Los Verbos Irregulares en Ingles
Los Verbos Irregulares en Ingles
Los Verbos Irregulares en Ingles
1) (to) arise: surgir, levantarse. last year (Hugh se haba convertido en un buen
Simple Past: arose. guitarrista el ao pasado).
Past Participle: arisen.
7) (to) begin: comenzar, empezar.
Ex.: The sun has risen on the east. (El sol se ha Simple Past: began.
levantado por el este). Past Participle: begun.
2) (to) awake: despertarse. Ex.: John has begun his career as an actor. John
Simple Past: awoke. ha empezado su carrera como actor.
Past Participle: awoken.
8) (to) bend: curvarse, doblar.
Ex.: The boy had awaken when his parents arrived. Simple Past: bent.
(El chico se haba despertado cuando llegaron sus Past Participle: bent.
Ex.: Rachel has bent the knife this morning.
3) (to) be/ am, are, is: ser, estar. (Rachel ha doblado el cuchillo esta maana).
Simple Past: was / were.
Past Participle: been. 9) (to) bet: apostar.
Simple Past: bet.
Ex.: Tom had been in London for three years. Past Participle: bet.
(Tom haba estado en Londres durante tres aos).
Ex.: Holly has bet ten dollars for her favourite
4) (to) bear: dar a luz, soportar. football team. (Holly ha apostado diez dlares por
Simple Past: bore. su equipo de ftbol favorito).
Past Participle: born.
10) (to) bind: atar, encuadernar.
Ex.: Jill bore a big child last night. (Jill dio a luz a Simple Past: bound.
un nio grande anoche). Past Participle: bound.
5) (to) beat: vencer, golpear. Ex.: The teachers had bound the book last
Simple Past: beat. semester. (Los profesores haban encuadernado el
Past Participle: beaten. libro el semestre pasado).
Ex.: James had beaten his brother's nose at the 11) (to) bid: pujar.
school. Simple Past: bid.
Past Participle: bid.
6) (to) become: convertirse en, llegar a ser.
Simple Past: became. Ex.: Helen had bid for the bowl in the last auction.
Past Participle: become. (Helen haba pujado por el jarrn en la pasada
Ex.: Hugh had become a very good guitar player
12) (to) bite: morder. Past Participle: broadcast.
Simple Past: bit.
Past Participle: bitten. Ex.: The BBC has broadcast the show this
morning. (La BBC ha emitido el espectculo esta
Ex.: Ursula had bitten her brother when they maana).
were eight years old. (rsula haba mordido a su
hermano cuando los dos tenan ocho aos). 18) (to) build: construir, edificar
Simple Past: built.
13) (to) bleed: sangrar. Past Participle: built.
Simple Past: bled.
Past Participle: bled. Ex.: John had built a house near Menorca last
month. (John haba construido/edificado una casa
Ex.: Hugh's nose has bled all the morning. cerca de Menorca).
Ex.: Gary had blown his birthday's candles at Ex.: Hugh has burnt the book when he has finished
home. (Gary haba soplado sus velas de cumpleaos the exam. (Hugh ha quemado el libro cuando l ha
en casa). acabado el examen).
Ex.: James had broken the glass last night. Ex.: Yasmina has burst into tears this morning.
(James haba roto el cristal anoche). (Yasmina ha estallado en lgrimas esta maana).
Ex.: James has bred two horses in his farm. Ex.: The teacher had bought pencils for the exam.
(James ha crado dos caballos en su granja). (La profesora haba comprado lpices para el
17) (to) bring: traer, llevar.
Simple Past: brought. 22) (to) cast: arrojar, tirar.
Past Participle: brought. Simple Past: cast.
Past Participle: cast.
Ex.: Jim had brought the bycicle to his house
when I saw him (Jim haba llevado la bicicleta a su Ex.: My sister had cast the plant yesterday night.
casa cuando yo le vi). (Mi hermana haba tirado la planta ayer por la
(to) broadcast: emitir, radiar, difundir por la
televisin. 23) (to) catch: coger.
Simple Past: broadcast. Simple Past: caught.
Past Participle: caught. 30) (to) deal: tratar.
Ex.: The boy had caught the bus when Molly Simple Past: dealt.
arrived. (El chico haba cogido el bus cuando lleg Past Participle: dealt.
Ex.: Our factory has dealt with another important
24) (to) come: venir. company. (Nuestra empresa ha tratado con otra
Simple Past: came. compaa importante).
Past Participle: come.
31) (to) dig: cavar.
Ex.: Francis had come to my house when Susan Simple Past: dug
arrived. (Francis haba venido a mi casa cuando Past Participle: dug.
Susan lleg)
Ex.: Herbert has dug a hole in his garden.
25) (to) cost: costar. (Herbert ha cavado un agujero en su jardn).
Simple Past: cost.
Past Participle: cost. 32) (to) do/does: hacer.
Simple Past: did.
Ex.: The pencil has cost one euro. (El lpiz haba Past Participle: done.
costado un euro).
Ex.: Muriel has done the homework at a friend's
26) (to) cut: cortar. house. (Muriel ha hecho los deberes en casa de
Simple Past: cut. una amiga).
Past Participle: cut.
33) (to) draw: dibujar, pintar.
Ex.: Ursula has cut the steak with a small knife. Simple Past: drew.
(Ursula ha cortado el filete con un cuchillo). Past Participle: drawn.
27) (to) choose: escoger, elegir. Ex.: The little boy has drawn an elephant this
Simple Past: chose. morning. (El nio pequeo ha dibujado un elefante
Past Participle: chosen esta maana).
Ex.: The football player has clung to the stick this Ex.: Jules has dreamt all night. (Jules ha soado
afternoon. (El jugador de ftbol se ha agarrado al toda la noche).
palo esta tarde).
35) (to) drink: beber.
29) (to) creep: arrastrarse. Simple Past: drank.
Simple Past: crept. Past Participle: drunk.
Past Participle; crept.
Ex.: Hugh has drunk wine all the afternoon. (Hugh
Ex.: The dog has crept on the floor all the ha bebido vino toda la tarde).
morning. (El perro se ha arrastrado en el suelo
toda la maana). 36) (to) drive: conducir.
Simple Past: drove.
Past Participle: driven. 43) (to) flee: huir.
Simple Past: fled.
Ex.: You have driven to the beach this morning. Past Participle: fled.
(T has conducido hasta la playa esta maana).
Ex.: John has fled the country with his wife.
37) (to) eat: comer. (John ha huido del pas con su mujer).
Simple Past: ate.
Past Participle: eaten. 44) (to) fly: volar.
Simple Past: flew.
Ex.: Helen has eaten a sandwich at home. (Helen Past Participle: flown.
ha comido un sandwich en casa).
Ex.: Paul has flown from Barcelona to Paris this
38) (to) fall: caer/se. morning. (Paul ha volado de Barcelona a Pars esta
Simple Past: fell. maana).
Past Participle: fallen.
45) (to) forbid: prohibir.
Ex.: Jim has fallen from the stairs when he has Simple Past: forbade.
arrived home. (Jim se ha cado de las escaleras Past Participle: forbidden.
cuando l ha llegado a casa).
Ex.: Juliana has forbidden red dresses in her
39) (to) feed: alimentar. class.
Simple Past: fed.
Past Participle: fed. 46) (to) forget: olvidar.
Simple Past: forgot.
Ex.: Ulrich has fed his dogs with bread. (Ulrich ha Past Participle: forgotten
alimentado a sus perros con pan.
Ex.: James has forgotten the key in the bar.
40) (to) feel: sentir. (James ha olvidado la llave en el bar).
Simple Past: felt.
Past Participle: felt. 47) (to) forgive: perdonar.
Simple Past: forgave.
Ex.: James has felt love when he has seen the girl. Past Participle: forgiven.
(James ha sentido amor cuando ha visto a la
chica). Ex.: Helmut has forgiven the mistake this month.
(Helmut ha perdonado el error este mes).
41) (to) fight: luchar.
48) (to) freeze: helar, congelar.
Simple Past: fought. Simple Past: froze.
Past Participle: fought. Past Participle: frozen.
Ex.: The dog has fought against the cat. (El perro Ex: The snow has frozen on the roof. (La nieve se
ha luchado contra el gato) ha helado en el tejado.
42) (to) find: encontrar. 49) (to) get: conseguir, lograr, obtener.
Simple Past: found. Simple Past: got.
Past Participle: found. Past Participle: got / gotten.
Ex.: Mary has got a new bicycle this week. (Mary 56) (to) hear: or.
ha conseguido una nueva bicicleta esta semana). Simple Past: heard.
Past Participle: heard.
50) (to) give: dar.
Simple Past: gave. Ex.: Jim has heard a bird on the roof this morning.
Past Participle: given. (Jim ha odo un pjaro en el tejado esta maana).
Ex: Some boys have given a cake to the brown dog. 57) (to) hide: esconder, esconderse.
Simple Past: hid.
Past Participle: hidden.
51) (to) go/ goes: ir.
Simple Past: went. Ex.: Gary has hidden the bread in his room. (Gary
Past Participle: gone. ha escondido el pan en su habitacin).
Ex.: A mouse has gone to his house this morning. 58) (to) hit: golpear.
(Un ratn ha ido a su casa esta maana. Simple Past: hit.
Past Participle: hit.
52) (to) grow: crecer.
Simple Past: grew. Ex.: John has hit the ball with his arm. (John ha
Past participle: grown. golpeado la pelota con su brazo).
Ex.: The farmer has grown potatoes in his 59) (to) hold: agarrar, celebrar.mantener, coger.
orchard. (El granjero ha cultivado patatas en su Simple Past: held.
huerto). Past Participle: held.
53) (to) grind: moler. Ex.: The boss has held a meeting in the USA this
Simple Past: ground. week.
Past Participle: ground. 60) (to) hurt: herir, daar.
Simple Past: hurt.
Ex.: Robert has ground the coffee this month. Past Participle: hurt.
(Robert ha molido el caf este mes).
Ex.: The elephant has hurt the tourist knee at the
safari. (El elefante ha herido la rodilla del turista
54) (to) hang: colgar. en el safari).
Simple Past: hung.
Past Participle: hung. 61) (to) keep: guardar, mantener.
Simple Past: kept.
Ex.: My sister has hung the picture on the wall. Past Participle: kept.
(Mi hermana ha colgado el cuadro en la pared).
Ex.: The woman has kept the milk in the fridge.
55) (to) have : tener, haber. (La mujer ha guardado la leche en la nevera).
Simple Past: had.
Past Participle: had. 62) (to) know: conocer, saber.
Simple Past: knew.
Ex.: My friend has had a baby this morning. (Mi Past Participle: known.
amiga ha tenido un beb esta maana).
Ex.: Umberto has known his wife since they were
young. (Umberto conoce a su mujer desde que eran coche nuevo).
69) (to) learn: aprender.
63) (to) kneel: arrodillarse. Simple Past: learnt / learned.
Simple Past: knelt. Past Participle: learnt / learned.
Past Participle: knelt.
Ex.: Yoshi has learnt Catalan this year. (Yoshi ha
Ex.: The nun has knelt in the church. aprendido cataln este ao).
Ex.: The old woman has knit all the morning at her Ex.: My brother has left his flat this week. (Mi
house. (La mujer mayor ha hecho punto toda la hermano ha dejado su piso este mes).
maana en su casa).
71) (to) lend: prestar.
65) (to) lay: poner. Simple Past: lent.
Simple Past: laid. Past Participle: lent.
Past Participle: laid.
Ex.: My neighbour has lent me his car to go to the
Ex.: Her friends have laid a present beside the supermarket. (Mi vecino me ha prestado su coche
door. (Sus amigos han puesto un regalo al lado de para ir al supermercado).
la puerta).
72) (to) let: dejar, permitir.
66) (to) lead: conducir, dirigir. Simple Past: let.
Simple Past: led. Past Participle: let.
Past Participle: led.
Ex.: Her sister has let me make an omelette in her
Ex.: Yoko has lead the Japanese tourists to the house. (Su hermana me ha dejado hacer una
cathedral this morning. (Yoko ha dirigido a los tortilla en su casa).
turistas japoneses a la catedral esta maana).
73) (to) lie: echarse.
67) (to) lean: apoyarse. Simple Past: lay.
Simple Past: leant. Past Participle: lain.
Past Participle: leant.
Ex.: Our family has lain on the grass after lunch.
Ex.: The girls have leant on the wall this (Nuestra familia se ha echado en el csped
afternoon. (Las chicas se han apoyado en el muro despus del almuerzo).
esta tarde).
74) (to) light: encender.
68) (to) leap: brincar. Simple Past: lit.
Simple Past: leapt. Past Participle: lit.
Past Participle: leapt.
Ex.: Anthony has lit a cigarette this morning.
Ex.: Your father has leapt when he has seen your (Anthony ha encendido un cigarrillo esta maana).
new car. (Tu padre ha brincado cuando ha visto tu
75) (to) lose: perder. Past Participle: paid.
Simple Past: lost.
Past Participle: lost. Ex.: Chrales has paid a thousand euros for a boat.
(James ha pagado mil euros por una barca).
Ex.: The student has lost his books in the train.
(El estudiante ha perdido sus libros en el tren). 82) (to) put: poner.
Simple Past: put.
76) (to) make: hacer, fabricar. Past Participle: put.
Simple Past: made.
Past Participle: made. Ex.: You have put the trousers inside the
cupboard. (T has puesto los pantalones dentro del
Ex.: The baker has made a big cake for his armario.
daughter's birthday. (El panadero ha hecho un
gran pastel para el cumpleaos de su hija). 83) (to) read: leer.
Simple Past: read.
77) (to) mean: significar. Past Participle: read.
Simple Past: meant.
Past Participle: meant. Ex.: They have read Joseph's novel this semester.
(Ellos han ledo la novela de Joseph este
Ex.: Paul's leaving has meant a big loss for Susan. semestre).
La partida de Paul ha significado una gran prdida 84) (to) ride: conducir, montar.
para Susan). Simple Past: rode.
Past Participle: ridden.
78) (to) meet: conocerse por primera vez,
encontrarse. Ex.: My friend has ridden a horse this week-end.
Simple Past: met. (Mi amiga ha montado a caballo este fin de
Past Participle: met. semana).
Ex.: Anne has met a friend at the cinema. (Anne se 85) (to) ring: llamar (al timbre o por telfono).
ha encontrado a un amigo en el cine). Simple Past: rang.
Past Participle: rung.
79) (to) mistake: errar, equivocarse.
Simple Past: mistook. Ex.: The boy has rung Mary this afternoon. (El
Past Participle: mistaken. chico ha llamado a Mary esta tarde).
Ex.: They have mistaken one bag for another one. 86) (to) rise: elevarse, levantarse.
(Ellos han equivocado una cartera por otra). Simple Past: rose.
Past Participle: risen.
80) (to) overcome: vencer.
Simple Past: overcame. Ex.: The sun has risen very early this morning. (El
Past Participle: overcome. sol ha salido muy temprano esta maana).
Ex.: James has overcome his illness this year. 87) (to) run: correr.
(James ha superado su enfermedad este ao). Simple Past: ran.
Past Participle: run.
81) (to) pay: pagar.
Simple Past: paid. Ex.: Tim has run all the morning to practice some
sport. (Tom ha corrido toda la maana para 94) (to) sew: coser.
practicar algo de deporte). Simple Past: sewed.
Past Participle: sewed / sewn.
88) (to) say: decir.
Simple Past: said. Ex.: My boyfriend's mother has sewed/sewn a
Past Participle: said. very beautiful green dress.
Ex.: Gertrud has said no to her husband's 95) (to) shake: sacudir.
command. (Gertrud ha dicho que no a la peticin de Simple Past: shook.
su marido). Past Participle: shaken.
89) (to) see: ver. Ex.: The boy has shaken the bag at the school. (El
Simple Past: saw. chico ha sacudido la bolsa esta maana).
Past Participle: seen.
96) (to) shear: esquilar.
Ex.: Harold has seen "Frida" this week. (Harold ha Simple Past: shore.
visto "Frida" esta semana). Past Participle: shorn.
90) (to) seek: buscar. Ex.: The old man has shorn the sheep to get wool.
Simple Past: sought. (El hombre mayor ha esquilado a la oveja para
Past Participle: sought. conseguir lana).
Ex.: John has sought his wallet at home. (John ha 97) (to) shine: brillar.
buscado su monedero en casa). Simple Past: shone.
Past Participle: shone
91) (to) sell: vender.
Simple Past: sold. Ex.: The sun has shone all the morning. (El sol ha
Past Participle: sold. brillado toda la maana).
Ex.: Marius has sold his bicycle this morning. 98) (to) shoot: disparar.
(Marius ha vendido su bicicleta esta maana). Simple Past: shot.
Past Participle: shot.
92) (to) send: enviar.
Simple Past: sent. Ex: The tall man has shot the short one. (El
Past Participle: sent. hombre alto ha disparado al hombre bajo).
Ex.: The teacher has sent a letter to his pupils' 99) (to) show: ensear, mostrar.
parents. (El profesor ha enviado una carta a los Simple Past: showed.
padres de sus alumnos). Past Participle: shown.
93) (to) set: poner (se) The director has shown his script to the actors.
Simple Past: set. (El director ha mostrado su guin a los actores).
Past Participle: set.
100) (to) shrink: encoger/se.
Ex.: The sun has set at six this evening. (El sol se Simple Past: shrank.
ha puesto a las seis esta tarde). Past Participle: shrunk.
Ex.: Harry's nose has swollen after the blow. (La Ex.: Sagrario has told a story to her niece.
nariz de Harry se ha hinchado despus del golpe). (Sagrario ha contado un cuento a su nieta).
Ex.: Edward has swum 3 kilometers this week. Ex.: Timothy has thought about his girlfriend all
(Edward ha nadado 3 kilmetros esta semana). the week-end. (Timothy ha pensado en su novia
todo el fin de semana).
132) (to) swing: columpiarse.
Simple Past: swung. 138) (to) throw: arrojar, tirar.
Past participle: swung. Simple Past: threw.
Past Participle: thrown.
Ex.: Mariona has swung at her grandparents'
house. (Mariona se ha columpiado en casa de sus Ex.: Your mother has thrown your old green
abuelos). trousers. (Tu madre ha tirado tus viejos
pantalones verdes).
133) (to) take: coger.
Simple Past: took. 139) (to) thrust: introducir.
Past Participle: taken. Simple Past: thrust.
Past Participle: thrust.
Ex.: John Travolta has taken the sunglasses in the
film. (John Travolta ha cogido las gafas de sol en Ex.: Rachel has thrust the coin into the machine.
la pelcula). (Rachel ha introducido la moneda en la mquina).
134) (to) teach: ensear, educar. 140) (to) tread: pisar, hollar.
Simple Past: taught. Simple Past: trod.
Past Participle: taught. Past Participle: trodden.
Ex.: Neil Armstrong has trodden the moon surface
Ex.: My father has taught me a lot of things for for the first time. (Neil Armstrong ha pisado la
many years. (Mi padre me ha enseado muchas superficie de la luna por primera vez).
cosas durante muchos aos).
141) (to) understand: entender, comprender.
135) (to) tear: rasgar. Simple Past: understood.
Simple Past: tore. Past Participle: understood.
Ex.: Cristina has finally understood that I was Past Participle: wet
angry with her. (Cristina ha entendido finalmente Ex.: The water has wet the blanket. (El agua ha
que yo estaba enfadada con ella). mojado la sbana).