Catalogo para La Construccion Petroleo
Catalogo para La Construccion Petroleo
Catalogo para La Construccion Petroleo
Certificados ASME
U & U2 Manufactura de Recipientes a Presin
S Manufactura y ensamble de calentadores de energa.
M Manufactura y ensamble de calentadores miniatura.
PP Fabricacin y ensamble de tuberas de presin.
NB Calentadores, recipients de presin y cualquier
otro product de presin.
R Reparacines de metal y otras alteraciones.
ASME Certificates
U & U2 Manufacture of Pressure Vessels
S Manufacture and assembly of power boilers
M - Manufacture and assembly of miniature boilers
PP Fabrication and assembly of pressure piping
NB Boilers, pressure vessels or other pressure retaining items
R Metallic repairs and/or alternations
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
A cyclone is a method of removing particles from the air, gas or liquid flow,
without an air filter, using a vortex for separation. Rotation and gravity effects
are used to separate mixtures of solids and fluids. The method may also
separate small droplets of a liquid from a gas flow.
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Tanques de Almacenamiento
Los tanques de almacenamiento son estructuras de diversos materiales, por lo general de forma
cilndrica, que son usadas para guardar y/o preservar lquidos o gases a presin ambiente, por lo
que ciertos medios tcnicos se les da el calificativo de Tanques de Almacenamiento Armosfricos.
Los tanques de almacenamiento pueden ser utilizados en las industrias de gases, del petrleo y
qumica, principalmente su uso ms notable es el dado en las refineras por su requerimiento para
el proceso de almacenamiento, sea temporal o prolongado; de los productos y subproductos
que se obtienen de sus actividades.
Storage Tanks
Storage Tanks are structures of several materials, usually with cylindrical from, wich are used to store and/or preserve
liquids as gases at ambient pressure, so in certain technical means the label of Storage Tanks Atmospheric is given.
Storage tanks are often used to keep liquids, and are widely used in industry of gases, oil, and chemistry, and specially
its most notable use is given on refineries for its storage process requirements, either temporary or extended; of the
products and by-products obtaine d from their activities.
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Recipiente a Presin
Pressure Vessel
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Trampas de Diablos
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Separadores Trifsicos
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Los Soloaires son empleados en las refineras de petrleo y en la industria en General, para la
refigeracin de un producto que circula por un radiador, el que es enfriado por el flujo de un
ventilador axial.
Air coolers
The air coolers are used in oil refineries and on the industry in general, for the refrigeration
o of a product circulating through a radiator, which is cooled by an axial flown fan.
Intercambiadores de calor
Heat Exchengaers
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Piezas Especiales
Special Manufacture
Estructuras de Acero
Steel Structures
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Rolling Machine
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Industrial Construction
Construccin Industrial
Grupo Hosto ventures in the area of engineer and construction of L.P. gas
storage and distribution plants, through private initiative.
The degree of specialization that our company has in LP gas projects
includes the design, calculation and construction of works that according
to their service are classified in: L.P. gas receiving, storage and distribution
terminals, storage and distribution plants, L.P. gas carburation stations
and stationary tanks platforms.
In 1997 we developed the Terminal Inteligente de Recibo, Almacenamiento y
Distribucin de Gas LP Invalle S.A. de C.V., reaching the goals for design, cutting
edge technology, operation philosophy, and startup and commissioning of the
facilities; so it is the first plant that Pemex Gas y Petroqumica Bsica integrated
to its distribution network, same that is operated by our client (private company)
and complies with all the requirements for it, being this one of the most modern
plants in this category in Latin America.
Ventas anuales
Anual sales
Nmero de empleados
Number of employees
created jobs
Equipos instalados
6,000 tons.
Installed equipament
Toneladas de acero fabricado
17,000 tons.
600,000 m/l
Contratos en ejecucin
ms de 200
Contratos ejecutados
Contratos ejecutados
Completed contracts
Completed contracts
Movimiento de tierras
4000,000 m
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Ductos en Planta
Lines in plant
Grupo Hosto makes construction of all
kind of transportation lines in which all
the activities and processes needed are
included, since the design, opening of
the D.D.V., hanging, alignment, welding,
corrosion-resistant coating, digging, the
dropped and covered of the pipe.
Also pipe networks are made for industrial
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Ductos de Campo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Construccin y Mantenimiento de
Sub-estaciones y Lineas de Transmisin
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Grupo Hosto, es una empresa con amplia experiencia en el diseo, ingeniera,
construccin y mantenimiento de plantas industriales, infraestructura y vivienda al
servicio del gobierno federal, as como a la industria de iniciativa privada. Tambin
somos especialistas en la elaboracin de desarrollos de procesos para plantas industriales.
Proporcionando servicios a diversos estados de la Republica Mexicana, coordinados
desde sus oficinas centrales, instalaciones, talleres de fabricacin, almacenes de equipo
y herramienta, oficinas foraneas en:
- Coorporativo (Cd. de Mxico)
- Taller de Fabricacin (Tula, Hidalgo)
- Terminal de Rebombeo (Texmelucan, Puebla)
- Refineria Miguel Hidalgo (Tula de Allende, Hidalgo)
- Refineria Francisco I. Madero (Cd. Madero, Tamaulipas)
- Refineria Gral. Lzaro Crdenas (Minatitln, Veracruz)
- Refineria Ing. Hctor R. Lara Sosa (Cadereyta, Nuevo Len)
- Estacin de Bombeo Linares (Linares, Nuevo Len)
- Oleoducto de Nuevo Teapa, Veracruz a Tula, Hidalgo y de Minatitln a Cd.Mendoza, Veracruz
- Construccin de Tanques (Jaltipn y Medias Aguas, Veracruz, y Donaji, Oaxaca)
- Refineria Ing. Antonio Dovali Jaime (Salina Cruz, Oaxaca)
Constructora Hostotipaquillo
Tel: +52 55 24 87 02 83, 84 y 85
Cto. Puericultores No.4 Cd. Satlite,
Naucalpan Edo. Mex. C.P. 53100