baijiu requires reiterated distillations and a committed aging process
inside ceramic decanters, two through five years,
depending on the manufacturing house; even
though there are 50-year-aging liquors, such as
the Maotai from Guizhou. This is why it is a highly
sought-after beverage, priced from $1,500.00 US
dollars to over one million dollars a bottle, as it was
the case of the 1980 harvest Maotari, auctioned in
2011 for $1,300,000.00 US dollars.

Un informe del International Wine & Spirits Group, seala que el crecimiento anual en ventas de esta bebida, desde 2003 ha presentado un incremento de 20% y estima una
produccin de 17,000 millones de litros de baijiu para 2016.
Si bien existe una zona limitada de provincias que producen baijiu, siendo las ms famosas Guizhou, Sichuan,
Hunan y Shanxi y Shaoxing; los mejores y ms cotizados
destilados provienen de la cuenca donde se hermanan el ro
Chishui y el Yangts, el ms grande afluente de China. Asimismo, se estima que existen cerca de 14,000 destileras
de diversos tamaos. Tan slo en la Colina Jiusheng en se
aprecian 6,000 bodegas.

Cultural roots

Arraigo cultural

Traditionally, the baijiu is poured at room temperature or

warmed in a ceramic jar before serving it into a little bowl.
Notwithstanding there exist more than 16 variations of
this beverage, there are three basic classifications to guide
the taster: based on the aroma: soft, strong or fresh; on the
savor: smoked, acid or fruity; and on alcoholic degrees:
from 40 to 60GL; being the strong aroma the most appreciated and the fresh and fruity the least valued by the Chinese, even though that, for the Westerners palate, they
are the most attractive. Among the most famous baijiu
brands are the Moti, Wlingy, lzhu lo jio, Gjng
gng ji, Jinnnchn and Fnji, to name just a few.
This is not a drink easy to appreciate; the Chinese
themselves are used to saying that one has lived too
long in their country when one knows how to savor a
good baijiu. Regarding that, Derek Sandhaus, author of
Baiju: The Essential Guide to Chinese Spirits, comments
that 300 tries (tastes) are needed before being able to
appreciate this beverage.
The baijiu has scaled to its ultimate position as a drink
to be given away in order to honor the person receiving it;
this is why it is used as a present in official visits for mandataries all around the
world; it has become a symbol
of power and a
luxury item savored in special

Tradicionalmente, el baijiu se sirve a temperatura ambiente

o se calienta en una jarrita de cermica, antes de servirse en
una pequea vasija; aunque existen ms de 16 variaciones
de esta bebida, son tres clasificaciones bsicas por las que
se debe guiar quien la degusta. Por su aroma: suave, fuerte
o fresco; sabor: ahumado, cido o afrutado, y graduacin alcohlica, que va de los 40 a los 60GL. El de aroma fuerte es
el ms apreciado y los de aroma fresco y sabor afrutado los
menos valorados por los chinos, aunque para el paladar occidental resultan de los ms atractivos. Entre las marcas ms
famosas de baijiu estn el Moti, Wlingy, lzhu lo jio,
Gjng gng ji, Jinnnchn y Fnji, por destacar algunos.
No se trata de un trago sencillo de valorar, los mismos chinos suelen decir que se ha vivido demasiado
tiempo en ese pas cuando se sabe disfrutar de un buen
baijiu. Al respecto, Derek Sandhaus, autor de Baiju: The
Essential Guide to Chinese Spirits, comenta que se requiere de al menos de 300 intentos (degustaciones), antes de
apreciar esta bebida.
El baijiu ha escalado hasta su mxima posicin, como
una una bebida que se regala para honrar a quien la recibe, por eso sirve de obsequio en las visitas oficiales para
los mandatarios de todo el mundo; se ha convertido
en sinnimo de poder y un artculo de lujo que
se degusta en ocasiones especiales.


c t dore tasters

An International Wine & Spirits Group report

points out that the yearly sales growth of this beverage has increased by 20%, and estimates a 17,000
million liter production of baijiu by 2016.
Even if there is a limited zone of provinces producing baijiu, the most famous are Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan, Shanxi and Shaoxing; the best and
most valued distilled beverages come from the Chishui and Yangts basin, the greatest tributary in
China. It is estimated, as well, that there are about
14,000 distilleries of different sizes; for just in Jiusheng Hill 6,000 stores can be seen.

toys collection >> autos

Texto / Text: AMURA Foto / Photo: ROLLS-ROYCE / 2014 Bentley Motors Newspress Limited / Mac Laren P1




Perfection and power

at the wheel

y poder al


ynonym of lavishness and exclusivity at their maximum expression,

these cars represent sophisticated
versions that show a magnificent
amalgamation of technology, design
and high performance; elements, all of them,
that prove the power of their engines when traveling over the roads.

stos autos son sinnimo de lujo y exclusividad, en su mxima expresin;

se trata de versiones sofisticadas, las
cuales presentan una magnfica combinacin de tecnologa, diseo y alto
rendimiento. Todos ellos elementos que demuestran el podero de sus mquinas al momento de
recorrer los caminos.



toys collection >> autos

The Wraith
Inspired by Film


Un blido de pelcula
A movie racecar

he Wraith Inspired by Film is the

sports model presented by RollsRoyce on its The Wraith Special Edition. A luxurious and mighty V12
twin-turbo, 6.6 liter, 137 lb/ft torque,
fast-back bodywork coup, the Wraith records
707 hp and a 727 lb/ft torque being able to reach
over 300 km/h and 0 to 100 km/h in 4.6 seconds
acceleration. It has paid homage to the award
that the English manufacturer received by the
British Film Institute for the short film And the
World Stood Still made in a secret location near
Barcelona for the launching of the Wraith. In addition, the International Association of Visual
Communication gave it a Gold Award while acknowledging the short film for its Timeslice or
frozen time sequence.
The Inspired by Film Edition displays a stylish silvery exterior that makes the famous Spirit
of Ecstasy stand out (the figurine, made of silver,
born by it over the tip of the bonnet). Regarding
its interior, not only the duotone anthracite
leather, aluminum and ebony wood textures are
remarkable, but it offers bespoke and custommade features; plus the Starlight Headliner: a
1,340 sparkling fiber-optic spotted ceiling imitating a precious starry sky.

e rait
s ire y Fi es e o e o
deportivo que present Rolls-Royce con
motivo de su edicin especial del Wraith.
Se trata de un coup de lujo con carrocera
fastback, que presenta un potente motor
V12 twin-turbo, de 6.6 litros y 137 libras-pie de torque;
esto significa que el Wraith registra 707 hp y un par
motor de 727 libras-pie que le permite superar los 300
km/h. Es capaz de acelerar de 0 a 100 km/h en 4.6 segundos, rinde homenaje al reconocimiento que tuvo la
ar a ora i esa or arte e Britis Fi
stit te a
cortometraje And the World Stood Still, el cual se film
en un lugar secreto cerca de Barcelona con motivo del
lanzamiento del Wraith. Adicionalmente, la Asociacin
Internacional de Comunicaciones Visuales le otorg un
premio de Oro y el instituto reconoci al filme por su
Timeslice o secuencia de tiempo congelado.
a e ici
s ire
y Fi , rese ta
e egante color plata en su exterior que hace resaltar
el famoso Spirit of Ecstasy (escultura que porta en
la punta del cofre), hecho en plata. En cuanto a su
interior, no solo sobresalen las texturas como el
cuero antracita bitono, aluminio y madera de bano; sino que ofrece personalizaciones a la medida
y el Starlight Headliner, un techo con 1,340 destellos luminosos, puntos de fibra ptica que imitan un
precioso cielo estrellado.

toys collection >> autos

The Wraith Inspired by Film
Velocidad mxima / Top Speed
+ 300 km/h
Peso en vaco UE / EU Empty weight
2,400 kg
Motor / Engine
Potencia mxima en kW (HP) /
Maximum power in kW (HP)/rpm
632 hp

toys collection





A classic getting perfect

Bentley Continental GT
Velocidad mxima / Top Speed
+ 300 km/h
Peso en vaco UE / EU Empty weight
2,400 kg
Motor / Engine
Potencia mxima en kW (HP)
Maximum power in kW (HP)/rpm
632 hp

he past Geneva International Motor Show

edition was the perfect stage to show the
adjustments and innovations that have
improved the Bentley Continental GT,
both in appearance and workability.
This Grand Tourer has been able to reduce 5%
tis fuel consumption while increasing its power;
thanks to the combination of a 6.0 liter W12
twin-turbo engine along with a variable displacement system that allows it to use only 6 of its
12 cylinders, for it has a cylinder selective deactivation technology; features which allow it to
reach 100 Km/h in 3.9 seconds.
Its design also presents remarkable enhancements, being some of them: a finer back trunk
and strengthened rear bumpers the same as new
mudguards with side gills and a grille different
from the earlier versions.
Moreover, this coup, 4.8 meters of elegance,
has more chrome parts shared with the Speed version, the same as interiors that highten its modern
and distinguished sportive spirit, and with better
seats adapted to hold and recharge an iPad, LED
lightening, WiFi system among others. GT W12 and
GT Speed models have an option for cushions and
seatbacks upholstered with semi-aniline finishes,
the maximum comfort in leather for cars.

l pasado Geneva auto show fue el escenario perfecto para mostrar los ajustes e
innovaciones que han mejorado, tanto la
apariencia, como el funcionamiento del
Bentley Continental GT.
Este Gran Turismo ha logrado reducir el consumo de
combustible en un 5% y, a la vez, incrementar su potencia, gracias a la combinacin de un motor 6.0 litros W12
biturbo, aunado a un sistema de desplazamiento variable que le permite emplear slo seis de sus 12 cilindros;
adems cuenta con tecnologa que permite una desconexin selectiva de los mismos. Caractersticas que le
permiten conseguir los 100 km/h en 3.9 segundos.
Su diseo tambin presenta mejoras notables,
una cajuela ms fina y una fascia trasera ms fornida, as como las nuevas salpicaderas con tomas de
aire y una parrilla distinta a las versiones anteriores, son algunas de ellas.
Este coup de 4.8 metros de elegancia, cuenta con
elementos cromados que comparte con la versin Speed,
as como interiores que resaltan su espritu moderno y
distinguidamente deportivo, con mejores asientos adaptados para sostener y recargar un iPad, iluminacin LED,
siste a iFi, e tre otros os o e os
Speed cuentan con la opcin de cojines y respaldos con
forro en acabodos semi anilina, que representan el mximo lujo en elementos de cuero para autos.

toys collection >> autos


Un clsico que se perfecciona



toys collection >> autos

os cisnes negros son la metfora de lo que

pareca imposible. Descubiertos en 1697,
en Australia Occidental, se convirtieron
en el smbolo de aquellos acontecimientos
que han transformado al mundo; en este
contexto, la serie de McLaren Sport es el cisne negro
de los autos deportivos, gracias a una combinacin
nica de alto rendimiento, lujo excepcional y avances
derivados de la innovacin tcnica. Pocas armadoras
alcanzan un nivel de tanta potencia en caballos de
fuerza con carroceras ligeras y un fuerte chasis de
fibra de carbono.
Ningn otro deportivo es tan emocionante
para conducir como los de la lnea 570S, mismos
que se distinguen como el primer modelo de la
llamada Sports Series, de McLaren un escalafn
por debajo de las Super Series compuesta por los
625C, 650S y 675 LT y dos por debajo de la Ultimate Series integrada por el P1, se trata de un
vehculo que tanto a nivel tecnolgico, como de
amenidades, resulta impactante.

he black swan is a metaphor for what

seemed impossible. Discovered in
1697, in Western Australia, it became
the symbol of those happenings that
have changed the world; within this
context, the McLaren Sport series is the black
swan of sports cars thanks to a unique combination of high performance, exceptional luxury
and breakthroughs derived from technical innovation. Just a few automakers reach such level of
power measured in horsepowerthrough light
bodyworks and strong carbon fiber chassis.
No other type of sportive cars is as exciting
to drive as the ones from the 570S line, the same
set of cars distinguished as the first model from
the so-called McLaren Sports Series one step
below the Super Series formed by the 625C, 650S
and 675 LT, and two steps under the Ultimate Series formed by the P1; this is a vehicle which,
on the technological level, the same as on the
comfort features, is astonishing.



El cisne negro del automovilismo

The Black Swan of Car Racing
Cuenta con un motor de 3.8 litros twin turbocharged,
en V8 y un propulsor unido a una caja de cambios SSG de
doble embrague y siete velocidades que transmite a las
ruedas traseras, dotndolo de mayor traccin y potencia,
para alcanzar una velocidad mxima de 328 km/h, llevndolo de 0 a 100 km/h en 3.2 segundos. Su diseo aerodinmico facilita la conduccin, mientras que los frenos
carbonocermicos, le dan estabilidad y seguridad.
Su llamativo diseo futurista, resulta tan espectacular como funcional. Su frente, inspirado en los McLaren
F r a , se co vierte e e as ecto isti tivo e esta
lnea que presenta una silueta que podra definirse como
atltica. El peso total del McLaren 570S es de 1.3 toneladas, una cifra baja en comparacin a los deportivos de
este calibre; tan solo el chasis, fabricado de fibra de carbono MonoCell II tiene un peso aproximado de 80 Kg.
En su interior se puso especial atencin a los detalles; una cabina de lujo ofrece acabados en cuero hecho a
mano, una consola flotante, con pantalla tctil intuitiva
de 7 que incluye navegacin satelital, transmisin de
a io B etoot , iFi tet eri y activaci
or vo sistema de sonido Bowers & Wilkins, excelente visibilidad,
asientos deportivos excepcionalmente cmodos y un
cuadro de instrumentos cuya configuracin puede ser
programada en normal, sport y track. Adems, McLaren
ofrece la posibilidad de personalizacin con mltiples
opciones estticas.

McLaren 570
Velocidad mxima / Top Speed
328km/h (204mph)
Peso en vaco UE / EU Empty weight
1,313 kg
Motor / Engine
Potencia mxima en kW (HP) /
Maximum power in kW (HP)/rpm
570PS (562bhp) (419kW) @ 7500rpm

toys collection >> autos

A twin turbocharged 3.8 liter engine in V8; a

seven-speed SSG dual-clutch transmission rearwheel drive, endows it with greater traction and
power to reach 328km/h maximum speed, and
to reach from 0 to 100km/h in just 3.2 seconds.
Its streamlined design eases driving it; it has a
standard-fit carbon ceramic brakes serial set, giving it stability and safety to slow down.
Its striking futurist design is as flashy as
workable; its front, inspired in the McLaren Formula 1, becomes this lines feature, a silhouette
that might be defined as athletic. The McLaren
570Ss total weight is 1.3 tons, a lower figure
compared with other sports cars of this caliber;
just the MonoCell II carbon fiber chassis weighs
about 80kg.
In its interior, special attention to details has
been put: a luxurious cabin finished in handmade leather; a seven-inch touchscreen over a
floating center console including satellite navigation; Bluetooth audio-transmission; WiFi
tethering; voice activation; Bowers & Wilkins audio equipment; terrific visibility; exceptionally
comfortable sportive seats; and an instrument
cluster to be programmed in normal, sport and
track. Moreover, McLaren offers multiple aesthetic bespoke options.


eet t e m



Texto / Text: Ricar o Ro

Foto / Photo: F A e




Tu tiempo ha llegado!
Your time has arrived!

n la historia de las artes no son pocos los

casos de hombres y mujeres que nacen
er de tiem o e
m ic
or e emplo, es larga la relacin de los autores que
no fueron comprendidos por sus contemporneos, y cuya personalidad poco atrayente
para ellos los hizo vctimas de un total rechazo. Tal
fue la historia de Gustav Mahler, director notable especialmente en el terreno de la pera, y compositor
t e to i di c ti e e dic o e m ic
de Mahler es una nuez difcil de masticar, sus Sinfonas son verdaderamente largas y no es fcil penetrar
en las profundidades psicolgicas de su legado vocal.
Rota la barrera, sin embargo, se abren horizontes de
e re i id d y
e e ci e irit
e o it
e tre o r de m ico de todo o tiem o
hler naci en Kalischt, Bohemia, el 7 de julio de 1860 y
muri en Viena el 18 de mayo de 1911. En su vida conoci y experiment todas las emociones de las cuales son capaces los hombres, aunque jams fue feliz
o supo lo que era la satisfaccin cabal. Sus ambiciones resultaban monumentales, trabajaba en forma
incansable en sus enormes Sinfonas y siempre pula
aun aquello en lo que ya haba logrado la perfeccin.
Su padre, un comerciante judo, debi administrar
un corto ingreso para poder darle una educacin completa. A los cuatro aos, mostr su talento musical al
tocar el acorden de odo, con lo que dej encantados
a los adultos, repitiendo las marchas militares que
haba escuchado en el campo militar de Iglau. Cuando
ingres al Conservatorio de Viena en 1875, era ya un
pianista consumado, pero tambin un sujeto extrao
que padeca sonambulismo y alcanzaba sus estados
de trance en las primeras horas de la maana.

n the world of the arts, many men and

women were born before their time. Music is a prime example where many composers were not appreciated and whose
personality was rejected by them, who
made them victims as outcasts. Hence the story
of Gustav Mahler, notable conductor especially
in the world of opera and a composer of formidable talent. It has been said that the music of
Mahler is a nut hard de crack, his Symphonies
are truly long and it is not possible to penetrate
in the profound psychological meaning of his
vocal legacy. Once this barrier is torn down we
can admire horizons of expression and spirituality that rate him among the great musical minds of all time. He was born in Kalischt,
Bohemia on july 7, 1860 and died in Vienna on
may 18, 1911. His life led him to experiment all
the emotions that man can desire but he was
never satisfied with the results of his efforts.
His ambition was monumental, his Industry
was equally so, but in the eyes of the world he
became a famous conductor and composer who
strived for perfection all his life.
He was the son of a struggling Jewish tradesman who stretched the budget to give him an
excellent education. At four, the boy displayed
musical talent when he played by ear on the accordion the soldiers marches he heard issuing
from the nearby garrison of Iglau. By the time
he entered the conservatory of Vienna in 1875m
he was already a fine pianist and a string person,
who walked in his sleep and went into sleep-like
trances during his waking hours.



Admiraba sin reservas a su maestro, Antn Bruckner,

y a Richard Wagner, lo que lo llev a participar en un concurso que ofreca un atractivo premio econmico. El resultado fue Das Klagende Lied (La Cancin del Lamento),
c t t co tem
re tom do de c e to de
los hermanos Grimm. La obra fue un fracaso rotundo.
Esto hizo que Mahler se dedicara a la direccin
orquestal como profesin que le permitiera vivir. Es
cierto que el artista deseaba ser compositor, pero el
destino o las circunstancias lo llev a convertirse en
el director orquestal de pera ms famoso de Europa.
En realidad, subi a la cima ms alta de su poca: fue
director de la Opera Imperial de Viena. Su reinado se extendi de 1897 a 1907, para muchos, la etapa ms brillante en
Viena en la historia de su pera. Mahler tena el talento suficiente para ofrecer algo nuevo a la vista y al odo, adems
de una energa inagotable que empleaba en lograr sus propsitos. Los descendientes de personas que vivieron esos
tiempos recuerdan los comentarios: no se acostumbraba
anunciar al director en el programa, solo cuando el teln se
levantaba se conoca al responsable de la funcin. En medio de un ambiente excitado y tenso, los jvenes estiraban
la cabeza para saber quin era el director en turno. Cuando
Mahler apareca, lo haca perfectamente rasurado, dirigindose al podio como un dardo va hacia el blanco, de inmedi to royect e e
ico domi io di ci de de cribir. Los otros directores eran los barbudos Hans Richter,
Bruno Walter y Franz Schalk. Fue Mahler quien coloc el
pdium sobre una elevacin destacando as al director,
permitindole un control mayor sobre la orquesta. Y cuando Mahler diriga, la chispa demoniaca que de l emanaba
pareca apoderarse del auditorio. Pese a esto, despus de
10 aos difciles, tras una campaa de murmuraciones y
calumnias sin precedente en el mundo musical viens, fue
eliminado de su puesto. Como compositor continu siendo una figura indiscutida hasta su prematura muerte.

eet t e m

His admiration for his teacher, Bruckner and

for Wagner, and the offer of a cash prize induced
him to attempt a Cantata Das Klagende Lied (The
Song of Woe). Its darkest themes were based of
the writing of the Grimm brothers. It failed and
he turned to conducting as a means of livelihood.
Though he wanted above all to write music, he
became one of the worlds finest opera conductors,
and was promoted even higher. Until he reached
the summit of a conductors ambition, the directorship of of the Imperial Opera in Vienna.
His post was extended from 1897 to 1907,
the most brilliant in Vienna in the history of
its opera according to many.
He had sufficient talent to offer something
new in sight and sound and also a tremendous energy level that he applied to obtain all
his goals.
Later generations of those who heard him
remember: au performances the conductor for
the evening was no announced in advance.
This was done once the curtain went up.
The audience as tense and excited, especially
the young music lovers.
When Mahler stepped on the podium, perfectly shaven, he was like and arrow headed
for its goal.
This he transmitted to the audience. Other
conductors were Hans Richer, Bruno Walter
and Franz Schalk, all with fully grown beards.
Despite this, after ten difficult years
and campaign of gossip and slander, unheard of in the musical world, he was fired
from his position. As a composer he continued being an all important figure until his
untimely death.




stav Ma er
/ Gustav
Mahler (1899).


eet t e m



stav Ma er /
Gustav Mahler.
3 Ma er e seis a os
/ Mahler six years old.

c a ier or a, s cate or a co o irector e

or esta e sie re a ira a e or a iversa os
estos riosos e s s ri eros a os, e a a re ,
se co virtiero e i icacio es ca a as i a ira a
ca ta te, a asci aci co
e o e vo v a serv a e acicate, e re
ta, e i s iraci
i esta a e
or, s at ta se a a a a aire co o c c i o
ico oco co oce or se atrev a a a a ir a
aria, a tes e ter i ara e e o o or esta , e irector ostra a s
ria os tie os sica es e Ma er
se restaro a a co troversia
ro ei s a aa a
ert ra e Do iova i era ositiva e te or i stico, ie tras e a ert ra e os Maestros a tores
eva a o i ter i a e
e era a te a e vo
e so i o s a o e o e era cost
re e a oca
o ra ie to e a
eria coi ci i
co a oticia e a
erte e Bra s, co ositor e
sie re se e res co a iraci
e s ta e to
e s i reso a a i stit ci se co virti a cato icis o, es
s rea r o ta co versi co s ea i o a, e o i a a Res rrecci
a ayor a
e os i ra os ie sa e e ec o as i ras os e
si ceri a , a ver a es e ta i
ay ie cree e
a e o o e s e acto e co ve ie cia
e t e Ma er e a era se se a co
ci tri a e o e ri , e
ayo e
Dese ese o e to se si ti a er a e s erso a i a
U a e s s i ovacio es co sisti e e ti
ir a
e a sa a a tes e eva tar e te , a o e oy a
res ta
e e e to or a e i orta te e a
i a os ca ta tes a r ar a ec araci
or a c a se co ro et a a o sar a c a e
riva a
a e os tie os, a c a e o r o e
se co trata a ara a a ir, reci a o etos rat itos
ara i sta arse e a a er a Ma er t vo a ta o es
s cie tes ara ter i ar co esta r ctica, a
estros as a c a e es arte e a or a i aci
e to os os teatros ricos e i orta cia co ositor ta i
veto a as erso as e so a
e ar tar e a as
cio es y ro i i s a isi a
a sa a e es ect c os ra te a
a oe
e era or e i or a o e os e ictos e Ma er,
es o
a so risa y co e t : Acaso e teatro o es
ar e o e a e te e e ivertirse

Nevertheless his conducting was always

admired everywhere. His mannerisms belong
to his first years and he matured, so did his behavior. If he admired a singer, he expressed his
fascination with a glance could mean support,
a question, inspiration If in a foul mood, his baton went up in the air like a knife. If the audience, due to ignorance, applauded at the wrong
moment instead of waiting for the orchestral
epilogue, he would show his anger. Mahlers
musical tempi provoked controversy for many.,
The vitality in the Overture to Don Giovanni was
positively orgiastic, while the Overture to Die
Meistersinger seemed interminable. In general
he kept the orchestral volume lower that what
was the common practice. His appointment in
the Imperial Opera coincided with the death of
Johannes Brahms, a composer who always expressed his admiration for Him. When he joined
tis Institution he converted to Catholicism after
reaffirming this in his Second Symphony called
Resurrection. The majority of his biographers
feel that it was a sincere move but others called
an act of convenience.
His debut at the Opera was with a triumphant performance of Lohengrin in mayo of
1887. From this moment on his forceful personality was felt. One of the innovations was to extinguish the lights of the hall before rising the
curtain, something today is considered normal
and important for a performance. He made the
singers sign a declaration where they promised
not to hire a personal claque. It was fashionable at the time for that a claque or group of
paid to applaud that received free tickets to the
performances and sat in the gallery. Mahler had
the guts to abolish this bad habit. Even today,
most theatres continue this bad practice. The
composer also acted against those who arrive
once the performance had begun and they were
no longer admitted during the performance.
When the Emperor was informed of the edicts of
Mahler, he said with a smile:Isnt the theatre a
place where people should have fun?.


eo e a
e or
ra tico eco
stre a ri a te e
a era stata e
ie a erso i ca o
a te o er i / eo
e a
Moravian Heroic
tenor. A brilliant
star of the Vienna
Opera from 1901 to
1926. Favorite of the
composer. In the title
role of Otello.
e ar Ber stei
sa a a s i o
A e a er / Lenard
Bernstein greets his
son Alexander.


Ma er e i i a os ca ta tes
t ai a , o r
a a aci
ca a tes so a a e a or esta y
e ev e ive e as
cio es a
ro esio a is o e traor i ario
casi to as as re rese tacio es
ta i co o ro ctor y e
ea a ara e a a is a
osis e e er a e e ica a a a or esta y a os ca ta tes rese t as eras e a er e s i te ri a
cio es i o vi a es co a resc ra y a
sica i a
e a a er i o co s re etici a trav s
e os a os Mo er i a ro cci
a a or F rtivo, co to es ra ca e te i ova ores e a
esce as Ma er ostra a cierta re i ecci
or a
sica es ava y o r
ico ara c ai ovsy co v e y e i , o a ta, y a Rei a e s a as
a i esce i c
De o io e R i stei y Da i or
eta a o i or a os co ositores co te or eos
i c yo a Bo
e e eo cava o e
e re ertorio es
s e a ri a terri e co e a tor
ra te
e sayo, ero o iri i a era e is o
o re e cci i a tes e
F ero a osos os e c e tros e Ma er y a s
Ric ter, o e os
i os e o e tes e a er
a o e co ositor o r e o er e esea a,
ica e te e e o t ro so o
e iri ir a as
cio es e ica as a a er a s
Ric ter re
A Ma er o e sta a as voces e as, re er a
as e o ra a
so i o ro, et ico y o eroso,
o sea voces e
iera c rir a a a co
e e ocio es, s a e te e resivas F oreciero as
c as carreras: c a o e artista o a co i ar a
e e a voca y e se ti o art stico, Ma er coo era a
si reservas U caso ota e e e e e a r , e
a o a at ta e Ma er estre e ie a a Bo e e
y Ma a a B tter y e cci i ero e
s o ar e
to os s s ca ta tes e eo e a ,
te or i a tesco e Br
, cerra ero e o cio, co
a e te si
e i a es e e
s e ica o ia issi o asta
s erte i te si a ra tica, y co
re ertorio e a arca a e Mo art a Meyer eer y a er

eet t e m ic

Mahler demanded punctuality from his singers,

obtained a orchestral level never heard before and took
the company to a professional level. In almost all the
performances he took charge of the productions and
did so with his typical energy as applying the same
to the orchestra and singers. The Wagner operas were
performed uncut. He offered unforgettable performances fresh in their musicality, something they had
lost due to stale repetitions. Two examples were Le
Nozze di Figaro and Cos fan Tutte. He gave a modern
touch to Der Freischtz with a special novelty in some
scenes. Mahler had a identification with slavish music
and allowed a new generation so share this. They saw
Tchaikovsks Yevgeny Onegin, Iolanta, and The Queen
of Spades. He also staged Rubinsteins The Demon and
Dalibor by Smetana. He did not ignore the contemporary composers. In 1898 he included Leoncavallos La
Boheme in the repertory and after a rift with the author
during a rehearsal he did not conduct the opera which
shares the same name with Puccini before 1903.
The disputes between Mahler and Hans Richter
were famous. Richter was a famous Wagner conductor but when Mahler rose to the top administrative
position, he announced publicly that in the future
only he would conduct the operas of Wagner, Hans
Richter resigned.
Mahler did not like beautiful voices, he preferred
strong, metallic and powerful, voices that could cover the complete demands of emotions, with expressivity. Many career bloomed when the singer could
combine vocal beauty with artistic sense, the Mahler
cooperated without reserves. A notable example was
Selna Kurz, who under Mahler sang the premieres in
Vienna of La Boheme and Madama Butterfly by Puccini. But, the most popular of all his singers was Leo
Slezak, a gigantic tenor from Brnn, a master locksmith with a vocal extension which went from the
most delicate pianissimo a the strongest fortissimo
with dramatic intensity. His repertory included from
Mozart to Meyerbeer and Wagner.

eo ar Ber stei /
Leonard Bernstein.
stav Ma er /
Gustav Mahler.


eet t e m




e a se co virti e
o e os ca ta tes
a osos e a oca, y ta i e
o e os
o estos
ec iar se ti o e
or os eva a a
acer ro as a os e s ca ta tes, rovoca o e
se e ivocara co rec e cia o e se si tiera i seros c a o act a a co
e or co a ora or e
Ma er e
ove irector, Br o a ter, co
tra a ista e a
r o a ter c tivo e re ertorio ra c s e ita ia o y e a ser, a aso e os a os,
o e os e ores irectores e
s e ci co a os, e os e se e ic a
er eccio ar a arte voca y ra tica e s s roccio es, eci i co sa rarse a a re araci
o ras tota e te evas e e re ertorio a e
ra o A re Ro er se co virti e
o es s
e ores co a ora ores co s ay a o t vo
ito e rist
so e e a er, ro o e o
Fi e io e Beet ove , Do iova i y as Bo as e F aro e Mo art,
ro e R
e a er e
e ia e
A is e
ero ta i co oci e racaso e a
ro cci
e osca, ie a y e eas et Me isa e
A e a si
e e te, o era s
sica vo e ie a
c os a ira ores, a
e i a e te a
a a
os e e i os e co ositor ra
o re oco socia e ara ser rea e te o ar a ci a i eria
a s a reaccio a o avora e e te a te os o res ros, as sea e ios e a a t ra e Ma er ste
era i varia e e te a a o o etesta o a a ser tir ico, a
e a o e to o a ce er y ser
y toera te
i sta te asa a e a actit
a a is osici
e i o e ca ta ora o o arec a
vie s e s a or or as ca eter as
a o, s o ii
i er a e a e os e s, ca ce a a a
co a a o e a ci t ra, as era e v s eras e
estre o
3, os as a tes e o er e esce a
o ise e stave ar e tier, ste i i
a esceo ra a s rrea ista ese a o e
iera e sarse,
Ma er ace t si i c ta es, e ca io, retras e
estre o e a o ra
o o , a ie Ma er a a
o se ia o e tra as e cortes a ara to a s vi a,
ri e
asi o oco a tes e ito e s

Slezak became one of the most famous artists and also an insufferable prankster. His peculiar sense of humor made working with him
hell on earth. The cast could make mistakes and
were insecure working with him. The most distinguished collaborator of Mahler was Bruno
Walter, a conductor he met in Hamburg. Walter
handled the French and Italian repertoires and
with time became one of the greatest conductors
in the world.
After five years working on the vocal and dramatic aspects of the productions, he decided to
concentrate on new and novel productions in the
German repertory. The first big hit was Tristan
und Isolde by Wagner, next came Fidelio by
Beethoven,Don Giovanni, Le Nozze di Figaro by
Mozart, Das Rheingold by Wagner, Glucks Iphigenia in Aulis,but he also tasted failure with Tosca, Tiefland (DAlbert) and Pelleas et Melisande.
This was simply not his music. He had many fans
in Vienna but also a large gruop of enemies. He
was nor a refined man which made him unpopular. The society of Vienna never has favored
tough men even a genius like Mahler. He was either admired or detested. He could be tyrannical
although fickle and forgiving and even tolerant.
Today he would be called manic depressive. The
only thing he loved about Viena were the cafs.
When his opinion did not agree with his advisors, he would simply cancel the project, even if
the premiere of an opera had been announced.
In 1903, two days before the finishing touches
for Louise (Gustave Charpentier) the composer
demanded a modern production. Mahler said yes
but didnt mean it and postponed the new premiere. Hugo Wolf, had been granted free tickets
for the rest of his life died in an asylum a bit before the success of his opera Der Corregidor. Wolf
was told that the opera would take place but afterwards postponed by decision of Mahler. Wolf
went literally mad.


A a Maria
Alma Maria
e a r
33 o ra o
co orat ra A striaca,
aci a e a icia U a
se saci e a o era
estata e ie a
Aca a a a e to a
e ro a / Austrian
coloratura soprano,
born in Galicia. A
sensation in the
Vienna State Opera.
She was acclaimed
through Europe
essye or a /
Jessye Norman
c i


orre i or e i or
a o
e s o ra a a
si o ace ta a, as c a o s o e a ri era ci se
a a os esto or ecisi
e Ma er, t vo
ata e
e oc ra U a reoc aci
e e ita a e s e o era
ase rar a ort a ta to ara co o ara s a i ia,
ara s s ti os as e cas co A a Maria c i er
y t viero os i as A a era a e as
s atractivas e e io i te ect a e ro eo y t vo re acio es ti as a tes y es s e Ma er o e os citar
a a ter ro i s, A e a er e i s y, stave i t, e
i tor s ar o osc a y Fra
er e , or citar so a e te a a
os A a e a esc ava e este tira o e a e era i e , reci a e s ari o trato i i o ero,
esa es otra istoria e reserva os ara e t ro
a o Ma er era i o, a ie e re
t :
ieres ser e ra e , y
res o i : U
rtir, a s e s
e esta rase se co vertir a
e rea i a
o c a s ce i c a o os ata es y
as e vi ias o raro acer e a e s erso a ia
e vera o e
se si ti i ca acita o
ara so ortar or
s tie o a revo ci
e os
e iocres rese t s re
cia e e ace taa os i te ect a es e A stria trataro e is air o
ti a rese taci
e co e Fi e io e
oct re e
e o, to
s s i o as y toas s s isti cio es y os co oc e
escritorio, a a i str ccio es e e tre ar os a s
s cesor ar
acia A rica, a
eva or , ara
iri ir a er e e Metro o ita y act ar co a
Fi ar
ica ra a i te sa e te co a or esta, ero e trata o co es recio or e
ico y
a cr tica ortea erica a
Des e
a a te i o a
os ro e as
car iacos e cree i c so e s ri
a tro osis coro aria ra te
e sayo e o e ri
eva or s co ici se a rav , as
e re resar a ie a
Mayo e
a e
via y vie to, e o re e e corri o co o
e is o se ec a
e e terra o e iet i a te
a ra co c rre cia
a carta e es e ia, iri i a a s s co a ora ores e a
era, Maer escri i : e so a o ar es a o co
eto y
re o o, si e ar o, es e o a o i er ecto e
i co c so e
c o se arece a a
a i a .

eet t e m ic

Mahler was worried of the financial security of his family and only wish to make enough
money to keep them well. He married Alma Maria Schlindler in 1902 y they had two daughters.
Alma was one of the most attractive women in
the European intellectual society and had many
relationships before and after Mahler. We can
mention Walter Gropius, Alexander Zemlinsky,
Gustav Klimt, painter Oskar Kokoschka and
Franz Werfel, to mention but a few. Alma had an
enslaved existence trying to give happiness to
a person that could not feel like she did. But.......
this is another story that we reserve for a distant future.
When Gustav was a child, somebody asked him:
What would you like to be when you grow up? and
he responded A Martyr. He never thought that
this phrase would become a reality, that took place
when awful attacks and envies managed to dim his
personality. In the summer of 1907 he felt he would
not stand for this any longer and would not tolerate the revolution of the mediocre. He presented his
resignation and it was accepted despite the efforts
of the Austrian intellectuals to change decision.
His last performance was with Fidelio on October
of 1907. He gathered his diplomas and honors y put
them in his desk leaving instructions to give them
to his successor. He sailed to America, to New York
to conduct Wagner at the Metropolitan and perform
the Philharmonic. He worked endless hours with
the orchestra but was treated poorly by the audience and the American press.
Since 1907 he had been having heart problems
and it is believed that he had a coronary thrombosis during a rehearsal of Lohengrin. He got worse
in New York and had to return to Vienna. In may of
1911, with rain and windy weather at his side, the
man who was fired-as he used to say- was buried in
Hietzing, with an enormous attendance. In a letter
of farewell to his collaborators at the Opera, Mahler
wrote: I have dreamt of giving you something complete and rounded out, but I leave you something
that is not perfect and unfinished that very much
resembles humanity.


eet t e m



M scara
ort oria e Ma er,
to a a or ar Mo /
Mahlers death mask
(Carl Moll).

Gustav Mahler compuso canciones bellsimas,

realiz ciclos vocales de profunda inspiracin: El
Kinderotenlier (Canciones por la muerte de los nios) y Las Canciones de un Viajero son favoritos de
las mezzo-sopranos y los bartonos. Pero se le conoce
mejor por sus 10 Sinfonas. La ltima inconclusa,
aunque editada recientemente en forma brillante
por el msico Deryck Cooke. El legado sinfnico de
Mahler da fe de su tormento interior, de su inquietud
espiritual...y de su sorprendente capacidad para emplear los instrumentos de la orquesta. Los coros forman parte de algunas de sus Sinfonas, y ese aspecto
vocal es dificilsimo. Lo cierto es que Mahler fue un
maestro en el uso de las secciones de metales y alientos. Pocas orquestas son capaces de hacerle justicia.
Las Sinfonas son largas, algunas llegan a tener seis
movimientos. Son hijas de su autor, solo reciben el
amor y el entusiasmo de aquellos que estn dispuestos a conocer profundamente su alma.
En nuestros tiempos, Mahler ha tenido varios
exponentes destacados. Su msica ha adquirido
popularidad a travs de ellos: Bruno Walter, Dmitri Mitropoulos, Bernard Haitink, Leonard Bernstein, Sir Georg Solti, Rafael Kubelik, Jascha Horenstein y Sir Simon Rattle, son algunos de los
ms famosos. Durante varias dcadas, la msica
de Mahler ha formado parte de los repertorios
de las grandes orquestas del mundo. l lo haba
dicho: Mi tiempo llegar! y es verdad. Gustav
Mahler: Tu tiempo ha llegado!

Mahler composed beautiful songs, vocal cycles

of profound inspiration, of these, Kindertotenlieder (Songs for the death of children) and Songs
of a Wayfarer are favorites of both mezzo-sopranos and baritones. But, the Ten Symphonies are
better known. The last was unfinished although
edited by musician Deryck Cooke. Mahlers symphonic legacy opens to his inner torments, his
spiritual yearning......and his surprising capacity
for handling the instruments of the orchestra.
The chorus appears in some of the Symphonies,
and their participation is overwhelming. It is also
important to feels his use of the brass and wind
instruments. There are few orchestras capable of
doing his music full justice. The Symphonies are
long, some have up to six movements. They are
the daughters of the composer and will only receive the love and enthusiasm of those willing to
explore the bottom of their soul.
Nowadays Mahler had great artists to champion his music. It is popular thanks to their
devotion. Bruno Walter, Dmitri Mitropoulos,
Bernard Haitink, Leonard Bernstein, Claudio Abbado, Rafael Kubelik, Jascha Horenstein, Pierre
Boulez and Sir Simon Rattle, are among the most
famous. During several decades the music of
Mahler has become part of the basic repertoire
of the great orchestras of the world. He had once
said: Mi time will come!......and truly, Gustav
Mahler, your time is now!



A selective discography

Una discografa selectiva

- Rckert Songs. Janet (Baker, Barbirolli, New Philharmonia Orchestra (EMI).

- Canciones de Rckert. a et Ba er, e

ir o Bar iro i, Director M

- Kindertotenlieder (Songs for the death of Children) (Katheen

Ferrier, Bruno Walter, Vienna Philharmonic) (EMI).

- Kindertotenlieder a cio es or a erte e os i os

Ferrier, Fi ar
ica e ie a, Br o a ter, Director M

- Das Klagende Lied (Song ofMourning) Helena Dse. Alfreda

Hodgson, Robert Tear, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Sir SimonrRattle, Conductor (EMI).

- Das Klagende Lied a a ci

e a e to e e a D se, A re a
o so , Ro ert ear, r esta y oros e a i
ica e a i a
e Bir i
a , ir i o Ratt e, Diector M

- Das Lied von der Erde (The Song of the Earth) Ferrier, Patzak,
Vienna Philharmonic, Rruno Walter, Conductor (Decca).

- Das Lied von der Erde a a ci

e a ierra , Ferrier, at a , resta Fi ar
ica e ie a, Br o a ter, Director Decca

- Symphonies (Complete).
Soloitsts, Berlin Philharmonic, Vienna Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Choral groups, Claudio Abbado, Conductor (DG).
New York Phlharmonic, Choral Groups, Leonard Bernstein,
Conductor (Sony).
Soloists, Orchestra and Chorus of the Concertgebouw of Amsterdam, Bernard Haitink, Conductor (Philips).

- Sinfonas o
o istas, r esta Fi ar
ica e Ber , e ie a y i
ica e
ica o, a io A a o, Director D
Fi ar
ica e eva or , r os ora es, eo ar Ber stei ,
Director o y
o istas, r esta y oros e o cert e o
e A ster a , Berar aiti , Director
ii s

- Symphony No. 10 (edited by Deryck Cooke)

Berlin Philharmonic, Sir Simon Rattle, Conductor (EMI).

- Sinfona No. 10 e ita a or Deyc oo e

Fi ar
ica e Ber , ir i o Ratt e, Director M

- Das Knaben Wunderhorn (The Youths magic horn) Baker,G eraint

Evans, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Wyn Morris, Conductor

- Das Knaben Wunderhorn

or o M ico e i o Ba er,
erai t va s, Fi ar
ica e o res, y Morris, Director

In order to experience the magical powers of the Mahler Symphonies we recommend starting with Nos. 1 and 3. Little by
little you will discover an original musical testimony that
stimulates and enriches the human spirit.

o e
e e eri e tar os o eres
icos e as i o as
e Ma er reco e a os e e iece or os y 3 oco a
oco esc rir
testi o io
sica ori i a
e esti
e ri ece e es rit
a o

i ar o ia rc estra,


eet t e m ic


at ee

stav Ma er /
Gustav Mahler
3 Ma re co os
i os / Mother with
two children (Egon
Ma er orta a,
i ro e oar
ec erso /
Mahler (cover of
biography by Edoard

Descar e a a

ara a versi

i ita

sica i a a / Download the app for the digital musical version.

ere ci c t r

culture and heritage

Texto / Text: Ro ri o Bor a orres Foto / Photo: i s / 3 / U

A/s a/



Un crisol de


A cultural melting pot

1. Antigua pintura que

representa el Pico Victoria, la
montaa ms alta de Hong
Kong. / Ancient painting of
Victoria Peak, the highest
mountain in Hong Kong.
Kong ancient paint.

2 3


2. Pintura del afamado artista

c i o o Fa / Painting
of the famous Chinese artist
Zhou Fang.
3. El arte pictrico de China,
adems de evocar hechos
histricos o fbulas, representa
un mundo idealizado, una vida
verdadera. / The pictorial
art of China, in addition to
historical facts or fables, tries
to represent an idealized
world, a true life.
4. Arte chino en el que se
representa a un poeta exiliado
escribiendo. / Art depicting an
exiled poet writing.
5. Parque histrico en China
que conmemora una batalla
en la guerra Yuan-Song. /
Historical Park in China
commemorating a battle in
the Song- Yuan war.
6. Pagoda dedicada al Dios de
la Tierra, el cual protege los
pueblos y las casas. / Pagoda
dedicated to dedicated to the
God of Earth, which protects
and houses.


culture and heritage

osmopolita, tolerante, diversa, colorida,

vibrante y hermosa. La antigua colonia
britnica de Hong Kong, situada en un
pequeo archipilago del sur de China,
es sin duda una de las ms fascinantes
ciudades del mundo. En ella convergen muchas culturas distintas y opuestas. Por un lado, la ancestral y orgullosa cultura china, con una visin ms espiritual y,
por el otro, la moderna y dinmica cultura inglesa, con
una visin ms material. En medio, toda la herencia
cultural que cientos de miles de inmigrantes procedentes de muchas regiones del planeta han dejado en
ella. Sus habitantes han sabido mezclar a la perfeccin
todas estas culturas, dando as origen a una de las urbes ms increbles de la Tierra.
Desde sus inicios, Hong Kong demostr su vocacin
comercial. Si bien comenz como una simple aldea de
pescadores, pronto adquiri notoriedad, cuando algunos
de los emperadores de la dinasta Han Oriental (25-220)
fueron enterrados ah.
Aos despus, en 1276, el nio-emperador Zhao
Bing, ltimo de la dinasta Song del sur, perseguido por
los mongoles, eligi este archipilago como refugio de su
trgica corte para despus suicidarse al lado de sus ms
fieles seguidores tras la derrota definitiva de sus tropas
en la Batalla Naval de Yamen. Una dolorosa historia que
an se recuerda en Hong Kong.

ere ci c t r

osmopolitan, tolerant, diverse, colorful, vibrant and beautiful. The former

British colony of Hong Kong, located
in a small archipelago in the south of
China, is undoubtedly one of the most
fascinating cities in the world. There converge
many different and opposing cultures. On one hand
the ancient and proud Chinese culture with a more
spiritual vision and on the other, modern and dynamic English culture with a more material vision,
amid all the cultural contribution that hundreds of
thousands of immigrants from many parts of the
world have made to it. Its population has blended to
perfection all these cultures, thus giving rise to one
of the most incredible cities on Earth.
Since its inception Hong Kong showed its commercial vocation. While it began as a simple fishing village, soon started to acquire notoriety when
some of the emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty
(25-220) were buried there.
In 1276, Emperor Zhao Bing, pursued by the
Mongols, chose the archipelago as a refuge for
his tragic court, and then commit suicide together with his most loyal courtiers after the
final defeat of his troops in the battle of Yamen;
a painful history that is still remembered in
Hong Kong.


Foto / Photo:

/ RB /



AR A /

A /

/ D

A /


ere ci c t r

culture and heritage


7. Pintura del artista

Shen Zhou, de la poca
de la Dinasta Ming. /
Painting by artist Shen
Zhou, from the time of
the Ming Dynasty.
8. Representacin
de batalla durante
a erra e io /
Representation of battle
during the Opium War.
9. Mao Tse Tung, mximo
representante del
comunismo en China. /
Mao Tse Tung, leader of
communism in China.
10. Manifestacin
de mujeres
revolucionarias en China.
/ Manifestation of
revolutionary women
in China.

La ocupacin mongola de China provoc que un gran

nmero de refugiados convergieran en este lugar, convirtindolo en poco tiempo en un ajetreado puerto volcado al comercio, principalmente de sal y perlas. Auge
que atrajo de inmediato a piratas y bandidos, as como
a clanes rivales, obligando a los dirigentes del clan Tang,
el ms importante de la zona, a fortificar el puerto y los
e os e o ro ea a racias a eso, e a act a i a ,
varios pueblos conservan murallas con ms de 500 aos
de antigedad; entre los cuales destaca la poblacin de
Sheung Cheung Wai con su muro de ladrillo verde, que
provoca, en la mirada del profano, la sensacin de pequeas islas de paz en medio del inmenso mar de la modernidad. Este mismo contraste puede apreciarse en otras
grandes ciudades chinas que, a imitacin de Hong Kong,
se han lanzado a una espectacular pero catica carrera
modernizadora que ha rodeado barrios antiguos con los
ms increbles rascacielos.

The Mongol occupation of China caused a

large number of refugees to converge on this
place, which soon became a busy trading port for
salt and pearls mainly. This boom immediately
attracted pirates and bandits as well as rival
clans, which forced the Tang clan leaders, the
most important of the area, to fortify the harbor
and villages around it. Thanks to that, today we
can still admire several of these older than 500
years old walled villages, most notably Sheung
Cheung Wais with a green brick wall, which create in the eyes of the profane the sense of small
islands of peace amid the vast sea of modernity.
This same contrast can now be seen in other major Chinese cities that imitating Hong Kong have
launched a spectacular but chaotic race that has
surrounded modernizing old neighborhoods
with the most amazing skyscrapers.

Few people know that the first Europeans to

settle in Hong Kong were the Portuguese, who
founded a small trading post in 1514, although
it did not last too long. The English arrived in
the area until the nineteenth century not in
a very decent way. Seize a foreign port to sell
drugs freely is not something to be proud, and
in fact that is what happened. The English, in
their expansionist process, were interested in
establishing trade relations with China, because
even then this was the worlds most populous
country and therefore had a large number of potential customers. The problem was that while
the British wanted to buy silk, tea and porcelain,
they could only offer watches and some silver in
exchange, making the trade balance unfavorable
to them. So they did not think twice and began to
illegally trade with opium. The Chinese government opposed it and the English declared war.
This conflict became known as the First Opium
War, indicating that there were others and that,
therefore, the English insisted on this illegal
trade. But the important thing here is that Britain, at the end of the war, seized several Chinese
port enclaves including of course Hong Kong.
this happened in 1842. Since then, step by step
the new colony started out as one of the most
important commercial enclaves of England. In
1898 the British pressure was felt again on China
until the emperor ceded for 99 years the mainland surrounding the archipelago, having Hong
Kong almost doubling its size with the so-called
New Territories.

Poca gente sabe que los primeros europeos en establecerse en Hong Kong fueron los portugueses, quienes
fundaron un pequeo puesto comercial en 1514, aunque
este emplazamiento no dur demasiado tiempo. Los ingleses llegaron a la zona hasta el siglo XIX, pero lo hicieron de una forma nada digna para tan gran nacin, ya que
apoderarse de un puerto extranjero para poder vender
drogas libremente, no es algo de lo cual sentirse orgulloso. Y es que en efecto eso es lo que sucedi. Los ingleses,
en pleno proceso expansionista, estaban interesados en
entablar relaciones comerciales con China, pues desde
entonces se trataba del pas ms poblado del mundo y por
lo mismo posea un gran nmero de clientes potenciales.
El problema era que mientras los ingleses deseaban adquirir seda, t y porcelana, slo podan ofrecer a cambio
relojes y algo de plata, por lo que la balanza comercial les
era muy desfavorable. Sin miramientos, comenzaron a
comerciar ilegalmente con el opio, actividad a la que se
opuso el gobierno chino, lo cual dio pie a que los ingleses
le declararan la guerra. Este conflicto se conoci como la
ri era erra e io, o c a os i ica e
o otras
y que, por lo mismo, los ingleses volvieron a insistir con
s ro a ero a
o i orta te es e a ra Bretaa, al trmino de la guerra, se apoder de varios enclaves
portuarios chinos incluyendo, desde luego, a Hong Kong
en 1842. A partir de ese momento, poco a poco la nueva colonia comenz a desarrollarse como uno de los ms
importantes enclaves comerciales de Inglaterra. En 1898
la presin britnica se dej sentir de nuevo sobre China y
consiguieron que el emperador les cediera por 99 aos las
tierras continentales que rodeaban al archipilago, con lo
que Hong Kong prcticamente duplic su extensin con
los llamados Nuevos Territorios.




Foto ra a e
escape del Dalai Lama
durante la invasin
china al Tibet en
1959. / Flight of the
Dalai Lama during
the Chinese invasion
of Tibet in 1959.
12. El ejrcito de
terracota, es una
serie de estatuas
de tamao real de
guerreros y caballos
en la tumba del
e era or i / The
Terracotta Army is a
series of magnificent
statues of life-size
warriors and horses
in the tomb of
Emperor Qin.
13. Tsui Shing Lau,
pagoda histrica de
Sheung Cheung Wai.
/ Tsui Shing Lau,
historic pagoda of
Sheung Cheung Wai.


culture and heritage

Expansin europea

ere ci c t r

European expansion



ere ci c t r

culture and heritage

14. El dragn figura

emblemtica en la
cultura china. /
The dragon,
emblematic figure
in the imagination
of Chinese culture.

El despertar del tigre

Tigers awaking

La cada del gobierno imperial en China supuso tambin

un cambio en las relaciones entre ambos pases, pues
los chinos se negaban a reconocer los tratados firmados
por sus antiguos emperadores bajo la amenaza de los
pases europeos. Sin embargo, la guerra civil que sigui
a la revolucin china evit que los nuevos gobiernos republicanos pudieran hacer efectivas sus reclamaciones.
ero e
3 esta a e
a erra M
ia a
uno de los contendientes, deseaba crear un gran imperio
en el Ocano Pacfico. Aprovechando la debilidad inglesa
causada por la guerra en Europa, los japoneses ocuparon Hong Kong y otros territorios bajo dominio europeo
a finales de 1941. La ocupacin nipona fue un duro golpe para la economa local debido al racionamiento y a la
imposicin de una moneda japonesa sumamente devaluada. Por otro lado, la violencia se volvi algo rutinario:
violaciones, fusilamientos y deportaciones se sucedan
diariamente sin que parecieran tener fin. Al empezar la
guerra, Hong Kong tena 1.6 millones de habitantes y al
finalizar tan solo quedaban 600,000. Sin embargo, cuatro aos despus sobrepas los dos millones gracias al
flujo de inmigrantes que huan de una nueva guerra civil
en China.
En 1949, con la llegada al poder del Partido Comunista Chino, las exigencias de devolucin del territorio
se intensificaron. Sin embargo, a pesar de la debilidad
inglesa, el decisivo apoyo de los Estados Unidos impidi que China se apoderara de l. Era el inicio de la
erra Fr a

The fall of Chinese imperial rule was also a

change in relations between the two countries,
as China refused to recognize all the treaties
signed by the ancient emperors under threat
from European countries. However, the civil war
that followed the Chinese revolution prevented
the new republican governments to enforce their
claims. But in 1939 World War II broke. Japan,
one of the contenders, wanted to create a great
empire in the Pacific Ocean, and leveraging the
English weakness caused by the war in Europe
occupied Hong Kong and other territories under
European rule in late 1941. The Japanese occupation was a setback to the local economy due
to rationing and the imposition of a highly undervalued yen. On the other hand, the violence
became a routine: endless rapes, executions and
deportations were happening daily. When the
war began, Hong Kong had 1.6 million inhabitants and at the end there were only 600,000. But
four years later it surpassed two million thanks
to the flow of immigrants fleeing a new civil war
in China.
In 1949 with the rising to power of the Chinese
Communist Party, demands to return of the territory intensified. However, despite the English
weakness, the decisive support of the United States
prevented it from China taking over. It was the beginning of the Cold War.

15. Las pinturas de
paisajes suelen ir
acompaadas de
textos que describen
secretos alrededor
de los enigmticos
escenarios. /
Chinese landscape
paintings are often
accompanied by
texts describing the
enigmatic secrets
around scenarios.

16. Hong Kong, una

ciudad cosmopolita
que une tradicin
con modernidad.
/ Hong Kong, a
cosmopolitan city
that combines
tradition with


culture and heritage

Pero Hong Kong era un hueso demasiado duro de

roer. La tenacidad de sus habitantes chinos, unida al carcter emprendedor de sus amos ingleses, permiti que
la colonia resurgiera de sus cenizas y se elevara hasta
alcanzar un podero econmico sin precedentes. Lleg
la poca de auge de los llamados Tigres Asiticos: Singapur, Taiwn, Corea del Sur y Hong Kong. El embargo
econmico que la Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas
(ONU) impuso a China en la dcada de 1950 y el aislamiento al que se someti el pas, permitieron que estos
cuatro lugares se catapultaran como el eje del desarroo eco
ico e a re i
ie creci e a ca a e
1970, recordar aquellos productos con etiquetas: Made
in Hong Kong, los cuales prcticamente inundaban el
mercado mexicano; de la misma forma en que ahora lo
hacen los productos fabricados Made in China.
a , a ra Breta a o t vo
s ca i o e
claudicar. En 1984, se firm la Declaracin Conjunta Chino-Britnica sobre la cuestin de Hong Kong, en donde
el Reino Unido se comprometi a devolver el enclave en
1997, con la condicin de que China respetara, durante
50 aos, su sistema econmico de libre mercado y su
entramado poltico y legal. La propaganda china lo defini como un pas, dos sistemas. Para esos momentos
Hong Kong era ya un codiciado destino turstico.
Desde que regres a China, Hong Kong ha luchado
para mantener su condicin multicultural, defendiendo su autonoma y mostrando su orgullo cosmopolita.
Y aunque en lo poltico ha tenido que enfrentar grandes desafos, su influencia cultural se ha dejado sentir
en otras grandes ciudades de China, que al abrirse a
la economa de mercado han visto en Hong Kong el
ejemplo a seguir: la modernizacin sostenida por unas
milenarias races.
La filosofa china y el orgullo ingls. Lo mejor de
Oriente y Occidente fundidos en una sola cultura. Eso
es Hong Kong en la actualidad.

ere ci c t r

But Hong Kong was too tough nut to crack.

The persistence of the Chinese people together
with the entrepreneurship of their British colonial masters allowed it to rise from the ashes and
to reach unprecedented economic power. Then,
came the heyday of so-called Asian Tigers:
Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong.
The UN economic embargo imposed on China in
the 1950s and the isolation that underwent the
country launched these four countries as the
backbone of economic development in the region. Those who spent childhood in the 1970s
perfectly remember products with labels that
say Made in Hong Kong and practically flooded
the Mexican market in the same way products
made in China do now.
But eventually Britain had to surrender. In
1984 a treaty was signed between China and the
United Kingdom whereby the latter agreed to
return the enclave in 1997 with the condition
that China respected, for 50 years, the free market economic system and its political and legal
framework. Chinese propaganda called it one
country, two systems. At that time Hong Kong
was already a coveted tourist destination.
Since being given back to China, Hong Kong
has struggled to maintain its multicultural status, defending its autonomy and showing its cosmopolitan pride. And although politics has faced
great challenges, its cultural influence has been
felt in other cities in China, which opening to the
market economy have had Hong Kong like an example to follow: the modernization sustained by a
millennial roots.
Chinese philosophy and English pride. The best
of East and West merged into one culture. That is
Hong Kong today.

ecie species

e to / e t: Re eca asti o Foto /

oto: B ssi ess

ire /


or trave / i Asso /



AM AU /B R /





tesoro acio a
e i a


China National Treasure

he giant panda, known in China as

Xiongmao, meaning the great bearcat, is classified as the rarest mammal
in the world; not just owing to the combination of its black and white fluffy
fur that has given it its fame as a good natured
being, but for its difficulty to reproduce, vulnerability to illnesses and peculiar feeding habits as,
even though they have a carnivore digestive system, they depend on bamboo to survive.

a a i a te, co oci o e
i a co e
o re e io
ao, e si i ca e ra
oso ato, est c asi ca o co o e a ero s raro e
o, o so o or a co i aci
i o eae e
a co y
e ro, e e a a o a a e o ac
, si o or s
i c ta ara re ro cirse, v era i i a a as e er e a es y ec iar a i e taci , ya e a
osee e siste a i estivo e
car voro, e e e
e a
ara so revivir

A new species

Una nueva especie

Outside China, the very existence of the panda

bear had been unknown until 1869, year in which
Jean Pierre Armand David, French priest and missionary, gave the first data about its existence.
By 1870, it receives its definite name: Ailuropoda
melanoleuca, the same as the giant panda bear
title. This means that, for the Western world, it
has less than 150 years of existence. Nevertheless, there exist archeological vestiges of pandas,
such as the finding of a panda skull in a Han dynasty royal tomb, dated on the second century b.
C, thus witnessing to the relevance of these animals. Also, in a Chinese 2500 year old cartography
handbook there appear the ideograms depictong
the word big, bear, cat.

a e iste cia e oso a a e esco oci a, era

e i a, asta
,a oe
e ea ierre Ar a
Davi , sacer ote y isio ero ra c s, e as ra
arte e s vi a e
i a, io os ri eros atos so re
s e iste cia y ara
reci e s o re e itivo:
Ailuropoda melanoleuca, as co o e e oso a a ia te sto iere ecir, e ara e
o occi e ta
este tie e e os e
a os e e iste cia si e ar o, ay vesti ios ar eo icos e a as, co o e
a a o e cr eo e co tra o e
a rea e
a i ast a a , e ata e si o a tes e risto y
e atesti a a i orta cia e estos a i a es a i ,e
a a e carto ra a c i a, co ,
a os
e a ti e a , a arece os i eo ra as sa os ara
escri ir as a a ras oso , ra e y ato


e ecie species


Animal incomparable


os osos a a
s o se e c e tra
e esta o sa va e e
re otas re io es
o ta osas e
ce tro e i a
A as e eva as
a tacio es e
so rescas
e as, co o
a e os es sta /
Wild pandas live
only in remote,
regions in central
China. These high
bamboo forests are
cool and wet, just as
pandas like it.

ecie species

os osos a a
e e co s ir
asta 3
a /
Pandas can consume
up to 38 kilograms
of bamboo at day.

i ie e a a se a e a e i i e te e i ro e a e ti ci , e i o a c i a o y e e o e a esto e
o re e s c i a o, to av a ace a ta
c a a or
ara reesta ecer s o aci , e act a e te ro a os ,
i ivi os e esta o sa va e e trata e
a e as es ecies e re iere e ayor c i a o
y ate ci
ara s re ro cci
a e s, o e se
co oce e sta se e e a a o servaci
e os e e ares e se tie e e ca tiverio a ro i a a e te
osos a a e i ere tes oo icos e
o ,
es os e vive e i erta so raros e ver y to av a s e est iar
o scie te e si i ca o e a a y s
e io
a ie te, ace a ca a, e o ier o c i o i ici
ro ra a ara s rotecci esta ecie o cerca e
e os e co o reservas e osos a a,
o es o e
a ro i a o e
itat e
esta si
ar es ecie o e vive
a as es ecir
e a o aci tota i e ar o, r os a ie ta istas co o e or
i i eF
F se a a
e oco e os e
a as
e a o aci
co ti a a e a a a or a ca a rtiva y a co sta te
estr cci
e io a ie te, ya e se trata e
osos e vive
era e estas reservas
e se e c asi ca co o car voro, a ieta e
a a se co o e e
e ve eta es: e ciaas, irios, a a r y, ri ci a e te, e os ta os e
a e as 3 es ecies e a
e crece e
ia, a c a tar a e orecer asta
a os e resto e
s ieta so r tos, e e os a eros roe ores ,
eces e i sectos ste es ci e , c yo o re c i o
e ra oso ato o reci i or s s ec iares
i as,
si i ares a as e os o os e
ato, tie e a a e ser
i sacia e evora or, ya e e as
e a e asa co ie o, e ro e io co s e e tre y 3
e a

Even though the panda is getting farther
from the imminent danger of extinction, because of the care and commitment that man has
put into its care, still there is a lot to do in order
to reestablish its population; currently around
1610 individuals in the wild.This is one species
requiring greater care and attention for its reproduction; moreover, what is known about them is
based on the observation of specimens in captivity approximately 200 panda bears in several
zoos around the worldbecause the ones living
freely are a rare sight and rarely studied.
Being aware of the pandas significance
and its environment, the Chinese government
scheduled a program for its protection a decade
ago, setting a panda bear forest reserve of about
16,500 Km2, which is close to a 45% of this singular species habitat, where 980 pandas live,
that is, 61% out of the total population. However,
environmental groups such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) point out that a bit less than 800
pandas (49% of the population) continue to be
threatened by pouching and constant destruction of their environment.
Although classified as a carnivore, the pandas diet is based on a 97% of vegetables: gentians, lilies, saffron and, mainly, bamboo stalks
from one of the 300 species that grow in China,
which takes up to 20 years to flourish. The rest of
its diet is fruits, little mammals (rodents), fishes
and insects. This specimen received its Chinese
name bear-cat on account of its peculiar catlike pupils, and is famous for being an insatiable
eater, out of the 10 to 12 hours it spends eating,
in average, it consumes between 12 to 38 kg
of bamboo.


In the wild, the giant panda is between 1.20 and

1.50m tall, weighs up to 130 kg, lives in the Chinese
mountainous region from Gansu, Shaanxi, and the
provinces of Sichuan, up to the east of the Tibetan
plain, at a height between 2300 and 3300 meters,
where the weather and humidity allows the growth
of its staple food. In the summertime, it seeks a
fresher weather and reaches regions up to 4000 m
high, where the fresher food and young shoots on
the mountainsides are found.
These are lonely animals, they give the impression of being sedentary; able climbers and
outstanding swimmers, though; in addition, they
have highly developed senses of smell and hearing; even though they do not have the needed energy to confront other pandas, they are extremely
territorial; they follow their olfactory sense to
recognize their home ground, which may comprise an area between 4 to 6 Km2; besides, in the
springtime, season in which the females are in estrus, they use their sense of smell in order to find
a couple to mate.

esta o sa va e, e a a i a te, e i e e tre

y a ca a
eso e asta 3
a ita a re i
o ta osa c i a e va es e a s , aa i, y as rovi cias e ic a , asta e este
e a a icie ti eta a, a a a tit
e e tre ,3 y
etros, o e e c i a y a
e a er ite
e esarro o e s ri ci a a i e to ra te a oca
estiva os a as sca
ci a
s resco y ea asta re io es e a ca a os ,
etros e
a tit , o e se e c e tra e a i e to
s resco y
reto os tier os e as a eras e a o ta a
e trata e a i a es so itarios
e a a i resi
e ser se e tarios, si e ar o so
i es
tre a ores y e ce e tes a a ores, a e s c e ta
co se ti os e o ato y e o o a ta e te esarroa os a
e o tie e a e er a ecesaria ara
e re ta ie tos co otros a as, so s a e te
territoria es i
ose or e o ato ara reco ocer s
terr o, e c a
e e oc ar
rea e e tre a
,a e s oe
ea e a ri avera, oca e
a e ra e tra e ce o, ara e co trar are a co a
c a a arearse

3 sta es ecie
es reco oci a y
ce e ra a or s
co orta ie to
et y caris a
/ This species is
recognized and
celebrated for their
playful behavior
and charisma.
os osos a a
se a i e ta e a
es ecie e a
e e tar ar asta
a os e orecer
/ Pandas feed on a
species of bamboo
that can take up to 20
years to bloom.
Res ta e tre a a
e te i ci est iar
a os osos a a e
esta o sa va e, or o
e se a rovec a e
ca tiverio a
i o
/ It is extremely
difficult to study
giant pandas in the
wild, so the captivity
is harnessed.

e ecie species

a a o Mo te
e s e or /
Hua Shan or
Mountain of


ecie species


a o io
ao o
a o e oso a a
e ic a , i a
/ Xiogmao lake or
panda lake in
Sichuan, China.
s ectac ares
casca as e a o
ao o e
s e e ser vistos
osos a a /
waterfalls at
Xiongmao Lake
where pandas are
often seen.

WWF en accin

WWF in action

a or a i aci
F, e eva co o e e a a i a e
e oso a a, a a oya o e or a activa a co servaci
e esta es ecie es e
,c a oi
s os
tra a os e ca o e cie t co Dr eor e a er y s s
co e as c i os, eva os a ca o e a reserva at ra e
e as co o a
F se isti i co o a rier or a i aci i ter acio a i vita a or i a ara
tra a ar so re e terre o Des e e to ces y asta a
ec a, esta i stit ci
a ay a o a o ier o c i o
ara evar a ca o s ro ra a acio a e o servaci
e a a i a te y s
itat ro ra a e
a te i o
ito, es as reservas esti a as
a esta es ecie c re oy e
s e ,
e os e e tro y e os a re e ores e
itat e
a a, e os c a es, se
e ti o ce so rea i a o,
e a
s e ,
ares e i erta

WWF, the organization that carries as its symbol the

image of the panda bear, has actively supported the
conservation of this species ever since 1980, when
it promoted the works of scientist Dr. George Shaller
and his Chinese colleagues, works that were carried
out in the Wolong natural reserve; that was the way
in which WWF distinguished itself as the first international organization invited by China to work in
the field. Since that time to date, this institution has
aided the Chinese government to accomplish its National Conservation Program for the giant panda and
its habitat; which has been greatly successful, as the
reserves assigned for this species cover more than
16000 Km2 of forest inside and around the pandas
habitat. In the last census there are accounted for
more than 1600 specimens roaming freely.

El lago Xiongmao

Xiongmao Lake

e a e e i ai o o a e e as eve A eas, a reserva at ra ec ara a atri o io M ia or a U

, sit a a e e orte e a rovi cia e ic a , a
a a tit
etros, se e c e tra e a o io
e se isti e or s s a as
tico ores y a er os ra e s s casca as, as c a es a a a ate ci
or s esectac ar ca a e
e a to y
e a c o, is as
e ra te e i vier o e a a co e arse ara or ar
a are e ie o y or ar
aisa e crista i a o
M c os via eros y visita tes cree
e este a o reci e e o re c i o e oso a a io
ao , e i o
a e es co
ver asear a estos si
ticos a i a es
or e
ar, a o e e a ara re rescarse y e er e
s s crista i as a as si e ar o, e rea i a se
c e ta os oca es , e o re o reci i or a oraci rocosa y es ecia e co or a co co
e ros e se ase e a a a ie e a a e i c so ay
a eye a, e a er i o s ori e e e tie o, e
c e ta e es e es rit e oso a a rotector e
esas tierras y e e a e esa are ca a ie ra ,
ta i
e ar e a er a as e
i a

Located in the Jiuzhaigou Valley or Valley of Nine

Villages, a natural reserve inscribed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1992, north of the
Sichuan Province, at a height of 2587 meters; the
Xiongmao Lake, distinguishes itself for its motley
waters and the beauty of its alluring 80 meter tall
and 50 meter wide astounding waterfall. In the
wintertime, these waters freeze forming a wall of
ice and a crystallized landscape.
Many travelers and visitors believe this lake
is named after the Chinese title of the panda bear
(Xiongmao), because it is common to see these nice
animals roam around the place; where they arrive
in order to freshen up and drink the crystal clear
waters. However, in fact, --according to the aboriginesits name was given because of a white rocky
formation with black spots similar to the panda
bear skin; there exists even a legend, lost its origin
in time, that tells it is a panda bear tutelary deity of
these lands and that, the day the rock disappears,
the panda bears also will disappear from China.


elaboracin de
artista plstico

a tu

Ricardo Amezcua 04455 54182203

Tips & Tops

Texto / Text: AMURA Foto / Photo: LANKWAI / dic / AJDS



tips & tops

ai Fo , a
a osa i a ora a,
tie e a ie te
estivo ra te a
oc e / Lan Kwai
Fong, the famous
golden mile, has a
festive atmosphere
e e treet
Mar et, e ayor
erca o e a oc e
e o
o se
e c e tra e e rea
e o oo / Temple
Street Night Market,
Hong Kongs largest
night market located
in the Kowloon area.
3 si
a s ia s r
e o oo , o rece as
e ores vistas e a
a a e o
/ Tsim Sha Tsui in
Kowloon south, offers
the best views of the
bay of Hong Kong.

or tratarse e
a s re ativa e te e e o,
res ta ci e e ir
ar o e a o arse, ya
e e visita te
ca estar e os e os sitios
co ercia es, a ayor arte e os ote es se e c e tra e a o a e a
ai, ort oi t, e
a is a e o
as co o e si
a ci a se caracteri a or s s
s e ,
resta ra tes e to a c ase, e va es e astro o a i ter acio a , asta as es ecia i a es
asi ticas e arrio o r et
s reco e a e veri car e c i a a tes e via ar,
es a
e e ri avera rese ta
c i a a raa e, ra te e vera o e e res tar
y ca roso, as co o rese tarse i vier o
y ro

Being a relatively small country, it is easy to

choose a place to stay, since the visitor will
never be far from the commercial places; most
of the hotels being in the Wan Chai zone,
North Point in Hong Kong island; the same as
in Tsim Sha.
The city features more than 40,000 restaurants
of all types that range from international
cuisine to the Asian gourmet neighborhood
It is recommended checking the weather before traveling; even though in spring it is
nice, during summer could be very warm or in
winter very cold.

Hong Kong allows an excellent pedestrian
traffic; there exist walking facilities to move
around the city without the need to use car or
any other transport means, crossing through
its buildings, bridges and malls.
Ladies Market is a must-see for the tourist, being the most famous mart in Hong Kong, located at Mong Kok.
The Tsim sha Tsui Promenade has made Hong
Kong famous; it is a sun and light show that
can be appreciated from the harbor or aboard
a boat.

er ite a e ce e te circ aci
eato a , es e iste asa es e aci ita recorrer a
ci a si ecesi a e ti i ar a to otro e io
e tra s orte, cr a o a trav s e s s e i cios,
e tes y ce tros co ercia es
U sitio i resci i e ara e t rista es e a ies
Mar et, e
s a oso e o
o , ica o e

si s a s i ro e a e a ec o a osa a o
o , se trata e es ect c o e
y so i o e
se eva a ca o to as as oc es y e e e ser a recia o a or o e a e arcaci
es e a a a


it cor log

Texto / Text: AMURA Foto / Photo: CLASSIC SILVER BOLLARD / VIII Regata Puig Barcelona Vela Clsica / CICI CARTS / HKGA


Fecha / Date

Evento / Event

Jul 30 - Ago 2

Regata Clsica Silver Bollard 2015

VIII Regata Puig Barcelona Vela Clsica
Royal Canadian Henley Regatta

Jul 15 - Jul 18
Ago 2 - Ago 9

Lugar / Location
Mallorca, Espaa
Barcelona, Espaa
Ontario, Canad

Info (Web)


Fecha / Date

Evento / Event

Jun 3 - Jun 7

Houston Summer Boat Show

Jun 3 - Jun 7
Jun 12 - Jun 14
Oct 14 - Oct 18

Southampton Boat Show

Georges On-Water Boat Show
Barcelona International Boat Show

Lugar / Location

Info (Web)

Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Londres, Inglaterra / London, England
Ontario, Canad / Ontario, Canada
Barcelona, Espaa


Fecha / Date

Evento / Event

Jun 11 - Jun 14
Jun 11 - Jun 14

Campeonato Nacional de Aficionados Mrida, Yucatn / Mrida, Yucatn

2015 KPMG Womens PGA
Harrison, Nueva York / Harrison, New York
Hong Kong Golf Club Fanling
Hong Kong, China / Hong Kong, China

Oct 16 - Oct 19

Lugar / Location

Info (Web)


Evento / Event
Subasta el oro de la Republica

May 23

Finest & Rarest Wines Featuring Burgundy

Direct from Maison Camille Giroud
Subasta de Kazimir Malvich

Jun 24

Lugar / Location
Zrich, Suiza
Zrich, Switzerland
Hong Kong, China
Londres, Inglaterra

Info (Web)

it cor log

Fecha / Date
May 20


Fecha / Date

Evento / Event

May 25 - May 30

65 edicin del Torneo Hemingway de la

Pesca de la Aguja Ernest Hemingway
Concurso al Pejerrey de Mayor Porte Club
Puerto Galvn

Jul 12

Lugar / Location
La Habana, Cuba
Havana, Cuba
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Info (Web)


it cor log




Fecha / Date

Evento / Event

Lugar / Location

Info (Web)

Abr 4 - Sep 20

The Van Gogh Experience

Nov 22
Nov 2018

56th International Art Exhibition

Las Apariencias Engaan:
Los Vestidos de Frida Kahlo

Castillo de Aurers Pars, Francia

Castle Aurers Paris, France
Venecia, Italia / Venice, Italy
Museo de Frida Kahlo, Casa Azul, Ciudad de Mxico
Frida Kahlo Museum, Casa Azul, Mexico City

Marinas & Yates

Hong Kong / Hong Kong

Gua / Guide

Texto / Text: AMURA Foto / Photo: hkfast / EPS


Agua potable
Fresh water
Alquiler de autos
Car rental





Marinas & Yachts

Capitana de puerto
Harbor Master

Informacin meteorolgica
Weather information
Internet access

Royal Hong Kong Marina

Discovery Bay Marina Clu

Kellett Island, Causeway Bay,

Hong Kong, China
Lat: 22 18 N
Long: 114 11 E

Force 3, Discovery Bay,

Lantau Island I, Hong Kong China
Lat: 22 17.4816 N
Long: 114 1.5037 E

Taller mecnico

Tel. (852) 2239 0309

Primeros auxilios
First aid

Tel: (852) 2987 9591


The Aberdeen Marina Club

Tai Po Boat Club

8 shum Wan Roas Aberdeen,

Hong Kong China
Lat: 22 14.4720 N
Long: 114 9.9468 E

Tai Mei Tuk Road, Tai Po, N.T. Tolo Harbour,

Plover Cove. Hong Kong China
Lat: 22 27.3247 N
Long: 114 12.7879 E


directorio m&y m&y directory


Tel: (852) 2664 3540

Escuela de navegacin
Sailing School
Certificacin de calidad
Quality certification
Tienda de botes
Boat store
Actividades deportivas
Sport activities

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