Resumen Texto Roy Wagner
Resumen Texto Roy Wagner
Resumen Texto Roy Wagner
Anthropology is the study of man as if there were culture. It is brought into being by
the invention of culture both in the general sense, as a concept, and the specific sense,
through the invention of cultures. Since anthropology exists through the idea of
culture, this has become its overall idiom, a way of talking about, understanding, and
dealing with things, and it is incidental to ask whether cultures exist. They exist
through the fact of their being invented, and through the effectiveness of this
1 Esta es una cita del primer prrafo del tercer apartado del texto que, a mi
parecer, resume la idea principal de este ensayo de Roy Wagner.
Roy Wagner The Invention of Culture
incomodidad con esta persona adulta que no sabe hacer nada y que se encuentra muy
propensa a mandarse un condoro. Y es as como la comunidad caera en un intento de
controlar o de domesticar al antroplogo por su parte.
En este apartado el autor explica que esta invencin que hace el antroplogo sobre la
cultura de los dems, no puede dejar de afectar nunca la propia idea de cultura que
tendr luego el antroplogo. Este ejercicio creativo logra cambiarlo en un ejercicio
donde As the anthropologist uses the notion of culture to control his field experiencia,
those experiences will, in turn, come to control his notion of culture. He invents a
culture for people, and they invent culture for him. Es po resto que vale la pena
estudiar otras culturas segn Wagner ya que todo entendimiento de las culturas de
otros es un experimento con la propia cultura.
As, ya sea hablemos del arte o de la antropologa, los elementos que utilizamos
como modelos analgicos para interpretar o explicar nuestro sujeto de estudio son
Para concluir Wagner postula que: The crucial step wich is simultaneously ethical
and theoretical is that of remaining true to the implications of our assumption of
culture. If our culture is creative, then the cultures we study, as other examples of
this phenomenon, must also be. And if creativity and invention emerge as the salient
qualities of culture, then it is to these that our focus must now shift
3 Podramos aqu hacer un paralelo con lo que plantea el texto de Van Maneen.